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2023.08.24 ~ 2023.12.31
  • 四川外国语大学
  • 建议每周学习3小时
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成绩预发布时间 2023-12-30





On the "limitation" of Li

By 张婷 老师 11-16 6308次浏览

Some people believe Li or rituals are about organizing and structuring social and personal behaviors, and thus seem to conflict with human emotional instinct and free spirit. Then, can we draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity (as suggested by Bertrand Russel on page 54)?  

Post your answers online.

450 回复

  • 王艺颖 11-19

    We cannot draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity. The reasons are as follows:

    Firstly, Kant believes that moral law is the "cognitive reason" of freedom, while freedom is the "reason for existence" of moral law, that is, the freedom of practice has implemented the suspended a priori freedom in action, making it have "reality". Although it is not the reality of theory but the reality of practice

    Secondly, Li is a kind of binding rule to society. China has a vast territory and takes the family as a unit. This social structure is autonomous and inheritable, and the power is also passed on. In addition, as a landlocked country, China focuses on farming, emphasizes self-sufficiency, and does not pursue change and adventure. Etiquette can stabilize the society and is beneficial to the management of the rulers.

    Thirdly, Engels pointed out: "transfer all the natural and social attributes of many gods to an omnipotent God, and this God itself is only the reflection of abstract man." This gives rise to monotheism. With the formation of the class, the emergence of the state, and the establishment of the monarch, the exploiting class moved the rule of the monarch over his subjects to heaven, and created the only omniscient and omnipotent God from the gods, as the supreme ruler, it is actually the incarnation of earthly emperors. Engels said: "without a unified monarch, there will never be a unified god." In addition, as a result of the religious spread brought about by population mobility, Greece was exposed to the religious ideas of the near East, from polytheism to monotheism, which accommodated and protected the belief in deity that already existed everywhere, without violating the basic principles of Christianity as monotheism.

    All in all, I believe that we should not consider Li as inhumane just because it constrains human instincts in certain situations. Instincts are only a part of a person and we are free in other aspects. Freedom is based on rationality, and Li is a part of human rational capacity. Li has a promoting effect on the development of human civilization rather than constrain human.

  • 杨璐宇 11-19

    No, drawing the conclusion that Confucius supports inhumanity merely on the basis of Li's criticism or ceremonies would be oversimplified and misinterpreted. Beyond its traditional bases, Confucianism is a comprehensive intellectual and ethical framework that was popularized by Confucius. The essence of Confucianism emphasizes ethical values, moral training, and the development of kindness (ren) and righteousness (yi), even though rituals play a role in regulating communal and personal actions.Bertrand Russell's claim of inhumanity may have its roots in a constrained interpretation of rituals or in a restricted understanding of Confucianism. Confucius promoted peaceful interpersonal cooperation within a community by placing a strong emphasis on compassion, empathy, and other people's welfare. His beliefs attempted to establish a ethical and moral society.

  • 谢瑜珂 11-19

    Kant's moral philosophy revolves around freedom. According to Kant, man does not only exist in the world of "sensation" or "phenomenon", but also belongs to the world of "concept" or "ontology". According to empiricism, man is not free; his will and actions are subject to the laws of cause and effect in nature. In the view of rational ontology, human behavior is driven by freedom and morality. Human beings have a free and autonomous choice between good and evil. Kant argued that the general principles of law and morality cannot be based on empirical human nature, but must incorporate a "conceptual" or "ontological" world, based on a transcendental "ought" world based on rational commands.

    2. Why does the economic and political structure of traditional Chinese society need "rites"?

    The first is to maintain social order. Rites, as a social norm and moral code, provide order and stability for society. Etiquette defines the way people behave in society, guides people to respect others, abide by the law, and avoid conflicts, thus maintaining social harmony and stability. Second, it can shape and enhance personality. Rites shape people's personalities through a series of rituals and norms. These norms include respect for elders, respect for teachers, modesty and prudence, so that people can continuously improve their own self-cultivation and moral character in daily life, and create a positive personality. The third point can promote the transmission and development of knowledge. Rites, as a part of traditional Chinese culture, are also a way to pass on knowledge and wisdom. Ancient rituals are often accompanied by profound discussions of ancient culture, history, and philosophy. By learning rites, people can get the essence of traditional culture and promote the inheritance and development of culture. The fourth point can promote art and culture. In the process of development, rites are closely connected with art and culture. For example, the ancient etiquette and music, dance, drama and other art forms were integrated to promote the development and innovation of art. At the same time, rites also provide rich themes and inspiration for artistic creation. The fifth is the manifestation of religious belief. Rites are also one of the manifestations of religious belief. The ancient ritual of offering sacrifices to heaven, earth and ancestors expressed people's respect and worship to the ancestors of heaven and earth, and also reflected people's belief in the power of nature.

    The defect of etiquette is that when people do not follow the etiquette rules, they cannot take coercive measures to punish them. Therefore, in the long historical evolution, the combination of rites and laws has formed the governance mode of the combination of rites and laws.

    In short, ruling the world by etiquette is one of the important ways of social governance in ancient China, which is rooted in Confucianism. The advantage of ritual is that it can establish a good social order and avoid social chaos and contradictions. The drawback of ritual, however, is that it does not force people to follow ritual norms. Therefore, in the long historical evolution, the combination of rites and laws has formed the governance mode of the combination of rites and laws.

    3. Maritime and continental States

    The Greeks lived in a maritime country and maintained their prosperity through commerce.

    They are mainly businessmen. Merchants deal first with the abstract numbers used in their business accounts, and then with the concrete things that can be immediately understood through those numbers. These numbers are what Northrop calls hypothetical concepts. So, too, did the Greek philosophers take the concept of postulates as their starting point. They developed mathematics and mathematical reasoning. That's why they have epistemological problems, and why their language is so clear. They are used to change and are not afraid of novelty.

    Continental European countries

    This is the view of a man who admires nature and denounces artificiality. The peasants' way of life is to conform to nature. They worship nature and denounce the man-made, and in their primitiveness and naivety they are easily satisfied.

    4. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    The ancient Greeks attached great importance to political democracy and freedom of thought, believed in the value and dignity of the human person, and did not submit to any secular or religious authority. With the attitude of rationalism and secularism, adhering to the spirit of free exploration, positive thinking and continuous innovation, they brought to the Western world the humanistic thought of freedom, rationality and democracy, optimistic and enterprising attitude towards life, and healthy and simple aesthetic concept.

