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2024.08.26 ~ 2024.12.22
  • 四川外国语大学
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成绩预发布时间 2024-12-19





1. Notes on Chapter 1 Introduction and Selections from I Ching

By 张婷 老师 8天前 2613次浏览

Please post your notes or questions here. 

286 回复

  • 17冉嘉佳 4天前

    After reading the first chapter, I have a preliminary understanding of the early Chinese chlture. In the sector of introduction, I have learned the long history of tradition Chinese culture. The early Chinese mind are the sixty-four hexagrams in various combinations. It is an outstanding representation of Chinese traditional culture and a required skill for ancient people. In the sector of the Book of Changes , I have a new understanding of Chinese classics. At the first sight of selectednpassage from the Book of Changes, I was full of confused and my brain is a blank. What does it say? Why should we learn it? A lot of question float through my head. But it solved my confusion when I read it again and again. In ancient Chinese, we discovery  that thev determination of things lies in yin and yang. In the Book of Changes, we recognized qian as yang and kun as yin. It is believed that qian shows wisdom through change, and the kun shows ability through simplicity. Therefore, qian is easy to know and kun is able to simplify. In this chapter, I have a new acknowledge of the Book of Changes. Moreover, in this selected passage, I got a new world from Chinese beauty. In Chinese, we use 潜龙 to express hidden dragona and 黄裳 to a yellow lower garment. This crafty usage of vocubulary not only conveys the information accurately, but express the emotion more deeply. After reading the first chapter, I have a preliminary understanding of the early Chinese chlture. In the sector of introduction, I have learned the long history of tradition Chinese culture. The early Chinese mind are the sixty-four hexagrams in various combinations. It is an outstanding representation of Chinese traditional culture and a required skill for ancient people. In the sector of the Book of Changes , I have a new understanding of Chinese classics. At the first sight of selectednpassage from the Book of Changes, I was full of confused and my brain is a blank. What does it say? Why should we learn it? A lot of question float through my head. But it solved my confusion when I read it again and again. In ancient Chinese, we discovery  that thev determination of things lies in yin and yang. In the Book of Changes, we recognized qian as yang and kun as yin. It is believed that qian shows wisdom through change, and the kun shows ability through simplicity. Therefore, qian is easy to know and kun is able to simplify. In this chapter, I have a new acknowledge of the Book of Changes. Moreover, in this selected passage, I got a new world from Chinese beauty. In Chinese, we use 潜龙 to express hidden dragona and 黄裳 to a yellow lower garment. This crafty usage of vocubulary not only conveys the information accurately, but express the emotion more deeply. 

  • 2班苏维雅 4天前

    First of all, in the Introduction period, I can learn a lot about the history of China. I learn that the prehistoric culture of China 7000 years ago and the information on the succession of dynasties throughout China's 5000-year history. I am able to come into contact with various brilliant cultures and profound theories of ancient China. Then I studied selected passages from the I Ching. I can know that the doctrine of the mean in it. It interpretes that the origin of dragon. Next, the book of Changes concludes Jing and Zhuan. In the Jing, there are two parts: the divinatory diagrams and the text affilicated hexagram statements and line statements. Also I know the hexagrams are each a unique configuration of yin and yang lines. When we read the hexagrams, we need to read from the bottom to the top. There is a lots of profound knowledge. Reading the I Ching is akin to peering into an ancient, enigmatic mirror that reflects the essence of change and the dynamics of life. This timeless wisdom, cloaked in the language of hexagrams and oracular statements, remains as relevant today as it was thousands of years ago, guiding us through the uncertainties of life with its profound insights.

  • 2班陈欣悦 4天前

    The content touches upon the concepts of space and time in ancient Chinese culture, with a particular focus on the philosophical ideas found in the Book of Changes. As one of the classics of Chinese culture, the "I Ching" expounds the laws of change in the universe and human life through its sixty-four hexagrams. The "dragon" mentioned in the text symbolizes change and power, while the hexagrams of Qian (Heaven) and Kun (Earth) represent creation and acceptance, reflecting the ancient Chinese view of the universe and human life. These ancient wisdoms not only reveal the ancients' understanding of the laws of nature but also reflect their profound insights into social order and personal cultivation. These ideas continue to offer significant enlightenment for our understanding of the world and ourselves to this day.

