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2023.08.24 ~ 2023.12.31
  • 四川外国语大学
  • 建议每周学习3小时
  • 680人已参与






成绩预发布时间 2023-12-30





On the "limitation" of Li

By 张婷 老师 11-16 6314次浏览

Some people believe Li or rituals are about organizing and structuring social and personal behaviors, and thus seem to conflict with human emotional instinct and free spirit. Then, can we draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity (as suggested by Bertrand Russel on page 54)?  

Post your answers online.

450 回复

  • 秦建祥 11-24

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    The core concept of Kant's moral philosophy is freedom. In Kant's view, people not only belong to the "feeling" or "phenomenal" world, but also belong to the "conceptual" or "ontology" world. As part of the world of empirical phenomena, man is determined and unfree, and his will and behavior are subject to the causal law of the natural world. As part of the rational ontology world, man is a free and moral driving force. He is free and self-determined to choose between good and evil. Kant believes that the general principles of law and morality cannot be based on empirical human nature, but must be incorporated into the "conceptual" or "ontological" world, and built on a priori "should" world based on rational commands.

    2. Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"?

    Compared with the law, ritual has three strengths and advantages, which can prevent trouble, guide people to kindness, and maintain the harmony of social order. Governing the world with ritual can establish a good social order, make people separate, fulfill their respective responsibilities, and avoid social chaos and contradictions.

    The defect of ritual is that when people do not abide by the norms of etiquette, they cannot take coercive measures to punish them. Therefore, in the long-term historical evolution, the combination of ritual and law has formed a governance method that combines ritual and law.

    In a word, governing the world with courtesy is one of the important ways of social governance in ancient China, which is rooted in Confucianism. The advantage of ritual is that it can establish a good social order and avoid social chaos and contradictions. However, the defect of ritual is that it cannot force people to abide by ritual norms. Therefore, in the long-term historical evolution, the combination of ritual and law has formed a governance method that combines ritual and law.

    3.Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    The Greeks lived ina maritime country and maintained their prosperity thought commerce.

    They were primarily merchants. And what merchants have to deal with first are the abstract numbers used in their commercial accounts, and only then with concrete things that may have immediately apprehended through these numbers.Such numbers are what Northrop called concepts by postulation. Hence Greek philosopher s likewise took the concept by postulation as their starting point.They developed mathematics and mathematical reasoning. That is why they had epistemological problem and why their language was so articulate. They are accustomed to change and are not afraid of novelty.

    Continental Countries

    This is the view of one who admire the natural and condemns the artificial. The way of life of the farmers is to follow nature. They admire nature and condemn the artificial, and in their primitivity and innocent, they are easily made content.

    4. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    The ancient Greeks strongly focused on political democracy and freedom of thought, firmly believed in human values and dignity, and did not succumb to any secular or religious authority. With the attitude of rationalism and secularism and adhering to the spirit of free exploration, positive thinking and continuous innovation, they have brought free, rational and democratic humanistic ideas, optimistic and enterprising attitude towards life and healthy and simple aesthetic concepts to the Western world.

  • 10班罗楠楠 11-24

    No, we can not draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity.

    Firstly, in Kants conception of freedom, to act freely is to act autonomously and to act autonomously is to act according to a law that I give myself, not according to the physical laws of nature, but the laws of cause of effect. Confuciuss ideas are similar with what Kant represented the law that I give myself. Confucius proposed these ideas in order to realize human autonomy.

    Secondly, the conception and institution of "Ritual" proposed by Confucius play a crucial role in traditional Chinese law. Ritual is the spiritual core of law and is inseparable. Its status and function are even beyond the law, becoming the supreme existence. "Ritual" is actually a code of conduct generated by human interaction, or a social rule. Institutional economics believes that the system itself is voluntarily achieved and voluntarily observed through the interaction between people, and it is effective. Why? It's simple: an agreed result is a good result.

    Thirdly, As a continental country, China has a more moderate continental civilization than the Marine civilization. In the maritime civilization of the Western world, they pursue excitement and adventure, believing that this is freedom. In the mainland civilization, people are self-sufficient and pursue stability in peace and contentment, and the "ritual" proposed by Confucius is more in line with the freedom pursued by the mainland civilization. In the concept of Confucius, Li not only a kind of form, but also a kind of norms and guidance for human emotions and behaviors. He believes that through the cultivation of Li, people can better control their desires and emotions, and achieve inner peace and social harmony.

    In short, the differences in political, economic and culture of the two sides led to the deviation of Russell's understanding of Confucius's views. Therefore, we can not draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity

  • 汤宾宾 11-24

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    According to Kant, true freedom refers to an individual's free will to act in accordance with their own laws, without being bound by natural laws in the realm of morality and financial constraints. Human rationality establishes necessary laws of nature pertaining to objects, but it also limits freedom in the process. In genuine freedom, human rationality can transcend the constraints of natural laws and act in accordance with their own consistent and universal laws of free will.

    2. Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"?

    Rituals play a crucial role in the traditional Chinese legal system as they form its spiritual core, inseparable from it. Within the common objective of maintaining feudal autocratic rule, rituals serve distinct functions and complement each other. As a symbol of traditional Chinese culture, rituals have deeply permeated the spiritual world of the Chinese people and gained widespread recognition. Their status and function transcend the realm of law, becoming the supreme existence.

    "Ritual" is essentially a code of conduct generated through human interactions or social rules. Institutional economics posits that the system itself is voluntarily established and voluntarily upheld through interactions among individuals, and it proves effective. Why? The answer is simple: an agreed-upon result is a desirable outcome.

    3. Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    The distinction between maritime and continental countries is based on geographical and economic factors. Maritime countries, surrounded by the sea, are often influenced by maritime activities such as trade, fishing, and navigation, while landlocked continental countries place greater emphasis on agriculture.

    4. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    The Hellenistic tradition in Western culture stimulated thinking beyond the material world and facilitated the development of metaphysics. This philosophical trend encouraged individuals to surpass sensory experiences and seek a higher truth. Simultaneously, religious beliefs within the Hellenistic tradition laid the groundwork for monotheism, focusing on a single deity and emphasizing the order and unity of the universe.

    5. Can we draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity (as suggested by Bertrand Russel on page 54)?

    No, Russell's assertion that "Confucius is in line with inhumanity" is narrow and limited. It represents a misunderstanding and oversimplification of Confucian philosophy. While Confucius did emphasize the importance of Li (ritual propriety) and social structure, it was not at the expense of humanity or free will.

    First and foremost, we must understand Confucius' concept of Li. In his view, Li is not merely superficial formality but also norms and guidance for human emotions and behaviors. Confucius believed that through the cultivation of Li, individuals can better control their desires and emotions, leading to inner peace and social harmony.

