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2024.03.29 ~ 2024.07.07
  • 南京师范大学中北学院
  • 建议每周学习2小时
  • 273人已参与






成绩预发布时间 2024-06-21





Unit 1 Another School Year—What For? Write an essay.

By 胡宜雯 老师 04-02 915次浏览

72 回复

  • 王子熠 04-06

    First of all, I believe that technical schools and universities are equal, and there is no situation where one is superior to the other. Firstly,some people may be particularly gifted in one aspect rather than all-around, so they are suitable to learn a particular craft or technology, while college students may learn something a little more comprehensive, but both students are essentially learning.They are just learning different things:one is more general and the other is more fixed.So it is difficult to compare the contents of learning to show which is better. Secondly, it is a wrong view to classify the school because school is  a temple of knowledge and an objective thing, while the student is the subject and the existence with initiative. There are only bad students, not bad schools. We have to admit that there will be bad kids who are lazy and incompetent in colleges, and there will be good students who are diligent and motivated in technical schools.This depends on the attitudes of individual students to be evaluated,rather than the classification of schools.Finally, although the results of students admitted to a technical college may not be as good as those admitted to a university, there are many life-changing factors in the course of four years of study, and learning a skill may in some cases also earn more money in the future.

  • 82230106杜淼淼 04-06

    I do not fully agree with the author's view that training is much superior to university education. In my opinion,vocational training education and university education have their own advantages. They are equal and have no distinction between high and low.

    Vocational training education is mainly to teach students a survival skill,so that they can have a skill in the society later, to serve the society, but also to make a living for themselves. College education can not only teach students a skill, but also pay attention to their ideological and moral development,intellectual development, physical quality,aesthetic level and other all-round development. However, this does not mean that college education is superior to vocational education. The existence of vocational education schools has its existence value. In China,most of the students who attend vocational schools are students who don't get good grades. However,vocational training schools provide a way out for them. Although they can not accept the comprehensive development of moral,intellectual,physical.American and labor education like university education, they can also learn knowledge in vocational training schools.

    When I was in high school,many students in my class could not be admitted to universities because of their poor grades,but most of them chose vocational training schools. Now I contact them and find that their studies are also colorful. Therefore,vocational training school has its own value,both university education and vocational training school can train talents for the society.

  • 82230101蔡慧杰 04-06

      I think vocational schools are different from universities,but I also deny that universities are better than vocational schools.

      In the author's opinion, college is a combination of training and education. However, in fact, the same is true of vocational schools in my eyes. It's just that the focus of the two is not the same. For universities,it is more about learning deeper knowledge, expanding the scope of previous learning, and then accompanied by operational training. Vocational schools, on the other hand, take operational training as the main course, hoping that students can master more technical means through learning, and then use education and learning as the auxiliary, and have corresponding knowledge reserves while learning skills.

      Therefore, I don't think the two can be compared with each other. Universities and vocational schools have their own advantages. Their focuses are not the same, and their purposes are not equal to some extent. There is no better way to say it.

  • 82230142周田田 04-06

    I don’t agree with the author's opinion that university education is superior to vocational education.

    Education should be fair. One of my high school classmates entered technical school. She loves reading and is good at writing. Her articles could be published in famous magazines. Although l entered a university, I cannot write as well as she did. I don't read as many books as she did. In view of this, the comprehensive quality of students entering universities is not necessarily higher than that of students entering technical schools. Students in technical schools are not good at learning cultural courses and taking exams, but it cannot be denied that they are inferior to university students in other aspects. Each flower has its own fragrance. Everyone has a place to shine.

    Education should be fair. The purpose of education should be to broaden the horizons of every student. University education can provide deeper theoretical knowledge. Vocational education provides practical skills. They are different but they are equal. University education and vocational education should complement each other and promote together. Only in this way can more talents be cultivated for the society.


  • 82230514姬于捷 04-06

    I don't agree with the author. In the deep-rooted prejudices in the current society, vocational education seems to be naturally lower than university education. In fact, there is no difference between the two. We should understand that vocational education and university education are two different types of education, each with its own advantages.

    Vocational education focusses on cultivating students' practical and practical skills to meet the direct needs of the market and profession. Vocational education usually focusses on the cultivation of vocational skills, including various manual skills, vocational skills, practical skills, etc., aiming to cultivate students to become professional talents with practical work ability.

