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2023.08.24 ~ 2023.12.31
  • 四川外国语大学
  • 建议每周学习3小时
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成绩预发布时间 2023-12-30





On the "limitation" of Li

By 张婷 老师 11-16 6318次浏览

Some people believe Li or rituals are about organizing and structuring social and personal behaviors, and thus seem to conflict with human emotional instinct and free spirit. Then, can we draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity (as suggested by Bertrand Russel on page 54)?  

Post your answers online.

450 回复

  • 10班徐超楠 12-21

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    Kant's idea of justice is based on the concept of freedom, which he defines as the ability to act according to one's own will, without external coercion or interference. In this sense, freedom is the foundation of justice, as it allows individuals to make their own choices and be responsible for their actions.

    2. Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"?

    Social Order and Stability: Rituals provided a framework for maintaining social order and harmony within the community. 

    Legitimizing Authority: Rituals were used to legitimize the authority of rulers and government officials.

    Moral and Ethical Guidance: Rituals were deeply intertwined with Confucian ethics, emphasizing virtues such as filial piety, respect for elders, and social responsibility.

    Economic Exchange: Rituals also played a role in economic transactions and trade. 

    3.Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    The terms "maritime countries" and "continental countries" are often used to categorize nations based on their geographical characteristics and their relationship with bodies of water.

    Maritime Countries: Maritime countries are those that have a significant coastline and rely on the sea for trade, transportation, and often defense. These nations typically have a strong maritime tradition and may have a large portion of their population living in coastal areas. Maritime countries often have a strong emphasis on naval power, fishing, and maritime trade. Examples of maritime countries include Japan, the United Kingdom, Indonesia, and Norway.

    Continental Countries: Continental countries, on the other hand, are those that are geographically dominated by landmasses and have limited access to the sea. These nations often have a greater emphasis on land-based trade and transportation, and their economies and cultures may be more influenced by their immediate neighbors rather than by maritime influences. Examples of continental countries include Russia, China, Brazil, and Germany.

    4. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture provided the intellectual, cultural, and religious context that gave rise to metaphysical inquiry and the development of monotheistic beliefs, laying the foundation for the evolution of Western philosophical and theological thought.

    5.Can we draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity (as suggested by Bertrand Russel on page 54)?  

    No, we cannot draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity as suggested by Bertrand Russel based solely on the belief that Li or rituals conflict with human emotional instinct and free spirit. While it is true that Confucius emphasized the importance of Li and social structure, this was not at the expense of humanity or free will.

    Self-discipline is sometimes a form of prudence. Everything should start with yourself, be self-disciplined, restrict yourself, always carry out self-restraint and self-management, and review yourself harshly with your own eyes. Do a man in advance, right people first right yourself. Restraining yourself does not mean going against people's wishes, but rather making yourself better on the basis of maintaining your personality. This practice not only improves the ability of self, but also plays a role in social harmony and interpersonal harmony. The harmonious interpersonal relationship can in turn act on itself and promote the development of individuals. 


  • 9班向雯莉 12-22

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    According to Kant, true freedom is considered to mean that man has the free will to act according to his own legislation without being bound by the law of nature in the sense of moral real money, and that man's reason establishes the inevitable laws of nature in the aspect of objects, but therefore limits his own freedom. In real money, the same reason of man is able not to be bound by the laws of nature, but to act according to its own consistent universal law of free will.


    2. Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"?

    Ritual play a crucial role in traditional Chinese law. Rites are the spiritual core of law, and they cannot be separated. Under the same goal of maintaining feudal autocratic rule, they play their respective roles and complement each other. As a symbol of Chinese traditional culture, ritual has been deeply rooted in the spiritual world of Chinese people, and has gained universal recognition. Its status and function even transcend the law and become the supreme existence.

    "Ritual" is actually a code of conduct generated by the interaction between people, or a social rule. The system itself, which is reached voluntarily and observed voluntarily through the interaction between people, is said to be efficient by institutional economics. Why is that? It's simple: an agreed result is a good result.


    3.Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    1, Marine countries, Marine countries in a broad sense as long as adjacent to the sea are counted, generally referring to the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Japan and Japan and the United States, China is also a Marine country.

    2, continental countries, continental countries are landlocked countries, the territory does not include the sea, France, Germany and Russia are continental countries.


    4. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    From the historical process of metaphysics development, there are actually three kinds of metaphysics: universal ontology, category ontology and meaning ontology. Greek philosophy originated from the search for "the universality of the world" (the original).


    5. Can we draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity (as suggested by Bertrand Russel on page 54)?

    No, we cannot conclude that Confucius is consistent with inhumanity simply because rites or rituals conflict with human emotional instincts and the spirit of freedom. While Confucius did emphasize the importance of etiquette and social structure, this was not at the expense of humanity or free will.

    Confucius believed rites were important in promoting social harmony and respect for others, but also emphasized the importance of compassion, empathy, and personal expression.

    In addition, Russell's evaluation of Confucian inhumanity is narrow and limited. Confucianism and philosophy have evolved over time, and there is no single, unitary interpretation of Confucianism.

  • 16班张业薇 12-22

    The question you've raised involves a nuanced perspective on Confucianism and its compatibility with human emotions and free spirit. It's important to note that interpretations of philosophical and ethical systems can vary, and views on Confucianism, like those of any other philosophy, can be diverse.
    Bertrand Russell, a philosopher known for his critique of various philosophical systems, expressed concerns about Confucianism, but it's essential to consider the context and his own philosophical biases. Russell, being a proponent of Western analytic philosophy, may have viewed Confucianism through a lens shaped by his own cultural and philosophical background.
    Confucius, the ancient Chinese philosopher, emphasized ethical conduct, social harmony, and the importance of rituals (li) as a means of organizing society. However, interpreting Confucianism as inhumane oversimplifies its teachings. Confucius emphasized virtues like benevolence (ren), righteousness (yi), and filial piety (xiao), which are inherently concerned with humaneness and ethical behavior.
    Confucius did value tradition, rituals, and social order, but not necessarily at the expense of individual emotions or freedom. Confucianism seeks to strike a balance between personal development and social harmony. It encourages individuals to cultivate moral character while participating in and contributing to a well-ordered society.
    In discussions about the compatibility of Confucianism with humanity, it's crucial to consider diverse perspectives within Confucian thought, ranging from classical Confucianism to Neo-Confucianism. While some critics may argue that Confucianism imposes rigid social structures, others highlight its focus on moral cultivation and the betterment of individuals for the greater good.
    In conclusion, characterizing Confucius as inhumane is an oversimplification, and the evaluation of Confucianism's compatibility with human emotions and free spirit depends on one's interpretation and perspective. It would be beneficial to engage in a more in-depth study of Confucian philosophy and consider various scholarly perspectives before drawing conclusions.

  • 张月 12-22

    Kant’s perception of freedom, is the ability to govern one’s actions on the basis of reason, and not desire. This can all be reduced to the concept of autonomy. The word Autonomy, derives from Greek, literally translating to self legislator.

    We cannot draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity. Li is the core of Chinese traditional culture. In the Confucian system of thought, “Li” is not only a social and political ideal, but also a series of ethical principles and norms. “Li” is not only the basic criterion to adjust all social relations, but also“Benevolence” is based on“Li”. On the other hand, in the view of pre-qin confucianists, “Li” is the norm and criterion of all things relation and order between heaven and earth. Moreovet, Cheng and Zhu neo-confucianism in Song dynasty explained“Li” with“Li”, and even elevated“Li” to the same important status as“Tian Li”. What's more, In a broad sense, “Li” is the social norm and political criterion to maintain social order for thousands of years, and in a narrow sense, “Li” is the moral standard to restrain people's words and deeds in social life. The state, society, family and individual all reach the standard of“Courtesy”, the proposition of“Benevolence” can be realized, and finally reach the goal of heaven, earth and people.

