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2023.08.24 ~ 2024.01.21
  • 杭州师范大学
  • 建议每周学习3小时
  • 1797人已参与






成绩预发布时间 2024-01-20





Discussion for Unit 1

By 胡乔立 老师 10-27 2244次浏览

1. How are you getting on with your new roomates or classmates so far in college?

2. Do you have a best friend? What kind of people do you like to have as friends?



260 回复

  • 钟佳夷 11-01

    1.With my roommates,we will introduce our hometown's scenic spots, share our hometown's snacks,play together, and talk about everything. When I am unhappy, I also have the companionship and comfort of my roommates, which makes me feel warmth and love.

    With my classmates,although we are not completely familiar with each other, we also greet each other when we meet. When encountering difficulties, many students are willing to lend a helping hand, and everyone is very enthusiastic and helpful.

    2.Of course, I have good friends, not only those I have known since childhood, but also many new ones. I like to make friends with cheerful, sunny, and able to speak and laugh.

  • 林晓婷 11-01

    I don't think it's a difficult problem on how to get along well with roommates.First of all, we talked to each other through Wechat before we met.After the beginning of school, we have dinner and take  classes together,through which we have a better understanding of each other.In accordance with the same hobbies, we soon became very good friends.
    My roommates and i soon be the best friends.They are enthusiastic and outgoing and be willing to help others.The character of them fascinates me, and likes to be friends with them.They have love and always take care of people,be considerate of the emotions of others.It's my pleasure to be their friends. 

  • 鲍颂展 11-01

    1 With my roommates,I think we are adapt each other because everyone have their character and not everyone is understing .But we can piay games and have a dinner in the weekend,which is a good tendency that we can become best friend.

    With classmates ,we are familiar strangers that we only talk in the WeChat,

    2 Yes,I have.I want make friend with outstanding and sonsy people who can make me smile.

  • 励欣雨 11-01

    I build good relationships with my roomates.Ahough we have different habbits we always have endless words to chat.My classmates are also friendly so the atmosphere of the group cooperations are harmonious.

    I have a best friend who I met in primary school.I think that friends don't have to have the same hobby,but should listen to each other.The person who is willing to accompany and listen to me is the one I regard as a friend.

  • 鲍家乐 11-01

    1.We get along very well.We often get together for meals.Sometimes we also play games together and chat with each other which did a great help for enhancing our relationship

    2.Absolutely yes.In my opinion,Ipeople who are interesting and have lots of funny ideas are what I like to have as firends.

    Being with them you will never be bored and awkward and help you get through the difficulties.

  • 柯胤光 11-01

    Actually, I chatted with them and sometimes we go out to have dinner together.

    Yes. It seems to me that friends should be frank with each other.

  • 毛佳乐 11-01

    1.I am not a person who can get familiar with others in a short time ,so I just do myself like I always do.I believe that as long as time gets longer ,we will be friends at last.As my except,we gradually became good friends.My opinion is just do yourself,and let it be.

    2.Yes,I have best friends of course,not only in my high school,but also in the university.

    I would like to make friends with those who are kindly,humrous and easy-going.

  • 朱思佳 11-01

    1.We have different lifestyles,but I have already found a wonderful way to adapt to this distinction.

    2.Unfortunately,the answer is no.I will choose enthusiastic and honest people as my friends.

  • 王绍南 11-01

    1.Obviously, after I went to college, I had a larger circle of friends. My friends come from all over the world and have very different personalities, but we can laugh and play together. Not only that, we also plan to travel to their respective hometowns. We are really happy.

    2.I have a very good friend who is my junior high school classmate. Although we are not in the same city, we will travel together and share the hardships and joys of life, she will always be a unique baby.

    I hope to have good friends whose a like-minded people.

  • 陈誉嘉 11-01

    1.If I want to get along well with my roommate s and classmates, I would take the initiative to communicate with my classmates around me to find the same interests . It is infectious to open yourself . If I am open to others, others will also be open to me.

    2.Yes,I have.I like to socialise with people who are cheerful and optimistic and have no pressure to communicate with them.


  • 周承瑞 11-01

    1. My roommates and classmates are very kind and enthusiastic, and we often exchange and chat together.

    2.Yes,I have a best friend.I like to make friends with lively, cheerful and humorous people, because the atmosphere will be more relaxed and happy.

  • 葶烨 11-01

    1.Keeping patience and polite to everyone. Trying my best to make friends with everyone.

    2. Err……I think I didn't have a best friend. The reason why I supposed there is not a best friend I have is that I think everyone is my best friend. They are not different in my heart. And I will be friendly to every friends I have.

  • 陈震宇 11-01

    1. In my opinion,I usually play computer games with my roommates because wu have the same hobby.

    2.My best friends are my high school students who are admitted to HZNU,too.I want to make friends with open students because I think they are humorous and easy to get along well  with.

  • 梁护芝 11-01

    1  Very well,They are friendly to me.And we always have something to talk.

    3   Yes.I'd like to have the optimistic cheerful as friends.

  • 1.I have a very harmonious relationship with them and have developed strong friendship with some of them.

