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2023.08.24 ~ 2024.01.21
  • 杭州师范大学
  • 建议每周学习3小时
  • 1797人已参与






成绩预发布时间 2024-01-20





Discussion for Unit 1

By 胡乔立 老师 10-27 2243次浏览

1. How are you getting on with your new roomates or classmates so far in college?

2. Do you have a best friend? What kind of people do you like to have as friends?



260 回复

  • 陆程龙 11-01

    1.My roommates like singing songs with me.We usually sing at night when we are all feel relaxing.But the friends next door may not as enjoying as us to singing songs.So they told me that we should sing slower and no sound the best,which putts my happiness down and stopps my roommates with me being a famous music band.

    2.My best friend is my roommate,who sleeps across to me.As you know,I wish my friends can sing songs ,play multiple musical instruments and establish a  band with me so that we may have a chance to spread China Style Music around the world.

  • 肖佳俊 11-01

    1.My roommates are humorous and funny.We support each other so that we could easily adapt the college life.Some of my classmates are outgoing,I'm willing to talk and share with them on the wechat in my leisure time.

    2.I have many best friends who I could talk with and share with.I'm willing to share the joy in life with my best friends and we could harvest double happiness.So someone easy-going,self-discipline and dynamic will be taken into my consideration.

  • 何晓翔 11-01

    1.To promote the friendship,we usually have meals together and help each other when someone needs help.


    2 The kind of people who I want to make friend would be principled and outgoing so that we can communicate without obstacles.

  • 周如佳 11-01

    1.For my roomates, on first acquaintance, I managed to communicate with them actively , and luckily, I found them all very understanding and easy-going. When we picked up on each other gradually, we are all willing to share our own interesting and entertaining things more frequently. As for my classmates, I tried my best to blend in their discussions and participated in a wide range of activities held by my class. I also cooperated with them zealously when there were some tasks needed to be finished.

    2.Yes, everyone should have a best friend who can share his or her happiness and problems with you, I'm no exception. I prefer to choose those who are considerate and filled with positive energy as my friends.

  • 朱佳琪 11-01

    1.From the beginning of the semester to now, my roommate and I have been getting along very well. We have many common hobbies and complementary personalities. In many cases, we have the same way of looking at things and attitude, and I am very lucky to have such a good roommate.

    2.Two of my best friends are my middle school classmates and one is my high school classmate. Although we are not in the same university, we always chat on wechat and share our interesting daily life. I like to make friends with people who are positive, optimistic and cheerful, because my personality is very lively, I hope my friends can also go crazy with me occasionally.

  • 沈毅恒 11-01

    1.we should get along well with roommates and classmates,solve problems together,discuss together,and make progress together.

    2.have a friend who shared the same hobbies with me so that we can have good time together.

  • 王柯 11-01

    1.Actually ,we get along very well.As clinical medicine students,we have the same goal-getting into a graduate school.So we have the atmosphere to learn together and becoming better in the future.We have similar schedules,which allowed us to have a better sleep quality.So,I think it is my luck to have such roomates!

    2.Course I have best friends.I prefer friends who can tolerate my personality.Because sometimes I will become totally impervious to reason.And the most important thing is that he or she should have a similar world view with me,it's extremly the crucial thing

  • 金亚承 11-01

    1.I think i get along with my roommates well.They are all polite and can put themselves in other's shoes.My classmates are also helpful and friendly.However,until now,I still can't recognize all of them.

    2. I have a best friend met in my junior high school.For me,I would like to make friends with someone who is logical.

  • 孔豪皓 11-01

    1.As a matter of fact,I am not good at socializing  withothers.luckily,my roommates and classmates are outstanding and friendly,which makes it easy to get along well with them.We help each other and eat together.And now we have a strong friendship.

    2.Yes. My best friend could understand all of my cavalry ideas.He could comfort me when I was upset.We will share something interesting to each other

  • 张慧萍 11-01

    I get along well with my roommates. They are lively and always bring me happiness.

    I have the best friend,  and I hope to be good friends with like-minded people. We can explore the beautiful things in life together.



  • 刘垚 11-01

    1、Firstly,not noly do we play games together,but try delicious food together.

    2、Yes,but we are not admitted into the same university.I wish I could make friends with friendly and distinguished people.

  • 李凯乐 11-01

    1  First of all I large-handedly shared my lovely snack with my roommates and I will get to know them step by step.Seconedly I will communicate with them about daily life everyday.So I have getten on well with them

    2Currcently I have many friends.I like make friends with amusing and active people

  • 毛源操 11-01

    1 I get on well with my roommates and classmates

    2 I have a best friend.The kind of friends I want to make should be interesting

  • 张经领 11-01

    1.For my roommates,I usually play games with them and dine with them. As for my classmates, I usually chat with them because I share the bedroom with other class's student.

    2.Yes,I do and my best friend have same intersts. In my opinio,I like make friends who have same intersts as me and we can chat with eavh other without doubts.

  • 方缘 11-01

    1.In order to get involved in this new environment,I have tired to show my kindness to everyone so that we are able to share our different opinions.Besides,the way of rebuilding a intimate relationship with someone new is supposed to be intelligent and honest.

    2.Yes.The person who has fantastic characteristics is the friend I is finding.Maybe she is confident to show what she likes and is crazy about.Furthermore,she is always positive and pull herself to help others.When someone shines,I will be there to meet him.

