价格 免费
2024.08.26 ~ 2024.12.22
  • 广东外语外贸大学
  • 建议每周学习2-3小时
  • 126人已参与






成绩预发布时间 2024-12-19

期末考试截止时间 未设置




本课程涵盖 “中国电影的跨文化传播”、“中国传统文化与当代世界”、“中国文学与世界文学”、“中国语言、媒介与文化”四大模块,培养学生用英语讲述中国故事的意识和技巧,提升跨文化交流的能力。


随着综合国力不断提升,中国已稳居世界第二大经济体, 在国际事务中扮演重要角色。面对复杂的地缘政治和经济关系,中国积极推动有效的跨文化交流,以更好地承担其国际责任。本课程涵盖“中国传统文化与当代世界”、“中国电影的跨文化传播”、“中国文学与世界文学”、“中国语言、媒介与文化”四大主题模块,讲授中国与世界的多元化交流,提高学生对中国哲学、文化、文学、社会和生活的认知度。通过分析中国经典作品和多样的社会实践,本课程将巩固学生既有知识,加深其对中国文化思想内涵与外延的理解。此外,通过解读中国文学、文化、哲学、电影等英译作品,不仅可以让学生掌握相关术语的英译表达,探究背后的中西文化差异,同时亦能提高他们的跨文化分析与批判能力。本课程响应推动中华文化走出去的号召,力图促进海内外学习者对中外文化的认识和理解。
The continuously rising power has secured China as the world’s second largest economy and an influential global player. In the complex geopolitical and geo-economic relations, China seeks to shoulder its global responsibility via effective cross-cultural and inter-cultural communication. This course teaches Chinese and foreign students the following thematic topics: traditional Chinese culture and the contemporary world, cross-cultural communication of Chinese cinema, Chinese literature and world literature, Chinese language, media and culture. It is designed to help students understand the multilayered exchanges between China and the world, and to improve their cognition of Chinese philosophy, culture, literature, society and life. By analyzing Chinese masterpieces in comparison with various local experiences, it will consolidate the students’ existing knowledge and expand their understanding of the connotation and denotation of Chinese culture. The discussion of classic Chinese works in multiple media platforms will help the students master the relevant English equivalents of technical terms, explore the underlying cultural differences, and improve their critical thinking of cross-cultural communication. The ultimate goal of this course is to enhance cross-cultural understanding in accordance with the enterprises of “Globalizing Chinese Culture”.



Humanitarian China in the Global Era seeks to enhance cross-cultural understanding through multiple themes:


中国传统文化与当代世界 (郭岚)

Traditional Chinese culture and the contemporary world (Lan GUO)
This section includes food culture, “face” and social contact, architecture and fengshui by examining the material and the intangible heritage of Chinese culture. “Food culture” embarks on a quest for the cultural explanation of people’s preference for food, and delves into its impact on the Chinese language and the Chinese way of thinking. “Face and social contact” sheds light on the manifold meanings of “face” and their functions in social network. “Architecture and Fengshui” probes into the Chinese approach to man-nature relationship, and explores the dynamics between architecture, poetry and literature. Students are expected to introduce their own traditional cultures so that cross-cultural comparison can be made in class, and mutual understanding achieved.



Cross-cultural Communication of Chinese Cinema (Jing YANG)
In view of the historical development of Chinese cinema, contemporary Chinese films manage to address to the world by re-structuring the conventional narrative paradigm, adopting Hollywood tales and genres, and constructing a new China image for global audiences. This section aims to help students understand the past and present of Chinese cinema through selected masterpieces, the systematic and aesthetic transformation of Chinese film industry, as well as the methods and strategies of promoting Chinese film culture to the world.



Chinese literature and world literature (Zhuyu JIANG)
To read traditional Chinese literature (especially poems) in translation; to examine the theoretical ideas behind the translating practice; to understand the Chinese perspective in conversation with western thoughts in certain streams of literary criticism; to trace how the image of China/Chinese in western literary works changes. The aim is to make Chinese literature more accessible to global readers, and to promote meaningful exchange between Chinese literature and world literature across the cultural barriers and the clichéd dichotomies during the exchanges of literary criticism.



Chinese language, media and culture (Hongqiang ZHU)
This section introduces the dynamic interaction between language, media and contemporary culture in China. With reference to theories of media rhetoric, media narrative and multimodality, it explores social discourses like popular songs, advertisement, celebrity interviews, news report and web communication. Students will learn how to analyze multiple media and cultural discourses, understand the relationship between media discourse and the "self", and recognize the influence of Chinese media in the global context. 


