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2023.08.24 ~ 2023.12.31
  • 四川外国语大学
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成绩预发布时间 2023-12-30





On the "limitation" of Li

By 张婷 老师 11-16 6320次浏览

Some people believe Li or rituals are about organizing and structuring social and personal behaviors, and thus seem to conflict with human emotional instinct and free spirit. Then, can we draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity (as suggested by Bertrand Russel on page 54)?  

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450 回复

  • 朱玲熙 12-25

    What is freedom? This question has been considered and debated by many people at home and abroad. And I prefer one of them, freedom with boundaries as Confucius and On Liberty talked about. Besides, freedom is not the freedom to do what many people understand, but the greatest edge that can be touched under the boundary of moral law. It is a human right given under the boundaries of moral law. So freedom itself is restricted by statute, but only freedom under restriction is really freedom. And "follow one's heart and do not exceed the moment" reflects that Confucius acted according to his own internal subjective will, which would not exceed the social norms of behavior at that time. Since this external behavior in accordance with the inner will does not violate the norms of social behavior, it shows that Confucius' desires are within the scope of rationality and justification. Confucius did not have any thoughts in his heart that were contrary to the norms of social behavior at that time, that is to say, there were no evil thoughts and improper thoughts, so that his behavior everywhere met the requirements of the norms of behavior (rites) at that time, he would not feel that he was restricted by social violence, which is the highest level of freedom of Confucianism described by Confucius.

  • 朱玲熙 12-25

    What is freedom? This question has been considered and debated by many people at home and abroad. And I prefer one of them, freedom with boundaries as Confucius and On Liberty talked about. Besides, freedom is not the freedom to do what many people understand, but the greatest edge that can be touched under the boundary of moral law. It is a human right given under the boundaries of moral law. So freedom itself is restricted by statute, but only freedom under restriction is really freedom. And "follow one's heart and do not exceed the moment" reflects that Confucius acted according to his own internal subjective will, which would not exceed the social norms of behavior at that time. Since this external behavior in accordance with the inner will does not violate the norms of social behavior, it shows that Confucius' desires are within the scope of rationality and justification. Confucius did not have any thoughts in his heart that were contrary to the norms of social behavior at that time, that is to say, there were no evil thoughts and improper thoughts, so that his behavior everywhere met the requirements of the norms of behavior (rites) at that time, he would not feel that he was restricted by social violence, which is the highest level of freedom of Confucianism described by Confucius.

  • 卢思伊 12-25

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    Kant's conception of justice is predicated on the idea of freedom, which he defines as the capacity to act in accordance with one's own will free from outside pressure or interventio n. Since freedom grants people the ability to choose for themselves and accept responsibi lity for their acts, it can be seen as the cornerstone of justice.

    2. Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritua I"?

    Rituals play a crucial role in traditional Chinese law. Ritual is the spiritual core of law and is inseparable. Under the common goal of maintaining feudal autocratic rule, they each perfo rmed their respective functions and complemented each other. As a symbol of traditional Chinese culture, ritual has been deeply rooted in the spiritual world of Chinese people and has been widely recognized. Its status and function are even beyond the law, becoming th e supreme existence.

    "Ritual" is actually a code of conduct generated by human interaction, or a social rule. Inst itutional economics believes that the system itself is voluntarily achieved and voluntarily o bserved through the interaction between people, and it is effective. Why? It's simple: an a greed result is a good result.

    3. Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    Observing human history worldwide from a comparative historical perspective reveals that there were already two different types of countries, continental countries and maritime cou ntries, as early as modern times.

    Maritime Country: Although its agricultural economy is still the foundation of its establishm ent, its survival depends to varying degrees on overseas trade.

    Continental Country: mainly refer to a closed country located in the interior of Eurasia, wit h its ruling core area far from the sea and based on natural economy as its foundation.

    4. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monoth eism?

    The term metaphysics can be divided into two parts: "form" and "learning from". "Form" h ere refers to the nature and structure of things, while "learning" means the field of study b eyond the material world. Therefore, the meaning of metaphysics in ancient Greece was to focus on the study of entities and phenomena beyond the material world, and to explore t heir fundamental attributes and causes.

    5.Conclusion: It would be incorrect to label Confucius as advocating inhumanity simply be cause Confucianism emphasizes ritual. Instead, in Confucian thought, rituals serve as mai Intainers of social order, contributing to the harmony of human relationships. Confucius' ph ilosophy seeks the harmonious relationships among people and does not conflict with hu man nature and freedom.

  • 邹华意 12-25

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    Kant's concept of justice centers around the idea of treating individuals as ends in themselves and not merely as means to an end. In this context, justice is about respecting and upholding individual rights, including the right to freedom. This means that individuals should be able to exercise their freedom as long as it does not infringe on the equal freedom of others.

    2.Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"

    It is important to note that while traditional Chinese society placed great emphasis on ritual, contemporary China has experienced significant societal changes. While elements of ritual remain in certain aspects of Chinese culture, the economic and political structures have evolved to accommodate modern developments.

    3.Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    The distinction between maritime countries and continental countries is primarily based on their geography, resources, and economic characteristics.

    4.Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    The rise of metaphysics and monotheism in Western culture cannot be solely attributed to the Hellenistic tradition. While the Hellenistic period did have an influence on Western philosophical and religious thought, it is necessary to consider multiple factors that contributed to the development of these concepts.

    Metaphysics, as a philosophical discipline, examines the fundamental nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attributes, and cause and effect. The origins of metaphysical inquiry can be traced back to ancient Greek philosophers like Parmenides, Heraclitus, and Plato, who explored questions about the nature of existence and knowledge. However, it is worth noting that metaphysical inquiries were not limited to the Hellenistic tradition but also evolved independently in other cultures.

    Similarly, the concept of monotheism, the belief in one God, has roots in various religious and philosophical traditions across different cultures. In the context of Western culture, monotheism gained prominence primarily through the Abrahamic religions, such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These religions emerged in different historical periods and regions, and their teachings and beliefs were influenced by a variety of cultural factors, including the Hellenistic period in some cases.

    It is important to recognize that cultural, historical, and socio-political contexts play significant roles in the evolution of philosophical and religious ideas. While the Hellenistic tradition contributed to the development of metaphysics and had some impact on monotheism, it is crucial to consider the broader historical and cultural landscape to fully understand the emergence and evolution of these concepts in Western culture.

  • 10班李雨思 12-25

    1.What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    The core concept of Kant's moral philosophy is "freedom". In Kant's view, justice is the right and duty of free will, the free exercise of human will in the state of law can coexist with the freedom of all others, and is the unity of rights and legal system.


    2. Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"?

    (1) Ritual is an unwritten norm in traditional Chinese society, which guides people's thoughts, behaviors and attitudes and has become an important norm in traditional Chinese society.

    (2) The ritual is a very important political system, which not only affects the individual behavior of people, but also affects the overall operation of feudal politics.

    (3) On the basis of the ritual,Chinese traditional society has formed a distinct hierarchy of family status and aristocracy.

