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2023.08.24 ~ 2023.12.31
  • 四川外国语大学
  • 建议每周学习3小时
  • 680人已参与






成绩预发布时间 2023-12-30





Confucius's choice between public spirit and personal feelings.

By 张婷 老师 10-26 1840次浏览

In the two stories which our group actors performed in class, Confucius refused to sell his cart for a grand burial ceremony for Yan Yuan while agreeing with Zengxi in taking a carefree life as the ideal. What do you have to say about Confucius's choices between the public spirit and personal feelings?

114 回复

  • 10班刘佳璐 12-15

    Confucius' refusal to sell his cart for the grand burial ceremony of Yan Yuan (one of his beloved and esteemed students) can be interpreted as an adherence to the principle of appropriateness and the avoidance of excess. Confucius advocated for moderation in all things, including funerals, which he believed should reflect one’s social status and means. Despite his personal grief and affection for his student, Confucius might have chosen to act according to what he deemed socially and morally appropriate rather than giving in to personal emotions that might lead to extravagant behavior.

    On the other hand, his agreement with Zengxi regarding a carefree life as the ideal may seem contradictory at first glance. However, it is important to understand that Confucian thought does not promote a hedonistic or unprincipled pursuit of pleasure. When Confucius speaks of a “carefree life,” he is likely referring to a life lived in harmony with the Way (Dao) and in accordance with virtue (de). Such a life would be free of undue stress and anxiety because it is aligned with the natural order and societal expectations.

    Confucius’s choices between public spirit and personal feelings can be seen as an embodiment of his teaching that a superior person (junzi) must balance their emotions with social responsibilities. The junzi knows when to adhere strictly to ritual and when to be flexible, always with the aim of promoting social harmony and the moral development of themselves and others.


  • 英语打工人 12-16

    Public spirit is a basic moral and political order concept, attitude and behavior orientation, which is conceived in human public life and converted to public value. In essence, it is the public application of human reason and the ethical representation of human "class" consciousness. With the development of modern publicity and the development and enrichment of the public life field in modern society, the public spirit has become the human value and spiritual quality that modern citizens must uphold and shape. However, the absence of "public spirit" in Confucian traditional culture has affected the development of society.

  • 田瑞林 12-16

    Confucius's decision not to sell his cart for Yan Yuan's grand burial ceremony reveals a deeper commitment to his philosophical principles. By rejecting the opportunity for a grand gesture, Confucius prioritized the intrinsic value of personal integrity over outward displays of wealth or public recognition. This choice reflects his belief in the enduring significance of moral character.

    The carefree life advocated with Zengxi underscores Confucius's emphasis on inner virtues and balance. Choosing simplicity over extravagance, he encourages a focus on cultivating one's character rather than succumbing to societal expectations. This echoes the Confucian idea that true fulfillment arises from virtuous living rather than material pursuits.

    Confucius's stance on public spirit versus personal feelings highlights a nuanced approach to ethics. While he recognizes the importance of societal harmony and public duty, he also values the authenticity of individual beliefs. This intricate balance suggests that Confucius saw the interconnectedness of personal virtues and their impact on the broader social fabric.

    In essence, Confucius's choices reveal a philosophy centered on the enduring power of moral character, advocating for a life guided by principles rather than external validations. His wisdom continues to resonate as a timeless guide for individuals seeking a meaningful and balanced existence in the complexity of societal expectations.

  • 陈华婷 12-19

    The core of Confucius's idea of public spirit is "Ren", and Confucius always appeals that behavior of individuals should be based on ritual and limited within the scope of "Li". So does personal feelings. I don't think Confucius' refusal to sell his cart to hold a grant burial ceremony for his beloved disciple Yan Yuan is against personal feelings and at variance with his agreement with Zengxi in taking a carefree life as the ideal. Confucius, as the Grand Justicar of Lu, represents the set of etiquette of it, according to which he must travel by car not on foot. His refusal does just insist and uphold the etiquette, not to do something beyond it. Whereas, it does not mean that he shows no concern about personal feelings, instead, he also accentuate it, just as what he promise to Zengxi, but only limited in the range of "Li".

  • 陈星佑 12-19

    Confucius's choices between public spirit and personal feelings reflect his deep commitment to moral principles and his understanding of the greater good. Confucius was a philosopher and teacher who emphasized the importance of social harmony, ethical behavior, and the cultivation of personal virtues. His teachings were centered around the idea of creating a just and harmonious society through individual moral cultivation.