  • 6班司语涵 4天前

    After reading the "I Ching", also known as the Book of Changes, I am deeply impressed by the profound wisdom and insights it offers. The "I Ching" is not just a book of divination, but a philosophical and spiritual guide that provides guidance on how to navigate life's challenges and uncertainties.

    One of the key lessons I took away from the "I Ching" is the concept of change and the importance of adapting to change. The book emphasizes the idea that change is inevitable and that we must learn to embrace change rather than resist it. By understanding the cyclical nature of change and the interconnectedness of all things, we can better navigate the ups and downs of life with grace and resilience.

    Another powerful aspect of the "I Ching" is its emphasis on balance and harmony. The book teaches us the importance of finding balance in all aspects of our lives - from our relationships to our work to our inner selves. By striving for harmony and equilibrium, we can cultivate a sense of peace and well-being that transcends external circumstances.

    Overall, reading the "I Ching" has been a transformative experience for me. It has deepened my understanding of the interconnectedness of all things, the importance of embracing change, and the value of seeking balance and harmony in life. I am grateful for the timeless wisdom and guidance that the "I Ching" has provided me, and I look forward to applying its teachings to my own journey of personal growth and self-discovery.

  • 张雨9班 4天前

    Through the study of online courses, I have learned the origin of the Book of Changes and the meaning of the Ba Gua. From the video content, I learned that Nuwa and Fuxi created human beings and human civilization. We choose the image of the dragon as a way of self-identification, and this is because we all claim ourselves to be "descendants of the dragon." Among them, the most attracted my attention is the Ba Gua, which is something I would not take the initiative to learn before. Ba Gua is an important part of ancient Chinese philosophy, originated in the ancient Fuxi era, and is also an important symbol system in Chinese culture. For example, the positioning of the universe, Qian is heaven, and Kun is earth, symbolizing the interaction and balance between heaven and earth and between Yin and Yang. When heaven and earth meet, all things are born. In fact, Ba Gua is widely used in our daily life, such as philosophy and medicine. The idea of Ba Gua has deeply influenced the way of thinking and life of the Chinese people. The concept of the balance of Yin and Yang, the unity of man and nature, which it advocates, occupies an important position in Chinese culture.

    After a preliminary reading of the book of Changes excerpts in the textbook, I really like the saying "Flying dragon in the heavens". It means that this dragon has been able to fly into the blue sky, arbitrarily soaring in the sky, he has reached his peak period, this time the dragon should go to find more powerful, more intelligent people to help, so that this dragon can be in their peak for a long time. This tells us that no matter what stage of life, even in the most successful stage of life, there is still a need for wise people to help and help themselves, and they will never be separated from the so-called "adults". For those who helped themselves before, although this stage can not help themselves, but we can not forget their good for us.

  • 2班李幸芷 4天前

    Zhouyi is a Chinese classic of the Zhou Dynasty, respected as "the head of the county classics, the source of all schools of thought", Western civilization has the Bible, the Eastern civilization has "Zhouyi".The Book of Changes always seems mysterious to most people because it is often associated with divination and fortune-telling. It is China's earliest philosophical work and a timeless classic that has gathered the infinite wisdom of ancient people. The first hexagram in the book illustrates the principle of human perseverance. "Kun," symbolizing the earth, represents primordial, prosperity, harmony, and rectitude (Yuan, Heng, Li, Zhen). The saying "The heavens move in a spiral; the sage perseveres," means that the heavens move in a never-ending cycle, and the sage should emulate the heavens by being self-reliant and persevering, striving on without ceasing.This is not only a philosophical proposition but also a spiritual sustenance, everyone is born different whether physical or spiritual, the beginning of life, there will be strong and weak, the strong should not be happy, the weak need not feel inferior. Therefore, we should always bear in mind this ancient motto, and create our own wonderful life with perseverance and the spirit of never giving up at any time

  • 2022级5班张冰涛 4天前

    After reading the chapter 1, I've learned a lot.Upon delving into the excerpts of the "I Ching," or the "Book of Changes," I found myself captivated by its profound wisdom. This ancient Chinese text, steeped in history and mystique, offers a unique perspective on life's uncertainties and the dynamic nature of existence. The hexagrams, with their interplay of yin and yang, symbolically represent the ebb and flow of energies in the universe.