    (4) The ritual has brought stability to the traditional Chinese society and ensured the long-term security of the country to a certain extent.


    3.Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    One way of classifying the nations of the world is to divide them into continental and maritime countries, characterized by agriculture and animal husbandry as the principal means of production; Maritime countries are characterized by commercial trade as the main mode of production. In addition, the continental country cohesion is strong; Maritime countries tend to be outward-looking and adventurous. Continental countries are conservative; Maritime countries are more receptive to new knowledge.


    4. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

     Hellenistic tradition laid the foundation for later philosophical thought, which influenced the development from ancient philosophy to modern philosophy. The thought methods, problems and theoretical framework of Hellenistic tradition have become an important reference for the exploration and discussion of Western philosophy.


    5.Can we draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity (as suggested by Bertrand Russel on page 54)?  

     No, we cannot conclude that Confucius conforms to Russell's inhumanity based solely on the belief that Li or rituals conflict with human emotional instincts and the spirit of freedom. Confucius did emphasize the importance of Li and social structure, but not at the expense of humanity or free will.

    Confucius's Confucianism is determined by the "private" nature of human nature and the "public" nature of the state. On the one hand, it emphasizes family harmony and brotherhood, on the other hand, loyalty to the country and the monarch, and sympathy for the people. At the same time, Confucianism also embodies individual aspirations and guides people to the right path through various cultivation and discipline.

  • 2班彭利 12-25

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    Kant believed that the real freedom refers to the free will of a person to act according to his own legislation, without being bound by natural laws in the sense of morality and money. Human rationality establishes the necessary laws of nature in terms of objects, but also limits their freedom as a result. In true currency, the same rationality of humans can be free from the constraints of natural laws, but act according to their consistent and universal laws of free will.

    2. Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"?

    Rituals play a crucial role in traditional Chinese law. Ritual is the spiritual core of law and is inseparable. Under the common goal of maintaining feudal autocratic rule, they each performed their respective functions and complemented each other. As a symbol of traditional Chinese culture, ritual has been deeply rooted in the spiritual world of Chinese people and has been widely recognized. Its status and function are even beyond the law, becoming the supreme existence.

    "Ritual" is actually a code of conduct generated by human interaction, or a social rule. Institutional economics believes that the system itself is voluntarily achieved and voluntarily observed through the interaction between people, and it is effective. Why? It's simple: an agreed result is a good result.

    3. Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    The difference between maritime and continental countries is based on geographical and economic factors. The economies of maritime countries surrounded by the sea are often influenced by maritime activities such as trade, fishing, and navigation, while landlocked continental countries place greater emphasis on agriculture.

    4. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    The Hellenistic tradition in Western culture stimulated the thinking beyond the material world and promoted the development of metaphysics. This philosophical trend leads individuals to go beyond sensory experience and seek a higher truth. At the same time, religious beliefs in the Hellenistic tradition laid the foundation for monotheism, focusing on a single god and emphasizing the order and unity of the universe.

    5.Can we draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity (as suggested by Bertrand Russel on page 54)?  

    No,Russell's view that "Confucius is in line with inhumanity" is narrow and limited. This is a misunderstanding and an oversimplification of Confucian philosophy. Confucius did emphasize the importance of Li and social structure, but not at the expense of humanity or free will.

    First of all, we must understand the Confucian thought of Li. In the concept of Confucius, Li not only a kind of form, but also a kind of norms and guidance for human emotions and behaviors. He believes that through the cultivation of Li, people can better control their desires and emotions, and achieve inner peace and social harmony.

    Secondly, we should realize that Confucius' thought of Li or ritual is not to suppress people's emotions and desires, but to guide people to express and release their emotions correctly. In Confucius' thought, human emotions and desires are natural, but only through correct guidance and regulation can they be reasonably expressed and released in society.

    Finally, we should understand the relationship between Confucius' thoughts of Li and individual freedom and spirit. In Confucius' concept, individual freedom and spirit are not suppressed or ignored, but better realized through the cultivation of Li. He believes that only when people can properly control their emotions and desires can they truly realize their self-worth and free spirit.

  • 2班彭利 12-25

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    Kant believed that the real freedom refers to the free will of a person to act according to his own legislation, without being bound by natural laws in the sense of morality and money. Human rationality establishes the necessary laws of nature in terms of objects, but also limits their freedom as a result. In true currency, the same rationality of humans can be free from the constraints of natural laws, but act according to their consistent and universal laws of free will.

    2. Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"?

    Rituals play a crucial role in traditional Chinese law. Ritual is the spiritual core of law and is inseparable. Under the common goal of maintaining feudal autocratic rule, they each performed their respective functions and complemented each other. As a symbol of traditional Chinese culture, ritual has been deeply rooted in the spiritual world of Chinese people and has been widely recognized. Its status and function are even beyond the law, becoming the supreme existence.

    "Ritual" is actually a code of conduct generated by human interaction, or a social rule. Institutional economics believes that the system itself is voluntarily achieved and voluntarily observed through the interaction between people, and it is effective. Why? It's simple: an agreed result is a good result.

    3. Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    The difference between maritime and continental countries is based on geographical and economic factors. The economies of maritime countries surrounded by the sea are often influenced by maritime activities such as trade, fishing, and navigation, while landlocked continental countries place greater emphasis on agriculture.

    4. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    The Hellenistic tradition in Western culture stimulated the thinking beyond the material world and promoted the development of metaphysics. This philosophical trend leads individuals to go beyond sensory experience and seek a higher truth. At the same time, religious beliefs in the Hellenistic tradition laid the foundation for monotheism, focusing on a single god and emphasizing the order and unity of the universe.

    5.Can we draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity (as suggested by Bertrand Russel on page 54)?  

    No,Russell's view that "Confucius is in line with inhumanity" is narrow and limited. This is a misunderstanding and an oversimplification of Confucian philosophy. Confucius did emphasize the importance of Li and social structure, but not at the expense of humanity or free will.

    First of all, we must understand the Confucian thought of Li. In the concept of Confucius, Li not only a kind of form, but also a kind of norms and guidance for human emotions and behaviors. He believes that through the cultivation of Li, people can better control their desires and emotions, and achieve inner peace and social harmony.

    Secondly, we should realize that Confucius' thought of Li or ritual is not to suppress people's emotions and desires, but to guide people to express and release their emotions correctly. In Confucius' thought, human emotions and desires are natural, but only through correct guidance and regulation can they be reasonably expressed and released in society.

    Finally, we should understand the relationship between Confucius' thoughts of Li and individual freedom and spirit. In Confucius' concept, individual freedom and spirit are not suppressed or ignored, but better realized through the cultivation of Li. He believes that only when people can properly control their emotions and desires can they truly realize their self-worth and free spirit.

  • 张轩奕 12-25

    The belief that Li or rituals conflict with human emotional instinct and free spirit is not sufficient evidence to draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity. Confucianism, which was developed by Confucius, emphasizes ethical principles, proper behavior, and the cultivation of virtues. The concept of Li plays a significant role in Confucian philosophy, as it encompasses rituals, etiquette, and social norms.