  • 3班李卢骄 12-23

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    Kant's idea of justice is based on the concept of freedom, which he defines as the ability to act according to one's own will, without external coercion or interference. In this sense, freedom is the foundation of justice, as it allows individuals to make their own choices and be responsible for their actions.

    2. Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"?

    Social Order and Stability: Rituals provided a framework for maintaining social order and harmony within the community. 

    Legitimizing Authority: Rituals were used to legitimize the authority of rulers and government officials.

    Moral and Ethical Guidance: Rituals were deeply intertwined with Confucian ethics, emphasizing virtues such as filial piety, respect for elders, and social responsibility.

    Economic Exchange: Rituals also played a role in economic transactions and trade. 

    3.Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    The terms "maritime countries" and "continental countries" are often used to categorize nations based on their geographical characteristics and their relationship with bodies of water.

    Maritime Countries: Maritime countries are those that have a significant coastline and rely on the sea for trade, transportation, and often defense. These nations typically have a strong maritime tradition and may have a large portion of their population living in coastal areas. Maritime countries often have a strong emphasis on naval power, fishing, and maritime trade. Examples of maritime countries include Japan, the United Kingdom, Indonesia, and Norway.

    Continental Countries: Continental countries, on the other hand, are those that are geographically dominated by landmasses and have limited access to the sea. These nations often have a greater emphasis on land-based trade and transportation, and their economies and cultures may be more influenced by their immediate neighbors rather than by maritime influences. Examples of continental countries include Russia, China, Brazil, and Germany.

    4. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture provided the intellectual, cultural, and religious context that gave rise to metaphysical inquiry and the development of monotheistic beliefs, laying the foundation for the evolution of Western philosophical and theological thought.

    5.Can we draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity (as suggested by Bertrand Russel on page 54)?  

    No, we cannot draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity as suggested by Bertrand Russel based solely on the belief that Li or rituals conflict with human emotional instinct and free spirit. While it is true that Confucius emphasized the importance of Li and social structure, this was not at the expense of humanity or free will.

    Confucius believed that Li was important in promoting social harmony and respect for others, but also emphasized the importance of compassion, empathy, and individual expression. In fact, he stated that one must first develop oneself before being able to properly engage with society and Li.

    Furthermore, Russell’s assessment of Confucianism as inhuman can be considered narrow and limited. Confucian thought and philosophy have evolved over time, and there is no singular, monolithic interpretation of Confucianism.

    Overall, it is important to approach Confucianism and its concepts of Li and humanity with an open mind and nuanced understanding, rather than making sweeping conclusions based on limited perspectives.

  • 高梓嘉 12-23

    1.What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice

    The core concept of Kant's moral philosophy is "freedom". In Kant's view, justice is the right and duty of free will, the free exercise of human will in the state of law can coexist with the freedom of all others, and is the unity of rights and legal system.

    2. Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"?

    "Ritual" is the core category of Confucianism, which has extensive extension and rich connotation. From its connotation, in Confucianism, "ritual" is not only a social and political ideal, but also a moral norm. It maintains social stability and development by guiding, restricting and standardizing people's thought and behavior. In a sense, it can be said that ancient Chinese culture is the culture of "rites", ancient Chinese politics is the politics of "ritual", and the development history of ancient Chinese society is a history of "ritual". In ancient China, the developed degree of "Li" and its role in the whole national spirit and social politics have unique and great cultural significance.

    The core content of traditional culture accumulated by thousands of years of Chinese history is "rites", and the politics of ancient China is basically based on "ritual". "Ritual" is closely related to ancient Chinese political ideas, political behaviors and political systems.

    In addition, the ancient Chinese economy and society are also closely related to "ritual". As a land country, Chinese people are satisfied with the status quo, and most people will feel resistance to some advanced inventions. Greece, a maritime nation, thrives mainly on commerce. Businessmen have the chance to see different customs, they are used to change so they are not afraid of new things. Therefore, the people of land and sea countries are fundamentally different. So, how can we get a better life? As the accumulation of Chinese traditional culture, “Li” contains the wisdom of predecessors which constitutes of “the tradition, hierarchy and etiquette” has been gradually passed down.

    3. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

     Hellenistic tradition laid the foundation for later philosophical thought, which influenced the development from ancient philosophy to modern philosophy. The thought methods, problems and theoretical framework of Hellenistic tradition have become an important reference for the exploration and discussion of Western philosophy.

    4.Can we draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity (as suggested by Bertrand Russel on page 54)?  

     No, we cannot conclude that Confucius conforms to Russell's inhumanity based solely on the belief that Li or rituals conflict with human emotional instincts and the spirit of freedom. Confucius did emphasize the importance of Li and social structure, but not at the expense of humanity or free will.

    Confucius's Confucianism is determined by the "private" nature of human nature and the "public" nature of the state. On the one hand, it emphasizes family harmony and brotherhood, on the other hand, loyalty to the country and the monarch, and sympathy for the people. At the same time, Confucianism also embodies individual aspirations and guides people to the right path through various cultivation and discipline.

  • 高梓嘉 12-23

    1.What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice

    The core concept of Kant's moral philosophy is "freedom". In Kant's view, justice is the right and duty of free will, the free exercise of human will in the state of law can coexist with the freedom of all others, and is the unity of rights and legal system.

    2. Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"?

    "Ritual" is the core category of Confucianism, which has extensive extension and rich connotation. From its connotation, in Confucianism, "ritual" is not only a social and political ideal, but also a moral norm. It maintains social stability and development by guiding, restricting and standardizing people's thought and behavior. In a sense, it can be said that ancient Chinese culture is the culture of "rites", ancient Chinese politics is the politics of "ritual", and the development history of ancient Chinese society is a history of "ritual". In ancient China, the developed degree of "Li" and its role in the whole national spirit and social politics have unique and great cultural significance.

    The core content of traditional culture accumulated by thousands of years of Chinese history is "rites", and the politics of ancient China is basically based on "ritual". "Ritual" is closely related to ancient Chinese political ideas, political behaviors and political systems.

    In addition, the ancient Chinese economy and society are also closely related to "ritual". As a land country, Chinese people are satisfied with the status quo, and most people will feel resistance to some advanced inventions. Greece, a maritime nation, thrives mainly on commerce. Businessmen have the chance to see different customs, they are used to change so they are not afraid of new things. Therefore, the people of land and sea countries are fundamentally different. So, how can we get a better life? As the accumulation of Chinese traditional culture, “Li” contains the wisdom of predecessors which constitutes of “the tradition, hierarchy and etiquette” has been gradually passed down.

    3. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

     Hellenistic tradition laid the foundation for later philosophical thought, which influenced the development from ancient philosophy to modern philosophy. The thought methods, problems and theoretical framework of Hellenistic tradition have become an important reference for the exploration and discussion of Western philosophy.

    4.Can we draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity (as suggested by Bertrand Russel on page 54)?  

     No, we cannot conclude that Confucius conforms to Russell's inhumanity based solely on the belief that Li or rituals conflict with human emotional instincts and the spirit of freedom. Confucius did emphasize the importance of Li and social structure, but not at the expense of humanity or free will.

    Confucius's Confucianism is determined by the "private" nature of human nature and the "public" nature of the state. On the one hand, it emphasizes family harmony and brotherhood, on the other hand, loyalty to the country and the monarch, and sympathy for the people. At the same time, Confucianism also embodies individual aspirations and guides people to the right path through various cultivation and discipline.

  • 10班杨雪滢 12-24

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    Freedom, for Kant, is a power to initiate action from oneself, and the only way to exercise this power is through the law of one's own will, the moral law. Immoral action is not thereby rendered impossible, but it also does not express a genuine ability.

    “There is only one innate right,” says Kant, “Freedom (independence from being constrained by another’s choice), insofar as it can coexist with the freedom of every other in accordance with a universal law”. Kant rejects any other basis for the state, in particular arguing that the welfare of citizens cannot be the basis of state power. He argues that a state cannot legitimately impose any particular conception of happiness upon its citizen. To do so would be for the ruler to treat citizens as children, assuming that they are unable to understand what is truly useful or harmful to themselves.