    What struck me most was the emphasis on harmony and balance. The text encourages adaptability and resilience, urging one to align with the ever-shifting currents of life rather than resisting them. It's a reminder that change is inevitable and that true strength lies in flexibility.

    The "I Ching" is more than just a divination tool; it's a guide to living a life attuned to the natural rhythms of the cosmos. Its teachings have a timeless quality, offering insights that are as relevant today as they were centuries ago. Reading it feels like engaging in a dialogue with the sages of old, their voices echoing through time to provide guidance and inspiration.

  • 17班罗艳红 4天前

    I have read the introduction of chapter one and the selected passages from The Book Of Changes.Through the introduction, I learned the basic features of Chinese spatial and temporal ideas of early Chinese culture. In the early Chinese culture, Chinese scholars focused on the exploration of time and space and the relation between human and heaven. The concept of yin and yang is the crystallization of thought of ancient Chinese scholars. Also, the Chinese philosophy teaches people to find a right position in the society and how to deal with the changes of the world.

    When I read the selected passages from the book of changes , I got some tips to face the changes in the world. When a person is in his peak state and if he holds on a arrogant attitude, he will have cause to repent. And I have recited a sentence in the passage, that is “ Heaven moves forever vigorously, likewise, a superior man strives on his own initiative constantly. Nowadays, many people use this sentence to strive themselves to work hard and head on their dreams constantly. It is easy for us to see that ancient Chinese culture influences on Chinese people deeply and it has great power in structuring Chinese minds.

  • 6班张馨文 4天前

    After reading the introduction and the selected passages from the book of changes, I touched a lot. The ancient classic of the Book of Changes has deeply impressed me with the profoundness and profundity of Chinese culture. The Book of Changes integrates the content of natural sciences and social sciences, demonstrating the laws of mutual changes in all things in the world. What’s more, the 64 hexagrams reveal the philosophical concept of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature through the interplay of yin and yang. This concept makes me sincerely admire the wisdom of ancient sages.

    The hexagrams of the Book of Changes are not only symbolic texts for divination, but also guides for ancient people's actions. They not only guide people to make choices, but also grounded the sexagenary cycle of recording days and time in China. This interdisciplinary wisdom makes me marvel at the important role of the Book of Changes in the concept of time.

    Overall, the content of the Book of Changes covers divination, time recording, and philosophical thought, reflecting the basic mode of Chinese philosophical thinking. This classic has given me a deeper understanding of traditional Chinese culture and provided valuable inspiration for my future studies and life.

  • 11班何柯霖 4天前

    tolerance:when i read the nine at the beginning “初九”, i have got the point what "hidden dragon, do not act" is. It doesn't mean to suggest you to give up your goals or abandon something or someone, while encourages you to "be hidden", which teach us to wait for the best chance patiently and seize the moment to achieve your purpose. Additionally, the hexagram "nine at the beginning" reminds me of  the story of The Count of Zheng Defeating Duan at Yan(郑伯克段于鄢),the tale about the essence of tolerance and patience. It narrates the king of Zheng, who was also the brother of Gong Shuduan. He demonstrated remarkable toleranceby allowing his brother to recruit troops and buy horses, and by enduring his mother's favorism towards his brother for many years. This act of tolerance was a calculated move, designed to ensure that when the time came for the final confrontation, he would have the perfect opportunity to beat his brother in the last blow. Through this historic record and combined with "hidden dragon, do not act", i have learnt a lot that tolerance is the key to achieve success, serving as the cornerstone upon which we build resilience and foster harmonious relationships.

  • 18谭世宏 4天前

    In this course, It teaches us how to find constancy in change, how to find simplicity in complexity, and how to find harmony in conflict we introduced the origin of I Ching, explained that Nuwa and Fuxi created human beings and human civilization, and learned that the dragon occupies an important position in Chinese culture.. Among them, Yin and Yang change, the unity of heaven and man, the golden mean. It also shows that this is a classic containing profound philosophy and rich life wisdom.

    Qian and Kun hexagrams in the I Ching is the first terms and second in the sixty-four hexagrams, they have very important status in I Ching and symbolism.

