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2024.03.29 ~ 2024.07.07
  • 南京师范大学中北学院
  • 建议每周学习2小时
  • 273人已参与






成绩预发布时间 2024-06-21





Unit 4 Pre-class Discussion

By 胡宜雯 老师 05-04 1175次浏览

You must have read or heard many stories about heroes and heroines. Can you think of some stories about your personal heroes or national heroes that you find more inspiring and admirable? Why do you feel that way? What do you think are the most important qualities heroes and heroines should have?

74 回复

  • 82230218 05-05

    I have heard the story of Lei Feng since childhood,  there is a famous saying,  Lei Feng's car travels thousands of miles,  good things make a train.  He is a hero that I admire very much,  he once said that I am willing to be a screw forever!  Since childhood,  we have known that Lei Feng is the example we learn.  He was selfless, thrifty, love of labor, adhere to the faith, kind and honest to help the people, even at the expense of his own live!  I think the most important quality is to be kind and selfless,  to have good thoughts, kindness is a kind of nature, is a virtue, we must maintain a good character, try our best to help people in need, ,let ourselves shine!

  • 82230207韩迪 05-05

    The hero I first encountered was Spider Man. I started to like him because of his unique abilities, and later because of his qualities. For example, the greater his ability, the greater his responsibility. He is just a high school student in the movie, but he still uses his abilities to help others as much as possible. He has the unique character of other heroes, simplicity.

  • 戚国珍 05-05

    I have read the story of Dayu .Da Yu led the people to fight against the flood and finally won the victory. In order to control the flood, Da Yu passed through his house three times without entering. Dayu flood control for 13 years, exhausted their efforts and physical strength, and finally completed the great cause of water control.He gave up time with his family to lead the people against the flood.I think the most important qualities of a hero are the courage to face a challenge and to overcome your fears and to have a sense of responsibility.

  • 82230114黄举仙 05-05

    When it comes to heroes and heroines in Chinese stories, it is indeed a very interesting topic. I personally admire and admire those heroes who have made great efforts for the country and the people, and even sacrificed their lives.

    For example, I was deeply moved by the medical workers who stuck to their posts in the midst of the epidemic. They leave their families to take care of everyone, regardless of their personal safety, and stick to the forefront of the fight against the epidemic. I deeply admire their bravery, selflessness and dedication.

    For another example, I also greatly admire those scientists who have quietly paid for the national scientific research cause, such as Deng Jiaxian and Yuan Longping, who continue to explore the unknown and make contributions to the national scientific and technological progress. I deeply admire their wisdom, perseverance and innovative spirit.

    In my opinion, the most important qualities of heroes and heroines are bravery, selflessness, dedication and sense of responsibility. They should not only have firm belief and pursuit, but also have the courage to face difficulties and challenges. At the same time, they should have the spirit of selfless dedication and be willing to give everything for the benefit of the country and the people.


    The stories of these heroes and heroines not only deeply admire and moved me, but also strengthened my belief and pursuit. I believe that if we can all be as brave, selfless, dedicated and responsible as they are, our country will be a better place.

  • 赵娜 05-05

    I think Huang Wenxiu is a real hero .She has a deep influence on me ,I admire her choice.She gave up the opportunity to live in the big city and took root in the mountain area,in order to let the villagers live a good life ,he perseverd in povrty alleviation work and even sacrificed his precious life ,which makes me see  the responsibility and responsibility of the young generation,and the spirit of selfless dedication makes me very encourage.I think heroes should be brave,smart,careful,kind,selfless,dare to challenge and never give up thespirit

  • 82230102曹思宇 05-05

    Hua Mulan, an ancient Chinese heroine, has become a legend through the ages for her loyalty, filial piety and integrity and forher heroic deeds of fighting in her father's stead. On the battlefield, she shows her outstanding military talent and courage, not only leading the army to victory, but also winning the respect of her comrades. This kind of bravery and perseverance is the core embodiment of a woman who went to war for her father to defend the country. In the face of difficulties and challenges, she shows a woman's flexibility and tenacity, but also shows a woman's wisdom and determination. She proved with her own actions that women can defend their country and make achievements just like men. Such courage and wisdom are not only rare in ancient times, but also enlightening in modern society. I think heroes should have the courage to die for the cause, the unremitting fighting spirit and noble altruism.

