




成绩预发布时间 2020-01-11

期末考试截止时间 2020-01-09 23:55






By UMOOCs课代表 2019-12-02 4664次浏览




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Step 1 本帖下回复课程笔记,笔记形式:文字、图片…...笔记太多装不下?那网盘链接也可以呀~


Step 2 学习课程,达到课程合格成绩。(大家可关注成绩发布时间,成绩发布前努力提高学习进度叭)




(ps. 证书还可以分享至领英,助你成为职场+外语领域最靓的崽~)





72 回复

  • 叶倩男 2019-12-07


  • 英本173班杨晶 2019-12-10




  • 英本175马月 2019-12-10


  • 英本175矫震 2019-12-10

    1.线上课程会让我们的学习自主性得到提高,使网络资源得到了有效而准确的利用。此外, 学习者可自由安排学习时间,克服了时间、空间和教育环境的限制,也较好的做到了个性化服务。


  • 英本175刘亚红 2019-12-10



    复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App,操作更方便哦 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ZWJdthLNXfGjK_sfM4cpkw 提取码:00h3


  • 王建一 2019-12-10



  • 李钰 2019-12-10


  • 沈孝红 2019-12-10

  • Julie 2019-12-11

    Chapter 5 Informative Speech -- Topic selection(演讲准备:开始阶段--选题艺术)


    5.1.Topic selection


    Which is easier for you to make speech,on a given topic or to decide on a topic by yourself?

    unusual experiences of yours

    special expertise you have acquired: My Special Recipe for A Delicious Apple Pie


    Try to make a quick inventory of your special experiences, interests,hobbies, skills,beliefs,and so on;see if there is anything coming to your mind;track them down by listing and there they go,your potential topics!








    natural phenomena


    plans and policies


    All right personal inventory clustering or internet search


    5.2 Speech purposes and central idea(如何确定演讲目的&表述中心思想)


    Why am I making this speech,to inform or to persuade?



    Statement 1:

     I will introduce to the audience the history of the high heels and the current major designs of high heels;

    Statement 2:

     I am going to argue that high heels are not entirely women's privileges;men should be able to enjoy them too!









    By associating:

     you can talk about the size,color,component,texture and so on.


    By comparing:

     you can talk about what it is similar to or different from.


    By associating:

     you can talk about the size,color,component,texture and so on.


    By analyzing:

     you can talk about what it is similar to or different from.



    By applying:

     you can talk about its usage;


    By arguing:

     your can construct arguments either for or against it.Choose one or two perspectives as your focus, and they are just the purpose of your speech.



     I.Always choose a specific purpose appropriate for your audience.

     II.Specific purposes that are too technical for your audience will need reconsideration.

    III.Pay attention to your time allotment.


    120 to 150 words/minute

    600 to 750 words



    Video 1

    "I have decided to talk to you about the benefits of failure; I want to extol the crucial importance of imagination."

    Video 2:

    "Today I'm going to focus on two---yoga breathing and yoga postures.Along the way I am going to share with you some of the health benefits that come along with theses simple yoga practices."



    I.They are phrased in full declarative sentences rather than questions.

     II.They both avoid figurative or vague language in thesis statements;

     III.The speakers present them in a clear and resolute manner so that it is fairly easy for the listeners to catch.



    The Art of Public Speaking Speech



    Getting Started


    1.Selecting a topic and a purpose

    2.Analyzing the audience

    3.Supporting your ideas


    Choosing a topic


    Topic:the subject of a speech


     Two categories of topics:

    1.Subject you know a lot about

    eg.unusual experiences,special expertise(专业知识)

    2.Subjects you want to know more about

    eg.topics that you want to explore


    1.Choosing a topic


    Brainstorming methods for topics:

    -Generating ideas for speech topics by free association!

    Personal inventory 个人盘点

    jot down anything that comes to your mind

    Clustering 聚类法

     List 4-5 items in 9 columns: -People,-Places,-Things,-Events

    Internet search网络搜索>

    Search topics with Baidu, Google...



    People : My father

    Places : My hometown

    Things : Computers

    Events : Sports meeting

    Processes :Learning public speaking

    Concepts : Feminism

    Natural Phenomena :Earthquakes

    Problems:Cyber violence

    Plans& Policies : Going abroad to study


    2.Determining the General Purpose


    General purposes of speechmaking(the broad goal):

    1.to inform(告知)

    2.to influence/to persuade(影响或说服)

    3.to entertain(娱乐)


    3.Determining the Specific Purpose


    Specific purposes(what you hope to accomplish in your speech):

    My topic:learning public speaking

    My general purpose:to inform

    My specific purpose:to inform my students about the methods of choosing a speech topic and a purpose


    Single infinitive phrase一个不定式短语


    3.Determining the Specific


    Purpose Work in pairs and discuss whether the following statements are appropriate specific purposes? Why or why not?


    2.What is Halloween? Single infinitive phrase

    3.To persuade my audience that something should be done about cyber violence.