  • 柯雨欣 11-01

    1.In this new university environment, I am very happy to meet my new roommate. We took classes , shared food , talked about different regional scenery.

    2.Yeah.I want my friend is someone who knows how to be tolerant.Of course, she's humble and gentle.

  • 赵思怡 11-01

    1.At present,I get along well with my new roomates and my new classmates.We share things,discuss and finish tasks together.

    2.Yes,I do.I like to make friends with people who have interesting souls to work with and play with.On rainy days,listen to the sound of rain falling together;On a sunny day,watch the sun rise spectacularly.

  • 莫晓娟 11-01

    1.I was nervous about college life before I started, but now I have become friends with my roommates and some classmates. We play together, eat together, have classes together. We also have many same interests so we have a lot of common topics to talk. I feel lucky for that.

    2.Yes. Although the word best seems to describe only one person, I still have many best friends. They will share the sunset and some beautiful scenery with me, comfort me and make me happy when I am sad. They also teach me patiently when I encounter problems I can’t solve. Even if we are not in the same school or the same place, they still often think of me and plan to go out together. They let me feel the beauty of life and the meaning of happiness. What kind of people do I like to have as friends?Maybe it's just like them.

  • 罗鑫鑫 11-01

    1.I think sincerity matters in interpersonal communication. So I was more patience, more enthusiastic and more helpful in my daily life. But I am a student at all,I have my own schedule, and it's meaningless to change yourself for getting on with others.And they wouldn't put you out, we still have a good relationship like a family. 

    2.Yes I do. She needs to have her own bottom line and principals.She has quality and self-mutivation .She don't complain often, and we are willing to change parts of us for each other. (I mean, some unimportant habits or character.)

  • 张书玮 11-01

    I get along extremely well with my friends.

    No.Gentle ang tender.

  • 练义发 11-01

    1.Yeah,as I and my classmates enjoyed our class meeting ,all of them are generous and outstanding ! I am so fanscinated by the cosy atmosphere.About my roommates,I am so shocked that I have not met such friengly roommates.

    2.Yes,I have a best friend from high school.As a friend,the most important thing I think is quality,you must have a right quality.Additinally,when you stay with your best friend,the atmosphere you feel is relaxing and comfortable.

  • 叶羿韩 11-01

    1.It's no exaggeration to say that my roommates and I got on well with each other pretty quickly.We have same hobbies and similar habits.We spend most of our time together,beside talking,we also give each other some privacy.It's my pleasure to meet such kind and reliable roommates in a new environment.

    2.Yes,i do.A person who has similar views to me,who is kind and brave,who will help me and correct my mistakes could be my friend.

  • 杨芷 11-01

    1.We get along very well.We often chat together and share our joys and sorrows.

    2.Yes,she is my junior high school classmate,we know each other more than seven years.For me,I want to make friend with the people who are optimistic,and we have many common topics to talk with.


  • 周泓厉 11-01

    1.In fact,I play really well with my roommates and classmates.We play video games with each other,share delicious food and attend class together.

    2.Yes,I do.In my opinion,I prefer to make friendship with a person who has the same interets as  me and have a lively and outgoing personality.


  • 苏杨杨 11-01

    I think I get along well with my roommates.What I have to say is accidentally I and my three roomates come from different four provinces,which makes me surprisedand delighted.Meanwhile all my three roommates are friendly to me,and they are very funny persons.Now we are familiar with each other. As for my classmates,to be honest,we are not very understand with each other. I think it maybe because there is too little time to let us communicate with each other.But I believe we will become more familiar with each other as time goes on.


    yes,I do.I have a best friend who knows from childhood to now , and we are peers.Although we are not at the same college,we still keep in touch with each other.

    About the person who I want to know most,the most important point I think should be she is kind and we understand each other most, and we study courses together,encourage,comfort and support each other.

  • 金思佳 11-01

    Pretty good! My roommates and classmates are just much more friendly and easygoing than i ever thought,it can really comfort my worried heart.                                              I have  a best friend in high school and now she studies in XiaSha campus,she is so sincere and helpful that she would like to do a favor for me when I am struggled with troubles

  • 周鑫佟 11-01

    1.My roommates and classmates are very kind,we never have trouble in life.I beileve I can get them very well.

    2.I still don't have a best friend.In my opinion,friends should be a good linsener who can share your happiness or pain. 

  • 任心怡 11-01

    1.I’ll try to find the hobbies and favorite things my roommates or classmates have, and join in these discussions and activities with them.Moreover,try to create opportunities to develop friendships  between us,such as hanging out together on campus and in our city.

    2.Yes, surely I have a best friend.People who are genuine,purely kind,unselfish and independent-minded are very appealing to me.

  • 曹雪影 11-01

    So far, I can basically get along well with my new roommates and classmates in the university, and there hasn't been any conflict yet.I have no requirements for the type of friends. Because I am a more introverted person, I want to communicate with extroverts. At the same time, getting along with introverts makes me feel comfortable.

  • 李佩颖 11-01

    1.In the dormitory ,i often stir up a conversation to warm our vibe,and help my roommates when they face the problem.

    I think only we have more  interaction,and we will become more harmonious,and become the life peers with each other.

    As for my classmates,i usually spend more time to chat with them by Wechat,and give them as much help as possible i can,i am very happy to help them.

    2.Yes,i do.I do not be very open,and i think i lack the firend in heart because of my diffrenet family.So i'd like to find a truely heart firend who really want to hear my story and share his or her story with my in heart.