    Vocational education and university education have their own unique advantages and limitations, and it is impossible to draw a simple conclusion. Vocational education is suitable for students who pursue practical skills and faster employment, especially for those who want to engage in specific vocational positions.

    Vocational education can help them integrate into the workplace faster and achieve career development. University education focusses on cultivating students' comprehensive literacy and academic ability, which is suitable for students who want to go deep into the subject field, engage in academic research or have a broader career development space.

    Vocational education and university education are different.This is important to understand.

  • 82230227王畑畑 04-06

    I don't agree with the author's opinion, i think this is a "both-and" question. No one is more superior than the other, technical training and university education are both important equally.
    Technical training school is same as university in essence. They are both places where people can be cultivated to be excellent talents.They are to impart relevant professional knowledge and skills to students to improve their comprehensive quality, including ethics, professionalism and so on.
    They are didderences are in the following.
    First of all, as the author said, technical education is training of a certain skill, and  university education is learning to develop one's mental and moral powers.Secondly, technical training is more targeted, it can cultivate excellent talents in a short time and meet the needs in certain industries.Thirdly, university education provides the basis for academic research and further study.
    All in all, university education and technical training are important in different aspects, and it is impossible to simply judge which education is superior.

  • 82230232许奕 04-06

    I don't agree with the author's opinion that one is superior to the other. I think they are equal.

     In my opinion, whatever technical school or college school, we both can learn something we need. But our parents always have a similar view with the author. Parents irrigated us that we should work hard and take into the university. When someone doesn't get a great answer for the National College Entrance Exam, their parents should be ashamed of them. That is common around me. Only by studying harder can we have a better life. I also don't think so. I admire people who can learn what they like and learn many practical skills, such as how to get along with others, how to keep my body healthy, how to use knowledge in life and so on.

    The university focuses on cultivating students' learning and scientific research ability. Technical schools focus on cultivating students' professional level. Students who graduate from college school have less practical experience than technical school students. Beyond that, they have more knowledge than technical school students.

    The value of education is not just for good jobs and live.Technical schools do not mean bad, universities and technical schools want us to continue to improve.Technical school students may have a specialty in a certain field, not good reading does not mean that is bad, everyone is good at different, as the saying goes: all roads lead to Rome. I believe that after experience, they will also be excellent.So it looks equal to me.

  • 82230136张夏青 04-06

    I don’t agree with the author’s opinion about the college is more superior than the vocatiional school because I think they are exactly the same and epually important to the students.

    I think vocational schools and universities have different emphases. Vocatiional schools tend to teach students professional skills, while universities focus more on teaching students professional knowledge and humanistic feelings. I have a classmate, he was admitted to the vocatiional school, he studied dessert making, now he has opened a dessert shop and the income is very good.But in the class reunion, we can hardly talk together. On the contrary, we will communicate well with the classmates who are admitted to the university together.

    But we can't say that universities are better than vocatiional schools, because the groups they deal with are different. Of course, if we want to change this situation, it also needs the efforts of students themselves. Even as students in vocatiional schools, they should read more books and feel the wisdom of their predecessors, so students in universities should also master a skill that can make a living or as a hobby. The two are incomparable.

  • 82230125夏海燕 04-06

      I don't agree with the author's opinion about the college is superior than the technical school because I think they are equal to the students.

      Vocational education pays more attention to the cultivation and practical operation of vocational skills, aiming at cultivating students' ability to engage in a certain occupation directly; University education focuses on the imparting of theoretical knowledge and the cultivation of research ability, providing students with a broader field of employment and a higher academic research platform.

      Therefore, I think vocational schools and universities are no better than each other, only different.When choosing vocational and university education, students should make informed choices based on their interests, career plans and personal development goals. No matter which educational path is chosen, the key lies in the individual's effort and pursuit of knowledge, as well as the understanding and application of what is learned.

  • 82230123吴计雪 04-06

    I don't agree with the author when he implies that universities are superior to technical schools.I think vocational education and college education are equally important, the essence of both is to educate people.