    4.To inform my audience that yoga is cool.too vague

    5.To inform my audience about the history of China.一too complex



    Tips for the specific purpose statements

    1.Full infinitive phrase

    2.Statement,not question

    3.Avoid figurative language

    4.Avoid being vague or general

    5.Make sure it is appropriate for your audience

    6.Make sure you can achieve it in the allotted(分配的)time


    4.Phrasing the Central ldea

    ·Central idea is a one sentence statement that sums up or encapsulates the major ideas of a speech.


    ·What you expect to say

    ·What you want your audience to remember after they have forgotten everything else in the speech (residual message存留信息)



    4.Phrasing the Central ldea

     Specific purposes(what you hope to accomplish in your speech):

    My topic:learning public speaking

    My general purpose:to inform

    My specific purpose:to inform my students about the methods of choosing a speech topic and a purpose

    Central idea:

    Students can choose a speech topic by brainstorming ideas in three different ways,then they should determine their general,specific purposes and phrase the central idea of the speech.



    1.Do exercises 1,2 and 3 on page 56-57.Write your answers on the margin of the pages.

    2.Preview chapter 5 and 6.

    3.Do the listening tasks of Unit 2,active listening&speaking I

    Task 3 and Task 4 on P21-22;Task 1 on page 22 of your textbook.



    Chapter 6 Informative Speech -- Structure(演讲准备:组织艺术)


    6.1 Main points(如何组织演讲要点)


    In this lecture,you will learn

    Choice of main points

    Strategic order of main points


    main points:

    major points

    central features



    The specific purpose is


    "to inform my audience about rituals in engagement, preparation,wedding day and post wedding period in Chinese traditional wedding".


    I.rituals in engagement period

    II.rituals in preparation

    IIL rituals on wedding day

    IV,rituals in post wedding period


    Specific Purpose:

     to inform my audience about rituals in engagement, preparation,wedding day and post wedding period in Chinese traditional wedding

    Central idea:

     There are various rituals in engagement,preparation, wedding day and post wedding period.


    Main Points

     I.Three Letters and Six Rites are the most important rituals in engagement.

     II.A lot of preparations need to be made before the wedding such as dowry preparation,red double happiness paper cutting,bridal bed preparation.

    III.On the wedding day,there are many rituals such as performing formal bows,wedding banquet teasing the newly-wed couple

     IV.After the wedding day,there are still a lot of rituals such as seeing parents-in-law,returning to the bride's parents'home.


    Chronological order

    Spatial order

    Topical order

    Problem-solution order



    Chronological order

     A method of speech organization in which the main points follow a time pattern.




    Wedding day

    Post wedding


    Specific Purpose:

     To inform my audience of the process of making dumplings.

    Central idea:

     There are four main steps in making dumplings.


    Main Points

     I.Mix the flour and water into a large bowl to make dough. II.Prepare the filling by mixing shredded cabbages and minced meat.

     Make wrappers out of dough.

     IV.Scoop filling into each wrapper and fold the sides of wrapper together.


    Spatial order

    ..A method of speech organization in which the main points proceed from top to bottom,left to right,front to back,inside to outside,east to west,or some other route.


    Specific Purpose:

     To inform my audience about the four major regions in the UK.

    Central idea:

     England,Scotland,Wales and Northern Ireland have their own identities and attractions.


    Main Points

    1.England is home to London.

    II.Scotland is home to Edinburgh.

    III.Wales is home to Cardiff.

    IV.Northern Ireland is home to Belfast.


    Topical order

     A method of speech organization in which the main points divide the topic into logical and consistent subtopics.



    Specific Purpose:

    "To inform my audience about the achievements of Lin Yutang."

    Central idea:

     Lin Yutang achieved greatly as a writer,a translator and a cultural ambassador.



    Main Points

     I.As a writer,Lin Yutang wrote many great works such as The Moment in Peking,My Country And My People.

     II.As a translator,he translated many novels and poems such as poems and prose by Su Dongpo.

     III.As a cultural ambassador,he made Chinese culture familiar to Westerners.


    Problem-solution order

    .A method of speech organization in which the first main point deals with the existence of a problem and the second main point presentsa solution to the problem.


    Specific Purpose:

     To persuade my audience that tougher measures should be taken to prevent from desertification of land.

    Central idea:

     Deforestation is a serious problem that requires a combination of government action and individual awareness.


    Main Points

     I.Deforestation is a serious problem which results in desertification.

     II.The problem can be solved by a combination of government action and individual awareness.



    First - Limit the number of main points

    Second - Keep main points separate.

    Third - Try to use the same pattern of wording for main points

    fourth - Balance the amount of time developed and main points.


    Main Points

     I.Regular exercise increases your endurance.

    II.Your sleeping pattern is improved by regular exercise.

     III.It is possible to help control your weight by regular exercise and it is beneficial to your health by doing regular exercise.