    On the one hand, Confucius had actually mourned over the death of his most proud student, Yan Yuan. Therefore, we cannot deny that even the saints who adhere to the rules of etiquette cannot avoid the influence of personal feelings.

    On the other hand, Confucius stayed true to public spirit by refusing to sell his cart for a grand burial ceremony for Yan Yuan for mainly two reasons. Firstly, the financial background determined whether the cart was needed or not. The second had more to do with the etiquette. As a great officer, he could not walk on foot since that disobeyed the rule of etiquette. 

    Therefore, he tries to stay a balance between "public spirit" and "personal feelings", but when there is a conflict between the two, he definitely prioritizes the former over the latter. This is what makes Confucius a great saint.  

  • 14班周子傲 12-19

    Confucius was a Chinese philosopher, politician, and teacher who believed that all people benefit from a lifetime of learning and a moral outlook1. He stressed the cultivation of personal qualities such as benevolence, reciprocity, and filial piety as essential to the formation of well-educated, conscientious individuals who would benefit society through public service.

    Confucius insisted on “Restrain Yourself and Follow Social Norms”, and implemented the public spirit into all aspects of life throughout his life. He refused to give Yan Yuan a great funeral, and adhered to the principle of etiquette and maintaining the public spirit. At the same time, his insistence on public spirit was actually a reflection of personal feelings, which is a deeper mourning and respect, and respect for Yan Yuan's adherence to etiquette during his lifetime. His choices strike a balance between public spirit and personal feelings.

    Yan Yuan adhered to Li when he was alive. Confucius believed that Yan Yuan had always followed the ritual system during his lifetime, so a great funeral might be against his wishes and values. Confucius regarded Yan Hui as his son, and he believed that he could not allow private feelings to outweigh public spirit. If he gave Yan a great funeral, it is a violation of etiquette with excessive personal feelings. And this is also the principle of Confucius to promote the etiquette system.

    At the same time, there are practical reasons. Yan Yuan's family is poor, so a great funeral is not practical. Confucius believed that with Yan Yuan's family situation, a great funeral would not be in line with the actual situation, but might increase the burden on the family.

    Confucius's insistence on public spirit is the embodiment of his insistence on etiquette. Etiquette is the cornerstone of social order, which clarifies people's moral norms in society, and helps maintain social stability. By maintaining the etiquette system, people can show a high level of civilization and morality, and promote the progress of society. The observance of etiquette can also cultivate people's sense of morality and citizenship, and make people attach more importance to the public interest and social development

  • 张芮菡 12-19

    Confucius' refusal to sell his cart for the grand burial ceremony of Yan Yuan (one of his beloved and esteemed students) can be interpreted as an adherence to the principle of appropriateness and the avoidance of excess. Confucius advocated for moderation in all things, including funerals, which he believed should reflect one’s social status and means. Despite his personal grief and affection for his student, Confucius might have chosen to act according to what he deemed socially and morally appropriate rather than giving in to personal emotions that might lead to extravagant behavior.On the other hand, his agreement with Zengxi regarding a carefree life as the ideal may seem contradictory at first glance. However, it is important to understand that Confucian thought does not promote a hedonistic or unprincipled pursuit of pleasure. When Confucius speaks of a “carefree life,” he is likely referring to a life lived in harmony with the Way (Dao) and in accordance with virtue (de). Such a life would be free of undue stress and anxiety because it is aligned with the natural order and societal expectations.Confucius’s choices between public spirit and personal feelings can be seen as an embodiment of his teaching that a superior person (junzi) must balance their emotions with social responsibilities. The junzi knows when to adhere strictly to ritual and when to be flexible, always with the aim of promoting social harmony and the moral development of themselves and others.

  • 6班陈婷婷 12-21

        Regarding Yan Hui's burial, Confucius did not give him a grand burial despite the depth of his grief. When asked why, he replied that it was inappropriate. Here, Confucius kept the traditional rites and values, emphasizing modesty and simplicity. Even in his deep personal grief, he did not allow personal feelings to overshadow the importance of societal norms and rituals. The choice of a simple burial was in line with the Confucian principle of adhering to the middle path and not going to extremes.

      He emphasized public wealth over personal benefits. He will not choose to break the social rules for his personal feeling. I think this is what makes he to be a great people in history.