  • 82230103陈曼妮 05-05

    In the year of 2020, I deeply remember the young soldier Chen Xiangrong who died at the age of 19. "Clear love, only for China" was a rallying cry he wrote in his diary. In the border conflict, break through the siege, rescue comrades, fight bravely and fight back until death.What moved me was that he maintained such strong perseverance in the face of strong enemies.It's a shame that I'm about his age and I can't do something so great.So,he is my hero. I decide to study his spirits to face difficulties.

    I think that heroes should be brave and selfless.Always be kind to others.

  • 82230217李可佳 05-05

    I have read a book called "Little Bean by the window", the little protagonist of the book is a primary school student, but she is very sincere to friends, in order to achieve a friend with a disorder disease to climb their own tree, tried a lot of ways, no matter how difficult did not give up, when she successfully climbed the tree with friends, I think in the eyes of her friends, she is a real hero. Yes. Because I think there are good qualities in heroes that can be passed on, and when people are exposed to these heroes, maybe just their stories, it can be uplifting. I think selflessness is the most valuable quality in a hero. Because I think that when a person sees someone in trouble and needs help, the first thing he thinks about is how to help him, what he can do for him, rather than thinking about whether this person is worth helping or what he must get.

  • 82230214蒋杨阳 05-05

    My favorite hero is Qiu Jin, she is a heroine who opposed feudalism and liberated women's rights. Her works are full of Jianghong, expressing her feelings like a man, although a woman, but not lose men. I think the most important quality of a hero is to constantly challenge oneself and do something meaningful.

  • 82230231许景雯 05-05

    Wang Wei, hero of the sea and air

    On April 1, 2001, a US reconnaissance plane illegally violated China's airspace, and our army sent two aircraft to track and intercept it. The American plane ignored warnings several times and suddenly crashed into one of my planes. The pilot Wang Wei parachuted and disappeared. In this way, an umbrella flower blossomed in the vast South China Sea. More than ten thousand soldiers and civilians searched for 14 days and nights, but they could not find him, and the radio could no longer hear the "81192 received" issued by Wang Wei.

    "To be able to drive the most advanced war eagle to defend the sea and air of the motherland is my greatest wish." When Wang Wei was in middle school, he firmly decided to serve the country. After entering the Navy, he resolutely chose to guard the southern gate of the motherland. In the same batch of pilots, he piloted the most advanced domestic fighter aircraft, the first to fly more than 1,000 hours, becoming an "all-weather" first-class pilot who can fly four kinds of weather. He had the most combat takeoffs and the most major missions of any pilot of his age.

    For 23 years, generations of young people have followed in his footsteps and joined the army to protect our country. I once had a military dream. Influenced by Wang Wei, although I did not become a soldier now, his perseverance, courage, and fear of sacrifice have always influenced me.

    In my opinion, heroes need not only courage, but also loyalty, and more importantly, generous spirit and selfless dedication, putting others' interests before their own.

    • 胡宜雯 老师 05-11
      I am keeping inspired by Wang Wei's story as well! For him, it's not only others's interests but the national interest. His sacrifice is a great loss to our country. But we will remember him forever!
  • 82230131余子菡 05-05

    Lin Zexu lead the destruction of opium at Humen. Opium cased a large outflow of silver from China, a financial crisis in China. Opium weakened the fighting power of the army and harmed the health of Chinese people. It has safeguarded the dignity and interests of the Chinese nation, demonstrated the determination of the Chinese to oppose foreign aggression, and has symbolic significance for the Chinese people to fight against foreign aggression. These national heroes have the spirit of selfless dedication, national heroes with their own practical actions, the interpretation of the real love boundless. It is because of their dedication that our country prospers and our people live in peace. The dedication of national heroes inspires everyone to devote themselves to society and make their own contributions to the development of the country.