  • 李容华 11-19

    I think the Li of Confucius has nothing to do with the inhumanity .Through the in-depth understanding of Confucius' thought, it is clear that Confucius advocates rites or rituals to organize and structure social and individual behavior, which is not in line with inhumanity. The thoughts of "benevolence", "virtue", "loyalty" and "filial piety" advocated by Confucius are important components of traditional Chinese culture and have shaped the character and spirit of the Chinese nation. These ideas are deeply rooted in the daily life of the Chinese people.

    In addition, Confucius advocated respect for humanity, humanity and human dignity, and he strongly opposed barbaric and inhuman behavior. In addition, his thoughts contain a meaningful discussion of human emotions, with great emphasis on spiritual freedom.

    In short, Confucius' thought is a complex system that includes elements of maintaining social order and moral norms, as well as elements of respecting human emotional and spiritual freedom. Therefore, we should fully understand Confucius' thought.

  • 4班_周明霞 11-19

    According to Kant, freedom is to act freely and autonomously, to act according to a low I give myself, not according to the physical laws of nature or the law of cause and effect. From the aspect of sincerity, Li refers to the uification of behavior and heart, which has the same meaning as Kant's idea of freedom.

    In terms of social and political system, Li means the division of social ranks and the distribution of responsibility in order to maintain social order and ensure justice. Chinese social system may be called that of the family state because under it the state is conceived of terms of the family. In China , the social organization is automatic and hierarchic because in a family the authority of the father is naturally superior to that of the son. This is the same as what the Li refers to.

    Religions caused the birth of the metaphysics and monotheism in western culture. But in Confucian culture, there is no clear theological view. It just encourages reverence for the natrue of life and the universe. It can be said that Confucian culture has prevented us from having the same situation as the West. So, Li or other rituals doesn't conflict with human emotional instinct and free spirit. And we can't draw the conclusionthat Confucius is in line with inhumamnity.

  • 胡丽雯 11-19
    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice

    Kant believed that freedom is an essentially unrestricted right and an essential attribute of humanity. He defined freedom as' autonomy ', which is the ability to have free will. Autonomy is the foundation of human ability to act and an internal force that is not influenced by external factors. Kant believed that human free will is not disturbed by any external factors and is an untouchable core that exists deep within the human heart. The essence of freedom is the ability of human beings themselves, rather than the rights granted by others or governments. Therefore, Kant believed that any restriction on freedom is contrary to human nature and immoral. He believes that only on the basis of protecting everyone's freedom can humanity achieve true moral and social progress.

    2. Why does the traditional Chinese society’s economic and political structure need "Ritual"?

    The core content of traditional culture accumulated over thousands of years of Chinese history is "Ritual", and ancient Chinese politics was basically based on "Ritual". “Ritual” is closely related to ancient Chinese political concepts, behaviors, and systems. Various political systems in ancient China all belonged to the category of "Ritual". Although various ritual systems have gained and lost profits and changes with the development of society or the replacement of dynasties, they have always been inseparable from their origins. "Ritual" has always been the theoretical basis and value standard of various systems in ancient Chinese society for thousands of years, and have always been the ideal institutional model pursued by the consciousness forms of feudal dynasties throughout China.

    3. Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    Continental Countries mainly refer to closed countries located in the interior of Eurasia, with their ruling core area far from the sea and based on natural economy as their foundation. Maritime countries, although their agricultural economy are still the foundation of their establishments, their survival depend to varying degrees on overseas trade.

    4. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    The Hellenistic tradition in Western culture has sparked contemplation beyond the material world, fostering the development of metaphysics. This philosophical trend guides individuals to transcend sensory experiences and seek higher truths. Simultaneously, the religious beliefs within the Hellenistic tradition laid the foundation for monotheism, emphasizing the belief in a single God and highlighting the order and unity of the cosmos.


    No, the philosophical and ethical system advocated emphasizes ethical morality, moral cultivation, benevolence, and righteousness. It aims to harmoniously coexist in society, encouraging empathy, sympathy, and the well-being of others to create a moral and just society, rather than suppress human emotional instincts or freedom of spirit.

  • 9班向雯莉 11-19

    1."Freedom" in Kant's justice philosophy refers to the state where individuals exercise their rights and pursue goals without external interference. Kant argues that freedom is an inherent right of humanity, but it should be constrained by moral principles to ensure harmony between individual and collective freedoms.

    2.In traditional Chinese society, "Ritual" is not just a ceremony but a moral guideline sustaining social order. By regulating behavior, "Ritual" encourages individuals to prioritize societal interests, contributing to social harmony. Its role in the economic and political structure lies in establishing a set of relatively fixed social norms and moral standards, aiding in stabilizing governance and societal relations.

    3.The terms "maritime countries" and "continental countries" are often used to categorize nations based on their geographical characteristics and their relationship with bodies of water.

    Maritime Countries: Maritime countries are those that have a significant coastline and rely on the sea for trade, transportation, and often defense. These nations typically have a strong maritime tradition and may have a large portion of their population living in coastal areas. Maritime countries often have a strong emphasis on naval power, fishing, and maritime trade. Examples of maritime countries include Japan, the United Kingdom, Indonesia, and Norway.

    Continental countries: Continental countries, on the other hand, are those that are geographically dominated by landmasses and have limited access to the sea. These nations often have a greater emphasis on land-based trade and transportation, and their economies and cultures may be more influenced by their immediate neighbors rather than by maritime influences. Examples of continental countries include Russia, China, Brazil, and Germany.

    Maritime countries have a form of social organization nlt based on the common interest of the family so much as on that of the town. For example, Greeks organized their society around the city state. However, in China, it may be called that of the family state because the state is conceived of in terms of family. In a city state, the social organization is not automatic because among the same class of townsmen, there is no reason why one should be more important than, or superior to, another. But family state is automatic and hierarchic because the authority of the father is superior to that of the son.

    4.The Hellenistic tradition in Western culture spurred contemplation beyond the material world, fostering the development of metaphysics. This philosophical trend guided individuals beyond sensory experiences to seek higher truths. Simultaneously, the religious beliefs in the Hellenistic tradition laid the foundation for monotheism, concentrating faith in a single deity and emphasizing the universe's order and unity.


    5.Some people believe Li or rituals are about organizing and structuring social and personal behaviors, and thus seem to conflict with human emotional instinct and free spirit. Then, can we draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity (as suggested by Bertrand Russel on page 54)?  