    Secondly, it is important to recognize that Confucius' perspective on Li or ritual is not about suppressing human emotions and desires but rather guiding individuals to express and channel their emotions correctly. According to Confucius, human emotions and desires are natural, but they must be expressed and released appropriately within society through proper guidance and regulation.

    Lastly, we need to understand the relationship between Confucius' ideas of Li and individual freedom and spirit. In Confucius' philosophy, individual freedom and spirit are neither suppressed nor disregarded; rather, they are better realized through the cultivation of Li. Confucius believed that only by properly controlling their emotions and desires could individuals truly achieve self-worth and a liberated spirit.

  • 凌宏 11-24

    We can not draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity, and there are four reasons:

    1. According to Kant, freedom is an inherent right of humanity which is to act autonomously according to a law one give himself, instead of doing whatever he wants. So in this case, organized social and personal behaviors do not conflict with human emotional instinct and free spirit. However, human should act freely and reasonably according to our own laws within the scope of the social order.

    2. The essence of ritual is a social norm and code of conduct aimed at maintaining social order and harmony. Ritual emphasizes filial piety, respect for the elderly, and social responsibility, which helps to promote social unity and the improvement of the overall quality of civilization. At the same time, ritual also plays an important role in economic trade.

    3. The maritime nations sustained their prosperity through commerce, which also led them to develop mathematics and reasoning, so the maritime nations had epistemological problems as well as articulated language. Hence they have a form of social organization not based on the common interest of the family so much as on that of the town. This is the reason why the Greeks organized their society around the city state, in contrast with the Chinese social system, which may be called that of the family state because under it the state is conceived of in terms of the family. In this case,rituals is needed to maintain social stability and economic development.

    4. The Hellenistic tradition in Western culture inspired contemplation beyond the material world and fostered the development of metaphysics. At the time of the rise of monotheism, society was in the stage of disintegration of primitive society, and social class contradictions were very acute. Therefore, the essence of the rise of metaphysics and monotheism is to maintain the unity of society, emphasizing the order and unity of the universe.

  • 14班谭隽婕 11-24

    No, we can't jump to draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity. 

    Apparently, Russel 's intrepretation of what is real "humanity" is somewhat narrow. Having free spirit and being able to follow one's own emotional instinct, surely, are states each human-being wishes to achieve. But it only touches small parts of humanity. We individuals could not well survived given that we solely care about ourselves regardless of others in our society.  Imagine this scenario: one felt hungry but he was penniless, so he bursted into the house of an old widow and robbed a roadside beggar of his container for begging. Can we say he didn't  well follow his emotional instinct? But where's the humanity?

    By organizing and structuring social and personal behaviors, our society thus can largely prevent reckless injuries imposed on innocent people in the first place, for a sense of shame would always stay in mind once a behavioral principle is set. From this standpoint, "Li" proves its innocence: it actually establishes the fundamental prerequisites in the society, that is, everyone follows a certain social code and behaves within it, which then  provides us the chance to chase for our ideal state of life. 

    In a nutshell, social humanity breeds individual humanity. "Li" has its reason to thrive.

  • 田程曦 11-24

    1、Kant believes that freedom is an inherently unrestricted right and an essential attribute of human beings. He defines freedom as autonomy, that is, the ability of free will.

    2、First of all, the ceremony maintained social order and stability. It provides a framework for maintaining social order and harmony within the community.

    Secondly, it legalizes authority. The ceremony was used to legalize the authority of rulers and government officials.

    Third, it guides morality and ethics. The ceremony is intertwined with Confucian ethics, emphasizing virtues such as filial piety, respect for the elderly and social responsibility.

    Finally, it also plays an important role in economic exchanges and trade.

    3、The economies of marine countries surrounded by the sea are often affected by marine activities such as trade and fishing, while inland mainland countries pay more attention to agriculture.

    4、The Hellenistic tradition in Western culture stimulates thinking beyond the material world and promotes the development of metaphysics. This philosophical trend leads individuals to go beyond sensory experience and seek higher truths. At the same time, religious beliefs in the Hellenistic tradition lay the foundation for monotheism, concentrating beliefs on a single god and emphasizing the order and unity of the universe.

    5、I don't agree. Confucianism spread by Confucius is a comprehensive philosophical and ethical system that transcends rituals. The core of Confucianism is the development of moral virtue, moral cultivation, benevolence and righteousness. Bertrand Russell's conclusion about the inhumanity of Confucianism may stem from a limited understanding of Confucianism. Confucius advocated the harmonious coexistence of individuals in society, emphasizing empathy, compassion and the well-being of others. His teachings aim to create a moral and just society, rather than suppressing human instinct or free spirit.

  • 15班龙杰 11-24

    We can't draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity.

    According to Kant's view on the freedom, we know that freedom, or liberty is not that we can do whatever we want, but constrained by the moral law, the causal law and the supposed ability of a free will claimed by him. 

    Confucius's idea of Li is not to limit people's emotions and free will, but to guide people to express these emotions and wills in the right way. He believed that human emotions and free spirit are part of human nature, and Li is a way to regulate these emotions and wills.

    Therefore, we cannot simply say that Confucius's idea of Li is inhuman. Rather, it aims to lead people to better understand and express their emotions and free spirit, so as to achieve a harmonious social order.

  • 胡小奉 11-24

    No, we can’t draw that conclusion.

    Firstly, freedom is opposite of necessity, and is to act autonomously, which means acting according to a law that people give themselves, not according to the physical laws of nature or the laws of cause and effect. But it doesn’t mean that acting at will is freedom.
    Secondly, rituals are the code of conduct, which can be used to direct people's interaction in the society, and it is the embodiment of social culture. In ancient times, rituals were often used to restrain people's behavior and maintained the authority of Kings. In today's cultural progress, the rituals are also constantly updated. We should recognize that rituals  maintain harmony which can be used to mediate conflicts and increase friendship between people. So it can also promote social stability and development.
    Thirdly, under the power politics of the Roman Empire, the toiling masses oppressed and enslaved by the Roman Empire had no place to express their reason and emotion, and could only place their beautiful petitions on religion. The same, people in China can also place their petitions on Li.

    All in all, rituals are about organizing and structuring social and personal behaviors, but it doesn’t mean conflicting human emotional instinct and free spirit. On the contrary, it helps people get rid of the physical laws of nature.So, we can’t draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity.

  • 王开全 11-24

     1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)


    "Freedom" in Kant's justice philosophy refers to the state where individuals exercise their rights and pursue goals without external interference. Kant argues that freedom is an inherent right of humanity, but it should be constrained by moral principles to ensure harmony between individual and collective freedoms.




    2. Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"?