    Firstly, everyone has different talents and learning abilities. And, a country needs talents from different fields to jointly promote the development and prosperity of the country.  Some people have a great ability to learn and comprehend knowledge, and are suitable for in-depth learning of higher education knowledge.Some individuals might possess poor learning capabilities, but their operational abilities are exceedingly strong, enabling them to thrive in the vocational school. In terms of myself,although I entered the university and was exposed to high-level ideological education and training, I really admire the great wisdom of our predecessors,but when I returned to reality, I could not solve specific problems in life with the knowledge in my brain.

    Secondly, training and education are not opposites.I think education includes training. Training is not only to prepare for work, every moment to overcome difficulties in the training process is enough to make people progress and grow, to achieve the purpose of ideological education. Education is not only to develop one's spiritual and moral abilities, but ultimately to return to reality and apply knowledge to life.

    Finally, vocational schools and universities are only temporary platforms, and personal advancement and self-growth are the most critical.

  • 82230237张梓玉 04-06

    I disagree with the author’s belief that one viewpoint is superior to another. I think universities and vocational schools are different but equal.

    There is a difference between universities and vocational schools. Firstly, vocational schools and universities have different educational levels. The educational level of vocational schools is usually lower than that of universities. Secondly, the curriculum structure of vocational schools and universities is different. Undergraduate courses in universities mainly focus on practical operations, with less theoretical knowledge.

    There is equality between universities and vocational schools. Firstly, both require training and education, not just education in universities and training in vocational schools. The ancients often said that students should be taught according to their aptitude, so the teaching focus between the two is different. Universities focus on theory, while vocational schools focus on practical operations. Secondly, both university education and vocational education can prepare students for future work, develop their own, mental and moral abilities, and contribute to the development of the country.

    In the current educational environment, there are fewer and fewer stereotypical views on university education compared to vocational school education, and people have become more rational in viewing this view. Both university and vocational school students have equal opportunities to receive education and compete for equal employment opportunities. Vocational school students may not necessarily be inferior to university students may have better social experience and practical skills than university students. I think there is a difference between universities and vocational schools, and there is no superiority. After entering society, not only do you need the knowledge you learn in school, but you also need to test your abilities in different aspects. Both university and vocational school students can achieve success in different aspects and contribute their own strengths to the development of family, society, and the country.

  • 82230211胡怡帆 04-06

    I disagree with the author. In my opinion, university education emphasizes the cultivation of students' comprehensive literacy and academic ability, emphasizes the establishment of knowledge system and in-depth academic research, aims to cultivate students' critical thinking, problem solving ability and broad knowledge base, and provides them with a wider range of career choices and further study opportunities. Vocational education is more focused on practical and vocational skills training, the goal is to meet the needs of society and the demand of the job market, mainly to train students to have certain vocational skills and practical ability to meet the needs of society and the demand of the job market.

    The curriculum of university education is more extensive, including multi-disciplinary knowledge, focusing on the study of disciplinary knowledge and the cultivation of comprehensive quality; the curriculum content of vocational education is more focused on specific vocational fields, mainly including the study and practice of vocational skills.

    The teaching method of university education is mainly based on theory and emphasizes the cultivation of students' thinking ability and innovation ability. The teaching method of vocational education is mainly based on practice, focusing on the cultivation of students' practical ability and practical ability.

    The target group of university education is those students who seek higher education and knowledge level, as well as more comprehensive development; The target group of vocational education is mainly those students who choose vocational education in order to meet the needs of the job market.

    Personally, I think college education and vocational education go hand in hand. They are equally important to society.


  • 82230212江佳妮 04-06

    I do not agree with the author. Whether it is a university or a vocational college, it is a manifestation of the implementation of education. There is no distinction between high and low education, and it cannot be said that if you go to university, you will be better than those who graduate from vocational colleges. They are different, but they are equal.

    First of all, the direction of education in universities and vocational colleges is different. Universities are dedicated to learning and developing one's spiritual and moral strength, while vocational colleges aim to enable students studying within them to acquire certain skills that are presumably necessary for that person to earn a living later in life.

    Secondly, everyone's choice is different, he can choose to go to university because he wants to continue to learn the ideas of great men, or he can choose to go to a vocational college because he wants to learn a skill.

    All in all, there is no high or low level between universities and vocational colleges. In college, we can acquire knowledge and learn technology, and in vocational colleges, we can pursue the ideas of great men. 

