TOEFL® Test Preparation: The Insider's Guide
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2020.02.15 ~ 2020.05.14
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成绩预发布时间 2020-05-13





Discussion for TOEFL Test course Week 1 with Miss Tian

By TianTian 2020-02-25 2159次浏览

So far what do you know about TOEFL test? Which part of the insider's guide impressed you the most? Is it helpful? 

179 回复

  • 电气02马萌1707 2020-03-01

    In the past,what I know about TOEFL is that it is a necessary test for the students who are going to study aboard and I know nothing of how it worked.Through the first week study,i know it has four sections,which are speaking listening reading and writing.I learned that even we don’t have the plan to study aboard,it is useful for us to learn it in order to improve our English.


  • 冯新智 2020-03-01

    Actually,I didn't know TOEFL Test very much. This course helped me a lot. Now,I have basic knowledge of TOEFL Test. The part "How the TOFEL test is made"impresssed me the most,which made me understand the composition of TOEFL test. It helped me a lot.

  • 2019112713 2020-03-01

    As a matter of fact, I don't know much about TOEFL test, I know TOEFL test is a must if you want to study in the United States, I used to know more about IELTS test in high school, because I took it once and I got a very low score. And I think they are similar to some degree.I was most impressed by the listening section because I know TOEFL listening is very difficult. At present, I do not know whether I have any plan to study in the United States yet. However, the study of TOEFL will greatly improve my English

  • 2019113968潘媛 2020-03-01

    I think what impresses me most is the writing part, not only because of my poor writing ability, but also the large proportion of the exercises in the TOEFL test.Although I haven't formally taken this course, I think it will be very helpful for my TOEFL test.

  • 戈多 2020-03-01


    In fact ,I know little about TOEFL.It has four sections that are writing,lestning,reading and speaking.In some countries,it even is a certificate.what impressed me is the video about their introdecations and the beautiful lady's words.Their pouncation gives a feeling which makes me comfortable.Apart from it, later a long article witch give us some guide also makes me impressed,so I think it is helpful.

  • 2019113950冉井艳 2020-03-01

    So far, I have joined the TOFEL 5 days. I knew the system  that it help me improve my English, it have four parts and now I got some basic imformation about reading part. It's  so lucky for me to study it at the first time because it's poorest part for me. After some videos I think I get something good. Thus., it strengthened my belief in it's effect. 

  • 2019112686庞睿 2020-03-01

    In my eyes,TOEFL test is for somebody who has the willing to study abroad.The universities decide to give someone the offer according to his or her TOEFL score.What is more,for others who do not plan to study abroad,it is also a way to study English. English learning usually includes reading,listening,speaking and writing,and the part impressed me most is speaking.Mastering a language usually means we can communicate with foreigners fluently.To speak well,we need a lot of preparitions,such as enough vocabulary,timely respond and so on.Speaking is always a weak section for many students,and it will be very useful if we practice it more. 

  • 2019112715何远亮 2020-03-01

    As for me, I kown little about the TOEFL before the course. I just kown that it's useful and necessary if you plan to  go abroad for study, work, and so on. After learning the course, I learned more details about the TOEFL test. Among all parts' study, what impressed me most is the speaking and reading parts. Actually I'm weak in both of the aspects, so I think they're helpful for me. 

  • 刘湘2019111746 2020-03-01

    For me,I didn't think I would be exposed to TOFEL.Through this study,I realized TOFEL is very beneficial to us.After all,TOFEL certificate is accepted In most English speaking countries and many developed countries,which is very helpful for us to travel and furthur study.Listening is The most impressive part.Understanding what others are saying is the key to communication.Good listening is also a necessary condition for us to get a high marks.

  • 2019114428贺俊淇 2020-03-01

    I know that The TOEFL Test is a test for students who want to study in American school.And it is so hard for us Chinese students.I like the listening part most,cause i think listening to others is important.

  • 新传3班陈焕桢 2020-03-01

    I don't really know about TOEFL Test.I just heard it from my friend who wants to study abroad.She complains to me how difficult the TOEFL Test is so that I  think so as well. I think the most impressed is speaking because my spoken English is poor.Though the first week learning,I have a bit understanding of TOEFL Test.It's helpful.