    Main Points

    1.Regular exercise increases your endurance.

    II.Regular exercise improves your sleeping pattern.

    III.Regular exercise helps control your weight.

    IV.Regular exercise helps keep healthy


    6.2.1 Supporting materials


    Supporting materials:

    To support a speaker’s ideas.


    Major kinds





    Using examples

    Without examples:





    With examples:





    Types of examples

    Brief examples

    Extended examples

    Hypothetical examples


    Brief examples

    Specific instances to illustrate a point


    Extended examples





    Hypothetical examples

    A hypothetical example

    An example to describe an imaginary or fictious situation


    Tips for using statistics

    To use representative statistic

    To tell you audience the sources of statistics

    To use statistics from reliable sources

    To round off complicated statistics

    To explain statistics when you use large numbers

    To use visual aids to clarify statistics



    Testimony refers to quotations or paraphrases used to support a point.

    Two kinds:

    Expert testimony

    Peer testimony



    Expert testimony refers to testimony from people who are recognized experts in their fields

    Peer testimony is testimony from ordinary people with firsthand experience or insight on a topic


    Tips for using statistics

    1,to decide whether to quote or paraphrase the testimony.

    2,to quote or paraphrase accurately.

    3,to use testimony from qualified sources.

    4,to identify the people you quote or paraphrase.


    For examples

    According to Stephen Lucas, professor of communication arts in the Humanities at the University of Wisconsin and author of the textbook “ the art of public speaking,” the goal of public speaking is to communicate worthy thought in an effective manner.



    6.3.1 connectives


    a connective

    a word or phrase to connect the idea of a speech and to indicate the relationship between them.



    internal preview

    linternal summaries



    transitions are words or phrases that indicate when a speaker has completed one thought and is moving on to another.





    The Art of Public Speaking 

    Using language



    Warm Up

    ·Watch a clip of the White House Correspondents'Association Dinner in 2015.Please comment on the language used by Obama and his"anger translator".


    Using language








    Using language accurately 

    Translate the following words into English


    ·他很胖·He's fat?


    ·我很热·I'm hot?




    Using language clearly

    ·Use familiar words

    ·Be concrete

    ·Eliminate clutter



    Use familiar words

     Can you understand the following sentence?


    "The hegemony exerted by a cognitive view of SLA as a mentalistic and inherently individual process was inhibiting the exploration of more 'social, discursive approaches to the nature of the mind"(Lafford,i997)


     Because second language learning was mainly viewed as a process that occurred within an individual's mind, research from a social perspective in this field was restricted.



    Use familiar words

    "This is our moment. This is our time- to put our people back to work and open doors of opportunity for our kids; to restore prosperity and promote the cause of peace; to reclaim the American Dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth..." 

    Barack Obama 

    Election Night Victory Speech 





    Be concrete

     Directions:Read each question carefully.Then write down your first response to that question. Your answer is based on your interpretation of the bold-faced words.



    Be concrete

    1.Li Meimei just graduated from college and is making a lot of money.How much does she make per year?

    2.Han Lei just graduated from college and is making a good salary.How much does he make per year?

    3.Uncle Wang is big.How much does the man weigh?



    Be concrete

    1. Bob has been absent from class a lot.How many days has he missed?
    2. Mary is short.How tall is Mary?
    3. ​3.John is old.How old is John?

    4.Adam is handsome.What does Adam look like?

    5.The soup is delicious.What flavor is the soup?



    Eliminate clutter

     Clutter: discourse that takes many more words than are necessary to express an idea.



    Eliminate clutter

    "...but not to put too fine a point on it,the individual in question is,it may surprise you to learn,one whom your present interlocutor is in the habit of defining by means of the perpendicular pronoun."

     Yes,Minister S03E03 

    A simpler version: That person was I.



    Eliminate clutter

     Anything wrong with the following phrases? 

    past memories   

     end result 

    various differences   

    final outcome 

    each individual    

     free gift

     basic fundamentals  

    past history 

    true facts      

    unexpected surprise 

    important essentials            

    sudden crisis 

    future plans 

    terrible tragedy



    Using language vividly






    ·Use concrete words

    "We stand on a lonely,windswept point on the northern shore of France.The air is soft,but 40 years ago at this moment,the air was dense with smoke and the cries of men,and the air was filled with the crack of rifle fire and the roar of cannon." 

    Ronald Reagan




    ·Use simile(an explicit comparison,introduced with the word"like"or"as")

    "O my Luve's like a red,red rose/That's newly sprung in June;/O my Luve's like the melodie/ That's sweetly played in tune." 

    Robert Burns




    ·Use metaphor(an implicit comparison,not introduced with the word"like"or"as")

    "The earth has a fever.And the fever is rising. The experts have told us it is not a passing affliction that will heal by itself." 

    Al Gore




    ·Rhythm:the pattern of sound in a speech created by the choice and arrangement of words.