    While rituals and social norms may seem restrictive to some, they serve a purpose in organizing and structuring social and personal behaviors. Confucius believed that adherence to rituals and proper behavior was essential for maintaining social harmony and promoting moral character. These teachings are not meant to suppress human emotions or free spirit but rather to provide a framework that guides individuals towards virtuous conduct.

    Confucianism places a strong emphasis on the cultivation of virtues such as benevolence, righteousness, and filial piety. These values are seen as integral to the well-being of individuals and society as a whole. Confucius stressed the importance of balancing intellect with emotional intelligence and believed that individuals should strive for self-improvement while also caring for the welfare of others.

    Therefore, it is incorrect to conclude that Confucius and his teachings are in line with inhumanity solely based on the perception that Li or rituals conflict with human emotional instinct and free spirit. Confucianism seeks to promote moral growth, social harmony, and the well-being of individuals, which are fundamentally humane values.

  • 10班李雨思 12-25

    1.What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    The core concept of Kant's moral philosophy is "freedom". In Kant's view, justice is the right and duty of free will, the free exercise of human will in the state of law can coexist with the freedom of all others, and is the unity of rights and legal system.


    2. Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"?

    (1) Ritual is an unwritten norm in traditional Chinese society, which guides people's thoughts, behaviors and attitudes and has become an important norm in traditional Chinese society.

    (2) The ritual is a very important political system, which not only affects the individual behavior of people, but also affects the overall operation of feudal politics.

    (3) On the basis of the ritual,Chinese traditional society has formed a distinct hierarchy of family status and aristocracy.

    (4) The ritual has brought stability to the traditional Chinese society and ensured the long-term security of the country to a certain extent.


    3.Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    One way of classifying the nations of the world is to divide them into continental and maritime countries, characterized by agriculture and animal husbandry as the principal means of production; Maritime countries are characterized by commercial trade as the main mode of production. In addition, the continental country cohesion is strong; Maritime countries tend to be outward-looking and adventurous. Continental countries are conservative; Maritime countries are more receptive to new knowledge.


    4. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    Hellenistic tradition laid the foundation for later philosophical thought, which influenced the development from ancient philosophy to modern philosophy. The thought methods, problems and theoretical framework of Hellenistic tradition have become an important reference for the exploration and discussion of Western philosophy.


    5.Can we draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity (as suggested by Bertrand Russel on page 54)?  

    No, we cannot conclude that Confucius conforms to Russell's inhumanity based solely on the belief that Li or rituals conflict with human emotional instincts and the spirit of freedom. Confucius did emphasize the importance of Li and social structure, but not at the expense of humanity or free will. Confucius's Confucianism is determined by the "private" nature of human nature and the "public" nature of the state. On the one hand, it emphasizes family harmony and brotherhood, on the other hand, loyalty to the country and the monarch, and sympathy for the people. At the same time, Confucianism also embodies individual aspirations and guides people to the right path through various cultivation and discipline.

  • 11eleven 12-25

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    The core concept of Kant's moral philosophy is freedom. In Kant's view, people not only belong to the "feeling" or "phenomenal" world, but also belong to the "conceptual" or "ontology" world. As part of the world of empirical phenomena, man is determined and unfree, and his will and behavior are subject to the causal law of the natural world. As part of the rational ontology world, man is a free and moral driving force. He is free and self-determined to choose between good and evil. Kant believes that the general principles of law and morality cannot be based on empirical human nature, but must be incorporated into the "conceptual" or "ontological" world, and built on a priori "should" world based on rational commands.

    2. Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"?

    Compared with the law, ritual has three strengths and advantages, which can prevent trouble, guide people to kindness, and maintain the harmony of social order. Governing the world with ritual can establish a good social order, make people separate, fulfill their respective responsibilities, and avoid social chaos and contradictions.

    The defect of ritual is that when people do not abide by the norms of etiquette, they cannot take coercive measures to punish them. Therefore, in the long-term historical evolution, the combination of ritual and law has formed a governance method that combines ritual and law.

    In a word, governing the world with courtesy is one of the important ways of social governance in ancient China, which is rooted in Confucianism. The advantage of ritual is that it can establish a good social order and avoid social chaos and contradictions. However, the defect of ritual is that it cannot force people to abide by ritual norms. Therefore, in the long-term historical evolution, the combination of ritual and law has formed a governance method that combines ritual and law.

    3.Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    The Greeks lived ina maritime country and maintained their prosperity thought commerce.

    They were primarily merchants. And what merchants have to deal with first are the abstract numbers used in their commercial accounts, and only then with concrete things that may have immediately apprehended through these numbers.Such numbers are what Northrop called concepts by postulation. Hence Greek philosopher s likewise took the concept by postulation as their starting point.They developed mathematics and mathematical reasoning. That is why they had epistemological problem and why their language was so articulate. They are accustomed to change and are not afraid of novelty.

    Continental Countries

    This is the view of one who admire the natural and condemns the artificial. The way of life of the farmers is to follow nature. They admire nature and condemn the artificial, and in their primitivity and innocence, they are easily made content.

    4. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    The ancient Greeks strongly focused on political democracy and freedom of thought, firmly believed in human values and dignity, and did not succumb to any secular or religious authority. With the attitude of rationalism and secularism and adhering to the spirit of free exploration, positive thinking and continuous innovation, they have brought free, rational and democratic humanistic ideas, optimistic and enterprising attitude towards life and healthy and simple aesthetic concepts to the Western world.

  • 11eleven 12-25

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    The core concept of Kant's moral philosophy is freedom. In Kant's view, people not only belong to the "feeling" or "phenomenal" world, but also belong to the "conceptual" or "ontology" world. As part of the world of empirical phenomena, man is determined and unfree, and his will and behavior are subject to the causal law of the natural world. As part of the rational ontology world, man is a free and moral driving force. He is free and self-determined to choose between good and evil. Kant believes that the general principles of law and morality cannot be based on empirical human nature, but must be incorporated into the "conceptual" or "ontological" world, and built on a priori "should" world based on rational commands.

    2. Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"?

    Compared with the law, ritual has three strengths and advantages, which can prevent trouble, guide people to kindness, and maintain the harmony of social order. Governing the world with ritual can establish a good social order, make people separate, fulfill their respective responsibilities, and avoid social chaos and contradictions.

    The defect of ritual is that when people do not abide by the norms of etiquette, they cannot take coercive measures to punish them. Therefore, in the long-term historical evolution, the combination of ritual and law has formed a governance method that combines ritual and law.

    In a word, governing the world with courtesy is one of the important ways of social governance in ancient China, which is rooted in Confucianism. The advantage of ritual is that it can establish a good social order and avoid social chaos and contradictions. However, the defect of ritual is that it cannot force people to abide by ritual norms. Therefore, in the long-term historical evolution, the combination of ritual and law has formed a governance method that combines ritual and law.

