There are three: Individualism,masculinity and univertainty.
Individualism: Germans place high priority on looking after themselves and their immediate family.
Masculinity: Germans place greater importance on earnings, recognition, advancement and challenge. A cultural characteristic in which success, money and material possessions form the dominant values in society.
Unvertainty avoidance: German insist on the written rules and detailed code of conduct. It is a decentralized society, with relatively flatter organization structures and a comparatively smaller proportion of supervisors, and very on time.
There are three manifestations to Germany's cultural core values. The first is Individualism:German place high priority to looking after themselves and their immediate family.The second is Masculinity:German place great importance on earning,recognition,advancementa challenge. The last one is Unvertainty avoidance:German insist on the written rules and detailed code of conduct.
Punctuality: arriving late is a very rude behaviour.
Masculinity: Germans look up on the earnings, recognitions advancement and challenge.
Individualism: Germany attaches great importance to taking care of itself and immediate family members.
Avoid uncertainty: Germany abides by written rules and detailed codes of conduct.
First. Individualism: Germans place high prority on looking after themselves and their family. At work Germans assume responsibilities and achieve goals in group.
Second. Masculinity::Germans place greater importance on earing, recognition advancement and callenge.
Third. Uncertainty: avoidance: Germans insist on written rules and detailed codes of conduct due to their need of security.
1.Individualism:Germans place high priority on careing for themselves and their families.
2.Masculinity:Germans extremely important on earnings,recognition,advancement and challenge.
3.Uncertainty Avoidance:Germans insist on written rules and detailed codes of conduct.
Masculinity: Germany attaches great importance to income, recognition and advanced challenges.
Inevitable evasion: Germans adhere to written rules and detailed codes of conduct.
Individualism: Germans attach great importance to taking care of themselves and their immediate family members
There are three manifestations to Germany's cultural core values.
Individualism:German place high priority to looking after themselves and their immediate family.
Masculinity:German place great importance on earning,recognition,advancementa challenge.
Unvertainty avoidance:German insist on the written rules and detailed code of conduct.