    "...that this nation,under God,shall have a new birth of freedom--and that

     government of the people,by the people,for the people, shall not perish from the earth." Abraham Lincoln





    "We shall go on to the end;we shall fight in France; we shall fight on the seas and oceans; we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air; we shall defend our Island,whatever the cost may be..." 

    Winston Churchill




    "Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York.

     Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania.

     Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado..." 

    Martin Luther King,Jr.





    "Somewhere at this very moment a child is being born in America.Let it be our cause to give that child a happy home,healthy family, and a hopeful future.

    Bill Clinton




    "It was the best of times,it was the worst of times,it was the age of wisdom,it was the age of foolishness,it was the epoch of belief,it was the epoch of incredulity,it was the season of Light,it was the season of Darkness..." 

    Charles Dickens




    ·Directions:In your group,take turns to read paragraph 15-20 of Barack Obama's speech Yes,We Can.Identify the rhetorical devices that we discussed.



    Using language appropriately

    ·Appropriateness to the occasion

    ·Appropriateness to the audience

    ·Appropriateness to the topic

    ·Appropriateness to the speaker



    Using language inclusively

    ·Avoid the generic"he"(using"he"to refer to both men and women)

    ·When a speaker delivers a speech,he must use appropriate language.

    ·When a speaker delivers a speech,he or she must use appropriate language.

    ·When speakers deliver a speech,they must use appropriate language.



    Using language inclusively

    ·Avoid using man when referring to both men and women.

    "That's one small step for a man,one giant leap for mankind."-Neil Armstrong

     That's one small step for a person,one giant leap for all human life



    Using language inclusively

    ·Avoid stereotyping jobs and social roles by gender. 





     camera operator 


    chair,   chairperson,convenor 






    mail carrier,letter carrier,postal worker 


     police officer 





    to man

    to operate or to staff

    Using language inclusively

    ·Use names that groups use to identify themselves. 

    Crippled people 

    Handicapped people 

    People with disabilities


    Using language inclusively

    ·Revise the following sentences. 

    If the student was satisfied with his performance on the pretest,he took the post- test.

     Let each student participate.Has he had a chance to talk?Could he feel left out?

     Anyone who wants to go to the game should bring his money tomorrow.

    8.1.1 Method of delivery


    How to make a speech


    the delivery of a speech


    Features of good delivery

    easily understood


     not shifting the audience's attention to the speaker's performance



    Successful speech delivery


    No formula

    Highly personal

    no standard form

    personal strengths and weaknesses



     intelligible speaking

    limited use of distracting manners

    eye contact


    Step 2




    Step 3




    Reading from a manuscript

    Reciting from memory

    Speaking impromptu

    Speaking extemporaneously



    Reading from a manuscript

     naturalness in sound

    eye contact

     legible manuscript

    directness and sincerity


    Reciting from memory背诵


    Reciting from memory

     remember the manuscript thoroughly

    communicate with the audience


    Speaking impromptu

     to speak with little or no immediate preparation

    eg.Q-&-A session


    The four-S steps

     State the point we are answering

    State the point we wish to make

     Support our point with evidence and reasoning

    Summarize our point


    Speaking extemporaneously半脱稿

     a carefully prepared and rehearsed speech presented from a brief set of notes or speaking outline to jog the memory


    The five-step method

    Preparation outline

    Speaking outline with cues for delivery

    Practice with only the speaking outline

    all examples

    full quotations and statistics

    visual aids

    Polish and refine your delivery

    A dress rehearsal


     features of impressive delivery

     four types of delivery

    a five-step method


    8.2.1 Delivery of a Speech(2) voice


    ​Two physical elements:


    body movement






    Vocal variety





     loudness and softness of voice



    Speed of the speaking


    He kills men by the hundreds,and if he were here he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightning from his arse."



    ·7 words/5"-84wpm

    ·29 words/8"→217.5wpm

    ·native speakers'120-150wpm


    The best rate depends on:

    ·vocal attributes


    ·composition of the audience

    ·nature of the occasion.




     highness or lowness of a speaker's voice


     changes in the pitch or tone is called



    Why inflections?


    Why inflections?

     Different sentence types in daily conversations

    Attitudes and emotions



    Momentary breaks

    Keen sense of timing


    "Long pauses are good.They have solemnity on great occasions.

     Lionel Logue in King's Speech


    Function of pauses

    to add to the solemnity

     to signal the end of a thought unit

    to allow our mind to"catch up"to our mouth

    to lend dramatic impact to a statement

    to help engage the audience and convey emotions

    to replace fillers like"um","er",and"well"


    Determinants of pause length·

    Speaking style

    ·Nature of message

    ·Duration of a talk

    ·The audience

    ·Cultural norms



     changes in volume,pitch,rate and the use of pauses



    convey ideas and feelings more vividly



    the accepted standard of sound and rhythm of words in a given language


    the physical production of particular speech sounds




     Be accurate in pronunciation.

