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2023.08.24 ~ 2023.12.31
  • 四川外国语大学
  • 建议每周学习3小时
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成绩预发布时间 2023-12-30





Confucius's choice between public spirit and personal feelings.

By 张婷 老师 10-26 1842次浏览

In the two stories which our group actors performed in class, Confucius refused to sell his cart for a grand burial ceremony for Yan Yuan while agreeing with Zengxi in taking a carefree life as the ideal. What do you have to say about Confucius's choices between the public spirit and personal feelings?

114 回复

  • melody 12-26

    Confucius cried over Yanyuan' death, which is a good reflection of the fact that he still has a deep affection for his student Yanyuan, but he is not just the teacher of Yanyuan, he is also a practitioner of Li, so he refuses to sell cart for a big funeral of Yanyuan.

  • 16班李宝弘 12-26

    For Confucius, public spirit isn’t inconsistent with personal feeling.

    From the first story, it conveys that Confucius does not want to meeting with his own desire at the cost of breaking social etiquette. That’s because Confucius is standing the point of his own identity and patriarch system. Actually, apart from holding a grand burial ceremony, there’re many other ways to mourn Yan Yuan, such as measuring Yan Yuan’s works, attending his funeral, or the simplest one——cherishing the memories about Yan Yuan. Since there’re other approaches to satisfy one’s own need, we can not necessarily violate social etiquette naturally.

    The second story is like the yearning for a free life of Confucius, but the interpretation is only at the lowest level. More deeply speaking, the story is the exposition of Confucian political ideals, which is also the public opinion of Confucius. Confucius hopes common people to live a carefree life as Yan Yuan said. 

    All in all, Confucius wants to fulfill the public spirit on the basis of fulfillment personal feelings and desires. Cause public spirit is composed of everyone’s wants. And the two is consistent.

  • 5班夏晓寒 12-26

    Confucius's choice to refuse selling his cart for a grand burial ceremony for Yan Yuan while agreeing with Zengxi about the ideal of a carefree life reflects a nuanced balance between public spirit and personal feelings.
    In the case of Yan Yuan's burial, Confucius likely prioritized practicality and frugality over elaborate rituals. This decision could be seen as a manifestation of his emphasis on the virtue of filial piety and the practical application of ethical principles.By not indulging in a grand ceremony, Confucius may have aimed to set an example of moderation and prioritization of essential values over extravagant displays.
    On the other hand, agreeing with Zengxi on the ideal of a carefree life suggests that Confucius recognized the importance of personal well-being and contentment. This aligns with Confucian values that emphasize the cultivation of one's character and inner virtues. Embracing a carefree life, free from unnecessary burdens and desires, could be viewed as a pursuit of individual happiness and self-cultivation. Confucius's choices reveal a delicate balance between the obligations to society and the pursuit of personal fulfillment. It reflects the Confucian concept of balancing individual virtues with social responsibilities, suggesting that a harmonious society is built upon individuals who cultivate their moral character while fulfilling their duties to others.

  • 王义兰 12-26

    Public spirit refers to the spirit that benefits the whole society and intests and rights of all people. In Confucius's point of view, public spirit is based on Propriety. Confucius deems personal feelings must be sincere and moderate. And the personal feelings must be in compliance with social etiquette and social hierarchy. Confucius advocates Ren in dealing the relationship between personal feelings and public spirit. Ren firstly requires a person to be true to himself while expressing emotions. Secondly, Ren requires people to be compassionate about others. That is to extend love to a wide range of people, which is a part of public spirit.Confucius's choices between public spirit and personal feelings reflect the complex nature of ethics and moral decision-making. In the story, Confucius's refusal to sell his cart for a grand burial ceremony for Yan Yuan shows his dedication to the public spirit and his commitment to principles of frugality and simplicity.At Yan Hui's funeral, Confucius put "rites" first, and advocated that Yan Hui's funeral should be handled in accordance with traditional etiquette and procedures to show respect and remembrance of the deceased. He emphasizes a solemn and solemn expression of emotion, showing respect and remembrance for the deceased through the observance of etiquette.

  • 王裕萍 12-26

    Confucius's choices between public spirit and personal feelings reflect a complex balance of Confucius philosophy. It looks like that he valued public spirit over personal emotion. But in fact Confucianism also attaches importance to the individual, but it attaches importance to the moral consciousness of the individual, the consciousness of maintaining and obeying the society as a whole.