    In traditional Chinese society, "Ritual" is not just a ceremony but a moral guideline sustaining social order. By regulating behavior, "Ritual" encourages individuals to prioritize societal interests, contributing to social harmony. Its role in the economic and political structure lies in establishing a set of relatively fixed social norms and moral standards, aiding in stabilizing governance and societal relations.




     3. Maritime Countries and Continental Countries


    The distinction between maritime and continental countries is based on geographical and economic factors. Maritime countries, surrounded by seas, often have economies influenced by maritime activities like trade, fishing, and navigation, while continental countries, located inland, focus more on agriculture.


    4. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?


    The Hellenistic tradition in Western culture spurred contemplation beyond the material world, fostering the development of metaphysics. This philosophical trend guided individuals beyond sensory experiences to seek higher truths. Simultaneously, the religious beliefs in the Hellenistic tradition laid the foundation for monotheism, concentrating faith in a single deity and emphasizing the universe's order and unity.




    No, it would be an oversimplification and a misinterpretation to conclude that Confucius is in line with inhumanity solely based on the criticism of Li or rituals. Confucianism, as propagated by Confucius, is a comprehensive philosophical and ethical system that goes beyond rituals. While rituals play a role in structuring social and personal behaviors, the core of Confucianism emphasizes ethical virtues, moral cultivation, and the development of benevolence (ren) and righteousness (yi).Bertrand Russell's suggestion of inhumanity might stem from a limited view of Confucianism or a specific interpretation of rituals. Confucius advocated for the harmonious coexistence of individuals within a society, emphasizing empathy, compassion, and the well-being of others. His teachings aimed at creating a moral and just society, and not at suppressing human emotional instincts or free spirit.In essence, Confucianism encourages a balanced approach that incorporates both ethical principles and humanistic values, aiming for a harmonious and virtuous society.

  • 李璇 11-24

    it's wrong for people to draw such a conclusion as Russel does.

    Well, we wahve to admit that Confucius's idea of Li are used as a norm to regulate the behaviors of human beings.However, if based on the side of way, one can draw such a conclusion. l have to say he doesn't understand the key fully.

    So you can image how can kt be learned and spread in a long time among a lot of people. That just proves that Confucius's idea of Li plays an essential and irreplaced role.

    As Kant says, man is a free moral agent woth the ability to make decisions independent of external coercion or interfere. However, we have to set a system or rule to regulate people's behaviors. If not , the stability of society will collapse.

    Therefore, we should treat and think a thing in all respect.  In addition, we should consider essential elements, like time and culture.

  • 王筱灵 11-24

    We can't draw such a conclusion. Li doesn't conflict with human emotional i nstinct and free spirit.

    Firstly, according to Kant, the real freedom means the free will of a person to act according to his own nature, without being bound by natural laws in the sense of morality. Unlimited freedom can lead to chaos in the social order. Confucius's idea of Li is not to limit people's emotions and free will, but to guide people to express these emotions and wills in the right way.

    In ancient China, Confucianism was used to bind people's behavior, whereas in the West, law was used to bind people's behavior. Ritual play a crucial role in traditional Chinese law. Rites are the spiritual core of law, and they cannot be separated. The heart of ritual is the human, and even if it is true that Li is used to organize and structure society and personal behavior, it is still human-based ritual.

    And why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and mo notheism? From the historical process of metaphysics development, there are actually three kind of metaphysics: universal ontology, category ontology and meaning ontology. Greek philosophy originated from the search for "the universality of the world". It can be seen that the different perspectives of China and the West were the products of different cultures in different eras.


    Therefore, we cannot simply say that Confucius's idea of Li is inhuman.

  • 10班梁一诺 11-24

    1.What is free?
    According to Kant, true freedom is considered to be man's free will to act according to his own legislation, which is not bound by the natural law and gets rid of the physical instinct in the sense of moral practice.Man is still perfectly free in the face of all natural necessity, he is free to act without moral law, he knows in his heart what he "ought" to do, and only when he does so is he truly free.

    2.Why did the economic and political structure of traditional Chinese society need Li?
    "Li" is an important part of Chinese culture, which plays an important role in maintaining the social order and administering the country. It played the role of spiritual pillar and spiritual core in Chinese traditional law. They fused, supplemented and permeated with law to maintain the general goal of feudal unification. Rite is regarded as the fundamental law in the traditional feudal legal system of China, and its important content is fixed by the rulers in the form of law, which has become the basic principles and guidelines of legislation, law enforcement and judicature.

    3.Why did the Greek and Roman tradition in Western culture give birth to metaphysics and monotheism?
    When philosophy, as a reflection on knowledge, became a form of knowledge in ancient Greece, the resulting philosophy was determined by its mode of thinking's formalized understanding of existence for existence - the goal of seeking objective basic existence independent of man - which led to the deepening study of the form of existence, despite Plato's warning that attention should be paid to the role of ideas. His student, Aristotle, still ascribes existence to form and thus sets philosophy in its formal form, establishing a system of ancient Greek philosophy that has a lasting influence on the course of Western philosophy.

    4.Can we draw the conclusion that Confucius is
    in line with inhumanity
    In the relationship between human being and rites and moral norms, the Confucius state is reversed. Human beings should have their own values, but Confucius and Confucianism reduced human values to ritual and righteous morality. Only by doing things according to ritual and righteousness morality, human beings have human values and become human beings. This actually negates human values. Moreover, the rites and righteousness morality was originally formulated by people and should serve people, but in the Confucius country it became the inevitable law that people must obey unconditionally and became the rope that bound people. It is not difficult to see from this that humanism talks about the liberation of human personality, and people free themselves from the shackles of religious theology and realize human value in their own creative actions. But the person that the Confucianism talks about is the person in the present case of rite and righteousness, this kind of person has lost the essence of person in fact, become a kind of rite and righteousness moral existence completely. In human values, humanitarianism emphasizes the human-centeredness and the supremacy of human beings, while Kong Yu emphasizes the supremacy of rite and righteousness morality. Only when a person acts according to rite and righteousness morality can he be of value. This is the fundamental difference between Confucianism and humanism.

  • 14班王小宇 11-24

    I don't agree with the opinion that Confucius' Li is in line with inhumanity. 

    All social structures are organized based on a certain form of “restraining force”, for example, law, moral codes, etiquettes,and regulations. Even freedom, as defined by Kant, is a form of restriction -self-imposed law. Such restriction is what differentiate the human from the animalistic instincts. And restrictions or the delaying of satisfying of one's need are used in bettering education.

    Confucius's Li is applicable to our time because of its emphasis on the “emotional”and “natural” origin of people's moraleducation. People learn from their parents or relatives about how to respect and love each other, without resorting to any “abstract”reason or invisible "God".Therefore, Li advocated by Confucius actually use rules to exercise human nature and give play to human nature, rather than the so-called inhuman.

  • 秦怡 11-24
    1. What is “Freedom”?