    2.Generally true but not entirely true,because i have many "best" friend,it is not easy for me to choose a person of them as the best friend to me.As for the type of friends i want to make friend with them,i think they should be kind and friendly.

  • 陈慧慧 11-01

    I feel happy to meet those cute girls!! We are getting on well with each other, we come from different provinces so we have various topics to talk,and  although we differ from others, we esteem the distinctions. That's why we have become a blended "family" so far

  • 陈慧慧 11-01

    I have a best friend.She can catch what i think even sometimes it could be a little weird. The friends who i want to get acquainted with are the  people who treat me sincerely, warm hearted and polite. 

    Is difficult for us to meet soulmate, so if we are lucky enough to find someone who can get your weirdness, just cherish he/her.

  • 童陈璐敏 11-01

    1.At first,maybe I was a little bit shy and nervous to talk with my roommates.But,I still tried to talk with them,and I was surprised to find that make it friends is not difficult I think.Now, I am getting along well with them.And I am very happy to stay with them.

    2.Yes,I have the best friend.When you ask me what kind of person I want to make friends,the answer is sensitive,lovely ,responsible and nice person.

  • 刘宇壮 11-01

    So far,I get on well with my classmates and roommates.We have the same age and the same experience and also will have a hole study in college.We treat other heart to heart.

    Like others,I have best friends.I think the one who can help people with a warm heart will more likely to have best friends.

  • 朱俊晨 11-01

    1.During those days in my college,I always discussed with my roommate in terms of discipline,but also we played tricks on each other sometimes.We helped each other in life and had fun together.More than that,once we had fought with a big moth,which was scared but cheerful after we drove it away.

    2.I have many friends but do not have a best friend.I like a friend who has the same hobby as me.

  • 金惠雅 11-01

    1.As the monitor of the class,I got on well with my classmates. And I added everyone's WeChat and had some communication with them, and I also helped my classmates who encounter problems. What's more,I had three roommates,who are very adorable.Although four of us came from different provinces, we went shopping in Hangzhou on weekends,playing games at night.Everyone I 've met at the college was very friendly so far.

    2.Yes,I have. I had two best friends who I met in high school.Now I shared my life with them everyday although we didn't see each other right now. My friend needn't have beautiful face or excellent grades, she or he just has powful heart,full of loving,could hear my trouble,just go crazy and laugh together.

  • 席庆轩 11-02

    1. Very good,beatiful and kind hearted , a  nice group of people 

    2. .no,a lively and open minded person

  • 杜泓池 11-02

    1  I think respect is very important.When we talk with someoine new ,we should listen to them .

    2 I have a best friend .He is a outgoing person.So I think i prefer to make friends with some outgoing· people

  • 张易 11-02


    We share our hobbies and daily life, and we joke and take exams with each other. Occasionally, we also share our secrets and play games together

    I like to make friends with optimistic and positive personalities, and my good friends are all kind and outgoing people

  • 张俊耀 11-02

    1.First and principal,I respect my roommates' privacy,as it is foundamental manners get along with others.Second,we always take action together,for instance having meals,hance we could get on with each other.

    2.Yes,I have.Maybe it is because I take others' eyes too seriously,so in my opinion, a friend that could joke in pleasure but not anger is the best.

  • 赵启含 11-02

    1.I am going on well with my roomates,fortunately,our characters are so similar and our opinions on something are so identical that we have no argument and we can live in harmony.

    2.My best friend is one of my roomates,who is always encourages me and praises me when I was down or get false from something.As for me,I want to make friends with person possesses outgoing character.what's more,who follow the same pace with me is also a candidate for me.

  • 祁蓉 11-02

    1.Up to now, my new roommates and I are getting along well, we often act together. when someone is in trouble, others will lend a helping hand to help her solve the trouble. but we have our own characteristics, so it is inevitable that there will be various frictions, but I believe we can solve these problems well, live and study together

    2.Of course, I have very good friends, but they are now separated from me, but our relationship is still the same, and we often get together to play if we have time.I like to make friends with strong people who are confident and generous, humble and decent, warm but calm, and can face problems calmly. In a word, I like people who are stronger than me and can lead me to progress.

  • 王洋 11-02

    1.We will play games together in our free time,besides we are glad to play jokes on each other.

    2.I don't have a best friend.I would like to make friends with kind,outgoing and generous people.

  • 陈圣颖 11-02

    1.Since I have a roommate who comes from the same senior high school  like me,I got familiar with her soon and now we  always have good time with each other. I really want to make friends with most of my classmate,but now I just get well on with my roommates as I didn't have many chance to conduct and discuss with other classmates.

    2.Probably yes,the one is the roommate I mentioned above.I like people who is  enthusiastic,outgoing and humorous.

  • 吴天熠 11-02

    1. Maybe I am so shy that make me don't have so many friends.But I will share with my roommates , talk with them and play games with them.But I don't know my classmate.I think I have many chances to make friends with them.

    2. Yes I have. I like the people who have the same hobby as me.We can talk many things so that everyday will get interesting.