  • 17班张森红 12-26

    Public spirit refers to the spirit that benefits the whole society and intests and rights of all people. In Confucius's point of view, public spirit is based on Propriety. Confucius deems personal feelings must be sincere and moderate. And the personal feelings must be in compliance with social etiquette and social hierarchy. Confucius advocates Ren in dealing the relationship between personal feelings and public spirit. Ren firstly requires a person to be true to himself while expressing emotions. Secondly, Ren requires people to be compassionate about others. That is to extend love to a wide range of people, which is a part of public spirit.Confucius's choices between public spirit and personal feelings reflect the complex nature of ethics and moral decision-making. In the story, Confucius's refusal to sell his cart for a grand burial ceremony for Yan Yuan shows his dedication to the public spirit and his commitment to principles of frugality and simplicity.At Yan Hui's funeral, Confucius put "rites" first, and advocated that Yan Hui's funeral should be handled in accordance with traditional etiquette and procedures to show respect and remembrance of the deceased. He emphasizes a solemn and solemn expression of emotion, showing respect and remembrance for the deceased through the observance of etiquette.

  • 21级19班王欣 12-26

    In my view, Confucius refused to sell his car for a grand funeral for Yan Yuan for three reasons. The first reason, saying that according to the etiquette, you can not do without a carriage, is to throw yourself out as a shield, but it is the most superficial reason. The second reason, from the point of view of Yan Hui, can not let Yan Hui disobey the ceremony, Yan Hui has always denied himself and restored the ceremony. The third reason, from the perspective of the whole society, Confucius, as the forerunner of the implementation of the ritual system, could not violate the ritual himself, and if he violated the ritual himself, there would be no one to observe the ritual that day. From this we can also see that when Confucius considered problems, he would not only start from the individual, only from one aspect, but would start from a larger level, from the level of the whole society. These are not from the perspective of personal human feelings, but from the perspective of the whole public to consider, so that the whole society is more harmonious and orderly. So, Confucius found a balance between personal feelings and public spirit.

  • 7班文鑫渝 12-27

    Confucius refused to sell his car for a grand funeral for Yan Yuan for three reasons. The first reason, saying that according to the etiquette, you can not do without a carriage, is to throw yourself out as a shield, but it is the most superficial reason. The second reason, from the point of view of Yan Hui, can not let Yan Hui disobey the ceremony, Yan Hui has always denied himself and restored the ceremony. The third reason, from the perspective of the whole society, Confucius, as the forerunner of the implementation of the ritual system, could not violate the ritual himself, and if he violated the ritual himself, there would be no one to observe the ritual that day. From this we can also see that when Confucius considered problems, he would not only start from the individual, only from one aspect, but would start from a larger level, from the level of the whole society. These are not from the perspective of personal human feelings, but from the perspective of the whole public to consider, so that the whole society is more harmonious and orderly. So, Confucius found a balance between personal feelings and public spirit.

  • The reason why Confucius did not want to lend the car cover to the students is actually very simple. It is because Zixia cherishes the property, and does it determine that he (Zixia) does not want to lend the car cover to the teacher? Obviously, it cannot be inferred like this. Although the car cover should have been worth it at that time. But Confucius, as a teacher, wanted to borrow it, and Zixia would not refuse. Confucius must also know. But he is unwilling to borrow it, which just shows his understanding and tolerance of students. It is precisely because of understanding the temperament of each disciple and his shortcomings (of course, not moral), that he is considerate.

  • 程兵 12-27

    Confucius's insistence on the ritual system doomed him not to promise to sell the car to bury Yan Hui.At the same time, Yan Hui's life was thrifty, burial is not in line with his will. This reflects his unified thinking of personal feeling and public spirit.

    As for the choice of public spirit and personal emotion, I think we should focus on the core ideas of Confucius——What is the ideal life? How to achieve the ideal life?

    As far as individuals are concerned, each individual is the accomplishment of participating in public life, and these individuals should have moral principles and value concepts in mind, and arrange their words and deeds according to certain standards. The core of Confucius' thought is to ensure the idealization of the public spirit through the "observance of Li" in the aspect of personal emotion.