    Kant’s connection of freedom is to act freely. It means to act autonomously, and to act autonomously is to act according to a law that we give ourselves instead of the laws of nature or the laws of cause and effect. People should not only be driven by their own desires, take the initiative to choose what they should do, and timely violate their own nature and desires.

    1. Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"?

    The core content of the traditional culture accumulated in the thousands of years of Chinese history is "ritual", and the ancient Chinese politics is basically the politics based on "ritual". "Rites" is closely related to the ancient Chinese political idea, political behavior and political system.

    Rites relies on moral education to guide people from high and low, and the law relies on force to observe the relevant norms of rites. In the ancient Chinese state governance model, rites and law are closely combined together, which play the function of regulating and restraining the social order. The system of ritual rule plays an important role in enlightenment, while the law and punishment play a role in restraining and punishing the social violation of the etiquette within the framework of ritual rule.

    1.  Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    Mainland countries take agriculture and animal husbandry as the main mode of production, while Marine countries are mainly commercial trade. Mainland countries have strong cohesion, while maritime countries prefer to develop outward, expand and be full of adventure. Continental countries are more conservative in thinking, and maritime countries like new things.

    1. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    Because of the unique natural conditions and ethnic characteristics, this philosophical trend leads individuals to go beyond sensory experience and seek a higher truth. Religious beliefs in the Hellenistic tradition laid the foundation for monotheism, focusing on a single god and emphasizing the order and unity of the universe.

    No.  Confucius advocated respect for human nature, humanity and human dignity. Although ritual is restrictive, it is not to suppress people's emotions and instinct. This is just promoting social harmony.

  • 陈雅琴 11-24

    No, we can not draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity.

    Some people argued that Li conflicts with human free spirit. However, it is farther from the truth.

    Li, a kind of traditional ethical rule, ensures the relational harmony through positioning each one in his positional appropriateness, thus to have a harmonious society.

    According to Kant, free means to give human life its special dignity and uphold their rights to maximize human happiness. He also mentions that respecting human dignity means regarding person as end in themselves. 

    By comparing those two, Li and free all take harmonious cosmic order as the end. They are consistent.

    And let's refer to maritime countries and continental countries, in maritime countries, people live upon city state for their commercial activities demand they live together, and in continental countries, people live upon family. No matter it is a maritime country or continental country, something are needed to restrain them to avoid conflicts, to be it laws, religions or rituals. Those things are not meant to eliminate human emotional instinct and spirit, but to make people behave themselves appropriately and create a harmonious cosmic order.

    Above all, the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity is completely wrong.

  • 18班陈瑜越 11-24

    We can't draw this conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity. There are two main reasons.

    Firstly, we should define the word "freedom" correctly. So many people believe this word means that they can do anything they want without external interference. However, this kind of view is totally wrong. Kant argues that freedom is an inherent right of humanity, but it should be constrained by moral principles to ensure harmony between individual and collective freedoms.

    Secondly, come to the proper understanding  of Li. In traditional Chinese society, "Ritual" is not just a ceremony but a moral guideline sustaining social order. Actually, Li has the function to organize and structure social and personal behaviors. However, as we mentioned, freedom is not absolute but needs order. So Confucius's idea of Li is not to limit people's emotions and free will, but to guide people to express these emotions and wills in the right way and to achieve a better realization of real freedom.

    To conclude, Li doesn't conflict with freedom but benefits to realize the real freedom 


  • 9班安奕霖 11-24

    1.Kant believes that freedom is an essentially unrestricted right and an essential attribute of human beings. He defined freedom as "autonomy," the ability to have free will. Autonomy is the basis for human beings to have the ability to act, and it is the inner strength that is not affected by external factors.The essence of freedom is the ability of human beings themselves, not the rights given by others or governments. Therefore, Kant believes that any restriction of freedom is contrary to human nature and immoral. 

    2.Ritual, as a social norm and moral code, provide order and stability for ancient Chinese society. Etiquette defines the way people behave in society, guides people to respect others, abide by the law and avoid conflicts, thus maintaining social harmony and stability.

    3.The Hellenistic tradition in Western culture provoked the thinking about the spiritual world and promoted the production of metaphysics. Such philosophical thinking leads individuals to think of more deeply about the truth. At the same time, the Hellenistic tradition push the development of the monotheism, which have belief in a single god.

  • 5班李昕颐 11-24

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    Kant's concept of justice centers around the idea of treating individuals as ends in themselves and not merely as means to an end. In this context, justice is about respecting and upholding individual rights, including the right to freedom. This means that individuals should be able to exercise their freedom as long as it does not infringe on the freedom of others.

    2.Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"

    It is important to note that while traditional Chinese society placed great emphasis on ritual, contemporary China has experienced significant societal changes. While elements of ritual remain in certain aspects of Chinese culture, the economic and political structures have evolved to accommodate modern developments.

    3.Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    The distinction between maritime countries and continental countries is primarily based on their geography, resources, and economic characteristics.

    4.Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    The rise of metaphysics and monotheism in Western culture cannot be solely attributed to the Hellenistic tradition. While the Hellenistic period did have an influence on Western philosophical and religious thought, it is necessary to consider multiple factors that contributed to the development of these concepts.

    Metaphysics, as a philosophical discipline, examines the fundamental nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attributes, and cause and effect. The origins of metaphysical inquiry can be traced back to ancient Greek philosophers like Parmenides, Heraclitus, and Plato, who explored questions about the nature of existence and knowledge. However, it is worth noting that metaphysical inquiries were not limited to the Hellenistic tradition but also evolved independently in other cultures.

    Similarly, the concept of monotheism, the belief in one God, has roots in various religious and philosophical traditions across different cultures. In the context of Western culture, monotheism gained prominence primarily through the Abrahamic religions, such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These religions emerged in different historical periods and regions, and their teachings and beliefs were influenced by a variety of cultural factors, including the Hellenistic period in some cases.

    It is important to recognize that cultural, historical, and socio-political contexts play significant roles in the evolution of philosophical and religious ideas. While the Hellenistic tradition contributed to the development of metaphysics and had some impact on monotheism, it is crucial to consider the broader historical and cultural landscape to fully understand the emergence and evolution of these concepts in Western culture.

  • 6班陈婷婷 11-24

    We can't draw the conclusion that Confucious is in line with inhumanity.

    Firstly, according to Kant, to act freely means to act autonomously, which means act according to a law people give to themselves in contrast to the desires people haven't chosen themselves, which called heteronomy. The force comes from the " absolute imperative", which is actully the metaphysical reason or God. The capacity of humans gives human life its special dignity. Respecting human dignity means regarding persons not just as means but also as ends in themselves. What makes an action morally worthy is the motive. We need to judge by whether the motive is good or not rather than the outcome. We are all rational and autonomous beings. So we are capable of reason and capable of acting and choosing freely. 