    3.Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    The Greeks lived ina maritime country and maintained their prosperity thought commerce.

    They were primarily merchants. And what merchants have to deal with first are the abstract numbers used in their commercial accounts, and only then with concrete things that may have immediately apprehended through these numbers.Such numbers are what Northrop called concepts by postulation. Hence Greek philosopher s likewise took the concept by postulation as their starting point.They developed mathematics and mathematical reasoning. That is why they had epistemological problem and why their language was so articulate. They are accustomed to change and are not afraid of novelty.

    Continental Countries

    This is the view of one who admire the natural and condemns the artificial. The way of life of the farmers is to follow nature. They admire nature and condemn the artificial, and in their primitivity and innocence, they are easily made content.

    4. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    The ancient Greeks strongly focused on political democracy and freedom of thought, firmly believed in human values and dignity, and did not succumb to any secular or religious authority. With the attitude of rationalism and secularism and adhering to the spirit of free exploration, positive thinking and continuous innovation, they have brought free, rational and democratic humanistic ideas, optimistic and enterprising attitude towards life and healthy and simple aesthetic concepts to the Western world.

  • 11班林思颖 12-25

    What is "Freedom" according to Kant's idea of justice?

    Kant believed that human moral norms, rights, and obligations stem from free will. He considered moral obligations a type of right and obligation, and justice a combination of rights and legal systems where people can freely exercise their own will and coexist with the freedom of all others in a legal state. "Freedom" is the central idea of Kant's moral philosophy. Humans are both "sensory" and "tangible", as well as "conceptual" and "ontological". In the world of experience, people are determined by the laws of causality in nature. However, human beings are a free, morally active force that can make choices between good and evil, and are self-determined.

    Why does traditional Chinese society require "ritual" in its economic and political structure?

    Confucianism's emphasis on propriety and its promotion of knowledge of books and etiquette have made them fundamental symbols of benevolence and gentlemanly conduct in China for over two thousand years. This has led to the development of traditional virtues such as harmony, frugality, courtesy, and respect, earning China the nickname "land of etiquette". While rites have played a positive role in maintaining national unity and stability, stabilizing social order, and restraining individual behavior, they also had a constraining effect on people's thinking and behavior, especially in feudal society's later stages.

    Coastal and Landlocked Countries

    Maritime countries rely on the sea for trade and transportation due to their significant coastline, while continental countries have limited access to the sea and are dominated by landmasses. The distinction between these two types of countries is primarily based on their geography, resources, and economic characteristics.

    Why did Hellenistic tradition lead to metaphysics and monotheism in Western culture?

    The Heraclitus tradition values curiosity and pursuit of knowledge about the unknown, driving philosophers to explore metaphysics and contemplate the essence and purpose of the world. Language and logical thinking are also highly valued, providing an important way of thinking for the formation of metaphysics.

    Philosophers in the Heroic tradition recognized the chaos of polytheistic faith and believed that only one god could create and maintain order in the universe. This led to the emergence of monotheistic beliefs in Greek tradition, as philosophers contemplated the essence and purpose of the universe to prove the existence and essence of a god.

    The Hiro tradition's reflection, reversal, retrospection, curiosity, pursuit of knowledge, and emphasis on language provided important foundations for metaphysics and monotheism.

    Can we conclude that Confucius is inhumane, as suggested by Bertrand Russell on page 54? To evaluate this, we must first understand the context and background of Russell's criticism. He evaluated Confucius through the lens of Western culture, which differs significantly from Eastern culture. Therefore, we must analyze Russell's criticism to determine its validity.

    Confucius's ideas encompass benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and faith, all of which align with humanitarian values. Despite Russell's criticisms, we should not dismiss his ideas. Additionally, every culture, ideology, or value has its pros and cons, so we should not reject an idea or value solely based on its flaws.

    We must analyze and evaluate Confucius' thoughts to determine which aspects align with humanitarianism and which require improvement. Simply labeling Confucius as inhumane is not sufficient. A comprehensive analysis is necessary to assess if his thoughts align with humanitarian values.

    We must acknowledge that all cultures, ideologies, and values have pros and cons that need thorough assessment and enhancement.

  • 唐松雲 12-25

    The belief that Li or rituals conflict with human emotional instinct and free spirit is not sufficient evidence to draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity. Confucianism, which was developed by Confucius, emphasizes ethical principles, proper behavior, and the cultivation of virtues. The concept of Li plays a significant role in Confucian philosophy, as it encompasses rituals, etiquette, and social norms.

    While rituals and social norms may seem restrictive to some, they serve a purpose in organizing and structuring social and personal behaviors. Confucius believed that adherence to rituals and proper behavior was essential for maintaining social harmony and promoting moral character. These teachings are not meant to suppress human emotions or free spirit but rather to provide a framework that guides individuals towards virtuous conduct.

    Confucianism places a strong emphasis on the cultivation of virtues such as benevolence, righteousness, and filial piety. These values are seen as integral to the well-being of individuals and society as a whole. Confucius stressed the importance of balancing intellect with emotional intelligence and believed that individuals should strive for self-improvement while also caring for the welfare of others.

    Therefore, it is incorrect to conclude that Confucius and his teachings are in line with inhumanity solely based on the perception that Li or rituals conflict with human emotional instinct and free spirit. Confucianism seeks to promote moral growth, social harmony, and the well-being of individuals, which are fundamentally humane values.

  • 12班陈金阳 12-25

    1.Kant's idea of justice is based on the concept of freedom, which he defines as the ability to act according to one's own will, without external coercion or interference. In this sense, freedom is the foundation of justice, as it allows individuals to make their own choices and be responsible for their actions.

    2.①Social Order and Stability: Rituals provided a framework for maintaining social order and harmony within the community. 

    ②Legitimizing Authority: Rituals were used to legitimize the authority of rulers and government officials.

    ③Moral and Ethical Guidance: Rituals were deeply intertwined with Confucian ethics, emphasizing virtues such as filial piety, respect for elders, and social responsibility.

    ④Economic Exchange: Rituals also played a role in economic transactions and trade. 

    3. the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture provided the intellectual, cultural, and religious context that gave rise to metaphysical inquiry and the development of monotheistic beliefs, laying the foundation for the evolution of Western philosophical and theological thought.

    4.  No, we cannot draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity as suggested by Bertrand Russel based solely on the belief that Li or rituals conflict with human emotional instinct and free spirit. While it is true that Confucius emphasized the importance of Li and social structure, this was not at the expense of humanity or free will.

    Confucius believed that Li was important in promoting social harmony and respect for others, but also emphasized the importance of compassion, empathy, and individual expression. In fact, he stated that one must first develop oneself before being able to properly engage with society and Li.

    Furthermore, Russell’s assessment of Confucianism as inhuman can be considered narrow and limited. Confucian thought and philosophy have evolved over time, and there is no singular, monolithic interpretation of Confucianism.

    Overall, it is important to approach Confucianism and its concepts of Li and humanity with an open mind and nuanced understanding, rather than making sweeping conclusions based on limited perspectives.