    No, we can't.

    Confucianism was, in practice, mainly a code of civilized behavior, degenerating at times into an etiquette book. It taught self-restraint, moderation, and above all courtesy. Its moral code was not, like those of Buddhism and Christianity, so severe that only a few saints could hope to live up to it, or so much concerned with personal salvation as to be incompatible with political institutions. It was not difficult for a man of the world to the more imperative parts of the Confucian teaching. But in order to do this he must exercise at all times a certain kind of self-control-an extension of the kind which children learn when they are taught to behave. He must not break into violent passions;he must not be arrogant;he must save face, and never inflict humiliations upon defeated adversaries; he must be moderate in all things, never carried away by excessive love or hate; in a word, he must keep calm reason always in control of all his actions. In other words, Confucius emphasized the importance of Li as a way to cultivate proper conduct, social harmony, and moral character. While some may Li as rigid and restrictive, Confucius intended for its practice to guide individuals towards benevolence, compassion, and ethical behavior. Confucius believed that by adhering to Li, individuals could create a harmonious society and develop their moral character.  Although Li is about organizing and structuring social and personal behaviors, social unity and stability is necessity for people to act freely, so Confucius is not in line with inhumanity, but actually is humanity.

  • 21班孙小涵 11-19
    1. According to Kant, freedom means to act autonomously, to act freely according a law one gives oneself. Freedom, for Kant, is a power to initiate action from oneself, and the only way to exercise this power is through the law of one's own will, the moral law.
    2. The ancient China social system is called family state. In a family state, the social organization is automatic and hierarchic because in a family the authority of the father is naturally superior to that of the son. “Li” qualifies the emperor to have similar status to father. Then, the emperor plays the role as “father” in the whole country. “Li” maintains the political order and helps the emperor to rule the country.Agriculture is the primary economic sector in ancient China. Chinese were farmers. In this society, people are easily made content and novelty is discouraged. “Li” provides people with a moral law to maintain the social order. Therefore, the society can be stable and agricultural activities can be carried out smoothly.
    3. The Greeks lived in a maritime country and maintained their prosperity through commerce. The Greeks were merchants. They encourage novelty and change. The metaphysics encourages people to think beyond the world. It conforms with the social reality.
    4. So we can’t say that Confucius is in line with inhumanity. Because Confucius’ idea about “Li” is generated by the demand of the society he was living in. It answers the request of that time.
  • 刘颖 11-19

  act freely,to act autonomously,to act according to a law I give myself.


    2.China social system is called that of the family state because under it the state is conceived of in terms of family. In a family state, the social organization is automatic and hierarchic. So the society need Li to maintain the social hierarchy.


    3.Around the 15th century, it was the famous Renaissance era in European history, and capitalism began to grow in the feudal society. The success of global navigation and the establishment of new transportation routes on various continents have opened up a broad world for the mutual exchange of material and spiritual civilization between the East and the West. The flow from the Arab world into Europe was not only a large number of ancient Greek documents that had not been seen by medieval Western scholars, but also Chinese paper and printing techniques, which made the spread of cultural and scientific knowledge more rapid and extensive. In order to remove the obstacles to economic development and to seize political power, the bourgeoisie launched a massive cultural reform movement that put feudal autocracy and religion into superstition. It was the greatest revolution that mankind had ever seen, and the whole of Europe awoke. In this exciting era, the exploration of natural mysteries, the desire for material enjoyment, the pursuit of physical and mental perfection, the yearning for academic freedom, and the worship of human reason replaced the blind expectation of heaven and the confused fear of hell. People are no longer entangled in the examination and debate of the words of the Bible, but turn to nature, into society, to observe and experiment as a source of new knowledge.


    4.No, it isn’t correct to draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity. From the root,Western civilization and Chinese civilization were born in different environments, which resulted in different social structures. Western civilization oringed from maritime and maintain prosperity through commerce. So their social organization based on the common interest of family so much as on that of the town.  In a city state the social organization is not automatic, because among the same class of townsmen there is no moral reason why one should be more important than or superior to another. China social system is called that of the family state because under it the state is conceived of in terms of family. In a family state, the social organization is automatic and hierarchic because in a family the authority of the father is naturally superior of the son.

  • 经康婷 11-19

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)2. Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"? 3.Maritime Countries and Continental Countries 4.Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism

    1. "Freedom," within the framework of Kant's idea of justice, is a multifaceted concept that transcends mere autonomy. Kantian freedom is deeply rooted in moral autonomy and rational self-governance. According to Kant, genuine freedom is achieved not through arbitrary actions but through adherence to moral principles and the categorical imperative. This imperative compels individuals to act in accordance with reason and universal moral laws, emphasizing a sense of duty and responsibility. Therefore, Kantian freedom goes beyond a simplistic understanding of personal autonomy, intertwining moral reasoning and ethical conduct.

    2. In the intricate tapestry of traditional Chinese society, the economic and political structure found its anchor in the concept of "Ritual" or Li. Far from being a mere ceremonial practice, rituals served as the bedrock of social order, facilitating the reinforcement of hierarchical relationships and guiding individuals in their conduct. The extensive use of rituals was instrumental in establishing a moral framework that contributed significantly to the stability and harmony within the societal structure. It acted as a cohesive force, promoting a shared set of values that were crucial for the smooth functioning of the traditional Chinese socio-political landscape.

    3. The dichotomy between maritime countries and continental countries serves as a geopolitical lens through which we can examine the orientations of different nations. Maritime countries, enveloped by oceans, often find themselves inclined towards trade, navigation, and an openness to external influences. This inclination is driven by the accessibility of sea routes and the imperative to engage in international commerce. Conversely, continental countries, surrounded by land, may prioritize territorial defense, agriculture, and internal stability, as their geographical positioning shapes their strategic concerns and economic priorities.

    4. The Hellenistic tradition in Western culture stands as a pivotal chapter that gave rise to metaphysics and monotheism, forging an intellectual landscape marked by the amalgamation of Greek philosophy and Near Eastern influences. This synthesis, particularly incorporating elements from Platonic and Aristotelian thought, propelled philosophical inquiries into the nature of reality, existence, and the divine. Metaphysical contemplations emerged as a consequence, delving into abstract concepts and the fundamental nature of being. Simultaneously, this intellectual milieu laid the foundations for the development of monotheistic beliefs in subsequent Western religious traditions, marking a transformative phase in the cultural and philosophical evolution of the Western world.