  • 82230221马佳琪 04-06

    I think training and education are equally important, and we should not unilaterally think which one is more superior. Suppose that a person has perfect morals and character and possesses all kinds of academic knowledge, but if he has no practical application ability, all of this can not be used. In the same way, if a person has only ability, but no morality, he is equivalent to nothing. So I think the professor's words are a little one-sided, we should not simply think which one is more important, but the two complement each other.

  • 82220620陆嘉佳 04-06

    I disagree with the author. In my opinion, college education and vocational education have no distinction between high and low. The purpose of education is to train the educated to become the people needed by the society, so that people can realize their value. They have different ways but the same purpose, so they are equal.

    College education and vocational education cultivate different talents. Liberal arts education creates better personality, thinking and moral cultivation. Vocational education, on the other hand, gives people the skills to survive in the society. The two go hand in hand. Each person has a different choice for his life, perhaps his family situation, economic situation, etc., does not allow him to have the time and energy to receive liberal arts education in college. For him, the most important thing at present is to learn a skill to make a living, and this is the meaning of vocational education. I don't think the author has the right to criticize those who choose vocational education because he has not experienced other people's lives and has no understanding of other people's situations.

    In addition, I do not agree with the author that people with vocational education will be savages who only use machines. There are also people with high cultural quality under vocational education, and there are also people with imperfect ideology and moral character under liberal education. The author himself is a good example: doesn't he still discriminate against vocational education after receiving liberal arts education? Even a liberal arts education, it seems, does not guarantee that all will become right-thinking people. Therefore, it is not necessary to be superior to others because what is taught in liberal arts education is elegant, and do not forget that what you eat is planted by the grower, and what you live in is built by the builder, brick by brick. Without people who learn vocational skills, who will build society?

    Education should be a concept of both, vocational education and university education have their own advantages and disadvantages, and do not have exactly the other side, so the two only need to perform their duties, shape different talents, let everyone find their own.

  • 82230239赵自豪 04-06

    It will be a BE.Here is the end of my perspective.

    The wife was very disappointed and did no longer want to continue to communicate with her husband. She went into the room and lay quietly in bed, thinking over where the problem was, and she felt that someone she had been sleeping with for years was strange and did not know him. She is thinking about the value of their feelings for decades years, whether it is like a joke. She began to wonder if her husband had made reservations, whether he had not expressed his true thoughts, or whether she had discussed interracial marriage before.
    In the sky, and she went out of the door. The furniture was shining by the moonlight. She did not know where her husband was, but she went to the small park, where she and her husband often walked. Unconsciously tears across her cheeks, she went to the lake, sitting quietly blowing the breeze, tears in the wind, she also gradually let go. No longer want to continue such false feelings, perhaps their marriage has long been broken down, yesterday's things are just directly exposed this problem. Divorce. She had made up her mind, and walked back home.
    She has been loyal to her relationship for ten years, without any mistake in her life. The same is true of racism. Under her constant questioning, her husband should also understand that she wanted a specific and satisfactory answer, and she did not know whether her husband knew her stubborn character. After all, after so long life, the wife felt her husband so strange for the first time. For false feelings, the end is the best choice, timely stop loss for everyone good, in the relationship into too much feelings is waste, consume their own. She drafted a divorce agreement overnight and stayed it on the table, finally ending her hypocrisy to her husband, and making a complete end to her years of affection.

  • 82230130殷姝 04-06

    I disagree with the author.I think technical school and university are different but equal.

    In technical school,people pay more attention to vocational training and have less theoretical knowledge.In university,people pay more attention to theoretical knowledge,and there are very few practical courses.At the end of the term ,everyone usually tests their level by doing test papers.It is the biggest difference between vocational education and undergraduate education.The learning environment is not a criterion for evaluation. In technical school,people provide targeted training for a certain skill in order to better cope with it in a certain field in the future.Even though there is limited theoretical knowledge in technical school,students can still gain some knowledge and experience from extracurricular books,and even gain spiritual value online.People in vocational school also possess both mental and moral power.In my social circle,many people who have attended technical schools possess this self-learning ability.I think both undergraduate learning and technical school learning are aimed at finding a satisfactory job.It's just that their processes are different.The people around me,whether they have gone to college or technical school,at least what I see,have optimistic and positive attitudes.

    University education is not better than vocational education,each with its own strengths and weaknesses.The author's viewpoint is a stereotype of most people.But this is often incorrect.