  • 2019112671杨倩 2020-03-01

    Up to now, I have known that the TOFEL  exam is divided into four parts, each of which plays an important role in our study of English. What impressed me most was academic reading, which brought me the most rigorous English grammar and a large amount of reading.

  • 杨语菲 2020-03-01

    Studying toefl is not only a passport to study abroad, but also a good way to broaden one's horizons. What impressed me most was the guidance of the speaking part. It is well known that speaking is an important part of communication. I think I can improve my spoken English through my study.

  • 电讯龙俊杰 2020-03-01

    To be honest,I don't have exact plan about TOEFL test.But I find that the skills which the course teaches are also beneficial to all English exams.More importantly,who knows weather I'll take the TOEFL test in some day or not?  

  • 物管1班王子豪 2020-03-01

    To be honest,I didn't have any knowledge about TOFEL test before these courses except it's thesea test that you must pass if you want to be admmitted by university or company in English-speaking countries.Now,I know  more about TOFEL through these courses. And what impressed me most is Listenning tests.I always perform not so good in this part for which insider's guide about it is very helpful for me.

  • 唐源穗 2020-03-01

    I know about the part of tofel test.The part Features of Academic Reading impressed me most,beacuse in my previous cognition,academic books and thesis are too complicated to understood.It can help me to prepare for this test better.

  • 谢可心 2020-03-01

    Although TOFEL score is recognized by many colleges around the world,I still can't put a high premium on it. Because it seems too far from me to go abroad for studying. After the learning. what impressed me most is the volume of the test. With only about 3 hours,candidates must read so many articles which are not easy to understand and write 2 compositions. It's much harder than the requirement of domestic tests.I think the course will be helpful if we learn it diligently. 

  • 张翼 2020-03-01

    Before I learn the week 1 of this course, TOEEL is a strange thing to me. I hold the view that it's a test I have to past if I want to learning in the English speaking country. But now I don't think so. I understand that it can improve my english to a high level. The part that impressed me most is the speaking.  my spoken english is too bad.In this part I learn how to practice it. In one word, now I have a deeper understanding in TOEEL. 

  • 杨一帆 2020-03-01

    As a matter of fact,I don't know about TOEFL until I studied this course.Initially,the test of English as a foreign language is the most widely used test of the English language in the world, and it is accepted by some of the world's leading universities and colleges.Moreover,the toefl tests communication skills that can be used in real academic institutions in the classroom or on campus. Students need to express themselves effectively.I have learned a lot from this course.

  • 2019114401龙鼎新 2020-03-02

    The TOEFL test is an important test. But I did n’t know about it before and I did n’t participate. But through this course I learned that the importance of the TOEFL test and its role. In my opinion, studying TOEFL does not mean that you have to go abroad, but that you can improve your English level by studying TOEFL. This is a good opportunity to learn English. At the same time, because of the difficulty of this exam, it could improved  English very well.

  • 电信2班任楠 2020-03-02

    So far, I have no idea about the TOEFL test, because I not sure weather I will go to study abroad. But I think learning this TOEFL course is of benefit to study English. Hopefully I can try my best and make a progress.

  • 2019113963陈思宇 2020-03-02

    By means of one week's online study,I get to know the most popular English test-TOEFL. As far as I know,TOEFL is a test which gives you a permission to go to abroad as a student.Everyone who want to study for further must pass this exam.What's more,the insider of it is very helpful,it is reading part that impressed me most.Because I always come across many in-familier words like a barrier when reading.They teach me some effective way to broaden my vacabulary and how to make it to guess the meaning of strange words.It's really nice.

  • 2019113944张瑞成 2020-03-02

    Before I watch those, I knew only the name of the toefl,But now, I finally know the content, the difficulty, the coverage of the toefl。I think the most helpful parts for me are the speaking part and the listening part。In middle school, we pay more attention to reading English articles,Here, I realized the importance of listening and speaking

  • 2019114418吴佳超 2020-03-02

    Actually,I can't say I have known much about the test until now. After learning the week 1,I am deeply depressed by the four tasks of the TOEFL TEST. I think it's very helpful to broaden my horizons and improve my English level. 