    The lines in Qian hexagram are called 9, for the full Yang line is valued by number 9; the lines in Kun hexagrams are called 6, for the full Yin line is valued by number 6.  Among them, the Qian hexagrams, which is the symbol of heaven, represents the principles of creation, positivity, strength and initiative. The hexagrams is composed of six Yang lines, symbolizing the infinite creativity and positive power of heaven. The hexagrams represent the principles of acceptance, adaptation, gentleness and passivity. The Kun hexagrams are composed of six Yin lines, symbolizing the inclusiveness and compliance of the earth.

  • 05李玉凡 4天前

    Through the selection of the Book of Changes, and learning online courses, I have a lot of impressions.

    Chinese culture, as one of the oldest and continuously evolving civilizations in the world, boasts a profound foundation and unique charm manifested in various aspects. It not only carries a long history but also enshrines rich philosophical thoughts, moral values, artistic achievements, and life wisdom. Chinese culture emphasizes harmony, coexistence, and the golden mean, advocating the harmonious unity between man and nature, as well as man and society. These concepts still hold guiding significance for the development of modern society.

    The I Ching, as a vital component of Chinese culture, transcends its role as a mere book of divination. Through symbols such as yin and yang, the five elements, and the eight trigrams, it constructs a profound cosmology and philosophy of life. The I Ching teaches us how to conform to natural laws, how to find balance and harmony amidst change, and how to seek breakthroughs and growth in adversity. It is not only a crystallization of ancient wisdom but also an essential tool for modern individuals to cultivate themselves and gain insight into the world. Therefore, the I Ching holds immense value in inheriting and promoting Chinese culture, as well as advancing human civilization's progress and development.

  • 16王嘉莘洲 4天前

    The I Ching, also known as the Book of Changes, is an ancient Chinese divination text that has been revered for centuries for its profound insights into the nature of change and the universe.  Composed of 64 hexagrams, each representing a unique situation or concept, the I Ching is a guide to understanding the dynamic forces at play in life.

    At the heart of the I Ching is the concept of yin and yang, the complementary forces that interact to create the world.  The hexagrams are built from six lines, each of which can be either yin (broken) or yang (unbroken), symbolizing the complexity and interdependence of these forces.  The I Ching encourages readers to seek balance and harmony by recognizing the interplay of opposites.

    The book is not merely a tool for divination;  it is a philosophical text that offers guidance on how to navigate life's challenges.  It teaches the importance of flexibility and adaptability, as well as the value of introspection and self-awareness.  The I Ching suggests that by understanding the underlying patterns of change, one can make better decisions and live in accordance with the natural order.

    One of the most striking aspects of the I Ching is its timeless wisdom.  Despite originating in a very different time and culture, its teachings remain relevant today.  It speaks to universal human experiences and offers a framework for understanding the world that is both practical and spiritual.

    In summary, the I Ching is a profound and multifaceted text that offers a rich tapestry of insights into the human condition and the cosmos.  Its teachings on change, balance, and the interplay of opposites provide a timeless framework for personal growth and understanding the world.

  • Ww1pKqau 4天前

    Through the video learning of the I Ching from the first to the sixth sections, I learned some familiar and unfamiliar knowledge. The reason why I am familiar with it is that the cultural environment of my life since I was a child makes me implicitly know that there is such a thing as the universe, whether it is a novel or a TV series, etc. And why is it strange? It's because before learning this course, I don't know their specific origin and specific meaning.

      We Chinese often call ourselves the heirs of dragons, which originates from the image of dragons in the Iching. In mythological stories, the images of Nuwa and Fuxi are similar to dragons. Nuwa and Fuxi, one yin and one yang, can be husband and wife.

      “The sky is Qian and the earth is Kun, the sky is yang and the earth is yin”,the three yangs are the Qian Hexagram , and the Qian Hexagram symbolizes the sky, representing the spirit of strength and self-improvement; the three yin are the Kun Hexagram, and the Kun Hexagram symbolizes the tolerance and carrying of the earth. One yin and one yang, one rigid and one soft, constitute the basic law of motion of all things in the universe

  • 9班黄诗伊 4天前

    The interplay of Yin and Yang within the Eight Trigrams, Gan, Kun, Kan, Li, Zhen, Dui, Xun, Gen, symbolizes the delicate balance of opposing forces that govern the universe. It's a reminder that every aspect of life, from the tiniest particle to the grandest galaxy, is intricately connected and constantly in flux. This ancient wisdom encourages me to embrace change, to find harmony in contrast, and to recognize the inherent value in both light and shadow.