  • 82230408范秀瑶 05-05

    The hero in my mind is Dong Cunrui (1933-1948). In 1945, the young militia Dong Cunrui joined the Eighth Route Army. He gradually became a witty and brave soldier in the fierce battle and joined the Communist Party of China. In 1948, in the battle of liberation, our army was blocked by the enemy's dark castle. Dong Cunrui rushed to the bridge with the explosive bag in his arms, but could not find the explosive bracket. In order to ensure the victory of the whole battle, he resolutely held the explosive bag in his hand, blew up the enemy's dark castle, and bravely sacrificed his life.

    I think Dong Cunrui's courage to sacrifice himself for the country and dedicate himself at a young age is worthy of respect.

    In addition, for me, the most important quality of heroes is dedication and willingness to give.

  • 82230142周田田 05-05

    I think of Yuan Longping and Zhang Guimei. The hybrid rice developed by Yuan Longping has not only freed hundreds of  millions of Chinese people from hunger, but also allowed people around the world to share the fruits. Zhang Guimei  founded a girls' high school, so that girls in the mountains can receive education, let them out of the mountains, and let them have a more meaningful life.I think the most important qualities, heroes and heroines should have are determination , helpful , honesty, courage, and selflessness. 

  • 82230106杜淼淼 05-05

    My favourite hero is Mulan.Mulan's father was asked by the emperor to lead the army,but he was too old,Mulan worried that her father was old,but there was no suitable man in her family to replace her father,so Mulan disguised herself as a man and joined the army in place of her father. Although Mulan was a woman,her performance in the army was no less impressive,not only disguised her identity well,but also made military contributions to protect the home and the country. I think filial piety and patriotism are the most precious qualities of Mulan,she is a heroine.

  • 82230107冯杉琪 05-05

    A small laboratory with outdated equipment. Tu Youyou and her team work day and night in the studio, personally taking medication, disregarding their own health and life and death, and dedicating themselves to drug development. Due to the rudimentary environment, the large vat containing medication often emits a pungent odor, causing Tu Youyou to suffer from toxic hepatitis. Tu Youyou and her team have made arduous and outstanding progress on the thorny path of science.I believe that the qualities that heroes should have are loyalty, selflessness, kindness, wisdom, humility, justice, bravery, resilience, generosity

  • 82230206郭明园 05-05

    I think Yue Fei. Because he recovered the territory for ancient China, he was a model for governing the army in ancient  China and a well-deserved national hero. He has clear rewards and punishments, is brave and good at fighting, is not afraid of sacrifice, and does not seek fame. Moreover, he went deep into the masses, experienced the hard work of the people, did not kill innocent people indiscriminately, and did not squeeze the people. Although Yue Fei was born in poverty, he also had literary cultivation. I think the most important thing for a hero is not to be afraid of sacrifice and always care about the people and the country. Be brave and resourceful, and dare to be the first.

  • 82230221马佳琪 05-05

    Qiu Shaoyun, a great Chinese People's Liberation Army soldier, died heroically in the process of resisting the United States and aiding *.He in the war to resist the United States and aid *, in order to protect his comrades he sacrificed himself heroically, in his body I saw a soldier's loyalty to the country and the sense of responsibility and protection for his comrades.I think heroes should have a sense of responsibility, a sense of mission, loyalty, perseverance, not afraid of difficulties and so on.

  • 82230228吴明珠 05-05

    One of the stories that inspires me is that of Huo Qubing.A famous general in the Western Han Dynasty, he is known for his great achievements in fighting against the Xiongnu.I feel this way because he fought bravely for the interests of the country and the nation, not sparing himself even at the cost of his own life. The most important qualities heroes and heroines should have include bravery, integrity, compassion, a willingness to stand up for what is right, and the ability to inspire othors.