  • 14班王思倩 11-19

    As we all know Kant's conception of freedom is that to act freely is to act autonomously and to act autonomously is to act according to a law that people give themselves, not according to the physical laws od nature or the laws of cause and effect. However, freedom is also connected to morality. . Confucius believed that Li was important in promoting social harmony and respect for others, but also emphasized the importance of compassion, empathy, and individual expression. In fact, he stated that one must first develop oneself before being able to properly engage with society and Li. Furthermore, Russell’s assessment of Confucianism as inhuman can be considered narrow and limited. Confucian thought and philosophy have evolved over time, and there is no singular, monolithic interpretation of Confucianism.

    No such conclusion can be reached. In traditional Chinese culture, ritual is a code of conduct, which shows respect and care for others. It restrains people's improper behavior, and improper behavior cannot be called spiritual freedom. Therefore, rites are not in conflict with the instincts of the human spirit. Courtesy can help us better get rid of impolite behavior and realize spiritual freedom.

    "Man can only be an end, not a pure means", Kant explained the subjectivity of the individual from the dimension of the relationship between people, which is applicable to the City state that emphasizes the equality of all people in the Western civilization. The difference is that Confucius stood at the height of the social order, in the background of the most civilized family state, proposed the concept of "rites", its essence also includes the universe, society, personality several levels, falling on the individual still emphasize the human heart. Therefore, in different social backgrounds, their pursuit of freedom is actually the same destination.

  • 冉慧玲 11-19

    What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)

    We indeed cannot escape instinct, but we must not blindly obey nature and become slaves to instinct and desires. Humans possess rational capacity, and it is this ability that distinguishes us from animals. Therefore, freedom is not about doing as one pleases, nor is it about acting without hindrance. According to Kant, freedom is the opposite of necessity, meaning that it allows individuals to act according to their own will, while being influenced solely by physiological needs.

    Why does the economic and political structure of traditional Chinese society require "etiquette"?

    The requirements for "etiquette" in the economic and political structures of traditional Chinese society are multifaceted.

    First, "etiquette" is seen as a mechanism for maintaining social order. In ancient China, social hierarchy and status differences were at the core of the economic and political structure. The concept of "rituals" established a set of behavioral and communicative norms that helped maintain social order, avoiding conflicts and chaos arising from status differences.

    Second, "etiquette" also played an important role in economic activities in ancient China. Commercial activities often occurred within specific social relationships, and "rituals" prescribed how people should treat each other within these relationships. By adhering to "rituals," people could build trust and good relationships, thereby facilitating smooth business transactions.

    Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    The distinction between maritime countries and continental countries is primarily based on their geography, resources, and economic characteristics.

    Why did the Hiro tradition in Western culture give birth to metaphysics and monotheism?

    The Western cultural tradition emphasizes curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom regarding the unknown. In this tradition, people not only focus on the surface phenomena of things but also attempt to understand their underlying essence and significance. This exploration goes beyond sensory experience, involving more abstract and profound concepts, thereby forming the philosophical basis of metaphysics.

    Furthermore, in ancient Greek philosophy, the importance of language gradually became prominent, as philosophers began to explore the world and truth through language. This focus on language promoted the development of conceptual analysis and logical reasoning, providing important cognitive tools for metaphysics.

    As for the emergence of monotheism, the hero tradition first emphasized the exploration of the mystical and supernatural, providing a foundation for early monotheistic beliefs. In early Christianity and other monotheistic religions, mysticism and supernatural elements were significant components. Additionally, the hero tradition's pursuit of wisdom and truth also supported the belief in monotheism.

    To sum up,  we should not consider "etiquette" inhumane simply because they sometimes restrict human instincts. Instinct is only a part of a person, and complete obedience to instinct would make us slaves to our instincts. Implementing "rituals" does not deprive people of their freedom because freedom is not about living freely like animals. Freedom is based on a certain level of rationality, and "rituals" are a part of human rational capacity. 

  • 6班田琦 11-19

      No,we cannot draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity. The reasons are as follows.

       First of all, Li is a way of life for people. Chinese culture is a culture of Li, with a long history of passing down culture through it. This is a conscious effort to preserve the main body of Chinese culture, which is the fundamental basis of the human's life. Confucius believed that the meaning of human life is also manifested and realized through the practice of Li. The source of Confucian education is the traditional culture of Li.

       Secondly, the source of Confucian education is the traditional culture of Li. In the Spring and Autumn period when Confucius lived, the Li observed was the Zhou Li, which was fixed in the form of a system by the Duke of Zhou, who used Li and Yue to make the people "use it daily without knowing". Confucius inherited Li through the "editing and annotation" method. The Zhou Li was the etiquette of the time and was most relevant to the practical lives of human, thus having the most significance of humanity. 

       Finally, as the culmination of Chinese Li culture, Confucius' greatest contribution to culture is the concept of combining benevolence with Li. The relationship between benevolence and Li is the deepest cultural connotation of the pre-Qin Confucianism. Confucius excavated the conscience and foundation of human nature's inner feelings and combined them with benevolence. Li is based on the inherent benevolence of human nature, and benevolence is the virtue of human nature. Confucius' goal is to connect Li with human nature. Only by fully manifesting and realizing the inherent benevolence can a person become truly human.

       In conclusion,we cannot draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity.

  • 张璐 11-19

    1.What is freedom?

    Kant has a very stringently demanding notion of freedom. When we seek after pleasure or the satisfaction of our desire or the avoidance of pain, we are really acting as the slaves of those appetites and impulses. We just act according to natural necessity. For Kant, freedom is the opposite of necessity. To act freely is to act according to a law I give myself, not according to the physical laws of nature or the laws of cause and effect. When we do something for its own sake as an end in itself, we cease to be instruments to purpose given outside us, or we can come to think of ourselves as ends in ourselves. And this capacity to act freely is what gives human life its special dignity.


    2.Why is Li necessary in the economic and political structure of traditional Chinese society?

    China's social system is called family which is conceived of in terms of family in which the social organization is automatic and hierarchic. Thus Li is essential to maintain social order and harmonious relationships between people.


    3.Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give birth to metaphysics and monotheism?

