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How do we write a standard academic paper?

By 杨芳婷 2023-05-30 310次浏览

45 回复

  • 黄小佳 2023-05-30
    • First we have to look at the literature.

  • 苏婷婷 2023-05-30

    First of all, read a lot of literature and related books to accumulate knowledge before output

  • 李雅雯 2023-05-30

    Academic writing refers to writing that focuses on a specific academic topic. Through academic writing, the author tries to prove a theory or point of view in one way or another. Scholarly works are primarily based on academic discovery and scholarly research and are intended for an academic audience. Authors can explain specific topics by providing their own perspectives. It includes academic papers, research reports, dissertations, etc.

  • East彭权东 2023-05-30

    Take more academic essay writing courses

  • 张玉珍 2023-06-01

    To write a good academic paper, we must first clarify the evaluation criteria of an academic paper. Generally speaking, the evaluation criteria of academic papers are : first, whether the topic is novel ; second, whether the view is clear ; third, whether the argument is sufficient and the source is reliable ; fourth, the thinking, logic and scientificity of the argument are not strong ; fifth, whether the writing is smooth, refined and accurate.

  • 王丹妮 2023-06-02

    Academic writing refers to writing that focuses on a specific academic topic. Through academic writing, the author tries to prove a theory or point of view in one way or another.

  • 金姝澄 2023-06-04

    I think the first step is to start by reading the works of experts in this field

  • 李新凤 2023-06-04

    Writing a standard academic paper involves several steps which include:

    Selecting a topic: Choose a topic that is interesting and relevant to your field of study, and that can be researched thoroughly.
    Conducting research: Gather information from reliable sources such as scholarly journals, books, and reputable websites. Take detailed notes and organize your research to make it easier to use when writing the paper.
    Creating an outline: Develop a plan for organizing the paper, and make sure to include an introduction, body, and conclusion. The outline should include the main points you want to make in each section.
    Writing the first draft: Begin to write the paper, using your outline as a guide. Make sure to include the introduction and thesis statement, supporting evidence, and a conclusion.
    Editing and revising: Review the first draft and make necessary changes to improve the content, grammar, and style. Check for proper formatting and citations.
    Formatting and proofreading: Format the final draft according to the required style and proofread carefully for errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

    Some additional tips for writing an academic paper include:

    Use clear and concise language
    Use active voice
    Be consistent in formatting and citation style
    Back up claims with evidence
    Avoid plagiarism by citing sources accurately and appropriately
    Use a strong thesis statement to guide the paper

    By following these steps and tips, you can write a standard academic paper that is well-researched, well-organized, and effectively communicates your ideas in a clear and concise manner.

  • 陈璐鑫 2023-06-05

    Is this something that a human could really come up with?

  • 叶昊晟 2023-06-05

    ake more academic essay writing courses

  • 王羽欣 2023-06-05

    Writing a standard academic paper involves several steps, which are outlined below:

    Choose your topic: Select a topic that is relevant to your field of study and interests you.
    Conduct research: Gather information on your topic from a variety of credible sources such as books, academic journals, and online databases.

  • 王羽欣 2023-06-05

    Narrow your focus: Based on your research, refine your topic and develop a thesis statement that clearly states your argument.
    Organize your ideas: Create an outline that breaks down your paper into clear and logical sections, such as an introduction, body, and conclusion.
    Write the first draft: Take your ideas and expand on them, developing the meat of your paper. Pull in quotes and references from your research to support your argument, but make sure to properly cite them in your paper.


  • 王羽欣 2023-06-05

    Write the first draft: Take your ideas and expand on them, developing the meat of your paper. Pull in quotes and references from your research to support your argument, but make sure to properly cite them in your paper.
    Revise: Review your first draft, checking for coherence and clarity. Ensure that your argument is well-supported, and that you have properly cited all sources.
    Proofread: Check your paper for grammatical and spelling errors.
    Format your paper: Follow the guidelines provided by your professor or academic institution for formatting your paper. Make sure to include a title page, an abstract, and a bibliography or works cited page.
    Submit your paper: Double-check that you have met all the requirements for submission before turning in your paper.

    By following these steps, you can create a well-written and structured academic paper that meets the standards of your academic institution.

  • 朱祉翡 2023-06-07

    The content and topic of the article need to be clearly organized before writing an article.

    the first step in organizing the article is to write an outline. You can start writing the outline before the experiment is carried out, and have a general design for the structure of the article, main topics, methods, diagrams, etc., and then organize the outline into an article in order of importance. paper. The introduction part of the preface needs to include the theme of the article, research trends, and research significance. The most important results and discussion sections of the article need to contain clear and concise experimental analysis, so that readers can quickly accept the results of the experiment.

    The last part discusses some dos and don'ts of English writing, including the writing of contrasting sentence patterns, the writing of referential and abbreviated sentence patterns, and the need to follow the journal's principles for the typesetting of the article.

