Individualism:Germans place high priority on looking after themselves and their immediate family.
Masculinity:Germans place greater importance on earnings, recognition, advancement and challenge.
Power distance:Germany is a decentralized society, with relatively flatter organization structures and a comparatively smaller proportion of supervisors,and very on time.
1.Individualism:place high priority on looking after themselves and their family.
2.Masculinity:A cultural characteristic in which success, money and material possessions form the dominant values in society.
3.Power distance:Germany is a decentralized society, with relatively flatter organization structures and a comparatively smaller proportion of supervisors,and very on time.
The object of their life is to analyze everything to find that oder and system,and then to apply it.It's the function of German education and social training.It reflects their belief that there is an inherent order and system in everything.
For most Germans it's important to be clear and part of that clarity is to have a system that outlines for everyone exactly what has to be done and who will do it.And they will involve themselves in long,deep,and soul-searching analysis of situations or proposals to find the clarity from which that system will emerge.
Frankness and straightforwardness to the point of bluntness are features of German society. It's important in Germany to say what you mean.Germans comments on behavior or character can often be unfortunately direct.
Individualism:Germans place high priority on looking after themselves and their immediate family. At work, Germans jointly assume responsibilities and achieve goals in groups.
Masculinity:Germans place greater importance on earnings, recognition, advancement and challenge.
Uncertainty avoidance:Germans have a lot of rules.Germans and Americans both find the noncommottal nature and directness of British communication abhorrent.
Individualism::place high priority on looking after themselves and their family.
Masculinity:Germans place greater importance on earing.
Power distance:Germany is a decentralized society, with relatively flatter organization structures and a comparatively smaller proportion of supervisors,and very o
Individuaism place high pionity on looking after temselves and their family
Msaculinity A cultural characeristic in which success,money and material oossessions form the dominant calues in society
Power distance Germany is a ddecentralized society,with retatively flatter organization structures and a commparatively sm after proportion of supervisors and very on time
There are three manifestations to Germany's cultural core values.
One.Individualism:German place high priority to looking after themselves and their immediate family.
Two.Masculinity:German place greater importance on earning, recognition, advancementa challenge.
Three.Unvertainty avoidance:German insist on the written rules and detailed code of conduct, It seems to have a rule for everything.
Individualism,Masculinity and Unvertainty are Germany's cultural core values.
Individualism:Although Gremans jointly assume responsibilities and goals in groups, Germans place high priority to looking after themselves and their immediate family.
Masculinity:German place great importance on earning,recognition,advancementa challenge.
Unvertainty avoidance:Gremans people will feel threatened by ambiguous situations and to insist it,they have been written rules and detailed code of conduct.