    In ancient Greek philosophy, people not only focused on the appearance of things, but also tried to explore the causes and essence behind them. And this spirit constituted the mainstream of Western philosophy. The importance of language in ancient Greek philosophy was another important condition for the formation of metaphysics. Through the study of language, people began to realize the difference between existence and essence, and gradually developed metaphysics that probed into the origin and essence of the world.

    At the same time, the emergence of monotheism was also related to the Hellenistic tradition. In ancient Greek mythology, the gods were often depicted as beings with human emotions and desires, which led to the prevalence of polytheism. However, with the deepening of people's understanding of the world and the universe, as well as social and political changes, monotheism gradually became the mainstream belief. Monotheism emphasized the uniqueness and supremacy of God, which was closely related to the metaphysical thought in ancient Greek philosophy. Plato, for example, believed that the real world was only a shadow of reason and form, and that true reality existed beyond human perception. This thought provided the philosophical basis for later monotheism in Christianity and Islam.


    4.Is Confucius in line with inhumanity?

    Li is an important spiritual culture in ancient Chinese society, which runs through all aspects of Chinese society, from sacrifice, employment, marriage and funeral to clothing, food, housing and transportation, speech and behavior. Li is not only a system, a rule, but also a moral norm and a value concept.

    Li and human emotional instinct, free spirit is not contradictory. On the contrary, the purpose of Li is to regulate people's emotions and actions, so as to make them conform to social norms and moral standards,and achieve social harmony and individual development.

    In Confucius' thought, Li is not a tool to bind people, but a force to guide people towards a civilized, harmonious and just social order. Confucius emphasized the self-improvement of human beings and the harmony of society, rather than the restriction of human emotions and freedom.

    Therefore, it cannot be concluded that Confucius was inhuman. On the contrary, we should see the important role of Li in maintaining social order, promoting moral construction, and promoting cultural development, and we should also see Confucius' pursuit of the free development of human beings and the harmony and stability of society.

  • 向苓菲 11-19

    we can't conclude that Confucius ' lines are inhumanity because Confucius used to say "in the limit of Life ,to follow your heart"From this sentence ,we could know that Confucius also support us to follow our emotional instinct .And we can say if we put limit on our behaviour ,we will break the principle of humanity. if one person do anything without  any limit ,just to follow his heart,the consequence is terrible .humanity exists kind aspect and evil without the Li to regulate ones behaviour,the evil aspect will be revealed totally and damage the society.

  • 8班张文霞 11-19

    We cannot conclude that Confucius is consistent with inhumanity simply because rites or rituals conflict with human emotional instincts and the spirit of freedom. While Confucius did emphasize the importance of etiquette and social structure, this was not at the expense of humanity or free will.

    Confucius believed rites were important in promoting social harmony and respect for others, but also emphasized the importance of compassion, empathy, and personal expression. In fact, he said, one must first develop oneself in order to properly participate in society and rites.

    In addition, Russell's evaluation of Confucian inhumanity is narrow and limited. Confucianism and philosophy have evolved over time, and there is no single, unitary interpretation of Confucianism.

    In general, it is important to approach Confucianism and its concepts of "Li" and "man" with an open mind and a nuanced understanding, rather than making sweeping conclusions based on limited views.

  • 16班李春琳 11-19

    We can’t draw the conclusion that Confucious is in line with inhumanity. Although ritual has the convention and is a tool for the rulers to stabilize the social order, it does not violet the moral code. It respects the universal personality and human rational capacity. It is the standard of behavior university tested and recognized by generation after generation.

    Firstly, from Kant’s definition of freedom, to act freely is to act autonomously or to act according to a law that I give myself. It is not generally thought as simply consisting in doing what we want or in the absence of obstacles to getting what we want. Our acts must resist from our inclinations or desires and only obey the natural rational reason. So, everyone has his special dignity and respect. This decides the difference between human and animals. Human can choose to act freely under own law.

    However, freedom of the individual cannot be at the expense of the freedom of others. Kant's freedom is a kind of self-discipline under moral norms. It requires mutual respect and self-denial among people. Li is the norm that regulates social behavior and respects universal personality. So, Confucious is not in line with inhumanity.

  • 3班廖莹 11-19

    We cannot draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity. The reasons are as follows.

    First, a society can only truly encourage people to be willing to do good and ashamed of doing evil by being full of kindness and emphasizing human ethics, and can form a self-discipline and introspective humanistic atmosphere, thus achieving long-term peace and stability.

    Second, caring and protecting loved ones is a fundamental requirement of human ethics. Li shows the love and tolerance for human kinship. Rites maintain the love between relatives and the order of human relationships, leading to no longer filled with suspicion and hidden pain between people, harmonious family relationships, and social harmony.

    All in all, the concept of Li is essential to Chinese people. We should follow the good sides rather than judge it.

  • 17班王桂丽 11-19

    The concrete answer of the thinking guides

    1. Kant's conception of freedom can be divided into two parts:

    Autonomy: to act freely, to act according to a law, I give myself

    Heteronomy: to act according to desires I haven't chosen myself.

    According to Kant's philosophy, free action is self-discipline, and self-discipline is acting according to the laws I have set for myself - rather than following the instructions of nature or social traditions.

    2. Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"?

    In the governance model of ancient China, etiquette and law were closely combined, playing a regulating and restraining role in social order. The system of rule of etiquette plays an important role in education, while law and punishment play a restraining and disciplinary role in violating social norms within the framework of rule of etiquette. Especially after Emperor Wu of Han "deposed hundreds of schools of thought and worshipped Confucianism alone", successive dynasties basically adopted a political framework of complementary etiquette and law based on the Confucian "ritual" culture. Decorate the benevolence of politics with propriety and the authority of politics with law, thereby promoting the effective operation of the national machinery and maintaining social stability and orderly development. "Rites" are the principles and laws used to govern the country, stabilize society, and maintain stable social relations among the people, thereby safeguarding the interests of future generations. The various laws and regulations, political thoughts, and governance policies of various dynasties in our country are closely related to the culture of "propriety". Many rulers often refer to the Book of Rites as the criterion and authoritative basis for their actions and governance. Many rulers often use "etiquette" as a basis for institutional construction or reform. All of these reflect that the "ritual" culture advocated by Confucianism is an important feature and tone of ancient Chinese politics.

    3. Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

     A continental country is a landlocked country, which refers to a country without an ocean area and whose territory is protected by other countries. A maritime country refers to a country surrounded by the ocean around its territory. A country with both land and sea resources refers to a country with a predominantly land area and adjacent to the sea. The difference between continental and oceanic countries is that they mainly rely on agriculture and animal husbandry as their production methods, while oceanic countries mainly rely on commercial trade as their production methods.