    2. Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"?


    “Ritual” or the etiquette and behavioral norms used in ancient China to maintain the social hierarchy system. In the Confucian ideological system, benevolence is subjective cultivation and belongs to inner consciousness; Li is an objective norm and an external constraint. Confucius said, "If a person is not benevolent, it is like propriety." (The Analects of Confucius, Eight Elements) He also said, "To restrain oneself and restore propriety is benevolence." (The Analects of Confucius, Yan Yuan) It can be seen that the two are interdependent. The maintenance of social order - etiquette, as a social norm and moral code, provides order and stability for society. Rites regulate people's behavior in society, guide them to respect others, abide by the law, avoid conflicts, and thus maintain social harmony and stability. Due to Confucius's belief that ritual is not only a form of ritual, but essentially contains political system content, the collapse of ritual symbolizes the loss of royal power and the disorder of social order. Therefore, he also wanted to maintain some ineffective rituals.


    In fact, the "ritual" recognized in ancient society, in addition to traditional behavioral norms, was actually a realm, responsibility, and education. Although strictly speaking, "ritual" is only a moral constraint. But if we delve deeper into the connotation of "ritual", it is not difficult to find the content it contains, which can be described as encompassing everything. Spirit, thought, behavior, morality, as well as habits and customs in daily life, are actually subject to the constraints of "etiquette". Confucius was an educator who focused on educating students about etiquette as an important aspect of moral education. In feudal society, knowledge of books and etiquette became a fundamental symbol of benevolence and gentlemanly conduct. Rites shape people's personalities through a series of rituals and norms. These norms include respecting elders, respecting teachers, being humble and cautious, etc., which enable people to continuously improve their self-cultivation and moral character in daily life, and shape a positive and upward personality.


    In the process of development, etiquette is closely linked to art and culture. For example, the integration of ancient etiquette with art forms such as music, dance, and drama has promoted the development and innovation of art. At the same time, ritual also provides rich themes and inspiration for artistic creation.


    3.Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    The difference between continental countries and maritime countries lies in the fact that continental countries mainly rely on agriculture and animal husbandry as their production methods, while maritime countries mainly rely on commercial trade as their production methods.

    Continental countries are relatively conservative and have strong cohesion. Due to their high demand for land, they exploit their colonies severely. Marine countries, on the other hand, have a more adventurous spirit and a strong sense of external development, with relatively less exploitation of their colonies.


    4. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    Greek religion assumes that the world is ruled by the gods of the Pantheon, and that everything has a spirit. Therefore, the main characteristic of Greek religion is its great tolerance and the ability to combine and integrate different beliefs. Greek religious historians often describe discrimination during Hellenization as full of superstition, which is considered a natural growth in society. Philosophers once defined superstition as a cowardice in respecting divinity. The Romans also referred to Christianity as a superstitious religion. At that time, people had a high interest in the power that governed this world, and through the use of magic, they used this drum power to gain their own interests. People also like to use divination to predict the future or explain events happening in the present and future through supernatural forces. Divination can be divided into two types: natural and artificial. Natural divination may involve dreams, while artificial divination uses objects made of living or non living objects to predict the future. These mysterious phenomena have a high influence on religion, which includes interpretations of dreams and magical events. The influence of the Heroic era on Christianity also includes a mix of Greek religions.



    5.Can we draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity (as suggested by Bertrand Russel on page 54)?  

    No. Confucius is in line with inhumanity because of the existence of “the golden mean of the Confucian school”. The overwhelming doctrines or codes of conduct advocated by Confucius appear to be formidable when people look at them at first sight. However, no matter how difficult the disciplines, they have a common ground-- the Doctrine of the Mean—to advert or to moderate any extremes, striking a balance between the restrictions from the outside and the recklessness from the inside.

    At the beginning of the Doctrine of the Mean, it is said that the mandate of heaven is nature, the recklessness of nature is the way, and the cultivation of the way is education. Following human nature is a natural principle, and for those in society, we need to cultivate ourselves based on human nature. Therefore, it can be seen that Confucianism does not suppress human nature, but acknowledges, conforms to, and takes human nature as its foundation, and cultivates oneself according to it, reflecting the social nature of Confucianism. In fact, the Doctrine of the Mean does not make people progress or not, but rather tells people the attitude that should be held regardless of strength, progress, or retreat. The saying goes, "holding two uses in the middle, too much is not enough." It is a balance point between the outside world and the inner world, as well as the situation and strength. It is not a front or back, nor is it left or right.


    Confucianism believes that the Doctrine of the Mean is reflected in human beings, always without leaving them, without leaving human nature, without leaving life. As the saying goes, "The Dao cannot be separated for a moment, nor can it be separated from non Dao.". That is to say, what can exist without human beings is not the middle way. As for the root of the Doctrine of the Mean, according to Confucian interpretation, it comes from the highest value entity - the "Heavenly Way", and everyone upholds this common root. The saying goes, "The mandate of heaven is the nature, the recklessness is the way, and the cultivation of the Way is the teaching.". That is to say, the doctrine of the mean is bestowed by heaven, contained in human nature, possessed by everyone, and can be proven through reasonable means; Following natural human nature allows us to follow the Tao and cultivate humanity to educate the people. Therefore, showcasing the Tao of Heaven in the Doctrine of the Mean is the fundamental point of Chinese Confucian culture and the essence of education. It contains significant educational inspirations.

  • 10班冷璐彤 12-24

    Confucius is absolutely not in line with inhumanity. I will give my reasons as follows.

    Many people think that “Li” conflicts with a human’s free spirit. Before we discuss this problem, let’s answer this question: What is “Freedom”?

    According to Kant’s idea, freedom refers to the ability of individuals to independently decide their own actions and choices, without being subject to external or internal coercion or constraints. Freedom is a natural right that every person possesses, and it is a fundamental dignity and respect for human beings. But more importantly, Kant thought that the fundamental principle of freedom is the principle of universal law, which means that individual behaviors fit into the universal law. Under the universal law, individuals could do whatever they want to do. If there are some actions contrary to universal law, these actions aren’t actions of freedom. In other words, self-discipline is freedom. Individuals must restrain themselves to obey the universal law. Therefore, within this boundary is freedom.

    Now question No.2: Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"?

    To figure out this question, we must know what is “Ritual” or what did “Ritual” mean in ancient China. “Li” has multiple means in traditional Chinese society: etiquette, hierarchy, sincerity and appropriateness. These four aspects could also be divided into two parts: a social order and a personality. These all play important roles in ancient Chinese society’s economic and political structure.

    Firstly, a social order. In this aspect, rituals include etiquette and hierarchy. This is a kind of universal order or a kind of responsibility. In traditional Chinese society, there was the patriarchal system of Zhou. Individuals’ roles are significant because only everyone undertakes their own responsibilities well so that society can work well. As the Analects of Confucius said: “Let the king be a king, the minister a minister, the father a father, and the son a son.” (君君,臣臣,父父,子子。) This line shows the truth of the society and only in this way could a society maintain a stable order and keep a long life.

    Secondly, a personality. In this aspect, rituals include sincerity and appropriateness. This is a kind of principle to be a gentleman or Junzi. In Confucianism, Confucius strongly admired the concept of a Junzi. The recognition of a Junzi in ancient times was also irreplaceable. And the most important thing is that people believe that the character of a Junzi is “ritual” or “Li”. Confucius said self-denial and retribution. This shows that in Confucius's thought, when a person is bound to himself and assumes the responsibilities of his social identity, he is a gentleman, and this society is expected to restore "Li".

    Therefore, ritual is significant and necessary to traditional Chinese society.

