




成绩预发布时间 2019-06-27

期末考试截止时间 2019-06-26 23:55





如果您是刘欣,在下周与Trish Reagon关于中美贸易战的辩论,您会选取哪些支撑材料来说服您的对手和美国观众?

By 周红兵 老师 2019-05-26 2796次浏览


近日,中国国际电视台(CGTN)主播刘欣和美国福克斯商业频道(Fox Business)主播翠西·里根(Trish Regan)的一场隔空激辩引来网友广泛关注。之后双方经过多次隔空互动,,并定下美国时间5月29日晚8点,即北京时间下周四早8点,在Trish Reagon节目中辩论。


If you were Liu Xin,what kinds of supporting materials you would use in your debating with Trish Reagon? How would you persuade Trish Reason and American audiences ? (如果您是刘欣,在下周与Trish Reagon关于中美贸易战的辩论,您会选取哪些支撑材料来说服您的对手和美国观众?)

38 回复

  • 天空de距离 2019-05-29

    Steve bannon, a former chief White House strategist, has made no secret of the fact that "we are at economic war with China. In 25 or 30 years, one of us will be the overlord, and if we fall into that, it will be them."

    The real value of bannon's words is his judgment on the economic game pattern between China and the United States and its future development, as well as the historical choice made by the United States government to change this historical trend. If we understand this, we will understand that all the provocations and pressures China is facing from the United States are the result of the logic that the American ruling class has been following.

    It is this concept of hegemonism as the foundation of international relations that has led the White House to make a wrong judgment on the world order in the 21st century and on China's peaceful development

  • 叶子 2019-05-29

    Last year, China sold $530 billion worth of goods to the U.S. that's true, but the U.S. sold $250 billion worth of goods to China.


    And then trade not only in goods, but also in services.Trade in services between China and the United States totaled $118.2 billion last year.


    But in services, the U.S. had a surplus of $54.7 billion.What's the concept?The United States earned almost $90 billion last year through trade in services.


    So $250 billion on that side, $90 billion on this side, in fact, the United States made $340 billion in trade in China last year.


    China's services exports to the United States are about $30 billion, and its goods trade is $530 billion, which adds up to $560 billion.


    So the real difference [between the trade deficit with China] should be the difference between $560 billion and $340 billion, which is $220 billion, not the $376 billion that trump said.

  • mwn 2019-05-30


  • mwn 2019-05-30

    First,in fact,the Sino-US trade war has been a long seemling still war,while is not still the whole time.In the recent days,it is known to all that the US has raised the the tax levy on Chinese exports to the US again,and China has had to increase the import tariffs of the US,but undoubtedly the behavior of the US is so unwise ,because it will bring more pressure to the American farmers even the ordinary people.

    Second,since ancient times,China has been a country that advocates peace and cultural exchange.It has never conquered any country by force.China's rapid development and strong is the efforts of everyone in the country.And the ultimate result of our efforts is to better protect Our country and matain the world peace.That is a great thing!

  • 亭亭山上松 2019-05-30

    If I were Liu Xin,I think I will choose three points to improve my opinion.

    First,The econmic globaliaztion has tied all of the world together,and the act of America will also block its own road.

    Second,the treat that America proved will harm the benefit of China greatly. And we can not let our country get in danger.

    Third,What you are thinking is denefite.As an old word of China:Everyone konws the thought of Sima zhao.And we will insist our position And protect our market.

  • 王子旭 2019-05-30


    There was no time to comment on this post. Just watched Liu Xin's live broadcast, her response to the Sino-US trade war was perfect. It also satirized that the interest groups behind the American host's over-understanding of the trade war were promoting it. The reply on intellectual property combines its own examples, which is very wonderful.

  • ii 2019-06-01

    China has earnestly fulfilled its commitments when it joined the WTO, improved its domestic legal framework, significantly cut tariffs to a lower level worldwide, continuously strengthened legislation and law enforcement on intellectual property rights protection, and constantly improved the transparency of laws and rules. It is a typical example of unilateral self-interest for the US to argue that China's commitments are not big enough or heavy enough when it presents evidence that China has failed to live up to its commitments.

    It is unfair for the US to block China's long-term investment in the high-tech sector and to discriminate against Chinese companies investing in the United States. The scientific and technological blockade is one of the important reasons for the increase of trade deficit with China.

  • 肖天宇 2019-06-03

         The nature of china-us economic and trade relations are mutually beneficial and win-win, a very simple example is the United States through a large number of low-cost labor-intensive products imported from China, and greatly reduces the cost of U.S. consumer spending, increased consumer surplus, is actually improved the welfare of American consumers, on the macro and conducive to the United States curb inflation as a result, both from the micro level and macro level, the United States is to benefit greatly.

         We hope that the us side will take China's position seriously, make rational and prudent decisions, and not lose sight of trifles and lose sight of trifles.