    The Eight Trigrams themselves are like windows into the soul of existence, each one offering a unique perspective on life's challenges and opportunities. They serve as a guide, helping me navigate through the complexities of the world with a deeper understanding of the underlying patterns that shape our reality.

  • 19王睿源 4天前

    The I Ching, also known as the Book of Changes, is an ancient Chinese divination text and the oldest of the Chinese classics. It is a collection of symbols, called hexagrams, which represent various aspects of life and the universe. The I Ching is not just a book of predictions but a profound philosophical text that offers guidance on personal growth, decision-making, and understanding the natural order of things.
    At its core, the I Ching is about change and the dynamic balance of opposites, such as yin and yang. It teaches that change is a constant and that one should be adaptable and in harmony with the flow of life. The hexagrams are read in context with the question asked, providing insights that are meant to be meditated upon rather than taken as definitive answers.
    The I Ching encourages self-reflection and the cultivation of virtue. It is a tool for introspection and personal development, urging individuals to align their actions with the Tao, or the natural way of the universe. The wisdom of the I Ching transcends time and culture, offering timeless insights that are still relevant today.

  • 李子洲 4天前

    The I Ching, also known as the "Book of Changes" or "Classic of Changes," is an ancient Chinese text that has significantly influenced Chinese philosophy and culture. Traditionally attributed to the mythical sage king Fu Xi, it is believed to have been developed over time, with some suggesting its roots in the Western Zhou Dynasty. The I Ching consists of 64 hexagrams, which are used for divination and to represent various aspects of life and the universe.
    The text is deeply philosophical, exploring concepts such as Yin and Yang, Qi, and the Five Elements, which are fundamental to the traditional Chinese worldview. It has been interpreted and expanded upon by numerous scholars over the centuries, including Confucius, who is traditionally believed to have written commentaries on the I Ching, although this is disputed by modern scholars.
    In modern times, the I Ching continues to be studied for its philosophical insights and its guidance on personal growth and decision-making. It has also had a significant impact on Western thought, influencing figures such as Leibniz and contributing to the development of binary code used in modern computing.
    The I Ching's approach to change is holistic, viewing the universe as a dynamic and interconnected whole. It emphasizes the importance of understanding and adapting to change, which is seen as an inherent aspect of life and the cosmos. This perspective is relevant to various fields, from personal development to organizational management, where the principles of balance and harmony can be applied to navigate the complexities of life.
    In summary, the I Ching is a rich and complex text that offers a profound understanding of change and reality, with its wisdom still relevant in the contemporary world.

  • 8班张露熙 4天前

    Reading "The Book of Changes" is like embarking on a profound journey through ancient wisdom. This classic text is a treasure trove of philosophical insights and cosmic understandings.

    The I Ching presents a complex system of symbols and hexagrams that seem to hold the keys to understanding the mysteries of life. As I delved into its pages, I was struck by the depth and complexity of its teachings. It offers guidance on various aspects of life, from personal decisions to the broader flow of the universe.

    The language is often cryptic, requiring careful contemplation and multiple readings to unlock its meanings. Each hexagram represents a different situation or energy, and through interpreting these symbols, one can gain valuable perspectives on challenges and opportunities.

    What makes "The Book of Changes" truly remarkable is its timeless nature. Despite being thousands of years old, its wisdom still resonates today. It encourages us to be adaptable, to observe the changing tides of life, and to make decisions with wisdom and foresight. Overall, reading "The Book of Changes" is a transformative experience that leaves one with a deeper appreciation for the mysteries of existence.

  • 17班李凡 4天前

    I Ching, or the Books of Changes is one of the oldest classics in China, which is rich in philosophical ideas and cultural significance. After reading the Chapter 1, I have a deep understanding of the book. I can realize the depth of traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts.

    Qian, which symbolizes the heavens and represents sunshine, creativity, and positive power. It expresses the characteristics of a man, such as strength, initiative, and leadership.