  • Benevolence is the core of Confucius' thought. Confucius believed that there should be a balance between public and private interests. He refused to give Yan Yuan a grand funeral not because he disliked his disciple, but because his favorite disciple was Yan Yuan. Confucius did this to respect the inner etiquette of his disciples, and it also reflected the balance between public interests and personal interests.

  • 9班向雯莉 12-22

    Confucius's choices between public spirit and personal feelings reflect his deep commitment to moral principles and his understanding of the greater good. Confucius was a philosopher and teacher who emphasized the importance of social harmony, ethical behavior, and the cultivation of personal virtues. His teachings were centered around the idea of creating a just and harmonious society through individual moral cultivation.

    In the story where Confucius refused to sell his cart for a grand burial ceremony for Yan Yuan, he prioritized the principles of frugality and simplicity. Confucius believed that excessive displays of wealth and extravagance were detrimental to society and went against the values of humility and moderation. By refusing to participate in such a lavish ceremony, Confucius demonstrated his commitment to upholding moral principles over personal gain or societal expectations.

    On the other hand, when Confucius agreed with Zengxi in taking a carefree life as the ideal, he was emphasizing the importance of personal well-being and inner contentment. Confucius believed that true happiness and fulfillment could be achieved by living a life of simplicity, free from excessive desires and material attachments. By advocating for a carefree life, Confucius encouraged individuals to focus on self-cultivation and the pursuit of inner virtues rather than being consumed by external pressures and societal expectations.

    Confucius's choices between public spirit and personal feelings highlight the complexity of moral decision-making. While he recognized the importance of contributing to the greater good and maintaining social harmony, he also emphasized the significance of personal well-being

  • 16班张业薇 12-22

    Confucius placed a significant emphasis on the importance of balancing public spirit (or duty to society) with personal feelings. His teachings, as recorded in the Analects, reflect a nuanced understanding of the individual's role in society and the moral obligations that come with it.

    1.Public Spirit: Confucius believed in the idea of ren, often translated as "benevolence" or "humaneness." Ren involves cultivating a sense of empathy and compassion for others, and it extends beyond personal feelings to encompass a broader social responsibility. Confucius emphasized the importance of individuals fulfilling their roles in society with a sense of duty, righteousness, and loyalty. This public spirit involves contributing to the well-being of the community and adhering to ethical principles that promote harmony.
    2.Personal Feelings: While Confucius stressed the significance of public spirit, he did not dismiss personal feelings. He acknowledged the importance of familial and personal relationships, advocating for the practice of filial piety (xiao 孝) and the cultivation of a moral character in one's personal life. Confucius recognized that a virtuous individual, through self-cultivation and ethical behavior, could positively influence the broader society.

    Confucius aimed for a harmonious integration of personal and social dimensions, recognizing that a stable and morally upright society is built upon the foundation of virtuous individuals. He did not see a strict dichotomy between personal feelings and public spirit but rather advocated for a synthesis of the two. The concept of li (礼), often translated as ritual or propriety, also played a role in Confucius's teachings, providing a framework for harmonious interactions in both personal and social contexts.
    In summary, Confucius encouraged individuals to navigate the balance between personal feelings and public spirit, emphasizing the cultivation of virtues that contribute to both personal fulfillment and the well-being of the broader community. His teachings aimed at fostering a morally upright society through the ethical actions of individuals within it.

  • 张月 12-23

    Confucius refused to sell the car to hold a grand funeral for Yan Yuan, and at the same time agreed to appreciate Zeng Xi's carefree life ideal, which reflected a certain balance between the public spirit and personal emotions, and it was not mutually exclusive. As far as Yan Yuan's funeral is concerned, Confucius seems to value practical and frugal aspects, rather than complex rituals. This decision can be regarded as the practical application of Confucius' virtue and moral principles that emphasize filial piety. By not indulging in grand rituals, Confucius may be designed to establish a moderate role model and place basic values ​​on luxury performance. On the other hand, agreeing with Zeng Zeng's carefree life ideal shows that Confucius recognizes the importance of personal happiness and satisfaction. This is consistent with the emphasis and the Confucian values ​​cultivated in the inner virtue. Hugging a carefree life and getting rid of unnecessary burdens and desires can be regarded as the pursuit of personal happiness and self -cultivation. The choice of Confucius revealed the connection between social obligations and personal pursuits. It reflects the concept of Confucian balance of personal virtue and social responsibility, and shows that the harmonious society is based on the foundation of individuals' obligations to others and cultivating their own moral quality at the same time.