    Now let’s come back to the original question: can we say that Confucius is in line with inhumanity? Obviously no. As I mentioned above, freedom is an individual’s action that fit into universal law from the perspective of Kant. According to him, the universal law is to make a society function well so individuals have to obey the law and under this law, individuals could do anything without external interference. In this aspect, we can find some similarities with traditional Chinese “Li”. “Li” also wants to pave the way for a stable and harmonious society. In Kant’s idea, individuals should restrain themselves to obey the universal law. In Confucius, individuals should be Junzi to undertake the responsibilities and keep the social order. In fact, they achieve the same goal with similar methods. They all think that the priority is a harmonious society and the nature of a person is to be virtuous. So Confucius isn’t in line with inhumanity.


  • 13班张恒瑞 12-24

    1. What is "Liberty" (On Kant's Ideas of Justice)The central concept of Kant's moral philosophy is "freedom". In Kant's view, justice is the right and duty of free will. The free exercise of human's will in the state of law can coexist with the freedom of other people, and it is the unity of rights and legal system.

    2. Why does the economic and political structure of Chinese traditional society need "ritual"?"Rite" is the core category of Confucianism, which has extensive denotation and rich connotation. From the perspective of its connotation, in Confucianism, "ritual" is not only a social political ideal, but also a moral norm. It maintains the stability and development of society by guiding, restraining and regulating people's thoughts and behaviors. In a sense, ancient Chinese culture is the culture of "rite", ancient Chinese politics is the politics of "rite", and the development history of ancient Chinese society is the development history of "rite". In ancient China, the developed degree of ritual and its role in the whole national spirit and social politics have unique and important cultural significance.The core content of traditional culture accumulated in China's history of several thousand years is "rite", which is basically based on "rite". "Rite" has a close relationship with the political concept, political behavior and political system in ancient China.In addition, the economy and society of ancient China also have close relation with "rite". As a land country, the Chinese are comfortable with the status quo, and most of them are resistant to advanced inventions. Greece is a maritime nation that thrives on commerce. Businessmen have a chance to see different customs, they change their habits so they are not afraid of new things. So there is a fundamental difference between the peoples of land countries and those of sea countries. So, how can we get a better life rite as the accumulation of Chinese traditional culture, contains the wisdom of predecessors. It constitutes tradition, class, ritual, and gradually passed down.

    3. Why does the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture produce metaphysics and monotheism?Hellenistic tradition laid the foundation of later philosophic thoughts and influenced the development of philosophy from ancient to modern. The Hellenistic traditional thinking methods, problems and theoretical framework have become important references for exploration and discussion of western philosophy.

    4. Can we conclude that: Confucius is inhuman. (as suggested by Bertrand Russel on page 54)?No, we cannot conclude that Confucius is in line with Russell's inhuman theory just because rites or rites conflict with human emotional instincts and free spirits. Confucius did emphasize the importance of ritual and social structure, but not at the expense of humanity or free will.Confucianism is determined by the "private" nature of human nature and the "public" nature of the state. On the one hand, it emphasizes family harmony and brotherhood, and on the other, loyalty to the country and the monarchy and compassion for the people. At the same time, Confucianism also embodies the personal ambition, through various cultivation and disciplines, guide people to the correct way.

  • 陈世霖 12-24

    No, we cannot say that Confucius is in line with inhumanity as suggested by Russel.

    According to Kant's, freedom is the foundation of justice. Freedom is relative, not absolute, and absolute freedom does not exist.

    Society needs order. China is a continental country, also called family sate, in which the family is the foundation of the country.Therefore, the social organization is automatic and hierarchic. In ancient China, Confucianism was used to bind people's behavior, whereas in the West, law was used to bind people's behavior. We cannot regard the force of law as inhumanity, and thus we cannot regard Li as inhumanity.

    The heart of ritual is the human, and even if it is true that Li is used to organize and structure society and personal behavior, it is still human-based ritual. Confucius placed significant emphasis on empathy and the recognition of others' emotions, thereby acknowledging the importance of emotional instincts and the free expression of feelings. What's more, Li seeks to establish a balance between personal desires and societal well-being, encouraging individuals to act virtuously. 

  • 叶佳俊 12-24

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)Social Order and Stability: Rituals provided a framework for maintaining social order and harmony within the community. 


    Legitimizing Authority: Rituals were used to legitimize the authority of rulers and government officials.


    Moral and Ethical Guidance: Rituals were deeply intertwined with Confucian ethics, emphasizing virtues such as filial piety, respect for elders, and social responsibility.Continental Countries: Continental countries, on the other hand, are those that are geographically dominated by landmasses and have limited access to the sea. These nations often have a greater emphasis on land-based trade and transportation, and their economies and cultures may be more influenced by their immediate neighbors rather than by maritime influences. Examples of continental countries include Russia, China, Brazil, and Germany.

  • 叶佳俊 12-24

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)Social Order and Stability: Rituals provided a framework for maintaining social order and harmony within the community. 


    Legitimizing Authority: Rituals were used to legitimize the authority of rulers and government officials.


    Moral and Ethical Guidance: Rituals were deeply intertwined with Confucian ethics, emphasizing virtues such as filial piety, respect for elders, and social responsibility.Continental Countries: Continental countries, on the other hand, are those that are geographically dominated by landmasses and have limited access to the sea. These nations often have a greater emphasis on land-based trade and transportation, and their economies and cultures may be more influenced by their immediate neighbors rather than by maritime influences. Examples of continental countries include Russia, China, Brazil, and Germany.

  • 4班农可翌 12-25

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    Kant believed that the real freedom refers to the free will of a person to act according to his own legislation, without being bound by natural laws in the sense of morality and money. Human rationality establishes the necessary laws of nature in terms of objects, but also limits their freedom as a result. In true currency, the same rationality of humans can be free from the constraints of natural laws, but act according to their consistent and universal laws of free will.


    2. Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"?

    Rituals play a crucial role in traditional Chinese law. Ritual is the spiritual core of law and is inseparable. Under the common goal of maintaining feudal autocratic rule, they each performed their respective functions and complemented each other. As a symbol of traditional Chinese culture, ritual has been deeply rooted in the spiritual world of Chinese people and has been widely recognized. Its status and function are even beyond the law, becoming the supreme existence. "Ritual" is actually a code of conduct generated by human interaction, or a social rule. Institutional economics believes that the system itself is voluntarily achieved and voluntarily observed through the interaction between people, and it is effective. Why? It's simple: an agreed result is a good result.


    3. Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    The difference between maritime and continental countries is based on geographical and economic factors. The economies of maritime countries surrounded by the sea are often influenced by maritime activities such as trade, fishing, and navigation, while landlocked continental countries place greater emphasis on agriculture.


    4. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    The Hellenistic tradition in Western culture stimulated the thinking beyond the material world and promoted the development of metaphysics. This philosophical trend leads individuals to go beyond sensory experience and seek a higher truth. At the same time, religious beliefs in the Hellenistic tradition laid the foundation for monotheism, focusing on a single god and emphasizing the order and unity of the universe.


    5.Can we draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity (as suggested by Bertrand Russel on page 54)?  

    No,Russell's view that "Confucius is in line with inhumanity" is narrow and limited. This is a misunderstanding and an oversimplification of Confucian philosophy. Confucius did emphasize the importance of Li and social structure, but not at the expense of humanity or free will. First of all, we must understand the Confucian thought of Li. In the concept of Confucius, Li not only a kind of form, but also a kind of norms and guidance for human emotions and behaviors. He believes that through the cultivation of Li, people can better control their desires and emotions, and achieve inner peace and social harmony. Secondly, we should realize that Confucius' thought of Li or ritual is not to suppress people's emotions and desires, but to guide people to express and release their emotions correctly. In Confucius' thought, human emotions and desires are natural, but only through correct guidance and regulation can they be reasonably expressed and released in society. Finally, we should understand the relationship between Confucius' thoughts of Li and individual freedom and spirit. In Confucius' concept, individual freedom and spirit are not suppressed or ignored, but better realized through the cultivation of Li. He believes that only when people can properly control their emotions and desires can they truly realize their self-worth and free spirit.