    Continental countries are relatively conservative and have strong cohesion due to their high demand for land. Marine countries have a more adventurous spirit and a strong sense of external development.

    4. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

     Metaphysics: Ancient Greek metaphysics is an important concept in the field of philosophy, mainly exploring issues related to the essence of existence and the nature of reality. The term metaphysics was coined by the Greek philosopher Aristotle and widely applied in subsequent philosophical developments. The origin of ancient Greek metaphysics can be traced back to the thinking of early philosophers on the "first cause". They attempt to explore the origin and essence of the universe and existence, surpassing the focus solely on the world known through perception. Metaphysics involves the exploration of the ontology, teleology, and causal theory of existence, aiming to understand the fundamental structure and truth of the world.

    Monotheism: The emergence of monotheism is not only a requirement for the development and changes of religion itself, but also a process of social development in selecting ideological ideas. In primitive society, each clan religion had its own gods, and even within a clan, there were various gods. Primitive beliefs evolved from the initial concept of soul, worship of ghosts and gods, totem worship, ancestor worship, and polytheism, to the transformation of being the supreme god and one god in class society. However, overall, before the emergence of monotheism, human society experienced a long stage of polytheism. This polytheistic belief reflects the scattered and chaotic situation in primitive society where there were numerous clans and tribes, and human ideology was not yet unified. Various ethnic groups and tribes engage in mutual plundering and blood revenge, and society is in a stage of integration of ethnic integration and cultural collision. In the field of ideology, people unconsciously yearn for the emergence of powerful and inspiring ideological beliefs, which play a role in uniting, calling for, unifying clans and tribes, and stabilizing social order. Monotheism breaks the bloodline characteristics of traditional religion, allowing people of different bloodlines, clans, and tribes to reunite under the influence of a single god.

    Can we draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity?

    Based on the above questions, we cannot draw the conclusion that Confucius was inhumane. Firstly, according to Kant's philosophy, free action is self-discipline, and self-discipline is acting according to the laws I have set for myself - rather than following the instructions of nature or social traditions. Secondly, etiquette is a binding rule on society, playing a regulatory and restrictive role in social order. The "ritual" culture advocated by Confucianism is an important feature and tone of ancient Chinese politics. Finally, in monotheism, God created humanity, time, and all things in heaven and earth. God is omnipotent, possessing all the advantages of God in a polytheistic system without any shortcomings. For humans, it is a higher moral standard and a better paradigm to execute. So the rules, laws, moral standards, or principles formulated by the gods under the monotheistic system for humanity are almost perfect. The characteristics of monotheistic authoritarianism are reflected in politics, which can be manifested in Western culture and institutional systems, where the West finds it difficult to accept the advantages of other systems. However, China's polytheism is reflected in cultural politics as harmony but difference. Chinese culture has a strong inclusiveness and is good at borrowing the advantages of other institutional systems.

    In short, we should not consider Confucius to be inhumane. Although ritual in some cases limits human instincts, we have freedom beyond our instincts. Confucius' ideological system not only advocates the maintenance of social order and moral norms, but also advocates respecting human emotional and spiritual freedom. Therefore, we cannot unilaterally understand Confucius' thoughts.

  • 18班蒋浩学 11-19

    We cannot draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity. There are two reasons.

    On the one hand, the"Li" proposed by Confucius is easy for people to live up. As Russell himself said, Confucianism's moral code was not, like those of Buddhism and Christianity, so severe that only a few saints could hope to live up to it. In other words, it is easy for a man of the world to live up the imperative parts of the Confucian teaching. Actually, what it teaches people is how to be truly free. In Kant's opinion, freedom is autonomy, is a kind of ability that a man can make choices to promote the happiness of the whole. And"Li"in Confucianism is in line with that concept, because"Li"with various standards can prevent people from being enslaved by their single and temporary desire. What's more, in an Chinese city state the social organization is not automatic. Thus, if we want to be a truly free citizen and build a democratic country, "Li"is an indispensable system which needs us to obey. 

    On the other hand, the"Li"proposed by Confucius is in line with the good parts of human nature. As Confucius said, Li has four meanings: etiquette, hierarchy, sincerity and appropriateness. And it also has three kinds of functions: political functions that aim to build an orderly state, social functions that aim to set harmonious atmosphere in society, and individual functions that aim to refrain people from making avoidable mistakes. Thus we can conclude that the reason why Li is produced and wildly used in China is same as the reason why the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture gives rise to metaphysics and monotheism. The reason is that both of them are aimed at bringing out the best part of human nature, so as to maintain the social stability.

    As is stressed out by Laozi: The way of heaven, human nature and social system are intertwined. A system that conforms to the way of heaven must respond to human nature from two aspects. Firstly, no system can make a man do something he cannot do at all. Secondly, the system cannot mobilize the bad and evil things in human nature, such as hatred, jealousy, violent tendencies, and so on. The worst system is the one that incites hatred between people and between classes and encourages people to engage in endless vicious fights. But the system"Li"or ritual is completely content with these two aspect proposed by Laozi and perfectly responds to human nature. Thus, we can't conclude that Confucius is in line with inhumanity. Instead, it is conformity with humanity.

  • 2021级19班杜晨 11-19

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice)
    In Kant’s conception of freedom, the freedom is autonomy that act a low I give my self, and do whatever we want according to desires we chose myself. 

    2. Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"?
    In order to strengthen monarchy and centralization. Family consciousness can weaken a person's public spirit, and granting too much power to the elderly can lead to the abuse of power The strengthening of family consciousness throughout the country can easily lead to the authoritarian monarchy of the monarch.

    3.Maritime Countries and Continental Countries
    Scientific rationality has become the foundation of the entire society, and philosophers have begun to move towards human beings and focus on practical issues. That is to say, scientific rationality has had a strong influence, constantly integrating into secular real life and entering the political practice of ancient Greek city states.
    The issue of concern during this period is what kind of beauty and happiness should humanity pursue after science enters the practical field of human life? The ultimate result is to seek the ethical significance of a better life within the metaphysical system.
    The beginning of scientific rationality in the entire ancient Greek civilization was the pursuit of a better life by humans based on their own knowledge acquisition.

