Germans emphasis on individualism, masculinity, and uncertainty avoidance. Power distance and long-term orientation are both ranked considerably lower than the others.
1.Individualism: Germans place high priority on looking after themselves and their immediate family.
2.Masculinity: Germans place greater importance on earnings, recognition, advancement and challenge.
3.Uncertainty Avoidance: Germans insist on written rules and detailed codes of conduct. It seems to have a rule for everything.
4.Power Distance.
(5.Long-term orientation.)
And there are 5 manifestations to those core values.
1.Ordnung—Order. 2.Klarheit—Clarity. 3.Truth and Duty (Directness). 4.Authority and Status. 5.Private and Public.
There are 5 manifestations to Germany's cultural core values.
individualism: They place high priority on looking after themselves and their immediate family.
masculinity: They place greater importance on earnings, recognition, advancement and challenge.
uncertainty avoidance: They feel threatened by ambiguous situations and insist on written rules and detailed codes of conduct.
low power distance index: Germany is a decentralized society, with relatively flatter organization structures and a comparatively smaller proportion of supervisors.
The first one is individualism:Germans place high priority on looking after themselves and their immediate family.At work,however,Germans jointly assume responsibities and achieve goals in groups.
2.The second one is asculinity:Germans place greater importance on earnings, recognition, advancement and challenge.
3.The third one is uncertainty avoidance:Germans insist on written rules and detailed codes of conduct.It seems to have a rule for everything.
They are sociable. For the French, social life is an important part of life. It is unimaginable to live without social activities.Most of them are frank and enthusiastic in their interpersonal communication. He is good at eloquence and eloquence, good at joking, dislikes people who don't like talking, and is difficult to accept those who are sad.
Germans attach great importance to rules and discipline, and take everything very seriously. The Germans will consciously abide by what is explicitly stated; the Germans will never touch it if it is explicitly prohibited. Germans are very particular about cleanliness and neatness, not only paying attention to keeping the small environment in which they live, but also attaching great importance to the cleanliness and neatness of the environment. They value wearing, punctuality, politeness and love of life.
Individualism: Germans attach importance to their families and hope to give them a better life. I like to help my family plan.
Masculinity: Germans attach importance to career, pay attention to income, like to meet challenges, and hope to be recognized by others, especially at work and by their families.
Uncertainty avoidance: Germans pay attention to rules and like to do things regularly, but they are not very rigid. This can be said to be a rigorous spirit.