  • 20班罗坤菡 12-27

    In Confucianism, personal feelings and public spirit are not seen as mutually exclusive concepts. Confucius emphasized the importance of a virtuous character, which includes having a sense of duty and responsibility towards society while also pursuing personal happiness and fulfillment.

    In the story where Confucius refused to sell his cart for Yan Yuan's grand burial ceremony, he was demonstrating his commitment to frugality and simplicity, two values that he considered essential for a virtuous life. His decision was in line with his belief that individuals should focus on cultivating their inner morality rather than indulging in extravagance or ostentatious displays.

    On the other hand, Confucius also valued the pursuit of personal happiness and enjoyment of life, as evidenced in his agreement with Zengzi about taking a carefree life as the ideal. But this does not mean that he neglected his responsibilities towards society or the need for public-spirited actions.

    In summary, Confucius believed in finding a balance between personal feelings and public spirit. A virtuous person should not neglect their obligations towards society but also should not sacrifice their personal happiness and fulfillment.

  • 吴晓阳 12-27

    Yan Yuan adhered to Li when he was alive. Confucius believed that Yan Yuan had always followed the ritual system during his lifetime, so a great funeral might be against his wishes and values. Confucius regarded Yan Hui as his son, and he believed that he could not allow private feelings to outweigh public spirit. If he gave Yan a great funeral, it is a violation of etiquette with excessive personal feelings. And this is also the principle of Confucius to promote the etiquette system.


    At the same time, there are practical reasons. Yan Yuan's family is poor, so a great funeral is not practical. Confucius believed that with Yan Yuan's family situation, a great funeral would not be in line with the actual situation, but might increase the burden on the family.


    Public spirit is essentially a rational moral attitude. This is an important characteristic that distinguishes it from a "private virtue". So public spirit is seen as an important sign of the intellectual and emotional maturity of the individual.


    Public spirit is the product of reason, and it is also the result of the transformation of public reason into public emotion, will, and belief.


    Individuals have public spirits, which means that they transcend the boundaries of individual nature and privacy, and that individuals are in line with the public. Thus, the public spirit is sublime as a civic virtue.


    Confucius's insistence on public spirit is the embodiment of his insistence on etiquette. Etiquette is the cornerstone of social order, which clarifies people's moral norms in society, and helps maintain social stability. By maintaining the etiquette system, people can show a high level of civilization and morality, and promote the progress of society. The observance of etiquette can also cultivate people's sense of morality and citizenship, and make people attach more importance to the public interest and social development.

  • 3班田锋颖 12-28

    Confucius's refusal to sell his cart for a grand burial ceremony for Yan Yuan and his endorsement of a carefree life with Zengxi reveal a nuanced balance between public spirit and personal feelings. In the case of Yan Yuan's burial, Confucius seems to prioritize the intrinsic value of personal connections and ethical principles over outward displays of wealth and grandeur. By rejecting the opportunity for a lavish ceremony, he underscores the importance of sincerity and genuine emotions in human relationships.

    On the other hand, his agreement with Zengxi on embracing a carefree life as the ideal suggests a personal philosophy rooted in simplicity and detachment from material concerns. This perspective aligns with Confucius's emphasis on the cultivation of inner virtues and moral character over the pursuit of external recognition or societal expectations.

    In essence, Confucius's choices reflect a delicate equilibrium between the public and the personal. While valuing moral principles and genuine relationships, he also advocates for a personal philosophy that transcends societal norms, emphasizing the importance of an authentic, principled life over external trappings of success.

  • 9班张梅 12-29

    Public spirit, as defined by Confucius, encompasses the dedication to the welfare of society, the populace, and the nation as a whole. According to Confucius, public spirit is rooted in the principles of etiquette, emphasizing the importance of sincerity and moderation in personal emotions. It is believed that personal emotions should align with social norms and hierarchies, and Confucius emphasized the harmonious balance between personal emotions and public spirit. Ren, as a fundamental concept, necessitates individuals to be genuine in expressing their emotions and to demonstrate compassion and love towards a broad spectrum of individuals, thus contributing to the cultivation of public spirit.

  • 21级18班杨驰 12-29

    Confucius's choices between public spirit and personal feelings reflect a complex balance of Confucius philosophy. It looks like that he valued public spirit over personal emotion. But in fact Confucianism also attaches importance to the individual, but it attaches importance to the moral consciousness of the individual, the consciousness of maintaining and obeying the society as a whole.