    Secondly, China is a continental country. Its economic structure is dominated by agriculture. We don't experience industrial evolution and people don't have to be novel instead they need to be good. They don't need to travel instead they stay still. They don't explore happiness instead they should endure. That's why our society needs rituals to regulate person's behaviors. Rituals played an instrumental role in Chinese traditional society. Ritual emphasizes etiquette, hierarchy, sincerity and appropriateness. By regulating behavior, ritual encourages individuals to prioritize societal interests, contributing to social harmony. Its role in economic and political structure lies in establishing a set of relatively fixed social norms and moral standards, aiding in stablizing governance and societal relations. It plays a crucial role in traditional Chinese law.

    Thirdly, the Hellenistic tradition in Western culrure spured contemplation beyond the material world, fostering the development of metaphysics. This philosophical trend guided individuals beyond sensory experiences to seek higher truths. Simultaneously, the religious beliefs in the Hellenistic tradition laid the foundation for monotheism, concentrating faith in a single deity and emphasizing the universe's order and unity. The basis of such an imposing force comes from the absolute imperative, which is actually the metaphysical reason of God. In contrast, the force imposing Chinese to conduct ritual comes from the parents or relatives, without resorting to any abstract reason or invisible God.

    To conclude, Russell's evaluation of Confucian inhumanity is too narrow and limited.Confucianism and philosophy have evolved over time, and there is no single, unitary interpretation of Confucianism. 

  • 18班王佳佳 11-24

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice) According to Kant, true freedom is the opposite of necessity, it is also considered to mean that man has the free will to act not according to the law of nature or the law of cause and effect, but a law that he gives himself.

    2. Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"? ①China was a family state, the social organization is automatic and hierarchic because in a family the authority of the father is naturally superior to that of the son. The country is constructed by numerous families, so-called “family and country as one”. Therefore, internal moral standards are needed to maintain social order.

    ②"Ritual" has the nature of law and has become the main norm for maintaining social order in ancient Chinese society. Originating from sacrificial rites, Li system and etiquette, as the norms followed in sacrificial ceremonies, had the nature of customary law in the clan society and Xia-Shang-Zhou period. After the Xia-Shang-Zhou period, while retaining the nature of customary law, many contents of Li system were transformed into clauses in written laws. In addition to the laws enacted and promulgated by the state, the system of traditional Chinese law concerning litigation, marriage, family, clan, inheritance, identity, and so on, can be found in corresponding rules in Li.

    ③"Ritual" not only manifests as political systems and legal norms, but also as ethical norms that people generally follow in their daily lives. It guides people’s thinking and consciousness in the form of ethical morality, enabling them to accept the spirit of Li from the heart, follow its requirements, and meet its standards.

    3.Maritime Countries and Continental Countries ① Marine countries, Marine countries in a broad sense as long as adjacent to the sea are counted, generally referring to the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Japan and Japan and the United States, China is also a Marine country.

    ② continental countries, continental countries are landlocked countries, the territory does not include the sea, France, Germany and Russia are continental countries.

    4.Why did the Greek and Roman tradition in Western culture give birth to metaphysics and monotheism?

    ①Firstly, the emergence of metaphysics can be traced back to the rise of ancient Greek philosophy. Greek philosophers delved deep into the nature of existence and the principles of the universe. Plato’s theory of Forms proposed the existence of an ideal world beyond the material realm, laying the foundation for later metaphysics. Aristotle’s metaphysics, on the other hand, explored the essence and structure of the universe from the perspective of reality and existence. These philosophical ideas from ancient Greece laid the groundwork for the development of metaphysics.

    ②Secondly, the emergence of monotheistic religions is closely intertwined with the mutual influence between Greek and Roman cultures. In ancient Greece, descriptions of numerous deities were already present in Greek tragedies and epic works. The rise of the Roman Empire absorbed Greek culture and developed Roman mythology based on Greek myths. However, with the passage of time and the diverse religious systems and cultural exchanges in the Greco-Roman world, some people began to reflect and seek the existence of a universal god. This wave of thought led to the rise of monotheistic religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. They attempted to unify diverse belief systems by worshiping a single God (or Allah) and spread throughout the Roman Empire and its subsequent successors, especially Christianity.

    ③In conclusion, the birth of metaphysics and monotheism in the Greco-Roman traditions can be attributed to the profound reflections on the nature of existence by ancient Greek philosophers, as well as the influence of the diverse religious systems and cultural exchanges in Greco-Roman culture. These factors prompted people to pursue beliefs in the essence of the transcendent world and a unified deity.

    5. Can we draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity (as suggested by Bertrand Russel on page 54)?

    No, it is not accurate to draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity based on the suggestion made by Bertrand Russell. Confucius was a Chinese philosopher who lived during the 5th century BCE and his teachings focused on ethical conduct, social harmony, and the cultivation of virtue.

    Confucius emphasized the importance of treating others with respect, virtue, and adherence to moral principles. He advocated for filial piety, loyalty, justice, and benevolence as fundamental values in human relationships.Confucianism promotes concepts such as the golden rule, which encourages individuals to treat others as they would like to be treated themselves.

    It is worth noting that interpretations of Confucianism may vary, and there have been different perspectives on its applicability and relevance over time. However, characterizing Confucius or his teachings as inhumane is an oversimplified and inaccurate representation of his philosophy.

  • 15班李坪 11-25

    I don't think that Confucius is in line with inhumanity. Although the rites of Confucius have a certain restraint and control effect on human nature, it does not mean that it completely limits the development of human nature. On the contrary, it can serve as a guiding force for individuals to follow moral norms and social rules, thereby contributing to a better social environment.

  • 19班张绮芸 11-26

    According to the Kant's idea,we can know that freedom is the opposite of necessity. When we like animals,seeking after pleasure or the satisfaction of our desires or the avoidance of pain,when we do that,we are not really acting freely. Humans are rational beings and autonomous beings,which means that we are capable of reasons and we should act and choose freely. Acting freely is to act autonomously.While acting autonomously is to act according to a law I give myself. And Li is the law upon which autonomous action rests in the ancient times. Li divides hierarchies and regulates the behavior of different people. Social order can be stable and harmonious if all people abide by the norms of behavior that correspond to their status. In addition, Li educates the people and improves the cultural level of the whole society, which is to promote the healthy development of society.

    So Li is aligned with the humanity.

  • 16班代成香 11-26

    1. For Kant, freedom is the opposite of necessity. To act freely is equal to act autonomously and to act autonomously is to act according to a law i give myself not according to the physical laws of nature or the law of cause and effect which include my desire to eat or to drink or to choose this. 