  • 86230850邹镇怡 05-05

     I admire Qiu Jin.She is an advocate of Chinese feminism and women's studies and a modern democratic revolutionary.She is the symbol of modern Chinese women's revolution.  Although Qiu Jin was not the first woman to commit herself to the Chinese revolution, she was the first woman  to cause strong social repercussions. Through all  her life, she fought for women's rights, for the revolutionary nation, for the women's movement and the revolutionary movement.

    Last but not least, the essential qualities of heroes and heroines are selflessness and bravery. 


  • 82230213蒋慧慧 05-05

    The hero I admire most is Hua Mulan. Since the ancients always said that women are inferior to men, and Hua Mulan showed us women's courage and strength, Hua Mulan told us with their own deeds that women are no worse than men. Hua Mulan loved to listen to her father tell military stories from an early age, and her father was a great hero in her heart. But when her father was old, the court still let her father go to war. When Mulan knew, because she couldn't bear her father's old age and weakness, she decided to join the army for her father. On the battlefield, Hua Mulan is very brave. She never flinched when she met difficulties and went forward bravely. In the end, she became an admirable general. Because I also think that women are no worse than men since I was a child, I think Mulan is very powerful and makes me admire it very much. I think the most important quality a hero should have is a patriotic heart. They should be kind, brave, filial piety, considerate of the people, determination, perseverance.

  • 82230213蒋慧慧 05-05

    The hero I admire most is Hua Mulan. Since the ancients always said that women are inferior to men, and Hua Mulan showed us women's courage and strength, Hua Mulan told us with their own deeds that women are no worse than men. Hua Mulan loved to listen to her father tell military stories from an early age, and her father was a great hero in her heart. But when her father was old, the court still let her father go to war. When Mulan knew, because she couldn't bear her father's old age and weakness, she decided to join the army for her father. On the battlefield, Hua Mulan is very brave. She never flinched when she met difficulties and went forward bravely. In the end, she became an admirable general. Because I also think that women are no worse than men since I was a child, I think Mulan is very powerful and makes me admire it very much. I think the most important quality a hero should have is a patriotic heart. They should be kind, brave, filial piety, considerate of the people, determination, perseverance.

  • 82230229肖俐 05-05

    1. The hero I know is Lei Feng, a famous Chinese hero who is widely respected for his selfless dedication and service to others.
    2. The heroes and heroines in the story often have common qualities, such as courage, perseverance, wisdom and a sense of justice.
    3. The most important qualities that heroes and heroines should have include courage to face difficulties, a strong sense of responsibility, integrity and the ability to inspire others.
    4. I don't think heroes are always recognized as heroes. Because heroes are ordinary people one by one. In different scenarios, they make different choices from ordinary people, or insist on what ordinary people can't insist on. At that time, they were heroes, but returning to reality, in fact, everyone may be heroes in different fields.

  • 82230105陈思远 05-05

    There is a group of people that impresses me, they are the rebels and the heroes during the epidemic.
    In this epidemic, it is them who persist without hesitation for rescuing patients as medical worker. It is them who have professional attitude and spirit, which build up confidence of all of us to defeat it. In fact, they are just ordinary people.
    These people, with the nobility, kindness, and devotion that are intrinsic to their profession , have etched an unforgettable chapter in the history of the Chinese nation and in the hearts of the chinese people.

  • 82230123吴计雪 05-05

    When I was young, I used to read the story of the heroine Liu Hulan, and I admired her very much.Liu Hulan is a heroic female soldier during the war, she was surrounded by the enemy during a mission, and resolutely did not disclose any secrets of the Party under the torture of the enemy, so as to protect the security of the troops. Finally, she was brutally killed by the enemy at the age of 15. At a young age, she put collective interests above personal interests, she showed the heroism of a communist fighter at a critical moment and her fearless spirit of sacrifice moved me.I think heroes should have wisdom, courage, dedication and the spirit of not being afraid of sacrifice.