  • 82230222任科霞 04-06

    I disagree with the author. The author thinks that college education is more comprehensive and noble than vocational education, in fact, this view represents the author's prejudice and discrimination in education.

    With the reform of the national education system, some students begin to receive vocational training after graduating from junior high school, while others continue to receive education. There is no doubt that both of these students are useful to the society, so I think university and technical school are just two different ways of cultivating talents, but the emphasis is different, but the country attaches great importance to the cultivation of students' social morality, and we have been influenced by this value.

    Therefore, I think this should not be the standard to evaluate a person, and the evaluation of two kinds of education should not be in a way of comparison, but to see the shining points of the two models. We should not discriminate against academic qualifications. The author is justifiably angry at the ignorant student's attitude, but he is too radical in suggesting that a technical school education is inferior to a university education.

    This is no longer the only criterion to evaluate a person.Receiving education has never been superior, technical school students to learn vocational technology, college students to learn theoretical knowledge, are in order to be cultivated as a person who can be responsible for themselves and the society, so we can no longer use a narrow vision to understand the two education.

  • 82230127徐月 04-06

         At present, there are still many people who still think that people who graduate university are higher than those who graduate from colleges. Why do they think so? In fact, in China, the reason for this view is because of the college entrance examination. In the college entrance examination, if you get a high score, you can go to a college, a good university, but if you get a low score, you can only go to a junior college, or even no school. In people's eyes, the score is an important factor to evaluate a person's ability. So a higher score means you're better, and a lower score means you're worse. Therefore, many people think that university will be superior to specialized colleges.

        But I think they each have each advantages and disadvantages. College education and vocational and technical education can be equal.

      Vocational education focuses on the cultivation of certain professional skills for students. It teaches students how to master a skill perfectly. Although they give students very limited, but it is undeniable that it is very practical. In today's society, people who have learned professional skills have a better chance of finding a job than even college graduates. Some technologies even do well, the salary is particularly high. There is an old Chinese saying: "Three hundred and sixty rows, rows and rows make the champion." No matter what situation you are in, as long as you are willing to work hard, willing to pay, there will be a large return.

       College education promotes the  development and improvement of students. It will give students a wider range of  content, which can broaden their horizons and enrich their lives. In college life, you will receive the edification of literature and art, and you will improve your connotation in a subtle way. However, the looseness of college life will inevitably make some students degenerate. Therefore, college graduates are not necessarily excellent talents, and there may be crooked melons and bad dates

  • 82230133张欢 04-06

           I don't agree with the author when he seems to suggest that one is superior to the other.

           Technical schools are designed to cultivate students' professional ability to students' mastery of technology, and aim to make students into technical talents, while universities not only pay attention to the improvement of students' ideological realm, and universities have stricter requirements for students' ability development, valuing both practice and theoretical research. I don't think there is any argument about who is better, people have different aspirations, where there is a will, things can be done.

           From my point of view, I think it is necessary to go to college to study, in college, we can learn more profound professional knowledge, have high-quality educational resources, broaden our horizons, which teaches us not only the way to survive in the society, but also imparts the thoughts of our great men and improves our moral quality.




  • 82230231许景雯 04-06

    I do not agree with the author.

    In my opinion, cultural education and vocational education are doubly necessary.

    The dual necessity of vocational and cultural education is rooted in the complementary nature of these two forms of learning. Vocational education equips individuals with specific skills and knowledge necessary for particular jobs or industries, preparing them to enter the workforce directly after completion. On the other hand, cultural education provides students with a broader understanding of the world around them, including history, literature, arts, and more, enriching their lives and promoting critical thinking and creativity.
    In today's rapidly changing world, having both vocational and cultural education is crucial. While vocational education ensures that individuals have the practical skills needed to succeed in their chosen field, cultural education helps develop important soft skills such as communication, problem-solving, and teamwork. Additionally, cultural education fosters an appreciation for diversity and different perspectives, which is increasingly important in our globalized society.
    Furthermore, the combination of vocational and cultural education prepares individuals not only for their current job but also for future career changes and opportunities. It encourages adaptability and continuous learning, enabling individuals to navigate the evolving demands of the modern workplace.
    In conclusion, the dual necessity of vocational and cultural education lies in their combined ability to provide individuals with the practical skills they need to succeed in their careers while also enriching their lives culturally and intellectually.