    Be clear in articulation.


    Ways to improve

    Poetry declaiming (诗歌朗诵)

    Tongue twisters(绕口令)


    2,listen (Yourself + Someone for help)


    8.3.1 Delivery of a Speech(3) body


    ​Body language:




    ·facial expressions

    ·eye contact



    Body language helps deliver a speech effectively


    "Words are but wind, but seeing is believing."“耳听为虚,眼见为实。”



    Eye contact




    The way we dress and groom

    ·The way our body moves

    ·The way we stand


    observe other successful speakers and stars in movies



    √Practice standing on two feet.

    √Practice standing"at ease".

    √Practice standing tall.

    √Let your shoulders relax.

    √Practice breathing deeply.



     X Leaning to one side.

    X Rocking back and forth.

    X Turning your back on the audience.


    Use It Or Lose It!


    Reasons for eye contact

    Eye contact builds rapport.

     Eye contact gives immediate feedback.


    Appropriate eye contact

    a small audience: from one person to another

    a large group: in an irregular and unpredictable"Z"formation


    Practicing looking at your audience

    Practice looking from your notes to your audience.


    "Eyes are the windows to the soul"



     motions of our hands and arms


    Correct use of gestures:

     enhance message+appear confident and relaxed

    Incorrect use of gestures:

     distract the audience+send the wrong non-verbal message


    KEYS to effective gestures

    ·not distract from the message

    ·appear natural and spontaneous

    ·help clarify and reinforce our ideas

    ·be suited to the audience and occasion


    Distractive gestures

    Hands on hips;

    Crossed arms;

    Hands crossed in front;

    Hands joined behind your back;

    Hands in pockets;

    Hands flailing about;

    Hands wrung together.


    Symbolic Gestures

    Descriptive Gestures

    Emotional Gestures



     I.Work in front of a full length dress mirror.

    II.Video yourself to get feedback.

    III.Go for mastery over one habit at a time.

    IV.Remember regular smaller practices are more effective.

    V.Practice what you can throughout the day.


    tiny tweaks BIG CHANES



    Chapter 9 Visual Aids (演讲实施-巧用视觉辅助)

    9.1 Kinds of visual aids (视觉辅助物的分类)

    90% of people will do things according to what they see!


    Seeing is believing.


    1,tangible objects and models that you can directly demonstrate

    2,photos, drawings, graphs, charts, videos and PowerPoint that facilitate the understanding;

    3,the speaker himself or herself











    Tips for PowerPoint


    1, Limit bullet points & text


    1) It may confuse the audience.

    2) The PowerPoint will dominate the speech


    Micro Blog: Chinese Version of Twitter


    Tencent: 200 million

    Sino: 140 million



    42% under 20

    37% between 20~30

    21% over 30


    Most popular blog:

    Yao Chen: 9.5 million followers


    Reasons for blogging:

    Emotional self expression (74.3%)

    Record of life and growth (59%)

    Share information and ideas (55.7%)

    Relax (54%)

    Gather information (47%)

    Learn the status of friends (41.6%)


    "I love your presentation, Can I just have your PPT?"


    2,Limit animations

    Error models

    Wipe Left to Right




    3, Have a visual theme, but avoid using PowerPoint templates.


    4, Use color effectively

    three category of color: cool, warm, neutral.

    business presentation: color be simple and neat.


    5, Choose your fonts sensibly

    Serif Fonts

    San-Serif Fonts

    Timew New Roman


    Bookman Old Style

    Antique Olive

    MS Reference Serif

    MS Reference Sans Serif

    Book Antiqua


    Palatino Linotype


    Don't use more than two fonts on a single slide.


    6, Spend time with the slide sorter.



    A video longer than 30 seconds may easily distract your audience from the speech itself.


    The speaker as the visual aid


    General Tips

    1, Keep the visual aids simple, clear and to the point, so that it will not distract your audience from your speech.

    2, Make sure your visual aids are large enough and placed properly so that your audience can see them clearly.

    3, Use fonts and colours that are easy to read, especially for PowerPoint slides.

    4, Display the visual aids only while you are discussing them, so that you can not confuse your audience with too much unnecessary attraction.

    5, Verbally explain your visual aids to your audience, and during this time you have to maintain eye contact with the audience.

    6, Practice with your aids during the rehearsal and check the room and equipment needed beforehand.

    7, Do not rely too much on the visual aids and always prepare a Plan B in case the visual aids can not work out as you have expected.


    Chapter 10 Persuasive Speech (说服性演讲)

    10.1 Kinds of persuation (说服性演讲分类)


    The key issue for a persuasive speech is to create, reinforce or change people's beliefs or actions.


    What makes a good topic for a persuasive speech?


    Try to compare two sets of topics:Are they good enough for a persuasive speech?


    First set

     When is Betty's birthday?

    Who was the first emperor in China?

    How far is Wuhan from Guangzhou?


    Second set

     Will Betty become the President of Hubei University 20 years later?