  • 3班李卢骄 12-23

    Confucius's choice to refuse selling his cart for a grand burial ceremony for Yan Yuan while agreeing with Zengxi about the ideal of a carefree life reflects a nuanced balance between public spirit and personal feelings.
    In the case of Yan Yuan's burial, Confucius likely prioritized practicality and frugality over elaborate rituals. This decision could be seen as a manifestation of his emphasis on the virtue of filial piety and the practical application of ethical principles.By not indulging in a grand ceremony, Confucius may have aimed to set an example of moderation and prioritization of essential values over extravagant displays.

  • 17王淑娴 12-25

    Confucius's choice to refuse to sell his cart for a grand burial ceremony for Yan Yuan while agreeing with Zengzi on the ideal of a carefree life reflects an interesting balance between public spirit and personal feelings in his philosophy.

    On one hand, Confucius's refusal to sell his cart for a grand burial ceremony demonstrates his commitment to principles of frugality and wisdom regarding material possessions. This decision embodies the Confucian values of modesty and practicality, prioritizing the ethical and moral aspects of life over extravagant displays and ostentatious rituals. It aligns with his emphasis on upholding social harmony, filial piety, and the cultivation of virtues.

    On the other hand, by agreeing with Zengzi on the ideal of a carefree life, Confucius acknowledges the importance of personal contentment and tranquility. This aspect of his philosophy emphasizes the cultivation of inner virtue, self-cultivation, and the pursuit of a balanced and harmonious life. It speaks to the individual's pursuit of inner peace and happiness, which can coexist with the fulfillment of public responsibilities and duties.

    Confucius's choices underscore the complex interplay between public and personal values in moral decision-making. They reflect a nuanced understanding of the coexistence of ethical engagement in society and the pursuit of personal fulfillment. Confucius's teachings encourage individuals to navigate this balance thoughtfully, recognizing the importance of both public spirit and personal feelings in shaping a meaningful and virtuous life.

  • 十七班苏慧星 12-25

    Confucius's choices between the public spirit and personal feelings can be seen as a reflection of his philosophy and values. Confucius believed in the importance of cultivating oneself morally and contributing to the well-being of society. His refusal to sell his cart for a grand burial ceremony for Yan Yuan demonstrates his commitment to principles and his belief in the value of personal integrity.

    By refusing to prioritize personal feelings and material possessions over his principles, Confucius showed a dedication to the greater good and the importance of upholding social harmony. This decision highlights his belief in the need for individuals to prioritize the well-being of the community, even at the expense of personal desires or attachments.

    On the other hand, Confucius's agreement with Zengxi in taking a carefree life as the ideal indicates that he also recognized the importance of personal fulfillment and happiness. While he emphasized the importance of fulfilling one's social obligations, he also acknowledged the need for individuals to find balance and contentment in their own lives.

    Confucius's choices can be seen as a delicate balance between the public and personal spheres. He recognized the significance of both, understanding that personal fulfillment and happiness contribute to a harmonious society. However, he believed that personal desires should not overshadow one's responsibilities and obligations towards the greater community.

  • 凌宏 12-25

    Confucius established the basic theme of Confucianism, and the same is true in the field of Confucian public thought. The foothold of Confucius' public thought lies in "benevolence", which is not only the inner heart of individuals participating in public life but also the principle that individuals need to carry out in public life such as public communication and political activities. In other words, the highest requirement of Confucianism for public life is to implement the principle of "benevolence" among people.
    Under the principle of "benevolence", politicians use public power with virtue and virtue to pursue a virtuous public politics. In public life, people abide by the norms of "rites" and concretized them into various life scenes, so as to make friends, live in villages and participate in politics. In addition, Confucius' ideal of public life not only attaches importance to the overall interests, but also attaches importance to individuals playing a role in public life and enjoying the good feelings brought by fine public life. It is hoped that those sages and gentlemen who have the virtue of "benevolence" can actively participate in public life, and work hard for the community with their own talents and virtues, so as to create an ideal life of prosperity and civilization in the community and individual peace and comfort.

  • 12班陈金阳 12-25

    For Confucius, he had a wealth of personal feelings, but at the same time he was reluctant to touch public spirit. Therefore, at Yan Yuan's funeral, he refused to sell the car to Yan Yuan to buy a coffin. Confucius pursued the harmony between external conventions and internal and external emotions

  • 九班韩茗 12-25

    Confucius' choices strike a balance between public spirit and personal feelings. 