     2. Because Greeks lived in a maritime country while China is a continental, instead that Greeks organized there-society around the city state, the Chinese social system, which may be called that of the family state because under it the state is conceived of in terms of the family. In a city state the social organization is not automatic, because among the same class of townsmen, there is no moral reason why one should be more important than, or superior to, another. But in a family state, the social organization is automatic and hierarchic because in a family the authority of the father is naturally superior to that of the son. 

      3. Because they want to seek a unity, a truth that gives spiritual sustenance to preserve the rule of the ruling class and save the shattered empire.


    No, the thought that Confucius is in line with inhumanity is not true. China is a continental country. In a family state, the social organization is automatic and hierarchic because in a family the authority of the father is naturally superior to that of the son. The "Li" and "ritual" is chosen autonomously by ourselves, that is freedom as well just like Kant said.


  • 姜梦瑶 11-26

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    "Freedom" in Kant's justice philosophy refers to the state where individuals exercise their rights and pursue goals without external interference. Kant argues that freedom is an inherent right of humanity, but it should be constrained by moral principles to ensure harmony between individual and collective freedoms.


    2. Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"?

    In traditional Chinese society, "Ritual" is not just a ceremony but a moral guideline sustaining social order. By regulating behavior, "Ritual" encourages individuals to prioritize societal interests, contributing to social harmony. Its role in the economic and political structure lies in establishing a set of relatively fixed social norms and moral standards, aiding in stabilizing governance and societal relations.


     3. Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    The distinction between maritime and continental countries is based on geographical and economic factors. Maritime countries, surrounded by seas, often have economies influenced by maritime activities like trade, fishing, and navigation, while continental countries, located inland, focus more on agriculture.

    4. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    The Hellenistic tradition in Western culture spurred contemplation beyond the material world, fostering the development of metaphysics. This philosophical trend guided individuals beyond sensory experiences to seek higher truths. Simultaneously, the religious beliefs in the Hellenistic tradition laid the foundation for monotheism, concentrating faith in a single deity and emphasizing the universe's order and unity.


    No, it would be an oversimplification and a misinterpretation to conclude that Confucius is in line with inhumanity solely based on the criticism of Li or rituals. Confucianism, as propagated by Confucius, is a comprehensive philosophical and ethical system that goes beyond rituals. While rituals play a role in structuring social and personal behaviors, the core of Confucianism emphasizes ethical virtues, moral cultivation, and the development of benevolence (ren) and righteousness (yi).Bertrand Russell's suggestion of inhumanity might stem from a limited view of Confucianism or a specific interpretation of rituals. Confucius advocated for the harmonious coexistence of individuals within a society, emphasizing empathy, compassion, and the well-being of others. His teachings aimed at creating a moral and just society, and not at suppressing human emotional instincts or free spirit.In essence, Confucianism encourages a balanced approach that incorporates both ethical principles and humanistic values, aiming for a harmonious and virtuous society.

  •   I think we can't draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity.

      First of all, Kant believes that man's free will is not disturbed by any external factors, and is untouchable in the heart of man's heart. The essence of freedom is the ability of man himself, not the right granted by others or the government. Kant also argued that any restriction on freedom is against human nature and is immoral. He believed that human beings can achieve true moral and social progress only on the basis of protecting everyone's freedom. Confucius 'thought of "benevolence" emphasizes that people-oriented. From Kant's point of view, Confucius and inhumanity are not consistent. Secondly, "li" is a tool of social moral education. In the ancient state governance model of China, the governance system of etiquette played an important role in education, helping to promote the effective operation of the country and maintain the stable and orderly development of the society. Here morality is humanity. At the same time, Confucius emphasized the doctrine of the mean, which also emphasized people. Finally, metaphysics and monotheism in western culture are reappearance of the society of that time. The shaping of social form is also inseparable from human beings.

      Therefore, I think Confucius has a lot to do with human nature.

  • 17班陈曦 11-26

    1."Freedom" is the term used to describe the right or state of individuals or groups being able to think, choose, act, and express opinions without being restricted, restrained, or interfered with. It encompasses various aspects, such as political, economic, intellectual, and religious autonomy. Freedom is considered a fundamental human right and is seen as an important value in both society and individuals. Specifically, freedom includes freedom of thought, freedom of action, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and personal freedom, among others.

    2.The traditional economic and political structure of Chinese society incorporated the concept of "li", which can be translated as "ritual" or "propriety". "Li" played a crucial role in maintaining social order and harmony. It encompassed a set of rules and norms that governed various aspects of life, including interpersonal relationships, family, community, and governance. The economic aspect of "li" emphasized the importance of fair trade and proper conduct in business transactions. It promoted the idea of mutual respect and trust between buyers and sellers, encouraging ethical behavior and discouraging dishonest practices. "Li" also advocated for the equitable distribution of resources and wealth, ensuring social stability and addressing economic inequalities. In the political sphere, "li" informed the hierarchical structure of government and the responsibility and conduct expected from officials. It emphasized the idea of rulers serving as moral exemplars and maintaining the well-being of the people. The principles of "li" guided governance by promoting the virtues of benevolence, righteousness, and integrity. Overall, the inclusion of "li" in the economic and political structure of traditional Chinese society aimed to create a harmonious and orderly society, where individuals and groups respected and fulfilled their roles and responsibilities.

    3.In Western culture, the Hellenistic tradition gave rise to metaphysics and monotheism for several reasons. Metaphysics, the philosophical study of reality and existence, emerged in the Hellenistic tradition due to the influence of philosophers like Plato and Aristotle. These thinkers sought to understand the fundamental nature of reality, including questions about the existence of a higher power or divine beings. Their inquiries into metaphysics contributed to the development of philosophical and theological concepts that later influenced monotheistic religions. The monotheistic belief in one God also originated within the Hellenistic tradition. This development can be attributed to a combination of factors, including the influence of Jewish and Christian religious beliefs and the syncretism between Greek philosophy and religious ideas. The monotheistic theology, particularly in the context of Christianity, emerged as an alternative to the polytheistic beliefs prevalent in the ancient world, offering a singular and unified understanding of the divine. Furthermore, the cultural and intellectual exchanges between different regions, facilitated by the maritime activities of the ancient Greeks and later the Romans, played a significant role in the development and spread of these philosophical and religious ideas. The intermixing of cultures and the exchange of knowledge contributed to the growth and evolution of metaphysics and monotheism in Western thought. Overall, the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture gave rise to metaphysics and monotheism as a result of philosophical inquiries into the nature of reality and existence, encounters with different religious beliefs, and the cultural exchange facilitated by maritime activities.

  • 张翰镛 11-26

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice

    Immanuel Kant's concept of freedom is deeply tied to his moral and political philosophy. According to Kant, true freedom is rational self-governance in accordance with moral principles. He distinguishes between empirical freedom, which is the ability to act according to one's desires, and transcendental freedom, which is the capacity for moral self-legislation. For Kant, individuals are truly free when they act in accordance with the moral law and universal principles, rather than being driven solely by inclinations or external influences.