  • 17班陈玫羽 11-19

    1. What is "Freedom"? (on Kant's idea of Justice

    Kant believes that freedom is an essentially unrestricted right and an essential attribute of human beings. He defined freedom as "autonomy," the ability to have free will. The essence of freedom is the ability of human beings themselves, not the rights given by others or governments. 

    2. Why does the traditional Chinese society's economic and political structure need "Ritual"?

    Ritual ensured the bloodline continuity of the dominant position of the politically dominant family, distinguished blood ties and established social hierarchies. Ritual can safeguard the political system of the family and the country. It is a code of conduct for life and work, and it educates people to abide by the social order at that time.

     3. Maritime Countries and Continental Countries

    From a geographical point of view, continental countries are landlocked countries, which means that there is no sea area and the territory is defended by other countries. A maritime state refers to a country whose territory is surrounded by oceans. From the perspective of production mode, Continental countries with agriculture and animal husbandry as the main mode of production, while Marine countries with commercial trade as the main mode of production. From a spiritual point of view, continental countries are more conservative and cohesive, due to the high demand for land. Maritime countries are more adventurous and have a strong sense of external development.

    4. Why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism?

    The Hellenistic tradition in Western culture provided the background of religious and cultural knowledge, promoted the development of metaphysics, and laid the foundation for monotheism.

    5.Can we draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity (as suggested by Bertrand Russel on page 54)?  

    No, we can't judge Confucius as inhuman just on the basis of ritual. Confucius emphasized the importance of ritual and social structure, with the ultimate goal of maintaining social order and maintaining social stability. Moreover, Confucius also paid attention to the development of individuals, emphasizing the expression of individual will, and individuals should not be influenced by the outside world to change their will. All this suggests that Confucius did not sacrifice humanity or free will.

    Russell's evaluation of the inhumanity of Confucianism is narrow, because he did not fully evaluate Confucianism in combination with the social situation at that time. Confucianism changes with the development of The Times, and there is no fixed content.


  • 田慧静 11-19

    We can't draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity, blow are three resaons I would like to use to confirm my opinion.

    firstly, citing from the generally recognaized philosophy, Kant's philosophy, he augues that man is a free moral agent with the ability to make decisions independent of external coercion or interference. According to Kant, moral norms should impose restrictions on freedom in order to maintain a balance between the rights of the individual and the group. Freedom is an intrinsic right of mankind.It not means that we are not free but we should discipline ourselves,  but means that, human emotional instinct and free spirit can only be fully displayed and protected in a fixed organized and structured social and personal behaviors. they two are not conflict but contribute each other.

    Additionally, for the reason of keeping social in order and stability, legitimizing authority, moral and ethical guidance, and economic exchange, China's Traditional social Political Economy needs "Rituals ".The appearance of Rituals provided a framework for maintaining social order and harmony within the community. For example, the embodiment of Rituals such as "respecting the old and caring for the young" promoted the harmony and unity of the ancient society under autonomy. At the same time, "Rituals" also legitimized the authority of rulers and government officials, such as the distinction of "king and minister", which strengthened the rationalization of the power of the ruling class. In addition, "ritual" is deeply intertwined with Confucian ethics, emphasizing virtues such as filial piety, respect for the elderly and social responsibility, so that the society has a unified value concept, which is conducive to the management of the ruling class, and at the same time, the unified value concept also plays an important role in economic transactions and trade.

    Last but not the least,  we should figure out why did the Hellenistic tradition in Western culture give rise to metaphysics and monotheism? to tackle that question, we need know tthw differences between polytheism and monotheistic. Polytheism, which was widely spread in ancient times, believed that there were many gods, with different abilities and clergy, and different ways and times to worship different gods. People prayed to the God of war for victory before going to war, prayed to the God of medicine for health when sick, and prayed to the God of the sea for harvest and safety before going to sea, and different groups worshiped specific gods: For example, craftsmen regarded the god of craftsmen as their patron saint, and each city, nation, and tribe also had their own patron saint to worship. Another important feature of polytheism is that each deity is independent and fundamentally equal to the others (rather than being a subordinate deity, as in the case of the monotheistic angels, or an unchallenged executor of the main deity, as in the case of the monotheistic henotheism) and each deity lives independently. Rather than living in a community (such as the "Councils of the gods" that are widespread in Near Eastern religions), the deities spend most of their time in a quasi-dormant state or distant and indifferent to the world (as opposed to the monotheistic gods who are constantly watching the world), A God awakens and comes to earth only at certain times (such as religious festivals associated with a certain god) or during religious ceremonies. The monotheistic is evoluted from polytheism, so we can conclude that the same belief will inpact more people.

    All in all, I would rather to call "Rutral" as a n unity of orgnized and structured social, personal behavors and human emotioonal instinct and free spirit. That is to say, I totally surpport the idea that Confucius is not in line with inhumanity.

  • 7班陈杨丹 11-19

    As for Kant's conception of freedom, he put forward two words, autonomy and heteronomy. 

    Kant thinks that freedom is our rational capacity that makes us distinctive, that makes us special, that sets us apart from and above mere animal existence instead of common thoughts of doing what we want, which makes us something more than just physical creatures with appetites. And heteronomy is to act according to desires people haven't chosen themselves that is opposite to Kant's conception.

    So, freedom as autonomy is an especially stringent idea that Kant insists on.


    The unique social system of traditional Chinese society determines that the economic and political structure needs to have a "rite" regulation. Chinese social system may be called that of the family state because under it the state is conceived of in terms of the family, whose social organization is automatic and hierarchic because in a family the authority of the father is naturally superior to that of the son.


    The Hellenistic tradition in Western culture promotes thinking beyond the material world and promotes the development of metaphysics. This philosophical trend guides individuals to transcend sensory experiences and seek higher truths. Moreover, the religious beliefs in Hellenistic traditions laid the foundation for monotheism, which focused on a single god and emphasized the order and unity of the universe.


    The original intention of Confucianism is to hope that we can live seriously under moderate conditions, and to maximize some excellent traditional cultures such as honesty and friendliness. This is undoubtedly beneficial for the progress of society. Those who criticize Confucianism blindly only see a small part of Confucianism, emphasize its disadvantages for history, and do not see its essence.

  • 肖廷美 11-19

    No. Freedom must be realized in some condition. Because without constraints, people can do everything they want beyond the law, then the society will fall into chaos and mess. So this is also true of Li. Only under the rules of Li can we have a harmonious and stable society, and only then can we have true freedom and humanity.