  • 11班杨露 12-30

    Confucius's choices between public spirit and personal feelings reflect a complex balance of Confucius philosophy. It looks like that he valued public spirit over personal emotion. But in fact Confucianism also attaches importance to the individual, but it attaches importance to the moral consciousness of the individual, the consciousness of maintaining and obeying the society as a whole.

  • 曾钰媚 12-30

    For Confucius, public spirit isn’t inconsistent with personal feeling.

    Yan Hui had never been a scholar official, had never served as an official, and his status was not there, so there was no need to use the funeral of a scholar official to attend his funeral. If one uses a big gift due to a different identity, it is considered excessive etiquette. Confucius taught people to do things with propriety throughout his life, and Yan Hui was his most proud disciple. How could he not act without propriety? Moreover, Yan Hui's actions throughout his life were also self deprecating and respectful. If Confucius, due to the relationship between teachers and students, caused a great funeral for him, it would be like trapping Yan Hui in injustice and impoliteness. How could a student he liked so much damage his reputation after death?

    All in all, Confucius wants to fulfill the public spirit on the basis of fulfillment personal feelings and desires. Cause public spirit is composed of everyone’s wants. And the two is consistent.

  • 15班易灿 12-30

    This question can be analyzed that the reason why he was unwilling to lavish a grand burial on Yan Hui might be related to his regard for the importance of rituals. Confucius placed great emphasis on the correct implementation and adherence to rituals, considering them crucial for upholding social order and moral standards. From Confucius' perspective, it was essential for an individual to uphold proper etiquette and virtuous behavior during their lifetime.

    In addition to advocating for the importance of the Zhou ritual system, Confucius also paid great attention to practicing and implementing it in everyday life. For instance, he believed in the idea of "not sitting on an improperly placed mat." Confucius asserted that one should not sit down if the mat in front of them was not properly arranged, as it went against proper ritual decorum. This demonstrates Confucius' reverence for and adherence to rituals.

    Furthermore, Confucius might have wanted to convey an educational message through Yan Hui's burial. By conducting a simple funeral for Yan Hui, Confucius deliberately emphasized the significance of personal cultivation and moral character, rather than focusing solely on external glory and ceremony. This aligns with Confucius' teaching that "actual behavior outweighs formalities."


  • 8班欧阳永秋 12-30

    According to Confucius, public spirit is the dedication to the welfare of society, the populace, and the nation as a whole. It is rooted in the principles of etiquette, emphasizing the importance of sincerity and moderation in personal emotions. Confucius believed that personal emotions should align with social norms and hierarchies, and he emphasized the harmonious balance between personal emotions and public spirit. Ren, as a fundamental concept, requires individuals to be genuine in expressing their emotions and to demonstrate compassion and love towards a broad spectrum of individuals, thus contributing to the cultivation of public spirit.

  • 周宇晨 12-30

    What are we talking about when we talk about Confucius's choice between public spirit and personal feelings? As far as I can discern,  it's about what Confucius upholds, or the essence of Confucianism since choosing isn't necessary when all the desires can be fulfilled.

    On the other hand, agreeing with Zengxi on the ideal of a carefree life suggests that Confucius recognized the importance of personal well-being and contentment. This aligns with Confucian values that emphasize the cultivation of one's character and inner virtues. Embracing a carefree life, free from unnecessary burdens and desires, could be viewed as a pursuit of individual happiness and self-cultivation. Confucius's choices reveal a delicate balance between the obligations to society and the pursuit of personal fulfillment. It reflects the Confucian concept of balancing individual virtues with social responsibilities, suggesting that a harmonious society is built upon individuals who cultivate their moral character while fulfilling their duties to others.

  • 2班缪加文 12-30

    The stories you mentioned highlight Confucius's complex ethical and philosophical perspectives, particularly in the context of balancing public spirit and personal feelings.

    In the first story where Confucius refuses to sell his cart for a grand burial ceremony for Yan Yuan, he demonstrates a commitment to principles and values over personal gain. This decision reflects Confucius's emphasis on moral integrity and the importance of maintaining one's principles, even in the face of personal emotions. By refusing to compromise his values for a lavish burial ceremony, Confucius prioritizes the ethical considerations associated with honoring the deceased and maintaining a sense of integrity in his actions.