  • 12班陈金阳 12-25

    1.Kant's idea of justice is based on the concept of freedom, which he defines as the ability to act according to one's own will, without external coercion or interference. In this sense, freedom is the foundation of justice, as it allows individuals to make their own choices and be responsible for their actions.

    2.①Social Order and Stability: Rituals provided a framework for maintaining social order and harmony within the community. 

    ②Legitimizing Authority: Rituals were used to legitimize the authority of rulers and government officials.

    ③Moral and Ethical Guidance: Rituals were deeply intertwined with Confucian ethics, emphasizing virtues such as filial piety, respect for elders, and social responsibility.

    ④Economic Exchange: Rituals also played a role in economic transactions and trade. 

    3. the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture provided the intellectual, cultural, and religious context that gave rise to metaphysical inquiry and the development of monotheistic beliefs, laying the foundation for the evolution of Western philosophical and theological thought.

    4.  No, we cannot draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity as suggested by Bertrand Russel based solely on the belief that Li or rituals conflict with human emotional instinct and free spirit. While it is true that Confucius emphasized the importance of Li and social structure, this was not at the expense of humanity or free will.

    Confucius believed that Li was important in promoting social harmony and respect for others, but also emphasized the importance of compassion, empathy, and individual expression. In fact, he stated that one must first develop oneself before being able to properly engage with society and Li.

    Furthermore, Russell’s assessment of Confucianism as inhuman can be considered narrow and limited. Confucian thought and philosophy have evolved over time, and there is no singular, monolithic interpretation of Confucianism.

    Overall, it is important to approach Confucianism and its concepts of Li and humanity with an open mind and nuanced understanding, rather than making sweeping conclusions based on limited perspectives.

  • 12班陈金阳 12-25

    1.Kant's idea of justice is based on the concept of freedom, which he defines as the ability to act according to one's own will, without external coercion or interference. In this sense, freedom is the foundation of justice, as it allows individuals to make their own choices and be responsible for their actions.

    2.①Social Order and Stability: Rituals provided a framework for maintaining social order and harmony within the community. 

    ②Legitimizing Authority: Rituals were used to legitimize the authority of rulers and government officials.

    ③Moral and Ethical Guidance: Rituals were deeply intertwined with Confucian ethics, emphasizing virtues such as filial piety, respect for elders, and social responsibility.

    ④Economic Exchange: Rituals also played a role in economic transactions and trade. 

    3. the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture provided the intellectual, cultural, and religious context that gave rise to metaphysical inquiry and the development of monotheistic beliefs, laying the foundation for the evolution of Western philosophical and theological thought.

    4.  No, we cannot draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity as suggested by Bertrand Russel based solely on the belief that Li or rituals conflict with human emotional instinct and free spirit. While it is true that Confucius emphasized the importance of Li and social structure, this was not at the expense of humanity or free will.

    Confucius believed that Li was important in promoting social harmony and respect for others, but also emphasized the importance of compassion, empathy, and individual expression. In fact, he stated that one must first develop oneself before being able to properly engage with society and Li.

    Furthermore, Russell’s assessment of Confucianism as inhuman can be considered narrow and limited. Confucian thought and philosophy have evolved over time, and there is no singular, monolithic interpretation of Confucianism.

    Overall, it is important to approach Confucianism and its concepts of Li and humanity with an open mind and nuanced understanding, rather than making sweeping conclusions based on limited perspectives.

  • 15班杨笑吟 12-25

    It would be inaccurate to say that Confucius is in line with inhumanity. Instead, his teachings advocate for a balanced approach to life where personal and emotional aspects are expressed in harmony with social norms and ethical standards. Confucius’ philosophy is deeply rooted in humanism, focusing on improving individual moral character and, by extension, creating a more just and harmonious society.

    Confucius' concept of Li (禮), or rituals, is indeed centered on organizing and structuring social and personal behaviors. However, it is a misconception to view Li as purely restrictive or in opposition to human emotional instinct and free spirit. Confucius emphasized harmony, balance, and moral rectitude, believing that following rituals and social norms helps individuals cultivate virtue and achieve harmony in society

  • 14班童美灵 12-25

    What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    Kant's concept of justice centers around the idea of treating individuals as ends in themselves and not merely as means to an end. In this context, justice is about respecting and upholding individual rights, including the right to freedom. This means that individuals should be able to exercise their freedom as long as it does not infringe on the equal freedom of others.

    2.Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"

    It is important to note that while traditional Chinese society placed great emphasis on ritual, contemporary China has experienced significant societal changes. While elements of ritual remain in certain aspects of Chinese culture, the economic and political structures have evolved to accommodate modern developments.

    3.Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    The distinction between maritime countries and continental countries is primarily based on their geography, resources, and economic characteristics.

    4.Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    The rise of metaphysics and monotheism in Western culture cannot be solely attributed to the Hellenistic tradition. While the Hellenistic period did have an influence on Western philosophical and religious thought, it is necessary to consider multiple factors that contributed to the development of these concepts.

    Metaphysics, as a philosophical discipline, examines the fundamental nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attributes, and cause and effect. The origins of metaphysical inquiry can be traced back to ancient Greek philosophers like Parmenides, Heraclitus, and Plato, who explored questions about the nature of existence and knowledge. However, it is worth noting that metaphysical inquiries were not limited to the Hellenistic tradition but also evolved independently in other cultures.

    Similarly, the concept of monotheism, the belief in one God, has roots in various religious and philosophical traditions across different cultures. In the context of Western culture, monotheism gained prominence primarily through the Abrahamic religions, such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These religions emerged in different historical periods and regions, and their teachings and beliefs were influenced by a variety of cultural factors, including the Hellenistic period in some cases.

    It is important to recognize that cultural, historical, and socio-political contexts play significant roles in the evolution of philosophical and religious ideas. While the Hellenistic tradition contributed to the development of metaphysics and had some impact on monotheism, it is crucial to consider the broader historical and cultural landscape to fully understand the emergence and evolution of these concepts in Western culture.

  • 王亚薇 12-25

    1、What is “Freedom”

    Kant believed that human moral norms and rights and obligations stem from human free will, and moral obligations are a type of right and obligation.Believing that justice is a right and obligation based on free will, a combination of rights and legal systems where people can freely exercise their own will and coexist with the freedom of all others in a legal state."Freedom" is the central idea of Kant's moral philosophy. Kant believed that humans are both "sensory" and "tangible", as well as "conceptual" and "ontological". In the world of experience, people are determined and not free, and their desires and actions are governed by the laws of causality in nature; Human beings are a free, morally active force that can make choices between good and evil, and are free and self determined.

    2、Why does the traditional Chinese society‘s economic and political structure need“Ritual”?