    2. Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"?

    In traditional Chinese society, rituals, or "li" (), played a crucial role in shaping social order and maintaining harmony. Rituals were not just religious ceremonies but a set of social practices and formalities governing various aspects of life, including politics and the economy. Confucianism, a dominant philosophy in traditional China, emphasized the importance of rituals to instill a sense of moral virtue, social hierarchy, and filial piety.

    In the economic sphere, rituals helped establish and maintain ethical norms in business transactions, ensuring fairness and integrity. Politically, rituals were seen as essential for the proper conduct of rulers and officials, fostering a just and stable governance system. Overall, rituals provided a moral and ethical framework that supported the social and political structure of traditional Chinese society.

    3. Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    This classification often refers to geopolitical distinctions between nations based on their geographical characteristics. Maritime countries are those with easy access to the sea and often have economies and cultures shaped by maritime activities such as trade, fishing, and naval power. Examples include England, Japan, and the Netherlands.

    Continental countries, on the other hand, are those situated in the interior of a landmass, often with limited access to the sea. Their economies and strategies may be more focused on land-based activities such as agriculture, and their geopolitical concerns may be influenced by interactions with neighboring land powers. Examples include Russia and Germany.

    4. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    The Hellenistic period followed the conquests of Alexander the Great and witnessed the blending of Greek culture with Eastern influences. This cultural fusion contributed to the development of Hellenistic philosophy, including the rise of metaphysical thought.

    Metaphysics, as a branch of philosophy, deals with fundamental questions about the nature of reality, existence, and the relationship between mind and matter. In the Hellenistic tradition, thinkers like Plato and Aristotle laid the groundwork for metaphysical inquiries.

    Regarding monotheism, the Hellenistic period saw the rise of philosophical and religious movements that explored the idea of a single, transcendent deity. This intellectual atmosphere may have influenced later developments in monotheistic religions, such as Christianity, which emerged in the Hellenized Roman Empire.

    5. Can we draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity (as suggested by Bertrand Russel on page 54)?  

    The characterization of Confucius as being "in line with inhumanity" is not consistent with the general understanding of Confucianism. Confucius (Kong Fuzi or Kongzi) was a Chinese philosopher and teacher whose ideas laid the foundation for Confucianism, a major school of thought in Chinese culture.

    Confucianism emphasizes moral virtues, social harmony, and ethical conduct. It promotes the idea of cultivating oneself morally, fulfilling social roles with benevolence, and contributing to the well-being of the community. Key concepts in Confucianism include ren (benevolence or humaneness), li (rituals or propriety), and xiao (filial piety).

    While interpretations and criticisms of Confucianism exist, it is not accurate to categorize Confucius as being "in line with inhumanity" based on the core tenets of his philosophy. Confucius advocated for ethical behavior, the importance of family and social relationships, and the cultivation of virtue. However, like any philosophical tradition, Confucianism has been subject to various interpretations and critiques over time

  • 文小丫 11-26

    1.什么是“自由”? ( video on Kant's idea of Justice5:00)

    From the video we can know that Kant has a more stringent demanding notion:freedom of autonomy and morality.

    (Freedom of autonomy means that we’re acting as slaves of our impulses and appetites. And in the process of pursuing it to satisfy ourselves according to our necessity , we should have our own law. Freedom of morality means that to act freely is not to choose the best means to a given end. It’s to choose the end itself for its own sake. We have the freedom to desire what we want, but the ways we conduct our desire must not disturb others’ freedom to obey the rules of social morality.)

    And here comes my critical understanding of freedom:

    When I read something about “paradox” last weekend, I came across a sentence excerpted form 1984 by George Orewell, that is: Freedom is slavery. And I do believe that we should understand freedom dialectically. Because there is no absolute freedom and in fact, absolute freedom is never less dreary than absolute slavery. Those with absolute freedom have to make their own decisions and determine their own life course, and most importantly, they must undertake all the possible consequences or results on their own; and thus, they become slaves of themselves. So I’d like to claim that the freedom to act on your own thoughts is enslaving yourself with all the consequences; and the slavery of the community is actually freeing yourself from certain dangers. Metaphorically, everyone of us is a bird living in a cage. To escape from the cage is to enter a bigger cage, which is the outside world. In fact, every cage is exterior. The real freedom is in our interior heart. So we should “act according to a law we give ourselves” promoted by Kant. We should know how to please and satisfy ourselves to achieve the real freedom. To achieve the real freedom is in our interior heart, one effective way is to self-educate. T. S. Eliot once said that “It is in fact a part of the function of education to help us escape—not from our own time, for we are bound by that—but from the intellectual and emotional limitations of our own time.” Therefore, if we’re born to be restricted in our life, then why not try to educate ourselves about self-love and self-satisfying to smash down all the limitations and pursue higher intellect and healthier emotions in the deep of our hearts?

    2.中国传统社会的经济政治结构为什么需要“礼”? (p.24)

    According to Geographic Background of the Chinese People, compared with the Greeks who lived in a maritime country, the Chinese living in the continental country have a form of social organization based on the common interest of the family instead of town. In the family state, the social organization is automatic and hierarchic, which lays a solid foundation for “Li”.

    Actually, China is a rural society. The ideology of rural society is still rooted in its economic foundation, and the economic form of traditional society is agricultural economy. So "relying on the mountain to eat, relying on water to drink(靠山吃山,靠水吃水)" is the basic life style of grass-roots people, and their settlement with agriculture in the first place leads to limitations of regions, and further of interpersonal relations. Generation after generation, the common people have cultivated, socialized, and raised their families all on the same land. 

    So how can people gain a better life? Well, I doubt they will be be seized by a whim and suddenly determine to go to another land far away, regarding themselves as brave adventurers or entrepreneurs. Instead, they seek for experiences to make lives easier. In that way, “experience” becomes crucial and sacred, with a strong “worship of experience formed(经验崇拜)” in the rural society. And where does the experience come from? Actually, our ancestors and the elders. So we have to hold reverence and respect for them. And “Li”, which constitutes of “the tradition, hierarchy and etiquette” has been gradually passed down.


    The Hellenistic tradition in Western culture spurred contemplation beyond the material world, fostering the development of metaphysics. This philosophical trend leads individuals to go beyond sensory experience and seek a higher truth. And Descartes also once claimed that: Philosophy is like the "root" of a tree; physics, the "trunk", and other sciences, the "branches". The metaphysics is almost ingrained in the westerners. At the time of the rise of monotheism, the society was in the stage of the disintegration of primitive society and the formation of class society, in which time the contradictions between nobility and commoners in clan society and between slave owners and slaves after entering class society were very sharp. Therefore, the essence of metaphysics and the rise of the monotheism is to maintain the unity of society and to emphasize the universe's order and unity.