  • 82230448赵望舒 04-06

    I think the author's viewpoint is one-sided. Education is certainly important, but training is not inferior to education, they are equally important.

    Education is very important. We have been receiving education from our parents and schools since birth. Education can improve our quality, and I believe this influence is subtle. For example, when we were children, our parents taught us to greet our elders, when we were in school, our teachers taught us to get along well with our classmates, and when we met our teachers, we should greet them. These are all education that affects our words and actions. A person who wants to succeed not only needs a wealth of knowledge reserves, but also high-quality education. How to become a high-quality person mainly depends on education. Training is equally important. As a college student, I believe that education is very important. Education helps to improve our personal qualities and learn how to interact with others. In four years, we will enter society, and all the complex things in society require current education to help us face them.

    Vocational training is equally important, and some specific positions require professional vocational training to be competent. Education cannot replace or surpass the position of vocational training. Technical students are beneficial for the development of the real economy. For example, jobs such as railways require technical students. After making efforts, technical students will also have good prospects and may not necessarily live worse than college students.

    So I don't fully agree with the author's viewpoint.

  • 82230229肖俐 04-06

    I don't completely agree with the author's point of view, I think the two are not a matter of either or. For example, if a professor studies medicine, he can not only learn skills for later life, but also learn some of the art of his ancestors, and appreciate the elegance of literature, so under such conditions, education and training can coexist. Now let's talk about the professor's "education-only view", which I think is correct to a certain extent, as the professor said, there is not only money and fame in life, but also beauty, literature and art. However, to a certain extent, it is also too paranoid. For example, you will not talk about classical literature with the seller when buying vegetables, and you will not use advanced mathematics in college education. If you don't learn enough skills to support your life, you won't have the time and mood to cultivate your emotions. To sum up, I think the professor's view is correct under certain conditions.

  • 82230214蒋杨阳 04-06

    In my opinion, the value of education, whether in vocational schools or knowledge-based schools, lies in teaching students according to their aptitude. What suits students is the best. Everyone is an independent individual, different from each other, with their own strengths and weaknesses in study and life. At the same time, I think the purpose of education should be as the author said, less utilitarian, more self-cultivation. However, in the minds of most people, bread will always be the first survival factor. After learning this article, it corrects our concept of the role of school, that is, it is a place to learn professional courses, but also a place to cultivate sentiment, we should treat it dialectically and seriously study every course offered by the school.

  • 82230213蒋慧慧 04-07

    I disagree with the author. Because I think among the deep-rooted prejudices of society today, many people think that career seems to be naturally inferior to college education. But I don't think so. There is no difference between the two. We should understand that vocational education and university education are two different types of education, and each has its own merits. College education allows us to develop in a comprehensive way, focusing on developing practical and practical skills for students to meet the immediate needs of the market and the profession. Vocational education usually focuses on the cultivation of vocational skills, including various manual skills, vocational skills, practical skills, and so on, aiming to train students to become professional talents with practical working ability. The vocational education curriculum is closely combined with the actual vocational needs, the teaching content is more practical, the course time is shorter, students can master a certain practical skills in a shorter time, so as to enter the workplace faster.

  • 82230422钱瑾 04-07

    I don't agree with the author that college education is superior to vocational training.The significance of education is only for being healthy adults,instead of simply dividing grades into different levels.Although the educational requirements for entering them are different, their status should be the same.

    Many people only train because of educational discrimination, and I think their ideas are too narrow and one-sided.Education cannot filter out character.So the threshold of education cannot represent everything, it cannot offset and eliminate everything beyond academic performance.

    The difference between education and training lies in the different knowledge content and depth that students are required to master.Training is to prepare for work , such as training in a certain skill,.while education is to learn and develop one's psychological and moral abilities. Education is naturally deeper and more specialized, while training is relatively shallow. The knowledge learned through training is mostly focused on practical applications, and most of it can be directly applied after learning. The knowledge obtained through education is often academic in nature, and many majors may delve deeper into research related to the entire society.Both are indispensable and are powerful pillars of social talent supply.

    The ultimate goal of education is definitely not books, but to start with practice, so the correct way is to combine education and training together.