    Due to Confucianism's reverence for propriety and promotion of the rule of propriety, for over two thousand years, knowledge of books and etiquette has become a fundamental symbol of benevolence and gentlemanly conduct in feudal society. Harmony, frugality, courtesy, and respect have become traditional virtues in China. China is known as the "land of etiquette". Rites have played a positive role in maintaining national unity and stability, stabilizing social order, and restraining individual behavior. But in feudal society, especially in its later stages, ritual also had a side that constrained people's thinking and behavior.

    3.Maritime Countries and Continental Countries Maritime Countries: Maritime countries are those that have a significant coastline and rely on the sea for trade, transportation. Continental Countries: Continental countries are those that are geographically dominated by landmasses and have limited access to the sea. The difference between maritime countries and continental countries is primarily based on their geography, resources, and economic characteristics.

    4. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    Firstly, the Hiro tradition emphasizes curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge about the unknown Desire, this spirit has driven philosophers to explore metaphysics. They try to understand by thinking about a world beyond experience.The essence and purpose of the world, thus forming metaphysics. Secondly, the Hiro tradition also values language and logical thinking. Philosophers explore the essence and truth of the world through language and logical analysis, which also provides an important way of thinking for the formation of metaphysics.

    On the other hand, philosophers in the Heroic tradition gradually realized the chaos and instability of the polytheistic faith. They believe that only one god can create and maintain the order and truth of the universe. Therefore, monotheistic beliefs gradually emerged in the Greek tradition. Philosophers attempt to prove the existence and essence of a god by contemplating the essence and purpose of the universe.

    Overall, the spirit of reflection, reversal, and retrospective in the Hiro tradition, as well as the curiosity and pursuit of knowledge about unknown things Desire, as well as the emphasis on language, provided important ideological foundations and cultural backgrounds for the birth of metaphysics and monotheism.

    5.Can we draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity (as suggested by Bertrand Russel on page 54)? Firstly, we need to understand the context and background in which Russell criticized Confucius. Russell interpreted and evaluated Confucius in the context of Western culture, which differs from Eastern culture in many aspects. Therefore, we need to conduct a specific analysis of Russell's criticism to see if it is reasonable.

    Secondly, Confucius' ideas have many aspects, including benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and faith. These ideas are often positive and in line with humanitarian values. Therefore, we cannot simply reject Confucius' ideas just because Russell criticized some of his views.Finally, we need to recognize that every culture, ideology, or value has its advantages and disadvantages. We cannot deny a certain idea or value simply because it has flaws.

    On the contrary, we should conduct a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of it, to see which aspects are in line with humanitarianism and which aspects need improvement. Therefore, I believe that we cannot simply conclude that Confucius is inhumane. We need to conduct a comprehensive analysis of Confucius' thoughts to see if they conform to humanitarian values.


  • 17班郭玉珊 12-25

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)


    Kant's concept of justice centers around the idea of treating individuals as ends in themselves and not merely as means to an end. In this context, justice is about respecting and upholding individual rights, including the right to freedom. This means that individuals should be able to exercise their freedom as long as it does not infringe on the equal freedom of others.


    2.Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"


    It is important to note that while traditional Chinese society placed great emphasis on ritual, contemporary China has experienced significant societal changes. While elements of ritual remain in certain aspects of Chinese culture, the economic and political structures have evolved to accommodate modern developments.


    3.Maritime Countries and Continental Countries


    The distinction between maritime countries and continental countries is primarily based on their geography, resources, and economic characteristics.


    4.Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?


    The rise of metaphysics and monotheism in Western culture cannot be solely attributed to the Hellenistic tradition. While the Hellenistic period did have an influence on Western philosophical and religious thought, it is necessary to consider multiple factors that contributed to the development of these concepts.


    Metaphysics, as a philosophical discipline, examines the fundamental nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attributes, and cause and effect. The origins of metaphysical inquiry can be traced back to ancient Greek philosophers like Parmenides, Heraclitus, and Plato, who explored questions about the nature of existence and knowledge. However, it is worth noting that metaphysical inquiries were not limited to the Hellenistic tradition but also evolved independently in other cultures.


    Similarly, the concept of monotheism, the belief in one God, has roots in various religious and philosophical traditions across different cultures. In the context of Western culture, monotheism gained prominence primarily through the Abrahamic religions, such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These religions emerged in different historical periods and regions, and their teachings and beliefs were influenced by a variety of cultural factors, including the Hellenistic period in some cases.


    It is important to recognize that cultural, historical, and socio-political contexts play significant roles in the evolution of philosophical and religious ideas. While the Hellenistic tradition contributed to the development of metaphysics and had some impact on monotheism, it is crucial to consider the broader historical and cultural landscape to fully understand the emergence and evolution of these concepts in Western culture.

  • 14班童美灵 12-25

     1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    "Freedom" in Kant's justice philosophy refers to the state where individuals exercise their rights and pursue goals without external interference. Kant argues that freedom is an inherent right of humanity, but it should be constrained by moral principles to ensure harmony between individual and collective freedoms.


    2. Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"?

    In traditional Chinese society, "Ritual" is not just a ceremony but a moral guideline sustaining social order. By regulating behavior, "Ritual" encourages individuals to prioritize societal interests, contributing to social harmony. Its role in the economic and political structure lies in establishing a set of relatively fixed social norms and moral standards, aiding in stabilizing governance and societal relations.


     3. Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    The distinction between maritime and continental countries is based on geographical and economic factors. Maritime countries, surrounded by seas, often have economies influenced by maritime activities like trade, fishing, and navigation, while continental countries, located inland, focus more on agriculture.

    4. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    The Hellenistic tradition in Western culture spurred contemplation beyond the material world, fostering the development of metaphysics. This philosophical trend guided individuals beyond sensory experiences to seek higher truths. Simultaneously, the religious beliefs in the Hellenistic tradition laid the foundation for monotheism, concentrating faith in a single deity and emphasizing the universe's order and unity.


    No, it would be an oversimplification and a misinterpretation to conclude that Confucius is in line with inhumanity solely based on the criticism of Li or rituals. Confucianism, as propagated by Confucius, is a comprehensive philosophical and ethical system that goes beyond rituals. While rituals play a role in structuring social and personal behaviors, the core of Confucianism emphasizes ethical virtues, moral cultivation, and the development of benevolence (ren) and righteousness (yi).Bertrand Russell's suggestion of inhumanity might stem from a limited view of Confucianism or a specific interpretation of rituals. Confucius advocated for the harmonious coexistence of individuals within a society, emphasizing empathy, compassion, and the well-being of others. His teachings aimed at creating a moral and just society, and not at suppressing human emotional instincts or free spirit.In essence, Confucianism encourages a balanced approach that incorporates both ethical principles and humanistic values, aiming for a harmonious and virtuous society.

  • 1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    Kant's concept of justice centers around the idea of treating individuals as ends in themselves and not merely as means to an end. In this context, justice is about respecting and upholding individual rights, including the right to freedom. This means that individuals should be able to exercise their freedom as long as it does not infringe on the equal freedom of others.

    2.Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"

    It is important to note that while traditional Chinese society placed great emphasis on ritual, contemporary China has experienced significant societal changes. While elements of ritual remain in certain aspects of Chinese culture, the economic and political structures have evolved to accommodate modern developments.