    On the one hand, Confucius had actually mourned over the death of his most proud student, Yan Yuan. Therefore, we cannot deny that even the saints who adhere to the rules of etiquette cannot avoid the influence of personal feelings.



    On the other hand, Confucius stayed true to public spirit by refusing to sell his cart for a grand burial ceremony for Yan Yuan for mainly two reasons. Firstly, the financial background determined whether the cart was needed or not. The second had more to do with the etiquette. As a great officer, he could not walk on foot since that disobeyed the rule of etiquette. 



    Therefore, he tries to stay a balance between "public spirit" and "personal feelings", but when there is a conflict between the two, he definitely prioritizes the former over the latter. This is what makes Confucius a great saint.  


  • 九班韩茗 12-25

    Confucius' choices strike a balance between public spirit and personal feelings. 



    On the one hand, Confucius had actually mourned over the death of his most proud student, Yan Yuan. Therefore, we cannot deny that even the saints who adhere to the rules of etiquette cannot avoid the influence of personal feelings.



    On the other hand, Confucius stayed true to public spirit by refusing to sell his cart for a grand burial ceremony for Yan Yuan for mainly two reasons. Firstly, the financial background determined whether the cart was needed or not. The second had more to do with the etiquette. As a great officer, he could not walk on foot since that disobeyed the rule of etiquette. 



    Therefore, he tries to stay a balance between "public spirit" and "personal feelings", but when there is a conflict between the two, he definitely prioritizes the former over the latter. This is what makes Confucius a great saint.  


  • 5班李子贤 12-25

    Regarding Yan Hui's burial, Confucius did not give him a grand burial despite the depth of his grief. When asked why, he replied that it was inappropriate. Here, Confucius kept the traditional rites and values, emphasizing modesty and simplicity. Even in his deep personal grief, he did not allow personal feelings to overshadow the importance of societal norms and rituals. The choice of a simple burial was in line with the Confucian principle of adhering to the middle path and not going to extremes.He emphasized public wealth over personal benefits. He will not choose to break the social rules for his personal feeling. I think this is what makes he to be a great people in history.



  • 5班李子贤 12-25

    Regarding Yan Hui's burial, Confucius did not give him a grand burial despite the depth of his grief. When asked why, he replied that it was inappropriate. Here, Confucius kept the traditional rites and values, emphasizing modesty and simplicity. Even in his deep personal grief, he did not allow personal feelings to overshadow the importance of societal norms and rituals. The choice of a simple burial was in line with the Confucian principle of adhering to the middle path and not going to extremes.He emphasized public wealth over personal benefits. He will not choose to break the social rules for his personal feeling. I think this is what makes he to be a great people in history.



  • 5班李子贤 12-25

    According to Confucius, expressing one's innermost thoughts comes after adhering to societal conventions. He thinks that the collective spirit is more important than individual emotions. The finest example of this is Yan Yuan's case. However, this does not imply that Confucius is a naturally apathetic individual. He never holds back while praising his pupils, and he is saddened by their passing. Because he also appreciates one's own sentiments, he concurs with Zengxi that living a carefree life is preferable.In the meantime, it seems to him that Li's ultimate purpose is to live in peace with nature.When the two disagree, he makes his own decision because the good of the public spirit triumphs above individual sentiments. This is the greatness of Confucius.



  • 17班葛依 12-25

    Although Confucius was very sad in his heart, he would not overstep the rules of etiquette because of his feelings. According to the Zhou ceremony, the funeral level should match the status of the deceased. After the death of the scholar-official can have coffins and coffins, Yan Yuan did not become an official, not a scholar-official, so should not be buried. On the other hand, Yan Hui has been living in poverty and happiness, according to his own consistent style, he certainly does not want to be buried after death. The generous burial of the Confucius disciples is understandable in terms of the feelings of the students, but it is contrary to the etiquette. Looking back on a series of performances of Confucius after Yan Hui's death, we can see that Confucius had a good sense of proportion in doing things. Despite his grief, he did not lose his reason, nor did he overstep the law (the social norm at the time).

    People should be rational, not emotional, even in the case of extreme sadness, but also to exercise restraint, not to "let go" without regard to social norms. The truth is not profound, but it is quite difficult to actually do it.
    In the philosophy of Confucius, the ideal individual needs to establish the basic principle of "benevolence", and the ideal public standard is "courtesy". With "benevolence" and "propriety" as the center, Confucius provided an ideal model of public life. Confucius' thinking and answer on the ideal public life also constitute the basic stance of later Confucists to deal with these issues, and thus become a perspective for us to understand Confucianis.