  • 16班王菁 12-25

    1. What is freedom?(on kant's idea of justice)
    On Kant's idea of justice, freedom is understood as the ability to act according to the moral law, rather than being subject to external constraints or desires. Kant believes that freedom is a necessary condition for morality, and that it is only through acting freely, according to the dictates of reason, that we can truly be considered moral agents. Kant's understanding of freedom is also connected to his concept of autonomy, which holds that individuals should be free to make their own choices and decisions, based on their own rational judgment, rather than being subject to the control of others. In this way, Kant maintains that justice requires respect for individual freedom and autonomy, and that the proper role of government is to ensure that individuals are able to exercise their freedom in accordance with the moral law.
    2. Why does the political and economic structure of traditional Chinese society require "Li”
    The reason why the political and economic structure of traditional Chinese society requires "ritual" is because "ritual" played an important role in ancient Chinese society. Firstly, "ritual" is a tool for maintaining social order. In ancient China, social hierarchy was clear, hierarchy was orderly, and people's lives and behaviors needed to follow certain rules and standards, and "li" was the concentrated embodiment of these rules and standards. Through etiquette, people can clarify their status and role in society, thereby maintaining social stability and harmony. Secondly, "ritual" is also an important component of ancient Chinese political system. Under the monarchy, the emperor was the supreme ruler, and officials at all levels expressed loyalty and obedience to the emperor through "rituals". This political system centered around "etiquette" helps to maintain the authority of the monarch, consolidate the foundation of governance, and ensure the normal operation of the state machinery. In addition, "li" also played an important role in ancient Chinese economic activities. Under self-sufficient natural economic conditions, people's production and exchange activities need to follow certain rules and customs, and "etiquette" is an important manifestation of these rules and customs. Through etiquette, people can regulate economic behavior, ensure fair transactions, and promote economic development. In summary, "li" plays an important role in maintaining social order, consolidating political rule, and promoting economic development in the political and economic structure of traditional Chinese society. Therefore, "ritual" is regarded as one of the indispensable and important elements in ancient Chinese society.
    3. Why did the Hebrew tradition in Western culture give birth to metaphysics and monotheism
    There are two main reasons for the emergence of metaphysics and monotheism in the Western cultural tradition of Hiro. On the one hand, the Hiro tradition emphasizes the curiosity and exploratory spirit towards the unknown, and this thirst for knowledge is one of the driving forces behind the development of metaphysics. On the other hand, the emphasis on language in the Hiro tradition also promoted the formation of metaphysics. Ancient Greek philosophers began to deeply contemplate language, exploring its essence and meaning. This way of thinking influenced the metaphysical way of thinking. The rise of monotheism was formed in the social and historical context. In the process of the disintegration of primitive society and the formation of class society, social contradictions have become increasingly acute, and people's dissatisfaction and disappointment with real life have prompted them to seek spiritual sustenance. The emergence of monotheism satisfies people's spiritual needs, providing a unified worldview and values, making people believe that there is a supreme deity in control of the world and can save humanity. At the same time, the teachings and rituals of monotheism also bring comfort and hope to people, allowing them to find solace and comfort in difficulties and hardships. In short, the spirit of exploration and emphasis on language in Hiro's tradition provided conditions for the birth of metaphysics, while the rise of monotheism was a product of social and historical background, meeting people's spiritual needs.

    The perspective on the role of rituals or rituals in constructing social and individual behavior, as well as their potential conflicts with human emotions and the spirit of freedom, actually touches on an important issue of finding a balance between maintaining social order and promoting individual freedom.
    Confucius, as the founder of the Confucian school, indeed emphasized the importance of propriety, believing that propriety is the key to maintaining social harmony and appropriate relationships between people. In Confucius' concept, ritual is not only an external norm and ritual, but also an internal moral constraint and a manifestation of personal cultivation. Through etiquette, people can control their emotions and make appropriate behaviors, thereby promoting social harmony and stability.
    In contrast, Bertrand Russell's proposition proposes an interesting point that certain traditions and norms may conflict with human emotional instincts and the spirit of freedom. However, this does not mean that we can simply equate Confucius with non-human nature. In fact, Confucius emphasized the sublimation of human nature and social harmony through etiquette, which is different from the concept of non-human nature.
    In summary, we cannot simply draw the conclusion that Confucius is consistent with non human nature. On the contrary, Confucius emphasized more on the individual's responsibilities and obligations in society, as well as cultivating and expressing kindness and virtues in human nature through etiquette. When understanding and evaluating Confucius' ideas, we need to consider his inherent values and human nature more comprehensively.


  • 陈海玉 12-25

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    According to Kant, true freedom is considered to mean that man has the free will to act according to his own legislation without being bound by the law of nature in the sense of moral real money, and that man's reason establishes the inevitable laws of nature in the aspect of objects, but therefore limits his own freedom. In real money, the same reason of man is able not to be bound by the laws of nature, but to act according to its own consistent universal law of free will.


    2. Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"?

    Ritual play a crucial role in traditional Chinese law. Rites are the spiritual core of law, and they cannot be separated. Under the same goal of maintaining feudal autocratic rule, they play their respective roles and complement each other. As a symbol of Chinese traditional culture, ritual has been deeply rooted in the spiritual world of Chinese people, and has gained universal recognition. Its status and function even transcend the law and become the supreme existence.

    "Ritual" is actually a code of conduct generated by the interaction between people, or a social rule. The system itself, which is reached voluntarily and observed voluntarily through the interaction between people, is said to be efficient by institutional economics. Why is that? It's simple: an agreed result is a good result.


    3.Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    1, Marine countries, Marine countries in a broad sense as long as adjacent to the sea are counted, generally referring to the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Japan and Japan and the United States, China is also a Marine country.

    2, continental countries, continental countries are landlocked countries, the territory does not include the sea, France, Germany and Russia are continental countries.


    4. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    From the historical process of metaphysics development, there are actually three kinds of metaphysics: universal ontology, category ontology and meaning ontology. Greek philosophy originated from the search for "the universality of the world" (the original).


    5. Can we draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity (as suggested by Bertrand Russel on page 54)?

    No, we cannot conclude that Confucius is consistent with inhumanity simply because rites or rituals conflict with human emotional instincts and the spirit of freedom. While Confucius did emphasize the importance of etiquette and social structure, this was not at the expense of humanity or free will.

    Confucius believed rites were important in promoting social harmony and respect for others, but also emphasized the importance of compassion, empathy, and personal expression.

    In addition, Russell's evaluation of Confucian inhumanity is narrow and limited. Confucianism and philosophy have evolved over time, and there is no single, unitary interpretation of Confucianism.

  • 罗晏 12-25

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    Kant's concept of justice centers around the idea of treating individuals as ends in themselves and not merely as means to an end. In this context, justice is about respecting and upholding individual rights, including the right to freedom. This means that individuals should be able to exercise their freedom as long as it does not infringe on the equal freedom of others.

    2.Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"

    It is important to note that while traditional Chinese society placed great emphasis on ritual, contemporary China has experienced significant societal changes. While elements of ritual remain in certain aspects of Chinese culture, the economic and political structures have evolved to accommodate modern developments.

    3.Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    The distinction between maritime countries and continental countries is primarily based on their geography, resources, and economic characteristics.

    4.Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    The rise of metaphysics and monotheism in Western culture cannot be solely attributed to the Hellenistic tradition. While the Hellenistic period did have an influence on Western philosophical and religious thought, it is necessary to consider multiple factors that contributed to the development of these concepts.

    Metaphysics, as a philosophical discipline, examines the fundamental nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attributes, and cause and effect. The origins of metaphysical inquiry can be traced back to ancient Greek philosophers like Parmenides, Heraclitus, and Plato, who explored questions about the nature of existence and knowledge. However, it is worth noting that metaphysical inquiries were not limited to the Hellenistic tradition but also evolved independently in other cultures.

    Similarly, the concept of monotheism, the belief in one God, has roots in various religious and philosophical traditions across different cultures. In the context of Western culture, monotheism gained prominence primarily through the Abrahamic religions, such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These religions emerged in different historical periods and regions, and their teachings and beliefs were influenced by a variety of cultural factors, including the Hellenistic period in some cases.