    3.Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    The distinction between maritime countries and continental countries is primarily based on their geography, resources, and economic characteristics.

    4.Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    The rise of metaphysics and monotheism in Western culture cannot be solely attributed to the Hellenistic tradition. While the Hellenistic period did have an influence on Western philosophical and religious thought, it is necessary to consider multiple factors that contributed to the development of these concepts.

    Metaphysics, as a philosophical discipline, examines the fundamental nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attributes, and cause and effect. The origins of metaphysical inquiry can be traced back to ancient Greek philosophers like Parmenides, Heraclitus, and Plato, who explored questions about the nature of existence and knowledge. However, it is worth noting that metaphysical inquiries were not limited to the Hellenistic tradition but also evolved independently in other cultures.

    Similarly, the concept of monotheism, the belief in one God, has roots in various religious and philosophical traditions across different cultures. In the context of Western culture, monotheism gained prominence primarily through the Abrahamic religions, such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These religions emerged in different historical periods and regions, and their teachings and beliefs were influenced by a variety of cultural factors, including the Hellenistic period in some cases.

    It is important to recognize that cultural, historical, and socio-political contexts play significant roles in the evolution of philosophical and religious ideas. While the Hellenistic tradition contributed to the development of metaphysics and had some impact on monotheism, it is crucial to consider the broader historical and cultural landscape to fully understand the emergence and evolution of these concepts in Western culture.

  • 夏睿 12-25

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    Kant's concept of justice centers around the idea of treating individuals as ends in themselves and not merely as means to an end. In this context, justice is about respecting and upholding individual rights, including the right to freedom. This means that individuals should be able to exercise their freedom as long as it does not infringe on the equal freedom of others.

    2.Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"

    It is important to note that while traditional Chinese society placed great emphasis on ritual, contemporary China has experienced significant societal changes. While elements of ritual remain in certain aspects of Chinese culture, the economic and political structures have evolved to accommodate modern developments.

    3.Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    The distinction between maritime countries and continental countries is primarily based on their geography, resources, and economic characteristics.

    4.Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    The rise of metaphysics and monotheism in Western culture cannot be solely attributed to the Hellenistic tradition. While the Hellenistic period did have an influence on Western philosophical and religious thought, it is necessary to consider multiple factors that contributed to the development of these concepts.

    Metaphysics, as a philosophical discipline, examines the fundamental nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attributes, and cause and effect. The origins of metaphysical inquiry can be traced back to ancient Greek philosophers like Parmenides, Heraclitus, and Plato, who explored questions about the nature of existence and knowledge. However, it is worth noting that metaphysical inquiries were not limited to the Hellenistic tradition but also evolved independently in other cultures.

    Similarly, the concept of monotheism, the belief in one God, has roots in various religious and philosophical traditions across different cultures. In the context of Western culture, monotheism gained prominence primarily through the Abrahamic religions, such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These religions emerged in different historical periods and regions, and their teachings and beliefs were influenced by a variety of cultural factors, including the Hellenistic period in some cases.

    It is important to recognize that cultural, historical, and socio-political contexts play significant roles in the evolution of philosophical and religious ideas. While the Hellenistic tradition contributed to the development of metaphysics and had some impact on monotheism, it is crucial to consider the broader historical and cultural landscape to fully understand the emergence and evolution of these concepts in Western culture.

  • 蒋利佳 12-25

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    According to Kant, true freedom is considered to mean that man has the free will to act according to his own legislation without being bound by the law of nature in the sense of moral real money, and that man's reason establishes the inevitable laws of nature in the aspect of objects, but therefore limits his own freedom. In real money, the same reason of man is able not to be bound by the laws of nature, but to act according to its own consistent universal law of free will.


    2. Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"?

    Ritual play a crucial role in traditional Chinese law. Rites are the spiritual core of law, and they cannot be separated. Under the same goal of maintaining feudal autocratic rule, they play their respective roles and complement each other. As a symbol of Chinese traditional culture, ritual has been deeply rooted in the spiritual world of Chinese people, and has gained universal recognition. Its status and function even transcend the law and become the supreme existence.

    "Ritual" is actually a code of conduct generated by the interaction between people, or a social rule. The system itself, which is reached voluntarily and observed voluntarily through the interaction between people, is said to be efficient by institutional economics. Why is that? It's simple: an agreed result is a good result.


    3.Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    1, Marine countries, Marine countries in a broad sense as long as adjacent to the sea are counted, generally referring to the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Japan and Japan and the United States, China is also a Marine country.

    2, continental countries, continental countries are landlocked countries, the territory does not include the sea, France, Germany and Russia are continental countries.


    4. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    From the historical process of metaphysics development, there are actually three kinds of metaphysics: universal ontology, category ontology and meaning ontology. Greek philosophy originated from the search for "the universality of the world" (the original).


    5. Can we draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity (as suggested by Bertrand Russel on page 54)?

    No, we cannot conclude that Confucius is consistent with inhumanity simply because rites or rituals conflict with human emotional instincts and the spirit of freedom. While Confucius did emphasize the importance of etiquette and social structure, this was not at the expense of humanity or free will.

    Confucius believed rites were important in promoting social harmony and respect for others, but also emphasized the importance of compassion, empathy, and personal expression.

    In addition, Russell's evaluation of Confucian inhumanity is narrow and limited. Confucianism and philosophy have evolved over time, and there is no single, unitary interpretation of Confucianism.

  • 陈明秀 12-25

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)


    Kant's idea of freedom is more stringent. When we like animals, we are not really free. We are just acting according to natural necessity. He thinks that freedom is the opposite of necessity. To act freely is to act autonomously and to act autonomously is to act according to a law that I give myself. He invents a special term to describe the opposite of autonomy, heteronomy, which menas to act according to desires I haven't chosen myself. So, freedom as autonomy is an especially stringent idea that Kant insists on.




    2.Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"?


    Unlike Greeks organised their society around the city state, the traditional Chinese society was in a family state. The social organization is automatic and hierarchic because in a family the authority of the father naturally superior to that of the son. So, Li is a complex etiquette system that reflects social hierarchy order and maintains it.




    3. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?


    At the end of the 4th century BC, Greek philosophy entered Athens. After experiencing the negation of all objective principles by the Sophists, Socrates proposed the philosophical metaphysics of finding the "universal definition" behind concrete existence; On this basis, his disciple Plato developed the viewpoint of the universal origin of all things into a refined system of idealism, expanding the knowledge of studying all beings; Aristotle almost integrated all the contents of previous natural philosophy and metaphysics, establishing a philosophical category system centered on entity theory, as well as theories such as the "four causes theory" and "potential and realization" that study changes in things, forming a systematic and profound natural philosophy.


    At a surface level, many ancient religions look polytheistic. Whether you're looking at Mesopotamia or ancient Egypt, Greece or Rome, the Kingdom of Aksum in northern Africa or ancient Israel: all of these civilizations once worshipped many gods.