  • 杨芳婷 2023-06-08

    There are various types of academic papers, and different types of academic papers require different content, but there are also common formats for academic papers, which are divided into three parts. First, the front part of the paper, including the title, the author's basic information, abstract, keywords and so on. The main part of the paper is to state what your paper research is and what content it contains. There are introduction, text, research methods, results, summary and references. The appendix part of the paper, including some questionnaires, databases and other additional supplementary parts.

  • 杨芳婷 2023-06-08

    A complete paper should include the following parts:Title, Author, abstract, keywords, text, references and acknowledgements.

  • 王莹 2023-06-08

    Read a large number of references and fill in relevant content according to the framework

  • 张叶恬 2023-06-08

     Gather information from reliable sources such as scholarly journals, books, and reputable websites. Take detailed notes and organize your research to make it easier to use when writing the paper.

  • 胡佩蓥 2023-06-08

    Writing a standard academic paper typically involves the following steps:

    1. Choose a topic: Select a topic that is relevant and interesting to your field of study.

    2. Conduct research: Conduct extensive research on your topic using academic sources such as books, scholarly articles, and academic journals.

    3. Develop a thesis statement: Develop a clear and concise thesis statement that summarizes the main argument of your paper.

    4. Create an outline: Create an outline or a mind map to organize your ideas and thoughts.

    5. Write the introduction: In the introduction, provide background information on your topic and state your thesis statement.

    6. Write the body: In the body of your paper, present your arguments and evidence to support your thesis statement. Be sure to cite all sources properly.

    7. Write the conclusion: Summarize your main points and restate your thesis statement in the conclusion.

    8. Edit and proofread: Review your paper for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Ensure that you have followed the appropriate formatting guidelines for your field of study.

    9. Cite your sources: Include a bibliography or works cited page that lists all sources used in your paper.

    When writing an academic paper, it is important to use clear and concise language, logical organization, and incorporate evidence to support arguments. Use appropriate citation styles (e.g. APA, MLA, Chicago) and formatting guidelines for your field of study. Additionally, be sure to check the requirements of your instructor or institution to ensure that you are meeting all necessary criteria.

  • 刘志鑫 2023-06-08

    There are various types of academic papers, and different types of academic papers require different content, but there are also common formats for academic papers, which are divided into three parts. First, the front part of the paper, including the title, the author's basic information, abstract, keywords and so on. The main part of the paper is to state what your paper research is and what content it contains. There are introduction, text, research methods, results, summary and references. The appendix part of the paper, including some questionnaires, databases and other additional supplementary parts.

  • 沈中奇 2023-06-08

    Writing a standard academic paper requires following certain rules and requirements. The following are the relevant steps:

    1. Confirm the theme and scope of the paper

    2. Conduct literature review

    3. Determine the structure of the paper

    4. Conduct research and analysis

    5. Writing papers and polishing

    6. Review and revise the manuscript

  • 卢俊杰 2023-06-08

    Learn more about the framework and format of other academic papers.

  • 绡筱 2023-06-10

    Academic writing refers to writing that focuses on a specific academic topic. Through academic writing, the author tries to prove a theory or point of view in one way or another.

  • 顾沄澜 2023-06-25

    The validity of the argument. Correct argument is the vitality of the thesis, it must stand the test of practice. Because of the surface, it requires the author to be objective and not have personal bias.

  • 王滢 2023-06-25

    1. Topic selection: Choose a research field, try to choose a direction that you are good at or familiar with, and then clarify the research objectives.
    2. Literature review: Conduct a comprehensive review and review of existing research literature, and have a deep understanding of the latest research achievements in this field both domestically and internationally.
    3. Research Design: Design a series of experimental plans or survey methods based on the research objectives of the selected topic.
    4. Data processing and analysis: After collecting data, process and analyze it according to the set method.
    5. Discussion and Summary: Based on the analysis of the results, write the discussion and summary section of the paper, evaluate the research results, and propose the next research direction.

  • 王丹妮 2023-06-25

    Narrow your focus: Based on your research, refine your topic and develop a thesis statement that clearly states your argument.
    Organize your ideas: Create an outline that breaks down your paper into clear and logical sections, such as an introduction, body, and conclusion.
    Write the first draft: Take your ideas and expand on them, developing the meat of your paper. Pull in quotes and references from your research to support your argument, but make sure to properly cite them in your paper.

  • 黎佳谣 2023-06-25

    Academic writing refers to writing that focuses on a specific academic topic. Through academic writing, the author tries to prove a theory or point of view in one way or another. Scholarly works are primarily based on academic discovery and scholarly research and are intended for an academic audience. Authors can explain specific topics by providing their own perspectives. It includes academic papers, research reports, dissertations, etc.

  • 沈中奇 2023-06-25

    Academic writing refers to writing that focuses on a specific academic topic. Through academic writing, the author tries to prove a theory or point of view in one way or another. Scholarly works are primarily based on academic discovery and scholarly research and are intended for an academic audience.

  • 王敏 2023-06-26

    Learn more about the framework and format of other academic papers.

  • 程文韬 2023-06-26