    Kun, which symbolizes the earth and represents the power of tolerance, softness and support. It expresses the characteristics of a woman, such as gentleness, conformity, and nurturing.

    Qian, which emphasizes the importance of being positive, encourages people to have the courage to pursue their goals in life and realize their potential. It conveys the concept of keeping forward, emphasizing the spirit of self-improvement and continuous efforts.

    While Kun, which emphasizes the importance of acceptance and adaptation, reminding people to be humble and patient in life. It conveys the concept of harmony, emphasizing the spirit of virtue and tolerance towards others.

    The combination of Qian and Kun embodies the balance of yin and yang. Qian represents yang, Kun represents yin, and they can’t be separated. Understanding this is essential for us to deal with various relationships and affairs in our lives. Only by finding a balance between active and passive, can we better cope with the changes and challenges in life.

    The Book of Changes is a profound philosophical work. It teaches us how to find our place in a changing world. The book is still guiding us to think and practice in the life, it is important for us to live in modern society.

  • 3班潘颜 3天前

    The Book of Changes is a profound text that delves into the principles of Yin and Yang, represented through trigrams and hexagrams. As I explored the various trigrams, I was particularly fascinated by how they symbolize different elements and concepts in nature and life. For instance, the "second daughter" trigram, Li, represents fire, which is often associated with passion and transformation.This connection between elemental power and human experience makes me deeply reflect on the journey of how to explore my own path.Moreover, the idea that the trigrams can be interpreted through familial metaphors adds another layer of understanding. The metaphor of the "second son" representing Kan, the water, illustrates the dynamic interplay between different forces in our lives. It makes me reflect on how we, too, embody various aspects of these trigrams in our daily interactions and decisions.I believe that the Changes is not just a book for divination; it is more like a philosophy of life that teaches us how to find balance in the midst of change.

    But I wonder know how can we actually use the insights from the Changes in our everyday lives And how can grasping these ancient ideas help us appreciate our own culture and the traditions that shape us? I am very excited to be exposed to this very philosophical and interesting course.

  • 2班贺盈 3天前

    The “I Ching”or “The Book of Changes” is the foremost of the classics. According to tradition, it was created by Fuxi with the Eight Trigrams, which were later developed into 64 hexagrams by King Wen of Zhou. Confucius and his disciples then added the Ten Wings for further explanation, forming the I Ching. The I Ching outlines the various possibilities of change and development in the world. It integrates astronomy, geography, and human affairs into a comprehensive study, making it a monumental philosophical work on life. It discusses a universe divided into dualities and the unity of opposites, guiding people towards the direction of the future.

    The Book of Changes is the main content of pre-Qin philosophy and the foundation of Chinese philosophy, which aims to help people understand and conform to the laws of nature. The 64 hexagrams and 384 lines of the Book of Changes are all derived from the Eight Diagrams, and it is full of mystery and unpredictability. Studying the Book of Changes has given me a deeper understanding of the relationship between individuals and society, and has also pointed the way for my future. To live a fulfilling life, one must be kind to others and work together with them. A person is a part of society, embedded in it, and cannot survive without the social environment. Anyone who wants to achieve something must rely on the social environment and others, so it is important to be kind to others and strive to help them. We should have a broad mind and tolerate others' mistakes and shortcomings. We should be able to coordinate and drive conflicts, as conflicts will arise in our work and study. The key is how we view conflicts. We should discuss specific issues and focus on how to better develop our work and achieve our goals. When conflicts may extend beyond our work and study, we should stop arguing.

  • 6班刘溯 3天前

    After learning the course, I've delved into the profound concepts of space and time within early Chinese classics. The course shed light on the mythical Fuxi, often revered as the progenitor of Chinese civilization, and his pivotal role in the genesis of the "I Ching" (Book of Changes). This ancient text, a cornerstone of Chinese philosophy, was explored through its intricate structure and content, offering a glimpse into the ancients' understanding of the universe and life's cycles.

    The "I Ching" is a complex system of divination and philosophy, and the course provided essential reading elements to navigate its enigmatic verses. The fundamental principles of yin and yang, the interplay of opposites, and the dynamic balance they represent were central to my learning. The course meticulously dissected the Qian and Kun hexagrams, symbolizing heaven and earth, respectively. These hexagrams, as the first and second in the sequence, set the stage for understanding the rest of the "I Ching."

