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Egyptian Culture

By 秦丽莉 老师 2020-05-14 11920次浏览

Could you give an example to any differences and Similarities between Egyptian Culture and any other Cultures? 

1294 回复

  • 王蕊 2020-06-13

    Egypt is predominally Muslim, with which accounting for about 90% of the population. However, in China fewer people are religious and the virieties of relagions are more. In Egypt there is an enormous gap between the very whealthy and the very poor, which is similar in India, but it's pretty different from the situation in China because the nation works very hard to narrow the gap. 

  • 代祎铭 2020-06-13

    Egypt and China are both one of the four ancient civilizations. But Chinese civilization continues to this day. Ancient Egyptian civilization has disappeared. Arabia believes in Islam and China mainly believes in Buddhism.

  • 大外19.2陈苏姝 2020-06-13

    Egyptian culture and Chinese cultlure both have a long histoty, and both regard highly of the readitions. But Egyptian culture are more conservative.

  • 谭博文190460220 2020-06-14

    1. Islam It is practiced by the majority of Egyptians and plays vital role in all asoects of society.

    2.Family. Kinship plays an important role in all social relations. Family defines social status and can determine values and behaviour

    3.Social class The culture encourages deference of  the weak ,poor,or subaltern to the rich and powerful

    4. Fatalism Destiny is believed to be hands of God.

  • 溪北 2020-06-14

    Similaration is they all developed by agriculture and have a long history.Difference is their religions vary.

  • 淮温灯影 2020-06-14

    Unlike the Chinese, who see punctuality as a sign of respect, the egyptians rarely act on the appointed time, often verbally saying "please wait five minutes." What the egyptians call five minutes can be 30 minutes without seeing anyone. In China, if a subordinate makes an appointment with a superior, it is regarded as an act of disrespect for the leader if the subordinate is late or breaks the appointment. It is also a common cause of anger in Germany, where people are known for being punctual.


  • 李艺 2020-06-14

    The old and established the custom of giving a small gift in a business meeting may still be practiced in many Egyptian businesses today. It's important not to select a business gift that is too expensive. As this may cause embarrassment. In China, perhaps the more expensive the gift you give, the more likely you will be to succeed.

  • parisa 2020-06-14

    Egypt ’s main religion is Islam, and most people are Muslims,and a few Christians.In many western country,such as England,Italy,the most popular religion is Christian

  • 超超 2020-06-14

    The religious beliefs of Egypt are compared with those of China

  • The  concept of  fatalism is closely linked to Islam in Egyptian culture,as destiny is beleved to be in the hands of God.However,most Chinese people are do not believe GodEgypt ’s main religion is Islam, and most people are Muslims,and a few Christians.In many western country,such as England,Italy,the most popular religion is Christian

  • Glory 2020-06-14

    1.China and European countries use more meat as their daily food, while the Egyptian use vegetables for their main diet.


    2.Egyptians are mostly Muslims and a little.Christians.Chinese are mostly non believers.Most people in European countries are Christians.People in India and Thailand are more likely to believe in Buddhism.

  • tender 2020-06-14

    Egypitan culture and Chinese culture:


    Egypt is a Muslim country because about 90% of the population is Muslim.However, in China only a few people are religious and there are different kinds of religions,such as Buddhism and Taoism.

  • 赵佳晨 2020-06-15

    Egyptians like to eat sweets. The last course of a formal banquet or a rich family dinner is sweets. Egyptians (Muslims all believe that "the right is better than the left". The right is auspicious. We should start from the right hand and the right foot to do things. We must use the right hand to shake hands, eat and deliver things. We should wear the right sleeve first, and the right foot first when wearing shoes. We should step on the right foot first when entering the house and mosque. 3. 5, 7 and 9 are the numbers people like, taboo 13, think it is negative.

  • 严诗然 2020-06-15


    Egyptian Culture has a long history,which is the same as Chinese Culture.However,the belief of the Egyptian Culture is stronger than other countries' beliefs.

  • 周聪翔宇 2020-06-15

    here are three social classes in Egypt: upper, middle, and lower. Everyone has something to contribute to society and no skill is considered unnecessary.And in classes in England is analyzed from the aspects of economy, society and culture.Thoseare income, savings, real estate value. Social assets, on the other hand, consist mainly of social contacts. In Germany, classes are divided into eight categories: occupation, income, income source, education, lifestyle, religious belief, political attitude and values. On the basis of these eight indicators, walter divided the social members into six categorie.

    About the Fatalism, which is closely linked to Islam. It has religious, fate is unpredictable and people's destiny in our own hands, only struggling, judging correctly the choice to grasp the fate of life.In ancient China, there was a saying that "life and death have destiny" and "riches and honor lie in heaven". In ancient Greece and Rome, there was also the idea of "obeying fate".

  • 陈鑫 2020-06-15

    Colleagues pay much attention to eye contact during meetings of Egyptian companies, while colleagues in other countries, such as the United States, pay more attention to dialogue communication.

  • RFA 2020-06-16


    1. The characteristics of civilization are different: Egyptian civilization is the model of western ancient civilization, while ancient Chinese civilization is the representative of oriental civilization.
    2.The climate is different: ancient Egypt has a tropical desert climate, while ancient China has a temperate monsoon climate.                                                               

    1. Ancient Egypt, like ancient China, was an agricultural civilization developed along the great rivers.
    2.All of them have established a perfect calendar through their own observation of celestial bodies and nature, which enables people to arrange farming according to the calendar.

  • stereotype 2020-06-16

    The old and established the custom of giving a small gift in a business meeting may still be practiced in many Egyptian businesses today. It's important not to select a business gift that is too expensive. As this may cause embarrassment. In China, perhaps the more expensive the gift you give, the more likely you will be to succeed

  • yhm 2020-06-16

    Egypt has a long histroy, just like china. The religion is Islam, few of them are Christian, unlike the most western countries. They are seldom punctual , unlike the most eastern people or german. They think highly of thier families and friends and believe in destiny, unlike the americans pusue their personal achievements.

  • spider 2020-06-16

    Most of the Egyptians have religions,like Muslims and this is similar to USA.The religion is Islam, few of them are Christian, unlike the most western countries. They are seldom punctual , unlike the most eastern people or german.

  • Julieta 2020-06-16

    Egyptians like to eat sweets. The last course of a formal banquet or a rich family dinner is sweets. Egyptians (Muslims all believe that "the right is better than the left". The right is auspicious. We should start from the right hand and the right foot to do things. We must use the right hand to shake hands, eat and deliver things. We should wear the right sleeve first, and the right foot first when wearing shoes. We should step on the right foot first when entering the house and mosque. 3. 5, 7 and 9 are the numbers people like, taboo 13, think it is negative.


  • wplnsny456258 2020-06-16

    1.China and European countries use more meat as their daily food, while the Egyptian use vegetables for their main diet.

    2.Egyptians are mostly Muslims and a little.Christians.Chinese are mostly non believers.Most people in European countries are Christians.People in India and Thailand are more likely to believe in Buddhism.