  • 李璇 12-25

    in essence, Confucius advocated for an individual to conscientious balance their personnal feelings and public spirit. it's important to prioritize public spirit to promote social harmony and the greater good while also acknowledging and understanding one's personnel emotions and desire. by achieving a harmonious balance the two, individual can contribute positively to society while also nurturing their own personnel growth

  • 李璇 12-25

    in essence, Confucius advocated for an individual to conscientious balance their personnal feelings and public spirit. it's important to prioritize public spirit to promote social harmony and the greater good while also acknowledging and understanding one's personnel emotions and desire. by achieving a harmonious balance the two, individual can contribute positively to society while also nurturing their own personnel growth

  • 李璇 12-25

    in essence, Confucius advocated for an individual to conscientious balance their personnal feelings and public spirit. it's important to prioritize public spirit to promote social harmony and the greater good while also acknowledging and understanding one's personnel emotions and desire. by achieving a harmonious balance the two, individual can contribute positively to society while also nurturing their own personnel growth

  • 李璇 12-25

    in essence, Confucius advocated for an individual to conscientious balance their personnal feelings and public spirit. it's important to prioritize public spirit to promote social harmony and the greater good while also acknowledging and understanding one's personnel emotions and desire. by achieving a harmonious balance the two, individual can contribute positively to society while also nurturing their own personnel growth

  • 4班陈小雯 12-25

    Public life is not only about the exercise of power, but also inseparable from interpersonal communication, and Confucianism attaches great importance to the ethics of interpersonal communication and hopes to create harmonious interpersonal relationships. In Confucius's thought, the norms of public communication are an important part of his public thought, and the principle of "etiquette" permeates all aspects of interpersonal communication.

  • 11eleven 12-25

     In the first instance, he refused to sell his cart for a grand burial ceremony for Yan Yuan. This decision highlights Confucius's strong commitment to frugality and the importance of not squandering resources. He likely viewed the extravagant funeral as inconsistent with the principles of simplicity and economy, principles that he held dear.

    In the second story, Confucius agreed with Zengxi's ideal of leading a carefree life. This choice suggests that Confucius valued personal freedom and the ability to pursue one's own happiness. It also highlights his belief in the importance of maintaining a balance between one's inner life and the demands of society. For Confucius, living a carefree life did not mean shirking one's responsibilities or ignoring the needs of others; rather, it meant attaining a state of equanimity that allowed one to better navigate the challenges and demands of life.

    In both instances, Confucius's choices reflect his belief in the importance of striking a balance between public duty and personal well-being. He neither subscribed to the view that public spirit should override all personal considerations nor did he advocate for complete self-indulgence. Instead, he advocated for a middle path that allowed individuals to fulfill their duties to society while also attending to their own needs and well-being. His teachings remind us that true wisdom lies in finding this balance and that living a life of moderation and balance is key to attaining inner peace and fulfillment.

  • 邹华意 12-25

    Firstly, When we look at these stories happening to Confucius and Yan Yuan, we can see the demonstration of public spirit at first as they both applied the social value of frugality. When Yan Yuan was alive, he always lived a simple, impoverished but happy life, and his rich internal treasure even under the poor material conditions was exactly what Confucius advocated in society at that time. So it is not hard to imagine Confucius's favor for such a good student and his sorrow for Yan Yuan's death. However, instead of showing his favor and sadness by holding the funeral in a great style, he chose to respect and continue to apply Yan Yuan's lifestyle as Yan did himself before. Then, that also showcased Confuciu's care for personal feelings as he knew clearly what Yan Yuan truly wanted and did so, but did not adopt the way other fellows proposed with their willingness. All these are the integration of public spirit and personal feelings, with Confucius's choice of respecting Yan Yuan's personal feelings whose life adheres to the public spirit as well.

    Secondly, I will talk about Confucius's agreement with Zengxi in taking a carefree life as the ideal. From my comprehension of the ideal life, in a society where wars continuously destroyed people's lives and rituals failed to work, I think it emphasized more the stability of countries, kindness residing in society, and integrity lying in personal hearts. Although they were talking about "carefree", we should not analyze it only from their views on materials. Instead, we are supposed to see their real care for the public and soceity behind this talk. So, from this point, we can still find the integration of public spirit and personal feelings, as Confucius’ pursuit of simple and carefree lifestyles indicated his own personal feelings and his advocacy of this kind of style himself with underlying care for the public society.