    The Qian hexagram, representing creativity and strength, and the Kun hexagram, symbolizing receptiveness and nurturing, were analyzed in detail. These readings underscored the complementary nature of the forces that shape our world. The course has been an enlightening journey, offering a deeper appreciation for the rich tapestry of Chinese culture and the wisdom encapsulated within its classic texts. It has equipped me with a new lens through which to view the world, one that is both ancient and timeless.

  • 6班胡洋 3天前

    The preface of "Selections from Chinese Cultural Classics" sets the stage for understanding the profound impact of traditional Chinese texts on both historical and contemporary society. It emphasizes the importance of these classics in shaping Chinese philosophy, ethics, and culture. The preface highlights how these texts not only reflect the wisdom of ancient thinkers but also offer valuable insights for modern life, encouraging readers to engage with them critically and reflectively.

    In the selection from the "I Ching," or Book of Changes, we encounter a unique philosophical system based on the principles of change and balance. The "I Ching" introduces the concept of yin and yang, symbolizing dualities in nature and life. Each hexagram represents a specific state or situation, accompanied by interpretations that guide decision-making. This dynamic approach teaches adaptability and awareness of the changing circumstances in life.

  • 06多杰达哇 3天前


    My  Overview of I Ching:
    - I Ching, also known as the Book of Changes, is one of the oldest Chinese classical texts.
    - It serves as both a divination text and a philosophical guide, offering insights into the nature of change and the principles governing the universe.
    - Central to the text is the concept of yin (passive, receptive energy) and yang (active, creative energy), and their interplay in producing various changes in the world.

    - The I Ching* consists of 64 hexagrams, each composed of six lines, which are either broken (yin) or solid (yang).
       - Each hexagram represents a specific state or situation and is used for divination and advice on navigating changes in life.
        The process of casting the hexagrams was traditionally done using yarrow sticks or coins, resulting in a random outcome that reflects the situation in question.

      At its core, *I Ching* teaches that change is constant and cyclical, influenced by the balance and imbalance of forces (yin and yang).
        The text offers wisdom on how to act or adapt to different circumstances through the interpretation of hexagrams.
       -Change is not random but follows a natural, orderly process, rooted in the Daoist principle of harmony with the universe.

    The I Ching is closely tied to Daoist philosophy, emphasizing the importance of following the natural flow of the universe (the Dao).
       - Acting in harmony with the changing forces, rather than resisting them, leads to a life of balance and fulfillment.

      Individuals seek guidance from the I Ching during moments of uncertainty, asking a question and then consulting the text after casting the hexagram.
      I think the response from the text is interpreted as a reflection of the current circumstances and offers advice on how to navigate the situation in harmony with the forces of change.


  • 英语202207杨恩鉴 3天前

    The author of this article talks about the importance of traditional Chinese culture and its changing-yet-timeless elements. Texts from history are one type of such traditions, and the author uses two early texts, the I Ching and The Classic of Documents, to illustrate the early Chinese mind and its concepts of time, space, and the universe.

    The I Ching is a book of signs that directed the ancient people to certain choices and actions in the world. It is a text of wisdom that reminds people that their placement in a certain social status and life was permanently changing, and to remain steadfast was to keep being adapted with the changing time and positions. The hexagrams in the I Ching are combinations of yin and yang, which represent the interacting among the earth, the human, and the heaven. The yin and yang merged with each other, and if not, when they in form went to an end, the extremity would turn it over to the other extremity of the yang form and produce unexpected results. This cyclical sense of time also grounded the sexagenary cycle of recording days and time.

    The Classic of Documents is an ancient Chinese classic that contains historical documents, speeches, and poems from the early Zhou Dynasty. The second text “The Announcement of The Duke of Shao" from the Classic of Documents serves as an example showing how a kingdom determined to move its capital based on the early conceptualization of time and space at a critical moment of its fate.

