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2020.09.10 ~ 2021.01.13
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成绩预发布时间 2021-01-12





Reflection on CET4

By 胡乔立 老师 2020-12-08 5867次浏览

Please voice your opinion about the CET4 listening tasks and evaluate your performance this time on December 12th..

512 回复

  • 王玥 2020-12-13

    Listening practice in high school is slow and have questions, while listening practice in CET-4 is fast and only be played once. If you hesitate, you will miss the next paragraph. I do not think I did will in this test.

    • 胡乔立 老师 2020-12-28
      It's very reasonable for you to have this kind of feeling, Keep trying and never give up.
    • 张槿希 2020-12-29

      I don‘t feel good

    • 徐烨超 2020-12-30
      回复 13666685398:I feel good
    • 徐培倩 2021-01-01
      Listening practice made me feel worried.
    • 梁成钰 2021-01-02
      I can't even keep up with the rhythm of listening practice
    • 我也要说
  • 陈湘绮 2020-12-13

    In fact,after most of the listening part ,I understond nothing and I chose the answer with my imagination.frown 

    • 柳路瑶 2021-01-04
      That's my feeling too .In that case,I really worried about my exam .
    • 周彦飞 2021-01-04
      Me too. Although I listen attentively, I still can't remember any words
    • 李虹竹 2021-01-04
      Really!Me too
    • 林子轩 2021-01-06
      Yep,I think may be I will come back again to have CET4 cause this challengeable listening part.
    • 万筝铃 2021-01-07
      Me too!!! The listening part truely disappointed me!
    • 我也要说
  • 刘雨欣 2020-12-13

    To be honest,the listeninng part i was in a state of ignorance.'You will hear only once"was the most heartless thing I have heard.When it comes to the writing part,my writing level was the same as that of primary school students.The same meaning was repeated many times.

    • 谢青松 2021-01-06
      Me too.
    • 何锦浩 2021-01-07
      回复 15869617087:Me too. Although I listen attentively, I still can't remember any word
    • 胡乔立 老师 2021-01-09

      Show your determination to work on the difficult parts and then everything will be easier.

    • 孙格格 2021-01-10
      My feeling for CET-4 is that listening is very difficult, reading is relatively easy, and writing should be prepared in advance. Generally speaking, it is easier than I thought.
  • 陈鸿曦 2020-12-13

    The first part of the listening was a little confusing

  • 陶俊杰 2020-12-13

    Hello, teachers and students, I took CET-6 this time. Now let me talk about the feeling of CET-6 for the first time.
    First of all, the requirement of composition is higher, the number of words is 150 to 180 words, and for the topic that needs to be discussed, the requirement is a little deeper than band 4. I'm very ashamed, I took CET-4 twice. I didn't prepare for it. I went to the exam without any review. So when I took CET-6, I felt the oppressive feeling brought by the words, which made me breathless. In this way, I gave a little suggestion to the students who are taking CET-4: do not go to CET-4 without preparation, but put aside listening first Speaking, writing, translation and reading all need vocabulary as the basis, so no matter how you do in CET-4 and whether you pass the test, you can start to prepare for vocabulary accumulation every day. I will begin to recite the words of CET-6. I don't want to say much about the reading part. Here is a skill for you. The order of this part is to read carefully. Fill in the blanks with words and do it on the last side, because the score is 10 points if you read carefully. Translation is not much to say, but mainly to the accumulation of vocabulary.
    Finally, I have two listening tests, 162 and 152, which is not very good. When I was a freshman, I also took listening and speaking lessons in Lishui University (my alma mater). At that time, I tried to practice some listening comprehension of CET-4, and the accuracy rate was about 70%. I also hope that the students of Hangzhou Normal University can listen to it more. The students of Hangzhou Normal University will have no problem. Band 6 listening is my sad Dream, it is too difficult, of course, and I only knew in November that CET-4 passed in September, and CET-6 did not really have time to prepare. Finally, I hope everyone can pass the test smoothly!

  • 陶俊杰 2020-12-13


  • 马林洁 2020-12-14

    I don't have enough time to know options of listening section.Besides,I always feel too nervous to understand questions.So it may be tough to comlpete answers,especially for my poor hearing.Comparatively,other parts are earier to accomplish.

  • 韦云耀 2020-12-14

    the dication of cet-4 is too difficult for me.i  have made up my mind to continue improve  my english listenning. 

  • 张煦涵 2020-12-14

    I took CET6 this time.I think the listening tasks this time is clearer than the last time, but it is not easier.It is not the same to practice listening by myself, because there is not enough time to read and understand the options.On the whole,I am dissatisfied with my performance this time because I didn't prepare well.Lack of time is not an excuse,if I try my best to prepare.,I may do better in choosing words tofill in blanks and translating.

  • 徐丽雯 2020-12-14

    In my opinon,the CET-4 listening tasks is crucial,which account for the largest percentage of the score.

    In this CET-4 English test,I did not perform well.Listening is the most serious part of my penalty score,especially in the passage part.I think it's because I didn't spend a lot of time listening before.

  • 许思懿 2020-12-14

      To be honest,I can't adapt to it well in a short time because of the difference of the examination format.And from my point of view,CET4 is really a exercise and warning.I'll make every effort to improve my English so as to lay the fundation of future.

  • 汪祺 2020-12-14

    The biggest problem I faced in the CET-4 test was the lack of vocabulary. The translation part did not know the translation of key words, and the composition was also short of monotonous repetition of words.In the listening section, I am not familiar with the fast-paced listening content and I am not familiar with the different timing-Lin content.