  • 82230223茹钰 04-07

    In my opinion, undergraduate education is better than specialist education

    First of all, compared with junior college, undergraduate study lasts longer and contains more theoretical knowledge and academic research. Therefore, students with undergraduate education have more comprehensive and systematic training, higher degree of professional knowledge and deeper thinking ability. These are very important advantages in professional development.

    Secondly, the study content of undergraduate courses is more extensive and in-depth, covering both theoretical and practical aspects, and focusing on the depth and breadth of subjects. On the contrary, specialist courses are closely related to practice and relatively little basic knowledge.

    Finally, undergraduate graduates usually have better employment prospects and development space, and are more competitive in the market. Although there are many enterprises in society that do not require employees to have a bachelor's degree, with the continuous development of the economy and the change of social roles, talents with a bachelor's degree are still more popular in the job market.

  • 82230111胡月姣 04-07

    Actually not I think. Like every coin has two sides, we can’t judge that one is superior to the other directly. For some students studying in technical schools, we can’t say that their mental and moral powers are not improved. From these skills, they can also learn some essence summarized by the past and then passed down to them. As we are familiar with, most techniques need patience, carefulness and so on. They can also learn a lot from this process. In other words, we may learn more from our textbooks, rather they will experience these through their practical operations. I have to say that the two are different. But the differences between them not lie in their advantages and disadvantages, it’s definitely that both of them have pros and cons. In my opinion, the most significant difference is the way they receive education. For some students in universities, they also have their majors, the majors in university just like the techniques in technical schools. Every individual just focus on different fields. For people in different situations, some need to have some skills to make a living temporarily, that doesn’t mean that they have no needs to expose literal arts, instead making a living is more important. They can still expose themselves to liberal arts during their rest of life. It can be a “both education and training” question. To be realistic, everyone needs some skills to make a living. A people must live, then can pursue a better life. Skills are no burden, they are our foundation of standing. As to those liberal arts, they include the essence of the past, we also must expose ourselves to them more or less during our neither too long nor too short life. Improving our mental and moral powers is something we have to do all our lives.

  • 82230107冯杉琪 04-07

      I disagree with the author. This can be a "both-and "question.Both have their own advantages.
      Students in technical schools can learn a skill to prepare for future employment, and can also participate in the college entrance examination,which is a good choice.
      The benefits of going to college are as follows.
     1. Knowledge acquisition: Universities are a treasure trove of knowledge, offering a wide range of subject and major choices. In university, students can be exposed to knowledge in various fields, broaden their horizons, and cultivate comprehensive qualities. Whether it is humanities, science, or engineering, universities provide students with opportunities for in-depth learning, enabling them to better grasp professional knowledge.
    2. Academic atmosphere: Universities have a strong academic atmosphere, where students can engage in academic exchanges and discussions with outstanding professors and classmates. This academic environment stimulates students' interest and thirst for knowledge, prompting them to study and explore harder.
    3. Interpersonal relationships: A university is a place where students from various backgrounds and experiences gather. Here, students can meet classmates from different regions and cultural backgrounds, and establish a wide range of interpersonal networks. These interpersonal relationships are of great significance for the future career development and personal growth of students.
    4. Self development: College life is an important stage of self-development. In university, students have more freedom and independent space to choose activities and clubs that they are interested in, cultivate their interests, hobbies, and strengths. Meanwhile, universities also provide abundant resources and opportunities to help students develop their leadership and organizational abilities.
      In a word,both colleges and technical schools have their own talent development goals, serving the development of society and the country. They are different and even more equal.No matter what is taught to students, whether it's learning to live or learning to survive, I think this is the significance of education.

  • 82230207韩迪 04-07

    In my opinion, there is no distinction between vocational education and university education. Everything has its meaning in existence. If the significance of university education is to teach people how to think, then the significance of vocational education is to teach people skills and master a new skill. I come from Henan, a populous province with millions of people taking the college entrance examination every year. There are not many opportunities to get into university there, and many people around me have also attended vocational schools. Some people also find their lifelong pursuits. Therefore, I believe that both university education and vocational education are important and indispensable in social life. Society not only needs high-precision and cutting-edge talents, but also a variety of professional and technical talents. We treat university education and vocational education equally. Everyone has their own suitable things. Some people are born suitable for reading and can understand the knowledge in books, while others are born with flexible and versatile personalities, suitable for business. We should not force everyone to get into college, everyone has their own path that suits them. What we need to do is find the true fit and love, and persist.