  • 英语202204谭竣丹 3天前

    I have learned a lot from the previous selections of Yan and the Book of Changes. First, after reading the introduction, I deeply understand the importance of learning this course and will study harder in the future. Second, after reading the explanation of the English version of the Book of Changes, I deeply feel the different charm of the Book of Changes in different languages.The Chinese version of the Book of Changes has its own characteristics, and it is very difficult to read. Before learning this course, I really could not believe how to explain it in English. However, the film selection of the Book of Changes has given me a good example, which makes me full of confidence about explaining Chinese traditional culture in English.
    Finally,selected passages from the book of changes is also very appropriate for the translation of the Book of changes, which is originally a discussion of the changes of things, and the word changes just compound this feature The translation of the I Ching for several days also takes into account the characteristics of the English language itself.
    In short, I deeply feel the charm of this course, and I will work harder in my future studies

  • 10班王胜 3天前

    notes:The I Ching, also known as the "Book of Changes," is one of the oldest Chinese classics, dating back over 3,000 years. It is a foundational text in Chinese philosophy, culture, and divination, traditionally attributed to the sage King Wen of Zhou and the ancient philosopher Confucius.

    The I Ching is composed of 64 hexagrams, each made up of six lines that can be either broken (yin) or solid (yang). These hexagrams represent various natural and social phenomena, embodying the dynamic interplay of change and balance in the universe. Each hexagram is accompanied by a set of interpretations, which offer insights into various life situations and moral guidance.

    In practice, individuals use the I Ching as a divination tool to gain wisdom and guidance on specific questions or dilemmas. The process typically involves throwing coins or yarrow sticks to generate a hexagram, which is then analyzed for its meanings.

    Beyond its use in divination, the I Ching has influenced various disciplines, including philosophy, ethics, art, and politics. Its concepts of duality, change, and harmony resonate throughout Chinese thought and continue to inspire people worldwide in their quest for understanding and guidance in life.

  • 2班文学谭博文 3天前

    After watching and reading the first chapter, I want to first address the question: “How are these legendary heroes related to the fact that we call ourselves the Descendants of the Dragon?” When discussing early-stage heroes, we cannot overlook three important figures: Nuwa, Fuxi, and the Yellow Emperor. Both Nuwa and Fuxi are depicted with snake tails. However, Fuxi’s father, Huaxu, is a dragon, making Fuxi the first descendant of the dragon. Although Nuwa does not have a direct dragon lineage, she is also considered a descendant of the dragon. As for the Yellow Emperor, it is said that he ascended to heaven in the form of a dragon. This is why we Chinese people refer to ourselves as “Descendants of the Dragon.”

    The Book of Changes, associated with Fuxi and featuring the dragon as a central image, also reflects this cultural symbolism. The association with dragons in the Book of Changes suggests that it was written during a time when society was transitioning from a matriarchal to a patriarchal system.

    I also learned about the eight hexagrams, starting with Qian and Kun. The remaining six hexagrams—Zhen, Kan, Gen, Xun, Li, and Dui—represent thunder, water, mountain, wind, fire, and lake, respectively.

    Finally, I was introduced to the meanings of the Qian and Kun hexagrams. For instance, the Qian hexagram’s “nine at the beginning” symbolizes “hidden dragon, do not act,” indicating that hidden potential should be kept in check until the right moment.

  • 06娄娅 3天前

    I'm curious. We all say China has a history of five thousand years. But I read in the introduction that the footprints of Chinese culture can already be followed to more than 7,000 years ago. So why do we call this early period prehistoric? This stage is also a part of Chinese history.

  • In the process of reading selected passages from the I Ching, I have gained many valuable insights and reflections. Everything in the universe can be divided into two opposing aspects: yin and yang. Only when yin and yang are harmonized can a state of harmony be achieved. The I Ching discusses sixty-four hexagrams, and by interpreting these symbols, we can better understand the challenges and opportunities in life. I learned that the "Qian" hexagram tells us to be humble and cautious, not arrogant or impetuous, in order to gain the respect and support of others; the "Sun" hexagram teaches us to understand letting go and sacrifice to achieve greater rewards. These principles are not only helpful for personal growth but also provide invaluable guidance for social harmony. Reading the I Ching is not only an acquisition of knowledge but also a spiritual baptism. It teaches us how to maintain a calm mindset in a complex and ever-changing world, how to see hope in adversity, and how to stay vigilant when successful. We can learn and practice the wisdom found in the I Ching, continuously elevating our level of thinking and striving for the dual enhancement of self-worth and social contribution.