  • 10班喻立楠 11-19

    I think that's wrong.

    Kant believes that human's moral norms and rights and obligations are derived from human's free will, and moral obligations are a kind of rights and obligations. In Kant's view, ethical or moral freedom refers to a kind of volitional autonomy or self-determination of a person in accordance with his inner moral law. He argued that every rational man has in his heart a moral law, or "categorical imperative," which demands that man act according to universal laws, and that he is morally free so long as he can be subjected to the moral law or "categorical imperative" in his heart. Therefore, free will is not about doing what you want, not being responsible for your actions. On the contrary, free will is fully capable of exercising rational control over its irrationality and desires.

    Confucius believed that etiquette is a norm and code of conduct that must be observed between people. rituals have the important value of maintaining the basic stability and order of society. rituals contribute to the formation of a good social order. Social order is the premise of national stability and people's living in peace, and it is a need of people. Confucianism says that the harmony of human relations is guaranteed by the system of rituals and music. Through the restriction, regulation and control of rituals, the country can become a stable and orderly country, and the society can become a stable and harmonious society. Harmony and order is the goal of human society with *. The society is composed of various levels according to a certain combination of ways to form a whole, forming a mutual restriction mechanism, showing a certain order. Through "rituals" can regulate people's behavior and adjust the relationship between people, so as to achieve social harmony.

    Therefore, it is not to restrict people's freedom, and it is not against humanity, but to let people find their inner moral consciousness, stimulate human conscience consciousness, and realize their rights and obligations. True freedom is not to do what you want, but to be able to exercise self-control over your actions. And rituals have the function of helping people realize true freedom.

    So, Confucius is in line with humanity.

  • 高雪榕 11-19

    We can’t draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity.

    Firstly, according to Kant, the true freedom can only be regular freedom, that is, self-discipline. Therefore, freedom doesn’t mean that someone can do whatever he wants, and he must obey some rules like the moral law.

    Secondly, in ancient Chinese society, “Li” or rituals is necessary. Different from maritime countries like Greeks, China, a continental country, need Li or rituals to maintain the etiquette and norms of behavior of the social hierarchy while other countries preach freedom. Because of the geographical location of the continental country and the inconvenient transportation in ancient China, most people stay in the same place for the rest of their lives, which leads to ruler's quest for stability. On basis of this, Li or rituals advocated by Confucius became the rules of society, and only by following it could people be free;

    At last, Confucius’s Li or rituals aims to teach and guide people live better and happier with kindness and goodness for the rest of lives, which is also benefit other people and the whole society. When Confucius teaches his students, he advocates teaching them according to their aptitude and attitude, ensuring that their human emotional instinct and free spirit are respected. So we can’t draw the conclusion that Confucius is in line with inhumanity.


  • 张琼月 11-19

    That conclusion is wrong.According to Kant,the real freedom refers to the free will of a person to act according to his own legislation, without being bound by natural laws in the sense of morality and money.Although freedom is not highly valued in the Confucian system of etiquette, it is not without elements of freedom, such as moral freedom. At the same time, the traditional economic and political structure of Chinese society must require etiquette, because people live in society and society is organized, and no one can do anything they want. Therefore, etiquette is needed to limit and regulate human behavior, in order to ensure the harmonious development of society. In addition, benevolence is the core of Confucianism, and the idea of caring for life and respecting each other runs through Confucian culture, so Confucianism is consistent with humanity.

  • 10班宋依珊 11-19

          Confucius' idea of Li is to regulate human behavior, and 'self restraint and propriety' requires people to consciously restrain themselves, and correctly handle the relationship between upper, lower, left, and right in a predetermined position with the standard of 'Li'. For example, as a father, one should be kind, as a child, filial, as a friend, trustworthy, as a vassal, and as a ruler, one should mainly care for the people's livelihood. Only when the moral level of individual members of the entire society is improved can the overall social civilization and political order be steadily promoted, which is a harmonious and unified process that complements each other.

          'Li' only require every member of society to abide by established social relationships and assign them a certain moral responsibility, without suppressing and restraining people's emotional and spiritual freedom. For example, Confucius once talked about his views on funerals. He believed that for funerals, rather than extravagance and waste, it is better to feel sad from the heart. This example is enough to demonstrate that Confucius absolutely did not hope that ethics were restrictive, restrictive, or oppressive. Confucius even opposed the complex etiquette system, advocating for inner self restraint and the expression of true emotions.

           However, Russell believed that the biggest weakness in Confucius' ethics was the two parts of "Li" and ritual - filial piety and clan power, which he only saw on the surface what "Li" brought. For China, "Li" is the core, "benevolence" is the standard, and Confucian theory is based on Laozi's philosophy of "embracing yin and yang in all things, and balancing qi". This is a balance in development that Western scholars such as Russell cannot understand.

          Therefore, Confucius' thought on "Li" and ritual do not actually go against human nature, nor is it consistent with non human nature.

  • 8班龚红萍 11-19

    We cannot draw the conclusion that Confucious is in line with inhumanity.

    The Confucian "Li" is the norm of social behavior, and people who know the etiquette will naturally use the norm of social behavior to restrain themselves."Li" means ritual law. In the feudal period of China.Li and laws had extensive binding force. Not only the people, but also the monarch are bound by the rules of etiquette."Li" also means rites and customs, that is, social spontaneous order.Li here come from tradition and custom, from the recognition of human common sense, from the respect of sages for natural law."Li" can also be expressed as etiquette. As the rites of heaven, they are invisible; The rites of the planning system are also invisible, but the rites also need a set of rites that can be fully operated to reflect and strengthen, and this series of expressions of "Li" is etiquette.

    "Li" is the way of human coexistence. If we are to live in harmony and order, we naturally need a certain amount of restraint.A civilized society in which every man acts with courtesy is obviously better than a society in which nature is respected only for personal gain.For individuals,"Li" is also a way of communication. How people around you treat you, will make you comfortable and agreeable, then you should treat people. To be polite to oneself is bound, but this restraint will be reciprocated by others.In addition,"Li" is a kind of spiritual civilization, is valuable, is the human development to a certain degree of higher level needs. Human nature needs“Li”. With courtesy, you can improve your personal quality for better development.

    Therefore, "Li" and humanity complement each other and are indispensable. "Li"is realized in human nature, and human nature is more perfect because of "Li".