  • 聂利芳 2020-12-14

    I think listening is my weak point,the CET4 listening just be played once,and the problem is later in the article,it bothers me a lot.I think I need to make more efforts in my listening.

  • 李一凡 2020-12-14

    It's too difficult for me!!!I can hardly heard it.

  • 李美洁 2020-12-14

    In fact,I was worried about the exam,especially the Engish learning part.During the exam period,I missed a lot of it ,probably because there was a problem with the headphones.I feel sad but to no avail.But actually,I still have a lot of deficiencies in my previous study.For example,I did not arrange my time properly,I can keep the balance between Student Union work and preparation of CET-4.But I believe I can get better in the future,and always be optimistic and work hard.Luck is less important than effort and strength.

  • 薛珂 2020-12-15

    At the beginning of the listening, my sensitivity to key words was low,but the intermediate state was better.However in the last passage,although I could know the general meaning,I could not accurately capture the information,which caused a lot of points lost. To sum up, cet-4,  I need a lot of practice in vocabulary and listening.

  • 吕雨蒙 2020-12-15

    I took CET4 this time.  I'll talk about the CET4 listening tasks first.I have to say that the headphones are so noisy that I cannot hear anything at first.So I feel quite terrible about the hearing tasks.Another reason is that I am too nervous when listening.Nonetheless,it is the writing part that I am confident in because I have enough time to think and write.All in all , it is the progress that counts rather than the result for the reason that I have got much experience during this CET4 .

  • 商瑞 2020-12-15

    From my point of view,what disturb me most is the listening.At the beginning,I can't smoothly clam myself down and ,actually,I don't have practice it before .At the some time,someone's viedo maybe out of way,for it continued to make noise.The all things lead to my imagination of listening,which just depangs on luck.Also,writing is not easy for me.Especially my vacabulry is norrow,hence,I fail to convey my ideal accurate.

    From that time on,I realize my dismirts in English,hereby,I'd like to spend more time on it.

  • 邹文成 2020-12-16

    I got CET-4 this time. For me who is weak in English, I can't understand a lot of words. I also have a big problem in listening. I still need to be more fully prepared before the next exam.

  • 杨群怡 2020-12-16

    For me, the listening part and the reading part is very difficult. Before this exam, I did lots of exercises, but I made many silly mistakes. But this time, I suppose my listening skill have been improved. However, my writing skill is still very poor. To parpere for the CET-6 , I am gong to read more English book and listen to the SVOC everyday.

  • 贾茹 2020-12-16

    Cet4 listening was a challenge for me. During the exam, I could hardly distinguish the complete meaning of the sentence. I could only find the answer through the few key words I heard.Besides, I didn't have enough time to read the questions, which led to my confusion when I did the questions.

    • 杨淑丹 老师 2020-12-29
      There is no shortcut to English learning. Listen more and do more dictation exercises to improve your listening.
  • 徐乐怡 2020-12-16

    In my perspective,a good state of mind is a key factor which is able to assist us in getting  a remarkable grade.As for me,the part of listening is quite a few difficult for me.After listening,I felt a little tense,because there are a few subjects that I didn'tmake sense,however,I known that the only thing that I could do to make up for my formal mistakes was getting a high grade in the latter portion.Thus,I tried to calm my mind down,just devoted myself into the latter exam to avoid hardly necessary loss.Besides,different types of question were corresponded with different maens.Before the exam,we'd better explore the fittable means of working out different types of question.It is not only rewarding to quicken the speed of taking an exam,but also increase the accuracy.What's more,we should take good control of time,as well as learn to give up,because it is unwise to put considerable time into the demanding subjects.

  • 朱文萱 2020-12-17

    I think the CET4 listening tasks this time  is a bit difficult,many parts ended before I understand them.I feel that my listening score is terrible this time.

  • 毛雨萌 2020-12-17

    I thinlk the listening is very difficult, I can not grasb the topic because the fast speakinfg speed. But this test give me a insight about my English learning. I believe that I can improve my English through my hard working.

  • 李筱筠 2020-12-17

    In my perspective,the CET4 listening tasks are particularly difficult,as they are quite other than the examination form in highschool.It's just hard for us to straighten out the meaning of every sentence and sort out the proper answer.And I regard my performance in CET4 as unsatisfactory,particularly in listening and translation parts,and I will pay more efforts to improve my English skills.

    • 胡乔立 老师 2021-01-09
      The frequency of the intensive listening practice and the accumulation of the words and expressions both matter.
  • 董锶玮 2020-12-17

    In my opinion, the CET-4 listening part which is difficult to me and may be the scorces bad.The other parts are easier than listening parts. last, the time of the exam will less for me .

  • 施雨楠 2020-12-17

    It's really difficult to understand what the speakers say and I may ignore some important information. 

  • 王铭娇 2020-12-17

    To begin with,I feel my listening part is so bad because I hardly understand what they say .Also,I  pass this  part with my imagination. What's more, I think my translation ability still have some inadequacies.

  • 林仪 2020-12-17

    The CET-4 listening tasks are so difficult for me that I can't hear most words clearly.Therefore, I can hardly understand the meanings of listening contents.In the latest CET-4,I finished my examinations by imagining all kinds of cases.It was terrible!

    • 杨淑丹 老师 2020-12-29
      You're not alone. Many students have the same feeling as you. What you all need is more practice in the future.
  • 张悦 2020-12-17

    This listening test is a perfect demonstration of my incompetence, i can't predict my grades.