     Who is a better emperor,Qing Shihuang or Tang Taizong?

     Is airplane the best means of transportation from Wuhan to Guangzhou?


    questions of fact

    questions of value

    questions of policy


    questions of fact

     It is usually about the truth or falsity of an assertion.


    "William Shakespeare did not write the plays"attributed to him."

    Marilyn Monroe did not die of suicide."


    A persuasive speech on a question of fact is similar to an informative speech,but they take place in different situations and for different purposes.


    The situation for an informative speech is nonpartisan.


    The speaker acts as a lecturer or teacher who gives information as impartially as possible.


     By contrast,the situation for a persuasive speech on a question of fact is partisan.


    The speaker acts as an advocate whose aim is to present one view of the facts and persuasively fas possible.


    To achieve the convincing effect,it is better for the speaker to organize the speech topically.


    Suppose you are going to persuade the audience that Marilyn Monroe did not die of suicide but from murder,you should try to numerate several reasons why the listeners should agree with you.


    medical evidence

    evidence or witness on the scene

     the historical anecdote over her personal relationships



     This speech is to persuade the audience that Marilyn Monroe

    Main points:

     A.Medical check proved no sign of hypnotics' overdosing in Monroe.

     B.Evidence and witness on the scene suggested it was more of a murder crime.

     C.Rumor went that Monroe had complicated relationship with the Kennedy Brothers.


    We are merely winning over the audience on a particular view of the facts,but sometimes the debatable questions involve more than facts.


    They may be questions about the worth,rightness, morality and so forth of an idea or action.


    questions of value


    Who is the best singer in China?

    Is family plan  justifiable?

    What are the professional ethics of a teacher?


    To set up a standard for value judgment is of extreme importance in questions of value.



     If you are going to persuade the audience that Eason Chan is the best singer in China.


     Instead of emotionally presenting your ideas out of personal taste,you should justify your claim by first telling the audience what you mean by"best singer".



     Eason Chan is the best singer in China.

    Main points:

    1.The best singer should meet three major standards:

    A.He or she should have great musical talent.

    B.He or she should have a large number of well-known songs.

    C.He or she should bear the responsibility of being a celebrity and set a role model for the fans.


    Main points:

    2.Eason Chan meets all the three standards for the best singer:

     A.He has won a great many musical awards to prove his musical talent.

     B.He has issued more than forty albums which include hundreds of famous songs.

     C.He has hardly had any scandals and is enthusiastic about public affairs.


    A quick review of what we covered in this session.


    In this lecture,we mainly introduced the first two types of persuasive speeches.

     persuasive speeches on questions of fact

    persuasive speeches on questions of value


    questions of policy

    They arise daily in almost everything we do.

    persuading our parents to give us more allowance

    persuading the public to vote for a certain president candidate


    You will inevitably discuss questions of facts or questions of value,but eventually,you will always arrive at the core issue,whether a certain course of action should or should not be implemented.


    "Your parents should give you more allowance."

    You can start with questions of fact to assert that"nowadays,it is true that college students need more money for their daily expenses",or you can try to convince your parents to believe in a value that"It is beneficial for a student to be raised in a better-off environment."


    You will have to argue that your parents should literally give you more pocket money.


    Is this reasonable?

    Can they afford it?

    What benefits will it bring?


    Pattern One:Problem-Solution Order

    If your speech is to advocate a change in policy, it must be because the current situation is not very satisfying and gives rise to problems.


    Therefore,in order to convince your audience that a certain action needs to be taken,you have to prove to them that it is the solution to the problem.


    "African nations should provide a minimum level of education to all their citizens."

    1,The lack of access to secondary education in Africa causes many to live a life of poverty.

    2,Solving this poverty problem requires the government to provide minimum level of education of education to all their citizens.


    You can argue that there is no need for a change,and even more,the change will cause more serious problem.


    "African nations should not provide a minimum level of education to their citizens."

     1,With limited budget,there is no need for the African governments to spend large amount of money on education.

    2, The access to education will not solve the problem of poverty,because health problem is more serious for their survival.

    3,If the money were spent on education,the health budget would be severely undermined and the situation in Africa would be even worse.


    Pattern Two:Problem-Cause-Solution Order

    This is a variation on the previous order,because it just takes a step deeper into the analysis,by listing out the causes for the problem.


    However,it works better because it will be easier to check whether the proposed solution will actually remedy the causes.


    1,The lack of access to secondary education in Africa causes many to live a life of poverty.

    2,Because poorly-educated people lack the basic hygienic awareness,and have no chance for a well-paid job,they are more likely to be stricken into eternal poverty once they get ill.

    3, Solving this poverty problem requires the government to provide minimum level of education to all their citizens.


    Pattern Three:Comparative Advantages Order

    Once your audience have already agreed that a problem exists,you can further develop your speech by weighing the advantages and disadvantages of the competing solutions.