    4. Some people believe Li or rituals are about organizing and structuring social and personal behaviors, and thus seem to conflict with human emotional instinct and free spirit. Then, can we draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity (as suggested by Bertrand Russel on page 54)? 

  • 11班冯杰 12-25


    It would be wrong to draw that conclusion. According to Kant, freedom is not about doing what you want and getting what you want. On the contrary, freedom is the opposite of necessity. Top act freely is to act according to a law given by oneself and to choose the end itself for its own sake. Unlimited freedom can lead to chaos in the social order. Etiquette is a laissez-faire constraint on people, constituting the upper and lower order and the left and right politeness. Etiquette is the moral code of all members of society, and it is the behavior standard and activity principle of all members of society. The function of rites is to promote and harmonize. In the social governance system, etiquette requires the improvement of individual moral cultivation and the realization of self-value, and also requires the realization of harmony in all aspects of society. Only in a harmonious and orderly society, individual freedom can be realized, so rites are very humanized.

  • 龚思雨 12-25


    What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    Kant's idea of justice is based on the concept of freedom, which he defines as the ability to act according to one's own will, without external coercion or interference. In this sense, freedom is the foundation of justice, as it allows individuals to make their own choices and be responsible for their actions.

    Apart from filial piety,
    Confucianism was, in practice, mainly a code of civilized
    beban degenerating at times into an etiquette book. It taught self-restraint, moderation,
    and above courtesy.Its moral code was not, like those of Buddhism and Christianity, so severe that on a few
    saints could hope to live up to it, or so much concerned with personal salvation as to incompatible with political

    Etiquette is not to suppress the heart but to teach people
    How to adjust your inner emotions, and self-discipline.
    There is a part of the human heart that wants to be disciplined.
    Rites are more important than laws.


  • 19班姜陈松 12-25

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    Kant's concept of justice centers around the idea of treating individuals as ends in themselves and not merely as means to an end. In this context, justice is about respecting and upholding individual rights, including the right to freedom. This means that individuals should be able to exercise their freedom as long as it does not infringe on the equal freedom of others.

    2.Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"

    It is important to note that while traditional Chinese society placed great emphasis on ritual, contemporary China has experienced significant societal changes. While elements of ritual remain in certain aspects of Chinese culture, the economic and political structures have evolved to accommodate modern developments.

    3.Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    The distinction between maritime countries and continental countries is primarily based on their geography, resources, and economic characteristics.

    4.Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    The rise of metaphysics and monotheism in Western culture cannot be solely attributed to the Hellenistic tradition. While the Hellenistic period did have an influence on Western philosophical and religious thought, it is necessary to consider multiple factors that contributed to the development of these concepts.

    Metaphysics, as a philosophical discipline, examines the fundamental nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attributes, and cause and effect. The origins of metaphysical inquiry can be traced back to ancient Greek philosophers like Parmenides, Heraclitus, and Plato, who explored questions about the nature of existence and knowledge. However, it is worth noting that metaphysical inquiries were not limited to the Hellenistic tradition but also evolved independently in other cultures.

    Similarly, the concept of monotheism, the belief in one God, has roots in various religious and philosophical traditions across different cultures. In the context of Western culture, monotheism gained prominence primarily through the Abrahamic religions, such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These religions emerged in different historical periods and regions, and their teachings and beliefs were influenced by a variety of cultural factors, including the Hellenistic period in some cases.

    It is important to recognize that cultural, historical, and socio-political contexts play significant roles in the evolution of philosophical and religious ideas. While the Hellenistic tradition contributed to the development of metaphysics and had some impact on monotheism, it is crucial to consider the broader historical and cultural landscape to fully understand the emergence and evolution of these concepts in Western culture.

  • 蒋利佳 12-25

    The notion that Confucius and his emphasis on Li (rituals) may be in conflict with human emotional instinct and free spirit is a perspective that has been debated among scholars. It's important to understand Confucius's teachings in context.
    Confucius regarded Li not as rigid rules or empty ceremonies but as a set of social rituals and behaviors that embody ethical principles, foster social harmony, and express respect. Li, in his philosophy, served as a means to cultivate virtues and maintain social order. Rather than stifling human emotions, Confucius aimed to channel them in a way that contributes to a well-ordered society.
    Confucius emphasized the importance of balancing individual emotions with social responsibilities. While rituals provide structure, they are not meant to suppress genuine emotions or inhibit personal expression. Confucius valued sincerity and believed that genuine emotions should be expressed within the framework of propriety.
    Therefore, it might be an oversimplification to conclude that Confucius aligns with inhumanity. His teachings sought a harmonious coexistence of personal emotions and societal norms, with the understanding that a well-ordered society is conducive to the flourishing of individuals. Confucius' philosophy aimed at the cultivation of virtues, benevolence, and righteousness, emphasizing the interconnectedness of personal and societal well-being.

  • 4班梅星雅 12-25

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)


    According to Kant, true freedom is considered to mean that man has the free will to act according to his own legislation without being bound by the law of nature in the sense of moral real money, and that man's reason establishes the inevitable laws of nature in the aspect of objects, but therefore limits his own freedom. In real money, the same reason of man is able not to be bound by the laws of nature, but to act according to its own consistent universal law of free will.




    2. Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"?


    Ritual play a crucial role in traditional Chinese law. Rites are the spiritual core of law, and they cannot be separated. Under the same goal of maintaining feudal autocratic rule, they play their respective roles and complement each other. As a symbol of Chinese traditional culture, ritual has been deeply rooted in the spiritual world of Chinese people, and has gained universal recognition. Its status and function even transcend the law and become the supreme existence.


    "Ritual" is actually a code of conduct generated by the interaction between people, or a social rule. The system itself, which is reached voluntarily and observed voluntarily through the interaction between people, is said to be efficient by institutional economics. Why is that? It's simple: an agreed result is a good result.




    3.Maritime Countries and Continental Countries


    1, Marine countries, Marine countries in a broad sense as long as adjacent to the sea are counted, generally referring to the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Japan and Japan and the United States, China is also a Marine country.


    2, continental countries, continental countries are landlocked countries, the territory does not include the sea, France, Germany and Russia are continental countries.




    4. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?


    From the historical process of metaphysics development, there are actually three kinds of metaphysics: universal ontology, category ontology and meaning ontology. Greek philosophy originated from the search for "the universality of the world" (the original).




    5. Can we draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity (as suggested by Bertrand Russel on page 54)?


    No, we cannot conclude that Confucius is consistent with inhumanity simply because rites or rituals conflict with human emotional instincts and the spirit of freedom. While Confucius did emphasize the importance of etiquette and social structure, this was not at the expense of humanity or free will.


    Confucius believed rites were important in promoting social harmony and respect for others, but also emphasized the importance of compassion, empathy, and personal expression.


    In addition, Russell's evaluation of Confucian inhumanity is narrow and limited. Confucianism and philosophy have evolved over time, and there is no single, unitary interpretation of Confucianism.

