There are three manifestations to Germany's cultural core values.
1.Individualism:German place high priority to looking after themselves and their immediate family.
2.Masculinity:German place great importance on earning,recognition,advancementa challenge.
3.Unvertainty avoidance:German insist on the written rules and detailed code of conduct.
individualism:Germans place high priority on looking after themselves and their immediate family. At work, Germans jointly assume responsibilities and achieve goals in groups.
Directness:Germans and Americans both find the noncommottal nature and directness of British communication abhorrent.
masculinity:Germans always place greater inportance on earing ,recognition,advancement and challenge
There are 3 manifestations to Germany's cultural core.They are individualism, masculinity, and uncertainty avoidance.
French still value chivalry The core of it is to respect and protect women. The French also have a low tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity.
There are three manifestations to Germany's cultural core values. Order:they pay attention to the order, so they allow the rules every situation. Clarity:they have their own system exactly. Drectly:they like show their opnion directly and honestly,they do not like exaggerated.
There are three manifestations to Germany's cultural core values. There are individualism, masculinity and uncertainty avoidance.
Individualism:Germans place high priority on looking after themselves and their immediate family. At work, however, German jointly assume responsibilities and achieve goals in groups.
Masculinity:Germans place greater importance on earnings, recognition, advancement and challenge. A cultural characteristic in which success, money and material possessions form the dominant values in society.
Uncertainty avoidance:Germans insist on written rules and detailed codes of conduct.
There are three manifestations to Germany's cultural core values. They are individualism, masculinity and uncertainty avoidance. German place high priority to looking after themselves and their immediate family. German place great importance on earnings, recognition, advancement and challenge. German insist on the written rules and detailed code of conduct.
1.Individualism: Germans place high prority on looking after themselves and their family. At work Germans assume responsibilities and achieve goals in group.
2.Masculinity: Germans place greater importance on earing, recognition advancement and callenge.
3.Avoidance: Germans insist on written rules and detailed codes of conduct due to their need of security.
Here are three manifestations to Germany's cultural core values:
1.Individualism:place high priority on looking after themselves and their family.
2.Masculinity:A cultural characteristic in which success, money and material possessions form the dominant values in society.
3.Power distance:Germany is a decentralized society, with relatively flatter organization structures and a comparatively smaller proportion of supervisors,and very on time.