    This is what we mean by comparative advantages order:


    You simply buildsell your ideas of minimum levelveln why your proposal is better than the other options.


    Suppose you have already convinced your audience that poverty is a severe problem that haunts Africa,then you can move on to sell your ideas of minimum level level of education like this.


    To solve the problem of poverty in Africa,with a limited budget,the government should prioritize minimum level of education rather than medical care:


     1,Unlike immediate medical care,minimum education will be a long term investment to the whole nation's future.


    2, Unlike medical care to specific persons,minimum education will pass on knowledge from one person to another automatically,thus will affect and benefit more.


    Pattern Four:Motivated Sequence

     As its name suggests,motivated sequence is a particular set of steps designed to motivate your audience to take actions.







    Suppose your purpose of speech is to urge your audience to donate blood regularly.

     You can first arouse your audience's attention by asking questions that relate them directly to your topic:

    Are you at least 17 years old?

    Do you weigh more than 110 pounds?

    Do you consider yourself fairly healthy?


    Once your audience are intrigued to this topic,you can address the problem:there is an urgent need of blood donation.

    By introducing the current bad situation, you make them feel a need for change.


    They can help by becoming blood donors.


    How will their efforts make a difference

     You use vivid imagery for the listener to see,hear, or feel how much better the condition will be once they donate blood regularly.

    Once the audience is convinced that they should donate blood regularly to change the situation,to make a difference,your last job is to call for action:

    tell them exactly what you want them to do and how to do it.


    ​You need to take steps to let the idea grow.


    What makes a speaker persuasive?


    10.3 Methods of persuation - Building credibility and using evidence (以信服人,依据劝人)


    10.3.1 Methods of persuation - building credibility and using evidence



    A patient tends to take the doctor's advice on medicine rather than a bus driver's.


     A driving apprentice is more likely to follow the experienced driver's instruction rather than a doctor's.


    Do bear in mind that credibility is not the actual ability of the speaker,but it is an attitude.


    I.Mention your expertise on the speech topic.

    directly to your audience by revealing your relevant experience


     II.Establish a common ground with your audience.

    You cannot persuade your audience by assaulting their values and rejecting their opinion,instead,stand in their shoes and winning their favors is the first step to win their trust in what you advocate.


    III.Act as a poised and dynamic speaker with genuine conviction


    "Sincerity,honesty and a straightforward manner are more important than special talent or polish."——Truman








     brief examples:specific cases

    extended examples:stories or narratives


    Place your central statement in front of or in the end of the examples.


    Statistics Rule No.1:Always identify the source

    There are 43,000 Chinese restaurants in the U.S...

    VS:According to Jennifer Lee's The Fortune Cookie Chronicles, there are 43,000 Chinese resturants in the U.S...


    Statistics Rule No.2:Round off complicated numbers for the listeners to catch easily.

    Mount Kilimanjoro is 5,895.14 meters high.

    VS:Mount Kilimanjoro is 5,900 meters high.


    Xiang Piaopiao tea with milk is sold 700,000,000 cups every year.

     VS:The linked cups can circle the earth three rounds!


    How much money is a trillion yuan?

    (spent it at the rate of 1000 yuan a day)


    Tips for applying Statistics


    1.Mention the source of the number to be more credible.

    2.Round off complicated numbers into simple ones for the listeners to catch easily.

    3.Explain the numbers by translating them into terms that listeners can relate to.


    Make sure that your quoting is from a qualified,unbiased source.and remember to identify the people you quote.

  • Julie 2019-12-11

    5.1.Topic selection


    Which is easier for you to make speech,on a given topic or to decide on a topic by yourself?

    unusual experiences of yours

    special expertise you have acquired: My Special Recipe for A Delicious Apple Pie


    Try to make a quick inventory of your special experiences, interests,hobbies, skills,beliefs,and so on;see if there is anything coming to your mind;track them down by listing and there they go,your potential topics!








    natural phenomena


    plans and policies


    All right personal inventory clustering or internet search

  • Julie 2019-12-11

    5.2 Speech purposes and central idea(如何确定演讲目的&表述中心思想)


    Why am I making this speech,to inform or to persuade?



    Statement 1:

     I will introduce to the audience the history of the high heels and the current major designs of high heels;

    Statement 2:

     I am going to argue that high heels are not entirely women's privileges;men should be able to enjoy them too!









    By associating:

     you can talk about the size,color,component,texture and so on.


    By comparing:

     you can talk about what it is similar to or different from.


    By associating:

     you can talk about the size,color,component,texture and so on.


    By analyzing:

     you can talk about what it is similar to or different from.



    By applying:

     you can talk about its usage;


    By arguing:

     your can construct arguments either for or against it.Choose one or two perspectives as your focus, and they are just the purpose of your speech.



     I.Always choose a specific purpose appropriate for your audience.

     II.Specific purposes that are too technical for your audience will need reconsideration.

    III.Pay attention to your time allotment.


