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How to conduct an on-line survey?

By 胡少斐 老师 2020-03-19 5537次浏览

469 回复

  • 卢爵然 2020-03-19

    We can download a questionnaire star software, and then edit the questions and options of the questionnaire, and then send the link to the circle of friends or group, we can invite friends to participate in the online survey

  • 李彩云 2020-03-19

    We can use the app to make a questionnaire and forward it to the people who is investigated.

  • 谭富蔚 2020-03-19

    We can make the questionniare with app and hand out the questionnaire to everybody.

  • 冉扬 2020-03-20

    Conduct online surveys by means of questionnaires.

  • 米超 2020-03-20

    Upload the set questionnaire to the star questionnaire, and then share the QR code or link of the star questionnaire to students and friends to fill in

    • 陈志伟 2020-05-25
      In addition to the star questionnaire, there are actually many questionnaire platforms that can be used.
  • 唐媛霞 2020-03-21

    When we conduct online surveys, we can use computer software to edit a questionnaire form or make a questionnaire web page, send these forms and web pages to the respondents we need to survey, and ask them to provide help for our survey

  • 周素帆 2020-03-21

    We can make use of the abundant resources on the Internet. For example, we can find relevant academic materials we need in relevant academic websites. In addition, we can also make our questionnaire published on the Internet to allow more people to participate in our online questionnaire.

  • 宁健豆 2020-03-23

    First, identify the subject to be investigated. Secondly, design the questionnaire questions and possible answer options, including the sorting of questions and so on. Finally, questionnaire making software was used to make and distribute questionnaires. After a certain period of time, the questionnaire data were collected for statistics.


  • 刘鑫 2020-03-23

    First, design the relevant questionnaire according to their own topic, second, send the questionnaire to the survey population, finally, collate the data, draw the conclusion of the study.

  • 黄沁芸 2020-03-23

    Firstly, we should design some questions that relevant to our topic. Then it is a good idea to use some questionnaire apps to help us collect the questions'data on-line.

  • 谢嘉莉 2020-03-23

    Search for some relevant information on the internet, or publish the questionnaire you have made on the internet to collect data and conduct investigations.

  • 余伊麟 2020-03-23

    We can download the relevant software and make a questionnaire on the software,and than use the social software to send the respondents.

  • 卢霜霜 2020-03-23

    Firstly, look for a good website or software to make online questionnaires, and then design questionnaires. When the questionnaire is ready, check for any errors and issue the questionnaire if there are none. Wait until enough people fill out the questionnaire, collect the data and analyze the results.

  • 蔡金祥 2020-03-24

    We can download the relevant software and make a questionnaire on the software,and than use the social software to send the respondents.Do what we can do,everything will be better.

  • 韩佳杰 2020-03-24

    Create a questionnaire online and then share it with QQ group, WeChat group or ask friends to help promote it.

  • 卢奥煊 2020-03-24

    make a questionaire using a website and intoduce it to your friends and classmates to populurize   it .Then collect the information and data .finally make a conclusion about it 

  • 马宇 老师 2020-03-25

    You should be aware of the purpose of the questionnaire. And you have a clear idea about how you are going to arrange the questions in some logical order.

  • 黄达华 2020-03-25

    Make a questionnaire and share it for subject on line : explain the purpose of the survey questionnaires and give clear instructions for completing the questions.

  • 周娜 2020-03-25

    First make a questionnaire online. Then send it to the person you want to investigate. Finally, the results are exported from the web page.

  • 曾新宇 2020-03-26

    First of all, we need to define our research objectives, design the questionnaire according to the objectives, then select the target population to issue the questionnaire, and carry out data analysis and Research on the questionnaire

  • 戴金元 2020-03-26

    We can use some small programs to make a questionnaire, publish it to our friends, ask them to help publicize, and finally get a comprehensive result.

  • 胡少斐 老师 2020-03-26

    1. Decide on your research goals

    Before you can start your research, you will need to form a clear picture in your mind of the expected outcome. Do you need feedback on a product or your service? Is the information you are looking for of a general nature or very specific? Do you have a particular audience in mind, or will you be sending out online surveys to the general public? The answers to these questions will help you to decide how to target your survey.

    2. Create a list of questions

    There are many different types of questions that can be used on a survey, like open questions, closed questions, matrix table questions, and single- or multi-response questions. Most people who take part in surveys prefer short multiple-choice questions. When writing the questions, keep the language very simple and avoid ambiguity or double negations. One of the benefits of designing an online survey is that participants don't have to fill in questions that are not relevant to them. Based on their answers subsequent questions can be skipped using logic and piping, improving response rates.

    3. Invite the participants

    There are many ways to invite people to take part in your online survey. Who you want to take part in your survey will help you to decide on the best contact method. You can send an email to your subscriber list, post your survey on Facebook, send surveys by sms or design a banner that can be displayed on other websites if you wish to cast a wider net. If your research goals require targeting a specific audience you can buy responses from a dedicated consumer panel.

    4. Gather your responses

    It is important to monitor your response rate, as your final sample size will depend on how many participants complete your survey. In many cases you can increase the response rate by offering an incentive to the participant, for example, you can offer a gift, the chance of winning something in a lottery, a donation to charity, or a points accumulation system where participant can save up points that can be exchanged for gifts. Another way of increasing the response rate of your survey is by promising to share the results with your participants.

    5. Analyse the results

    Visualise your data by presenting the results in charts and graphs, as this will help you quickly reference your results in reports. You can also make use of text analysis and word clouds on open ended questions to pick out common response trends. You can also print out the data in the form of a spreadsheet, which can then be exported for further analysis. With online surveys the gathered data is stored automatically, so you can start analyzing the results straight away. In most cases, you can already see preliminary results when the survey is still open.

    6. Write a report

    The final step in conducting online surveys is to write a report explaining your findings and whether they have met your research goals. A successful survey will provide reliable answers to the questions you had about your business, product or service. Allowing you to take data-driven actions based on hard evidence. Used correctly online surveys can effectively measure customer satisfaction, get feedback on products or services, and reveal key influences in your area of research.

    The process for conducting an online survey is easy and inexpensive. SmartSurvey can provide you with all the tools needed to help you in designing your survey. Most businesses' needs can be met with simple and short online surveys that target a specific group of customers. The results, on the other hand, are priceless because they will help you make important decisions about your business.

  • 刘雨婷 2020-03-26

    1.thinking your topic and write down what points you would like to learn about

    2.design your questions structure

    3.make online questionnaire and decide how many and which groups you survey

    4.hand out your questionnaire and take back on time

    5.clear up and form your report

  • 杨艺英 2020-03-26

     Decide on your research goals. Create a list of questions.  Invite the participants. Gather your responses.  Analyse the results. Write a report

  • 毛惠 2020-03-26

    We can make a questionnaire ,post it on the web and then invite others to finish it

  • 李月悦 2020-03-26

    First of all,we need to define the focus of the survey, and then design some relevant questions as simple as possible, to invite different people to participare.

  • 张锈炎 2020-03-26

    In simple terms, the first thing to determine survey phenomena and objects, and then design problem, through the questionnaire star questionnaires, finally the results of the analysis.

  • 梁斯程 2020-03-26

    Use the form of questionnaire survey to conduct an on-line survey. This requires us to set up concise and effective questions that can be sent to different research subjects.

  • 孙文龙 2020-03-26

    1.correct clue through your survey

    2.great software 

    3.meticulous questionnaire

    4.adequatly Sequential studies

  • 蔡金祥 2020-03-26

    First, determine the research direction. Secondly, establish the problem and carry out research. Finally, collect data, prove the prediction and draw conclusions.