    It is important to recognize that cultural, historical, and socio-political contexts play significant roles in the evolution of philosophical and religious ideas. While the Hellenistic tradition contributed to the development of metaphysics and had some impact on monotheism, it is crucial to consider the broader historical and cultural landscape to fully understand the emergence and evolution of these concepts in Western culture.

  • 邓小双 12-25

    Bertrand Russell, a philosopher, presented the viewpoint that Confucian rituals or Li may conflict with human emotional instinct and free spirit, suggesting that Confucius' teachings align with inhumanity. However, it is important to consider the historical and cultural context in which Confucius lived.
    Confucius emphasized the importance of rituals and social order for maintaining harmony and stability within society. From his perspective, rituals were not simply empty formalities but served as a means to cultivate virtues, foster social bonds, and promote ethical behavior. Confucius believed that by adhering to proper conduct and etiquette, individuals could contribute to the well-being of both themselves and society as a whole.
    While some may interpret Confucian rituals as restrictive or stifling, it is crucial to recognize that Confucianism also advocated for the cultivation of benevolence, empathy, and humaneness (ren). Confucius emphasized the importance of balance and harmony, suggesting that rituals should be carried out with sincerity, empathy, and compassion.
    In conclusion, the assessment of Confucius as aligning with inhumanity based solely on the potential conflict between rituals and human emotions is a narrow interpretation. Confucius' teachings sought to promote moral development, social harmony, and the well-being of individuals and society.

  • 周睿杰 12-25

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    Kant's concept of justice centers around the idea of treating individuals as ends in themselves and not merely as means to an end. In this context, justice is about respecting and upholding individual rights, including the right to freedom. This means that individuals should be able to exercise their freedom as long as it does not infringe on the equal freedom of others.

    2.Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"

    It is important to note that while traditional Chinese society placed great emphasis on ritual, contemporary China has experienced significant societal changes. While elements of ritual remain in certain aspects of Chinese culture, the economic and political structures have evolved to accommodate modern developments.

    3.Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    The distinction between maritime countries and continental countries is primarily based on their geography, resources, and economic characteristics.

    4.Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    The rise of metaphysics and monotheism in Western culture cannot be solely attributed to the Hellenistic tradition. While the Hellenistic period did have an influence on Western philosophical and religious thought, it is necessary to consider multiple factors that contributed to the development of these concepts.

    Metaphysics, as a philosophical discipline, examines the fundamental nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attributes, and cause and effect. The origins of metaphysical inquiry can be traced back to ancient Greek philosophers like Parmenides, Heraclitus, and Plato, who explored questions about the nature of existence and knowledge. However, it is worth noting that metaphysical inquiries were not limited to the Hellenistic tradition but also evolved independently in other cultures.

    Similarly, the concept of monotheism, the belief in one God, has roots in various religious and philosophical traditions across different cultures. In the context of Western culture, monotheism gained prominence primarily through the Abrahamic religions, such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These religions emerged in different historical periods and regions, and their teachings and beliefs were influenced by a variety of cultural factors, including the Hellenistic period in some cases.

    It is important to recognize that cultural, historical, and socio-political contexts play significant roles in the evolution of philosophical and religious ideas. While the Hellenistic tradition contributed to the development of metaphysics and had some impact on monotheism, it is crucial to consider the broader historical and cultural landscape to fully understand the emergence and evolution of these concepts in Western culture.

  • 21班刘书宏 12-25

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    Kant's concept of justice centers around the idea of treating individuals as ends in themselves and not merely as means to an end. In this context, justice is about respecting and upholding individual rights, including the right to freedom. This means that individuals should be able to exercise their freedom as long as it does not infringe on the equal freedom of others.

    2.Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"

    It is important to note that while traditional Chinese society placed great emphasis on ritual, contemporary China has experienced significant societal changes. While elements of ritual remain in certain aspects of Chinese culture, the economic and political structures have evolved to accommodate modern developments.

    3.Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    The distinction between maritime countries and continental countries is primarily based on their geography, resources, and economic characteristics.

    4.Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    The rise of metaphysics and monotheism in Western culture cannot be solely attributed to the Hellenistic tradition. While the Hellenistic period did have an influence on Western philosophical and religious thought, it is necessary to consider multiple factors that contributed to the development of these concepts.

    Metaphysics, as a philosophical discipline, examines the fundamental nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attributes, and cause and effect. The origins of metaphysical inquiry can be traced back to ancient Greek philosophers like Parmenides, Heraclitus, and Plato, who explored questions about the nature of existence and knowledge. However, it is worth noting that metaphysical inquiries were not limited to the Hellenistic tradition but also evolved independently in other cultures.

    Similarly, the concept of monotheism, the belief in one God, has roots in various religious and philosophical traditions across different cultures. In the context of Western culture, monotheism gained prominence primarily through the Abrahamic religions, such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These religions emerged in different historical periods and regions, and their teachings and beliefs were influenced by a variety of cultural factors, including the Hellenistic period in some cases.

    It is important to recognize that cultural, historical, and socio-political contexts play significant roles in the evolution of philosophical and religious ideas. While the Hellenistic tradition contributed to the development of metaphysics and had some impact on monotheism, it is crucial to consider the broader historical and cultural landscape to fully understand the emergence and evolution of these concepts in Western culture.

  • 刘东东 12-25

    In Confucius' concept, ritual is a manifestation of social order. It represents a set of norms and guidelines, serving as the foundation for interpersonal interactions. When a person lacks compassion, how can they follow the norms of propriety? In other words, if a person does not possess internal moral qualities, it is difficult for them to follow external etiquette norms in social life.

    From a historical perspective, ritual played a very important role in ancient Chinese society. It is not only the cornerstone of the national political order, but also the norm of people's daily lives. However, if a person lacks compassion, they are likely to encounter problems in the process of following rituals. For example, in ancient court buildings, if a minister lacked benevolence, he may disregard national interests for his own personal gain.


    The sentence above is an example of the humanity inside ritual. In general etiquette, it is better to be simple and frugal than extravagant and wasteful; Speaking of funerals, instead of pursuing elaborate rituals, it's better to truly mourn in your heart. So ritual also include the humanity.

  • 19班李馨 12-25

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    The core concept of Kant's moral philosophy is freedom. In Kant's view, people not only belong to the "feeling" or "phenomenal" world, but also belong to the "conceptual" or "ontology" world. As part of the world of empirical phenomena, man is determined and unfree, and his will and behavior are subject to the causal law of the natural world. As part of the rational ontology world, man is a free and moral driving force. He is free and self-determined to choose between good and evil. Kant believes that the general principles of law and morality cannot be based on empirical human nature, but must be incorporated into the "conceptual" or "ontological" world, and built on a priori "should" world based on rational commands.

    2. Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"?

    Compared with the law, ritual has three strengths and advantages, which can prevent trouble, guide people to kindness, and maintain the harmony of social order. Governing the world with ritual can establish a good social order, make people separate, fulfill their respective responsibilities, and avoid social chaos and contradictions.

    The defect of ritual is that when people do not abide by the norms of etiquette, they cannot take coercive measures to punish them. Therefore, in the long-term historical evolution, the combination of ritual and law has formed a governance method that combines ritual and law.

    In a word, governing the world with courtesy is one of the important ways of social governance in ancient China, which is rooted in Confucianism. The advantage of ritual is that it can establish a good social order and avoid social chaos and contradictions. However, the defect of ritual is that it cannot force people to abide by ritual norms. Therefore, in the long-term historical evolution, the combination of ritual and law has formed a governance method that combines ritual and law.

    3.Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    The Greeks lived ina maritime country and maintained their prosperity thought commerce.

    They were primarily merchants. And what merchants have to deal with first are the abstract numbers used in their commercial accounts, and only then with concrete things that may have immediately apprehended through these numbers.Such numbers are what Northrop called concepts by postulation. Hence Greek philosopher s likewise took the concept by postulation as their starting point.They developed mathematics and mathematical reasoning. That is why they had epistemological problem and why their language was so articulate. They are accustomed to change and are not afraid of novelty.

