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2024.08.26 ~ 2024.12.22
  • 四川外国语大学
  • 建议每周学习3小时
  • 448人已参与






成绩预发布时间 2024-12-19





1. Notes on Chapter 1 Introduction and Selections from I Ching

By 张婷 老师 8天前 2622次浏览

Please post your notes or questions here. 

287 回复

  • 5班李倩 3小时前

    The Book of Changes is an ancient Chinese philosophical work on divination and one of the Confucian classics. It originated in the early Western Zhou Dynasty and was written around the end of the Western Zhou Dynasty, making it a treasure of Chinese culture. The I Ching consists of hexagrams (symbolic six-line symbols) and hexagrams (texts that explain these symbols), with a total of sixty-four hexagrams, each consisting of six hexagrams, which are divided into yin and yang, representing different natural phenomena and social changes.


    The first two hexagrams are the Creative and the Reception, which are the basis of the I Ching and represent the two fundamental principles of the universe: heaven and earth.


    After reading the first preface and excerpts from the Book of Changes, I have a deeper understanding and knowledge of them. The Creative and Reception respectively represent the virtues that a gentleman should have. The Creative encourages people to have great ambitions and firm wills, while the Reception teaches people to be modest and cautious, tolerant and generous.


    At the same time, the symbolism of the Creative and the Reception can help people find inner balance in the face of life's challenges, such as the positive and enterprising spirit of the Creative can motivate people not to give up in the face of adversity, and the supple acceptance of the Reception can help people stay calm and patient in the face of pressure.


    In conclusion, the Book of Changes is not only a philosophical book, but also a guide to practice. Through the interpretation of hexagrams, people can make more informed decisions in their lives.

  • 8班张疆雪 3小时前

    After reading the first chapter introduction and the I Ching selection, I actually have a question, why should this course study these things that are very abstract to me? Tell a fortune? So why the study of the I Ching in the first place? I know that in this text, only the first two of the sixty-four hexagrams "Gan" and "Kun" were selected, one representing heaven and the other representing earth, and I have also heard these two famous words "Heaven is vigorous, and the gentleman will strive for self-improvement." The terrain is Kun, the gentleman carries things with benevolence." Before reading this book, I did not know the source of these two sentences, nor did I know the meaning of "dry" and "kun". After reading this book, I could only say that I had a slight understanding, which was not deep enough, but I always felt as if I could not understand this abstract thing. The concept of time and space in the introduction part of the first chapter is not clear, what is the concept of time and space? What is my concept of time and space? Parallel space-time? The question in the introduction, why do we say we are descendants of the dragon? I don't seem to understand enough to get an answer. However, another seems to have long knowledge that the ancient relocation of the capital will be related to the early concept of time and space! In my knowledge, I think that the relocation of the capital is related to the economy and politics of the dynasty, and I never consider the concept of time and space, nor do I think about the information related to the concept of time and space. In general, I feel that the Book of Changes is very metaphysical, a little complicated, Chinese and English teaching may not understand, can not answer the above doubts in my mind.

  • 6班王筱骞 2小时前

    After learning selected passages from the Book of Changes, I not only understood the interpretation methods and deep meanings of Qian hexagram and Kun hexagram, but also learned the mode of thinking contained therein. As mentioned in the first lesson, we learn traditional Chinese classics mainly to learn the way of thinking inside. After learning about Kun hexagram, I learned six things.
    Firstly, six at the beginning tells us to anticipate the future through subtle changes and make preparations for the coming difficulties or dangers in advance.
    Secondly, six in the second place tells us to be tolerant and learn to accept different points of view and ideas.
    Thirdly,six in the third place warns us to be cautious and not to make easy decisions. This is also a wisdom of life that can help us avoid the trouble of making easy decisions.
    Fourthly, six in the fourth place tells us to be self-aware and know our abilities and limits, which is a requirement for self-knowledge and a basic requirement for success.
    Fifthly, six in the fifth place is to warn us to have a spirit of unity, to understand the importance of teamwork.In daily life, we are supposed to maintain good interpersonal relations.
    Sixthly,six at the top tells us to have courage and dare to face challenges and difficulties. Do not yield to power, and dare to challenge authority.
    Kun hexagram is not only the essence of traditional Chinese culture, but also the life guide of Chinese youth.