  • 82230111胡月姣 05-05

    Do you remember Chen Xiangrong, the national hero who sacrificed to protect the frontier. When I heard about this piece of news, I was studying in school. We have a similar age, but we have distinct futures. 'The pure love is just for China' really touched me. I was shocked by his courage and resolution. In my opinion, the most important qualities a hero should have is a sense of responsibility and persistence. Only have a sense of responsibility, they can shoulder  the mission. And the persistence is a quality everyone should have.

    • 胡宜雯 老师 05-11
      Absolutely! The fact that he died at such a young age brought us to tears! He is another hero that we will always remember.
  • 刘皓82230418 05-06

    When it comes to national heroes, General Zhang Zizhong may leave the deepest impression on me. Every time I hear that sentence, "I won't leave, Tianjin won't hold onto me, Beijing won't hold onto me, North China won't hold onto me, I will still leave, and today I won't leave, Zhang Zizhong." My eyes become moist. Perhaps as people say, why do I often have tears in my eyes after watching patriotic videos like this? Because I love this country deeply. I like General Zhang Zizhong not only for his dedication to serving the country, but also for his brave and charismatic leadership. In the Hundred Regiments Battle, he took the lead and led his soldiers to charge to the front line. At that time, he was no longer a general, but a brave warrior who fought bravely against the enemy

  • 82230437夏周宇 05-06

    My hero: Confucius

    In the vast expanse of Chinese history, Confucius is a beacon of wisdom and morality. He was not only a philosopher, but also an educator and politician whose influence shaped the cultural and ethical fabric of China.

    Confucius was born in 551 BC in the state of Lu and lived at a time of great social upheaval. He believed that all people, regardless of their social status, should be educated and stressed the importance of personal integrity and moral character. His philosophy, known as Confucianism, taught people to achieve social harmony through respect for elders, loyalty to the country and the pursuit of knowledge.

    One of my favorite sayings from Confucius is, "Do not do to others what you would not have yourself do to you." This golden Rule resonated deeply with me and became a guiding light in my daily life. It encourages compassion and consideration for others and promotes mutual respect among people. His educational ideas are equally profound. By educating ourselves and others, we can build Bridges of understanding and build a more peaceful world.

    In short, Confucius is my hero who profoundly influenced East Asian culture and remains relevant today, embodying his wisdom, compassion and dedication to humanity. His words gave me comfort and guidance and encouraged me to strive for personal excellence and make a positive contribution to the world around ourselves.

  • 82230422钱瑾 05-06

    The hero I admire the most is Huang Wenxiu. As an outstanding Communist Party member, Huang Wenxiu actively returned to his hometown for construction after graduating from graduate school, gave up job opportunities in big cities, and actively participated in the front line of poverty alleviation, dedicating her youth and life to the Party and the people. Her greatness is reflected in her courage to dedicate herself and sacrifice herself for others, always carrying the people in her heart. At the same time, she firmly adheres to her ideals and beliefs, never forgets her original intention, shines brightly in her job position, and never slacks off.

    I think as a hero, the most basic virtues are kindness and selflessness, always putting others first and oneself last, wholeheartedly serving the people, and considering the people.

  • 82230239赵自豪 05-06

    Personally, I really admire Chinese scientists, such as Qian Xuesen, who have made great contributions to the country's scientific and technological progress. His story is inspiring because he not only made outstanding academic achievements, but also gave up his personal comfort at critical moments, returned to his motherland, and contributed his own strength to the prosperity of his country. They generally have a strong will, selfless dedication spirit and a high sense of responsibility. In the face of difficulties and challenges, they are always able to stick to their faith and go forward bravely. This spirit is their common ground.

  • 82230101蔡慧杰 05-06

      Many people are heroes, but I think Qiu Jin is the heroine in my heart. I went to Japan to study and returned to China to actively promote correct ideas. I hope that my efforts could make the dark society at that time and the dull people sober. She hopes to save her home, even at the cost of her life. In addition, I think she is the embodiment of female strength. She is educated, thoughtful, not afraid of power, and positive. She is not a traditional feudal woman but has grand ideals and ambitions, so I think she is the heroine in my heart.