    Continental Countries

    This is the view of one who admire the natural and condemns the artificial. The way of life of the farmers is to follow nature. They admire nature and condemn the artificial, and in their primitivity and innocent, they are easily made content.

    4. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    The ancient Greeks strongly focused on political democracy and freedom of thought, firmly believed in human values and dignity, and did not succumb to any secular or religious authority. With the attitude of rationalism and secularism and adhering to the spirit of free exploration, positive thinking and continuous innovation, they have brought free, rational and democratic humanistic ideas, optimistic and enterprising attitude towards life and healthy and simple aesthetic concepts to the Western world.

  • 17班杨奔 12-25

    what is "freedom"?(on Kant's idea of Justice)
    On Kant's idea of justice, "freedom" refers to the fundamental principle that individuals have the inherent capacity to act in accordance with reason and make choices autonomously. Kant emphasized that human beings possess rationality, and it is through the exercise of this rationality that they can act as free moral agents.
    For Kant, freedom is not mere license or the ability to act without constraint. It is instead closely linked to individual responsibility and moral duty. True freedom, according to Kant, is achieved when one acts in accordance with moral laws that are universally valid and can be rationally justified.
    Why does the traditional Chinese society’s economic and political structure need “Ritual”?
    In traditional Chinese society, the concept of “ritual” played a significant role in both the economic and political structure. Ritual, known as “Li” in Chinese, referred to a set of formalized behaviors, customs, and social norms that governed various aspects of life, including interpersonal relationships, governance, and economic activities.
    Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?
    The Hellenistic period, which followed the conquests of Alexander the Great and lasted from the 4th century BCE to the 1st century BCE, had a significant impact on Western culture, particularly in terms of philosophy and religious thought. During this time, the meeting and blending of Greek philosophy with other cultural traditions, including Egyptian, Persian, and Jewish, led to the development of metaphysics and the rise of monotheism.
    1. Metaphysics: The Hellenistic philosophers, building upon the works of earlier Greek philosophers like Plato and Aristotle, sought to understand the nature of reality, existence, and the ultimate truth. This philosophical inquiry gave rise to metaphysics, which deals with abstract concepts and questions about the fundamental nature of being, the universe, and the divine. Hellenistic philosophers such as Pythagoras, Plato, and the Stoics greatly influenced later Western thinkers in exploring metaphysical concepts.
    2. Contact with Eastern Cultures: The conquests of Alexander the Great brought the Greeks into contact with Eastern cultures, such as the Egyptians and Persians, who had their own rich religious and philosophical traditions. The exchange of ideas and cultural influences between these civilizations contributed to the development of new philosophical and religious concepts. For example, the concept of a supreme deity as the ultimate source of order and unity found in Persian Zoroastrianism influenced the development of monotheism in Western thought.
    3. Influence of Judaism: The Hellenistic period also coincided with the expansion of the Hellenistic Empire into regions with significant Jewish populations. As Greek culture and philosophy permeated these areas, it influenced Jewish intellectuals and led to the development of Hellenistic Jewish philosophy. Jewish philosophers, such as Philo of Alexandria, sought to synthesize Greek philosophy, particularly the metaphysical ideas of Plato and the Stoics, with Jewish religious beliefs. This blending of Greek and Jewish thought provided a foundation for the eventual emergence of monotheism in Western culture.
    In summary, the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture gave rise to metaphysics and monotheism due to the inquiry into the nature of reality, the blending of Greek philosophy with other cultural traditions, and the influence of Judaism in synthesizing Greek thought with Jewish beliefs. These developments had a profound and lasting impact on Western philosophy and religious thinking.
    Can we draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity?
    No, it would not be accurate to conclude that Confucius is in line with inhumanity based on the assertion that Li or rituals conflict with human emotional instinct and free spirit. Confucianism, as a philosophical and cultural tradition, emphasizes the cultivation of moral character, the pursuit of a harmonious society, and the attainment of well-being for the individual and the community. Li, as a concept, refers to the norms, rites, and customs that govern human behavior and interaction, and it is regarded as a means to cultivate virtue and promote social harmony. It is not meant to suppress human emotions and creativity, but rather to provide a framework for these qualities to be expressed and appreciated in an appropriate and constructive manner. While some may view Confucianism as too rigid and hierarchical in its approach to social organization, it has also been praised for its focus on the development of the whole person and the nurturing of human relationships. Ultimately, the relationship between Li and human nature is complex and multifaceted, and it cannot be reduced to a simple dichotomy between order and freedom, or between civilization and savagery.

  • 钟文 12-25

    1. The core concept of Kant's moral philosophy is "freedom". In Kant's view, justice is the right and duty of free will, the free exercise of human will in the state of law can coexist with the freedom of all others, and is the unity of rights and legal system. Kant divided freedom into three levels: prior freedom, practical freedom, and moral freedom. The prior freedom is the freedom of reason, free from external limitations and constraints. The freedom of practice is the freedom of will, which can be achieved through the guidance of reason. And moral freedom, which is the freedom of self-discipline, is not restricted or bound by external factors in the field of morality.

    2. In the Confucian ideological system, "li" not only includes the etiquette or rules of treating people and things in daily life, but also includes the systems and norms in various fields of ancient Chinese social life, and even includes ideological concepts or moral rationality that are compatible with these systems and norms. The feudal system of ancient China needed this system to maintain stability.

    3. Due to the flourishing development of philosophy in ancient Greece and Rome, as well as the differences in people's ways of thinking and the flourishing development of commerce, metaphysics and monotheism emerged


    4. No,Russell's understanding of Li and Confucius was one-sided. Russel believed that Confucius' Li restricted human freedom, but in reality, Li did not limit people's freedom of thought and behavior. Although Confucius emphasized the importance of Li in society at that time, he did not achieve the popularization of Li at the cost of sacrificing human freedom.

  • 18班张宝文 12-25

    The concept of freedom is the central normative and metaphysical concept in Kant's philosophy. Freedom of choice and action from constraint by external forces but also even from one's own mere inclinations, something that can be achieved not by the elimination of inclinations, which is not possible for human beings, but by the subjection of inclination to the rule of reason and its demand for universalizability, which Kant ultimately calls “autonomy”, “the property of the will by which it is a law to itself”, is the ultimate value for Kant, the only value that can be an end in itself and has a dignity beyond all price. Freedom of the will, the ability to initiate an action spontaneously, independently of determination by mere laws of nature, so that every human agent has the capacity to act in accordance with the moral law no matter what might seem to be predicted by her entire prior history, is for Kant only a logical possibility in theoretical philosophy but an inescapable postulate of pure practical reason, “the necessary condition of … the complete fulfillment of the moral law". 

    As for the concept of Li, firstly it contains ancient rituals rooted in agrarian civilization, like ceremonies asking for rain and harvest. In the wake of low productivity,  a highly centralized power structure was formed, thus resulting in the demonstration of social hierarchy, namely Li.  In a well-organized social order, politeness is required, as well as appropriateness for interpersonal connections. Therefore, Li serves as a moral norm for Chinese ancient society.

    I don't think Confucious thoughts go against humanity. In the feudal system then, Li is to stabilize social order, promote interpersonal communication, and pursue the common ideal. Based on my understanding of moral freedom, or the freedom of will, which means one can live according to moral standards – to produce some good, and to attain some virtue, Li provides a possible means to freedom. Rules and etiquette are consensual contracts between literate civilians, not shackles for criminals.


  • 九班韩茗 12-25

    While some would argue that Confucius' emphasis on ritual and social structure could be seen as in conflict with human emotions and the spirit of freedom, I would argue that Confucius was still humane. Confucius believed that ritual and social order were essential to maintaining social harmony. Crucially, Confucius also stressed the importance of empathy, kindness, and cultivating inner virtue. The suggestion that Confucius conforms to inhumanity may be a misunderstanding of Confucian philosophy. Confucius' teachings focus on improving individuals and society through ethical behavior, self-cultivation, and moral principles. While rituals and social structures are important in Confucianism, they are not intended to suppress human emotions or free spirits, but rather to guide individuals' interactions with others. Thus, Confucius' teachings aim to balance social order and individual freedom, not to promote inhumanity.