教学材料:自行编辑的电子材料、PPT讲义、视频材料和电影 (数字化教材《寰球人文中国》编纂中,预计2024年出版)

教学方法: 采用“翻转课堂”的教学模式,学生在课前检索和阅读相关文献,并积极参与授课过程: ①参与以主题为基础的平台讨论。 ②以良好的书面英语分享观点。 ③课后进行广泛的阅读和电影/媒体研究。

Teaching Materials: Self-edited e-materials, PPTs, video materials and films  (digital textbook Humanitarian China in the Global Era in compilation, to be published in 2024)

Teaching Methods: It adopts the “Flipped Classroom” model of teaching and learning, expecting the students to conduct the archival search and reading of relevant pieces before class, and encouraging the students: ① to participate in topic-based platform discussions and debates. ② to share their opinions in the form of well-written English. ③ to carry out extensive reading and cinema/media studies after class.

Course Assessment: 
1)coursework (55%): the average score of all coursework, zero for no coursework;
2)final exam (30%);
3)video watching (10%): full mark for those watching all videos;
4)platform discussion (5%): full mark for those whose discussion is “liked” once;
The passing grade is 60. The results will be available on December 25, 2023. Wish you enjoy learning!



知识模块的完整性和独立性  结合授课教师的最新研究成果,建构知识模块的完整性和独立性,让学员体验丰富的内容和学术前沿问题。

交叉学科的批评性思维培训  跨界融合英语文学、语言学和比较文化的学科传统,设置小测试、讨论区和延伸阅读资料,启发批判性思维。

【Course Feature】
Independence and interdependence of knowledge modules to integrate the latest research of scholars; to construct inter/independent knowledge modules; and to provide multi-layered studies and cutting-edge research on cross-cultural communication. 

Development of critical thinking via multiple academic disciplines to merge disciplines of English literature, linguistics and comparative culture; to develop critical thinking with after-class quizzes, platform discussion and comprehensive reading materials.



杨静:广东外语外贸大学英语语言文化学院教授、博士生导师,香港大学博士,英国西敏斯特大学硕士,广东省外国文学学会会员。课程负责人潜心钻研中国文化产品的国际传播,主要从事比较文化和中美电影研究,主持“香港新武侠电影的文化身份研究”、“当代美国华裔电影身份政治研究”等项目,在《学术研究》、《文化研究》、Cultural Studies, Critical Arts, The Journal of Popular Culture, Literature/Film Quarterly等核心期刊发表论文30余篇;多次荣获科研奖、教学奖和先进教师等荣誉。其他更加详尽的个人履历及教科研成果信息,请参照广东外语外贸大学官网的链接https://felc.gdufs.edu.cn/info/1462/3853.htm

朱红强:澳门大学英语语言学博士,暨南大学外国语学院教授,硕士和博士生导师。主要研究方向为媒介话语、社会语言学、跨文化传播。在Visual Communication, Multilingua, Semiotica, Discourse, Context & Media,《外语教学》、《暨南学报》、《外国语言与文化》等国内、国际学术期刊发表文章近30篇;专著、译著4部;主持和完成国家级、省级、校级科研、教改项目若干。国家级一流本科专业建设点负责人,中国高教学会数字化课程资源分会理事、副秘书长等。担任国内、国际多个学术期刊和出版社Routledge的匿名审稿人。


郭岚:广东外语外贸大学英语语言文化学院讲师,获广东外语外贸大学外国语言学与应用语言学硕士,在广东外语外贸大学任教近 20 年,多次荣获优秀教学奖和优秀本科生导师;参与两本教材的编写、多个课程建设项目。


  • 从跨文化视角切入,深化学员对中国社会生活的全方位认知。
  • 掌握运用理论分析话语的技能,培养跨界交流的批判性思维。
  • 提升以英语言说中国的能力技巧,突破地域局限和文化偏见。
  • To enhance understanding of Chinese life and society from a cross-cultural lens
  • To analyze discourse with theoretical input and to develop critical understanding
  • To tell Chinese stories to the world by overcoming boundaries and stereotypes
  • 全国高等院校英语专业学生
  • 全国高等院校所有专业学生和社会学习者
  • 海外对中国文化感兴趣的高校学生和社会学习者
  • English major students in higher learning institutions
  • Students of all majors in higher institutions and other learners
  • Overseas students and other learners with keen interests in traditional and contemporary Chinese culture