    4.From my perspective, there are some misunderstandings Russel’s interpretations of Confucianism. And certainly it’s inappropriate to jump to the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity just by Mr.Russel’s interpretations. So I’d love to in the first place clear up the misunderstandings and further illustrate Li’s real significance in the society.

    According to Mr.Russel, Li seems more like the self-control or the suppression of one’s own passion and emotions, which conflict with human instinct and free spirit. What’s more, the filial piety is a barrier to the growth of public spirits and the construction more suited to modern needs. And Confucianism has been degenerated into an etiquette book incompatible with politics.

    Above are the main misinterpretation by Mr.Russel. But if he spent more time reading more classics of Confucius, his outlooks wouldn’t be found this one-sided.

    Confucianism is far more than about etiquette and hierarchy in the family and social level. It also connotes some moral codes and strategies for state government, such as“德不孤,必有邻”and “为政以德,譬如北辰,居其所而众星共之”. And the sincerity and appropriateness (or namely, the Golden means) are also the fundamental elements in Li. In effect, the advocation of the attitude of “keeping clam reason always in control of all his actions” is in that Confucianism believes the human ability to control themselves rationally without the need for any other external forces, which is also a reflection of Confucian humanity.

    Besides this, there are other clues hinting us at Confucius’ humanity. And in fact, “Ren” remains the main means to humanity. Confucius believes that human nature is shaped, awakened, and perfected through self-cultivation and social education, and in this process, the moral concept of "Ren" will become a core goal. He also believes that if a person can do what they do not want to do to others(己所不欲勿施于人), they can reach the realm of "Ren". This means that everyone should respect others and uphold the virtues of honesty, justice, and humility.

    So what’s the underlying reason of Westerners’ frequent misunderstanding of Confucianism as inhumanity? Actually, comparing the Western and Eastern culture, we have no difficulty finding that the West concerns more about the logic, universality and substantiality while the East lay more emphasis on the practicality, specificity and functionality and Confucius himself is actually a practical stateman himself, caring more about a peaceful and prosperous community on earth rather than the spiritual beings and metaphysical thinking. Therefore, to define Confucius’s inhumanity, it’s not fair to rely on one story and generalize the whole Confucianism and even the Chinese mind. Circumstances alter cases.

    Given the economic and political structure of traditional Chinese society at that time, “Li” is actually reasonable China is a continental country, which is based on the the family structure and agricultural economy. So it values and worships the virtues of former ages, under which condition “Li” comes into being and wins a high status in society. I admit that Li may be with limitations but it’s just the limitations that contributes to social order, being the mediator between individuals’ freedom to ensure the overall freedom. Li that seems a hindrance to freedom can, when properly conducted, support and maintain freedom. Providing a subject’s action that would limit the freedom of another subject, the Li may prevent the first subject to defend the second by limitations. Such limitations are compatible with the maximal freedom demanded in the principle of “Ren(仁)” and “loyalty and reciprocity(忠恕)” because it does not reduce overall freedom but instead provides the necessary moral and cultural background needed to secure freedom. The amount of freedom lost by the first subject through Li is equal to the amount gained by the second subject through lifting the hindrance to actions. Then Li sustains the maximal amount of freedom consistent with identical freedom for all without reducing it.

    In a nutshell, Confucianism is never in line with inhumanity. Instead, it helps to promote “Ren”, reflect human ability of self-control and realize the maximum of freedom in a peaceful and prosperous community, as is perpetually wished by Confucius.

  • Bertrand Russell, a prominent philosopher, criticized Confucianism and similar ethical systems in his book "A History of Western Philosophy." He argued that Confucianism, with its emphasis on social hierarchy, filial piety, and rigid social roles, could be seen as inhumane and suppressive of individual freedom and spontaneity.

    Confucius, the ancient Chinese philosopher whose teachings form the basis of Confucianism, focused on moral and ethical principles to create a harmonious society. Confucius believed in the importance of social order, hierarchy, and proper conduct, with an emphasis on the roles and responsibilities of individuals within the family and society. While his teachings provided a framework for a well-ordered and stable society, critics like Russell argued that this came at the expense of individual freedom and the spontaneity of human emotions.

    It's essential to note that interpretations of Confucianism can vary, and some argue that Confucius was not inherently inhumane but rather offered a practical and moral guide for social harmony. The idea that Confucianism conflicts with human emotional instincts and free spirit is a perspective shaped by the emphasis on social order and structure in Confucian teachings.

    Ultimately, whether one sees Confucius as in line with inhumanity depends on individual interpretations and perspectives on the balance between social order and individual freedom. Different people may view Confucianism in varying lights, appreciating its emphasis on social harmony or criticizing it for potentially limiting individual expression.

  • 5班吴鋆正 11-27

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    Kant's concept of justice centers around the idea of treating individuals as ends in themselves and not merely as means to an end. In this context, justice is about respecting and upholding individual rights, including the right to freedom. This means that individuals should be able to exercise their freedom as long as it does not infringe on the equal freedom of others.

    2.Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"

    It is important to note that while traditional Chinese society placed great emphasis on ritual, contemporary China has experienced significant societal changes. While elements of ritual remain in certain aspects of Chinese culture, the economic and political structures have evolved to accommodate modern developments.

    3.Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    The distinction between maritime countries and continental countries is primarily based on their geography, resources, and economic characteristics.

    4.Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    The rise of metaphysics and monotheism in Western culture cannot be solely attributed to the Hellenistic tradition. While the Hellenistic period did have an influence on Western philosophical and religious thought, it is necessary to consider multiple factors that contributed to the development of these concepts.

    Metaphysics, as a philosophical discipline, examines the fundamental nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attributes, and cause and effect. The origins of metaphysical inquiry can be traced back to ancient Greek philosophers like Parmenides, Heraclitus, and Plato, who explored questions about the nature of existence and knowledge. However, it is worth noting that metaphysical inquiries were not limited to the Hellenistic tradition but also evolved independently in other cultures.

    Similarly, the concept of monotheism, the belief in one God, has roots in various religious and philosophical traditions across different cultures. In the context of Western culture, monotheism gained prominence primarily through the Abrahamic religions, such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These religions emerged in different historical periods and regions, and their teachings and beliefs were influenced by a variety of cultural factors, including the Hellenistic period in some cases.

    It is important to recognize that cultural, historical, and socio-political contexts play significant roles in the evolution of philosophical and religious ideas. While the Hellenistic tradition contributed to the development of metaphysics and had some impact on monotheism, it is crucial to consider the broader historical and cultural landscape to fully understand the emergence and evolution of these concepts in Western culture.