  • 20班殷浩 12-25

    If we want to answer this question, we need to figure out something related to justice, freedom, rituals, traditional Chinese structure. 

    • Firstly,What is Justice or liberty?

    In the moral philosophy, Kant conceives of persons as free moral agents, endowed with the capacity to make decisions independently of external causal forces and their own desires. Such agents are, for Kant, both equal and autonomous: equal in the sense that they each possess the same worth or dignity, and autonomous in that they are capable of self-legislating the moral law, committing themselves to what they recognize as universal, rational constraints on their own action. In Kant’s political philosophy, “the legal system is the framework of coordination through which citizens take each other into account in this way. The laws that are morally legitimate for Kant are those under which we could think of ourselves as free, equal, and independent citizens, voting unanimously to commit to them and make them our own.” So from this respect, we can see that the freedom or the liberty isn’t unrestricted. So we need to exercise our right in a certain circle. 

    • Secondly, why the rituals is needed in tradition China?

    1.Law is an integral part of the system of etiquette. After the Qin and Han dynasties, especially after the middle of the Han Dynasty, etiquette, as a norm of words and deeds, was not only an organic part of the law, but also the highest guiding principle of the legal system of the entire feudal society. Rites play the normative function of law in society, which is realized through the way of introducing rites into the law and converging rites and laws. Although rituals and laws are independent, because rituals have the special function of regulating people's behavior and adjusting social order, it is not only necessary but also possible to introduce rituals into the law. The introduction of rites into the law began in the Han Dynasty, and Han Confucianism used Confucianism as a guide to interpret the law, until the sentence ofimprisonment was executed. After the development of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Tang Dynasty established the legislative guiding principle of "morality and propriety as the foundation of politics and religion, and punishment as the use of politics and religion", so that the combination of ritual and law was not only completed, but also reached the highest peak of Chinese feudal society. The famous Tang law was passed down to the world with the principle of "being accurate and courteous, and achieving the peace of the ancient and the modern". From then on, until the end of the Qing Dynasty, the etiquette norms that maintained the hierarchical society, such as the eight-discussion system, the petition system, the system of reduction, redemption, official office, and dismissal, constituted an organic part of Chinese feudal law, and became the basic principle guiding feudal legislation and justice.

    2.Etiquette is not only manifested as a political system and legal norms, but also an ethical norm that people generally follow in their daily lives, which guides people's ideology in the form of ethics and morality, so that people can accept the spirit of etiquette from the heart, follow the requirements of etiquette, and conform to the norms of etiquette. This is the etiquette and music education advocated by Confucianism.

    Followings are some telling examples in ancient Chinese to demonstrate what  I talked about just now.

    At the beginning of the week, the metric system of the week was made for music, and the ceremony was supplemented by virtue; In the late Spring and Autumn period, Confucius further interpreted benevolence as the most perfect ethical morality. The original meaning of benevolence is to love others, and to use it to deal with the relationship between father and son and brother, that is, fatherly kindness, filial piety, brotherhood, and brotherhood; Dealing with the relationship between the monarch and the minister is "the king makes the minister courteous, and the minister is loyal" ("Eight Hundred"); Dealing with the relationship between peers is to "establish others if you want to, and reach people if you want to reach others"("Yongye"), "Do not do to others what you do not want to do to yourself" ("Wei Linggong"). In terms of the relationship between benevolence and propriety, Confucius enriched propriety with benevolence, believing that Zhou rite is the most perfect ethical norm and system, and benevolence is the most perfect ethical concept and character; Benevolence is the spiritual essence of etiquette, "people are not benevolent, such as courtesy"! If people don't have the spirit of benevolence, etiquette is useless. In this way, in the connotation of etiquette, the moral factor gradually develops, so that later it reaches the point that "moral benevolence and righteousness, incivility does not become incivility"(Qu Li).Dong Zhongshu summarized the general thinking that had emerged in the pre-Qin period, and summarized various ethical norms as "three outlines and five constants". The "Three Principles and Five Constants" are not only the principles of etiquette and religion, but also the norms of morality. It absolutizes the social hierarchy and becomes a sacred moral code that everyone must abide by. After the rise of the Song and Ming dynasties, rites were raised to the height of heavenly principles. Cheng Zhu Lixue equates Tianli with the norms of ethics. Zhu Xi once said: "My so-called Taoist, of course, is the truth of the monarchs, ministers, fathers, sons, couples, brothers, and friends."  Such etiquette is a moral law that people must obey and obey. The purpose of the theorists to equate the principles of heaven with propriety is to make a metaphysical argument for feudal ethics, so that people can feel from the heart that obedience to the guidelines is the nature of the principles of heaven. It can be seen that the solidification of rituals into a common name religion plays a very important role in maintaining the hierarchical order of feudal society.

    Therefore, we can say that Confucius is in line with humanity instead of inhumanity.

  • 4班陈小雯 12-25

    I can't agree that Confucius's Li is inhumane.

    For one thing, we need to figure out the multiple meanings of "Li". "Litute" can be understood as both "courtesy" or "courtesy", and can also be defined as "sincerity", which means the "unity" of our behaviour and soul. Therefore, the "essence" of Li lies not in the "form", but in our "heart". To better understand Li, we can't just stay in the form of those rituals, but more importantly, let our hearts and feelings meet the requirements of Li.

    For another, we need to clarify some misunderstandings about the word "freedom".

    In fact, "freedom" is based on order and rules. Because without these constraints, people can do whatever they want, then the world will fall into chaos, not to mention the "freedom" of individuals. Therefore, social order prededs individual freedom. Only under Li's rule can we have a harmonious and stable society and have true freedom and humanity.

    In a word, Confucius's "Rites" highlights the idea of "people-oriented", not to hide the essence of "human nature", but as a natural expression of human emotions.

  • 4班陈小雯 12-25

    I can't agree that Confucius's Li is inhumane.

    For one thing, we need to figure out the multiple meanings of "Li". "Litute" can be understood as both "courtesy" or "courtesy", and can also be defined as "sincerity", which means the "unity" of our behaviour and soul. Therefore, the "essence" of Li lies not in the "form", but in our "heart". To better understand Li, we can't just stay in the form of those rituals, but more importantly, let our hearts and feelings meet the requirements of Li.

    For another, we need to clarify some misunderstandings about the word "freedom".

    In fact, "freedom" is based on order and rules. Because without these constraints, people can do whatever they want, then the world will fall into chaos, not to mention the "freedom" of individuals. Therefore, social order prededs individual freedom. Only under Li's rule can we have a harmonious and stable society and have true freedom and humanity.

    In a word, Confucius's "Rites" highlights the idea of "people-oriented", not to hide the essence of "human nature", but as a natural expression of human emotions.

  • 4班陈小雯 12-25

    I can't agree that Confucius's Li is inhumane.

    For one thing, we need to figure out the multiple meanings of "Li". "Litute" can be understood as both "courtesy" or "courtesy", and can also be defined as "sincerity", which means the "unity" of our behaviour and soul. Therefore, the "essence" of Li lies not in the "form", but in our "heart". To better understand Li, we can't just stay in the form of those rituals, but more importantly, let our hearts and feelings meet the requirements of Li.

    For another, we need to clarify some misunderstandings about the word "freedom".

    In fact, "freedom" is based on order and rules. Because without these constraints, people can do whatever they want, then the world will fall into chaos, not to mention the "freedom" of individuals. Therefore, social order prededs individual freedom. Only under Li's rule can we have a harmonious and stable society and have true freedom and humanity.

    In a word, Confucius's "Rites" highlights the idea of "people-oriented", not to hide the essence of "human nature", but as a natural expression of human emotions.