    120 to 150 words/minute

    600 to 750 words



    Video 1

    "I have decided to talk to you about the benefits of failure; I want to extol the crucial importance of imagination."

    Video 2:

    "Today I'm going to focus on two---yoga breathing and yoga postures.Along the way I am going to share with you some of the health benefits that come along with theses simple yoga practices."



    I.They are phrased in full declarative sentences rather than questions.

     II.They both avoid figurative or vague language in thesis statements;

     III.The speakers present them in a clear and resolute manner so that it is fairly easy for the listeners to catch.



    The Art of Public Speaking Speech



    Getting Started


    1.Selecting a topic and a purpose

    2.Analyzing the audience

    3.Supporting your ideas

  • Julie 2019-12-11

    Choosing a topic


    Topic:the subject of a speech


     Two categories of topics:

    1.Subject you know a lot about

    eg.unusual experiences,special expertise(专业知识)

    2.Subjects you want to know more about

    eg.topics that you want to explore

  • Julie 2019-12-11

    1.Choosing a topic


    Brainstorming methods for topics:

    -Generating ideas for speech topics by free association!

    Personal inventory 个人盘点

    jot down anything that comes to your mind

    Clustering 聚类法

     List 4-5 items in 9 columns: -People,-Places,-Things,-Events

    Internet search网络搜索>

    Search topics with Baidu, Google...

  • Julie 2019-12-11


    People : My father

    Places : My hometown

    Things : Computers

    Events : Sports meeting

    Processes :Learning public speaking

    Concepts : Feminism

    Natural Phenomena :Earthquakes

    Problems:Cyber violence

    Plans& Policies : Going abroad to study

  • Julie 2019-12-11

    2.Determining the General Purpose


    General purposes of speechmaking(the broad goal):

    1.to inform(告知)

    2.to influence/to persuade(影响或说服)

    3.to entertain(娱乐)

  • Julie 2019-12-11

    3.Determining the Specific Purpose


    Specific purposes(what you hope to accomplish in your speech):

    My topic:learning public speaking

    My general purpose:to inform

    My specific purpose:to inform my students about the methods of choosing a speech topic and a purpose


    Single infinitive phrase一个不定式短语

  • Julie 2019-12-11

    3.Determining the Specific


    Purpose Work in pairs and discuss whether the following statements are appropriate specific purposes? Why or why not?


    2.What is Halloween? Single infinitive phrase

    3.To persuade my audience that something should be done about cyber violence.

    4.To inform my audience that yoga is cool.too vague

    5.To inform my audience about the history of China.一too complex

  • Julie 2019-12-11

    Tips for the specific purpose statements

    1.Full infinitive phrase

    2.Statement,not question

    3.Avoid figurative language

    4.Avoid being vague or general

    5.Make sure it is appropriate for your audience

    6.Make sure you can achieve it in the allotted(分配的)time

  • Julie 2019-12-11

    4.Phrasing the Central ldea

    ·Central idea is a one sentence statement that sums up or encapsulates the major ideas of a speech.


    ·What you expect to say

    ·What you want your audience to remember after they have forgotten everything else in the speech (residual message存留信息)

  • Julie 2019-12-11

    4.Phrasing the Central ldea

     Specific purposes(what you hope to accomplish in your speech):

    My topic:learning public speaking

    My general purpose:to inform

    My specific purpose:to inform my students about the methods of choosing a speech topic and a purpose

    Central idea:

    Students can choose a speech topic by brainstorming ideas in three different ways,then they should determine their general,specific purposes and phrase the central idea of the speech.

  • Julie 2019-12-11

    Chronological order

     A method of speech organization in which the main points follow a time pattern.




    Wedding day

    Post wedding

  • Julie 2019-12-11

    Specific Purpose:

     To inform my audience of the process of making dumplings.

    Central idea:

     There are four main steps in making dumplings.

  • Julie 2019-12-11

    Spatial order

    ..A method of speech organization in which the main points proceed from top to bottom,left to right,front to back,inside to outside,east to west,or some other route.

  • Julie 2019-12-11

    Topical order

     A method of speech organization in which the main points divide the topic into logical and consistent subtopics.

  • Julie 2019-12-11

    First - Limit the number of main points

    Second - Keep main points separate.

    Third - Try to use the same pattern of wording for main points

    fourth - Balance the amount of time developed and main points.

  • Julie 2019-12-11

    Main Points

    1.Regular exercise increases your endurance.

    II.Regular exercise improves your sleeping pattern.

    III.Regular exercise helps control your weight.

    IV.Regular exercise helps keep healthy

  • Julie 2019-12-11

    Supporting materials:

    To support a speaker’s ideas.


    Major kinds




  • Julie 2019-12-11

    Using examples

    Without examples:





    With examples:




  • Julie 2019-12-11

    Types of examples

    Brief examples

    Extended examples

    Hypothetical examples

  • Julie 2019-12-11

    Extended examples