    In the second story, where Confucius agrees with Zengxi in taking a carefree life as the ideal, it suggests a different dimension of Confucius's philosophy. Here, Confucius appears to endorse a more relaxed and carefree lifestyle, emphasizing the pursuit of personal happiness and contentment. This perspective aligns with the idea that personal well-being and fulfillment are essential components of a virtuous life.

    These stories reflect Confucius's nuanced approach to ethics, where he recognizes the importance of both personal values and societal principles. Confucius often sought to find a harmonious balance between individual fulfillment and contributing to the greater good of society. His decisions in these stories may be seen as attempts to navigate the tension between personal feelings and public spirit, suggesting that a virtuous life involves a thoughtful integration of both aspects.

  • 8班龚红羽 12-31

    Confucius's choices between public spirit and personal feelings reflect a complex balance of Confucius philosophy. It looks like that he valued public spirit over personal emotion. But in fact Confucianism also attaches importance to the individual, but it attaches importance to the moral consciousness of the individual, the consciousness of maintaining and obeying the society as a whole.

  • 陈欣 12-31

    The Mutual Construction between Public Spirit and Personal Feelings

    1. Definition​​​​​​​

    • Public Spirit

    In any phase of human evolution, the shared social activities would always create a collective consensus for mankind, such as the shared beliefs, customs, psychological features, etc. while the public spirit is one of such spiritual forms deep rooted in the society.

    To be more specific, public spirit is a common psychological proneness of the member of the society which transcended the personal desire and formed in the shared social activities. It embodied in a sense of belongs of each individual in the society and functions as the confirmation of the social consensus in values, behaviors, beliefs of members, so as to establish a shared ideal target for the whole society.

    From this perspective, public spirit didn’t reject the specialty and discrepancy of individual, on the contrary, more personalities do the individuality displayed in the community, more dignified will the society be. That is to say, the development of personal abilities promotes the comprehensiveness and universality of the whole mankind. Hence, the public spirit takes the discrepancy of as the premise to seek for an objective, effective and consensus-based social value.

    • Personal Feelings

    Simply speaking, personal feeling is a feeling based on your own understanding regardless of collective interests or other conditions. In other word, your ability to perceive and understand the things that make you who you are as an individual, including your personality, actions, values, beliefs, emotions, and thoughts. Essentially, it is a psychological state in which the self becomes the focus of attention.

    2. Confucius’s Balance between Public Spirit and Personal Feelings

    According to the definition of these two concepts, it seems to achieve the highest level of public spirit, the sacrifice of personal feelings is a common choice or vice versa. Yet the two pieces from The Analects demonstrates Confucius’ balance between the two, and the essence lies in his following of the principle “Inner Ren and Outer Li”.

    In the story of Confucius’s refusal of selling his cart to purchase the coffin, his denial is out of his literati identity, which indicates his obedience of Li, the rituals. Such rituals are established out of social consensus to safeguard the hierarchical order, which bespeaks Confucius’s public spirit. On the other hand, his equal treatment between his son and Yan Hui shows his personal feelings, the love and care for Yan Hui. For him, the feelings as the lamentation and commemoration are not compassed though the outer form but the inner sincerity, let alone take the destruction of the ritual as price.

    In general, it is through such a sober awareness that Ren, the love and compassion are compassed through inner piety while Li, the ritual is an external reflection of the social order, that he came out with the wise balance between the public spirit and personal feelings.

    While the second story about Confucius’s approval for Zeng Dian, the scenario of happy and carefree citizens enjoying the beauty of spring, is twofold. On the one hand, his emphasis on the people’s pleasure and happiness indicates his care for the personal feelings. On the other hand, the ritual of dancing to pray for the rain shows his focus on the people’s value on the public spirit, the social orders. Furthermore, not only does such a story shows the combination between the personal feeling and public spirit, but also each with the concept in the very beginning that the fulfillment of personal feelings is the premise of the social stability.

    3. Conclusion

    All in all, the public spirit and personal feelings are mutual constructed through the obedience of Inner Ren and Outer Li. While such a balance is tied through morality. It is with a noble moral cultivation that the inner benevolence is sincere while the ritual outward can be well-implemented. And that’s why Confucius proposed, “君子之德风,小人之德草,草上之风,必偃”。

