





成绩预发布时间 2022-12-28

期末考试截止时间 2022-12-22 23:55





What do you think is the most important thing for a wife in her marriage? (The Joy Luck Club)

By 姚望 老师 2022-11-03 1255次浏览

What do you think is the most important thing for a wife in her marriage? (The Joy Luck Club)

18 回复

  • 05210322顾天宇 2022-11-22

    I think independence is the most important thing for a woman in her marriage. To have a harmonious marriage, a woman should never be too dependent on her huaband. Too much dependence will easily lead to the conflict between a wife and a husband.

  • 05210302孔文琦 2022-11-22

    From my perspective,I'd like to point out that courage is the most important thing for a wife in her marriage.In the first place,the courage to communicate plays an important role in the harmonious relationahip between husband and wife.Expressing love certainly tends to promote the relationship,while voicing dissatisfactions bravely will also add spice to life ultimately.Don't be afraid to say out what you want!In the second place,once a wife feel discontent and disappointment in her marriage,like some errors of principle,I hope she can possess the courage to stop the relationship immediately.In terms of continuing a broken marriage for the sake of children and responsibilitues,the negative influences are usually greater than the positive ones.The person who has the courage to end,will have a new beginning.Of course, the own finanicial independence and independent mind lay the foundation for such a free and easy courage.

  • 05210507宋奕 2022-11-22

    I think the most important thing for a wife in a marriage is respect. Respect is the premise of everything. I think it's not just the respect that husbands have for their wives, but the respect that husbands and their families have for the sacred contract of marriage. Only when a wife is respected by her husband will she not always be in an unequal position in marriage like Lena. Only when a husband treats marriage with a correct and appropriate attitude, the wife will not have the same failure of marriage as Ying Ying, and will not be out of control because of the failure of marriage. However, in the new era of rapid development, a wife can not rely on her husband's awareness to gain respect, but also need practical actions. Several of the women in the film, who already have a sense of independence in their hearts, have begun to break away from traditional old ideas.

    Some people will compare marriage to a partnership. Because love has a shelf life, when a couple has been married for years, it's no longer hormones that bind them together. Marriage is a collaboration between two people. It takes two people to work through difficulties and resist risks. If there is no respect, how can we achieve good cooperation and support a family together?

  • 05210323黄丁洁 2022-11-22

    I think the most important thing for a wife in a marriage is independce. This independence does not only mean economic independence but also spiritual independence. A wife needs economic independence because :when she is economically independent, she and her husband are equal, she does not have to depend on him to live, and when she and her husband have different views, she dares to stick to her own views.A wife need mental independence because: if a wife's whole body and mind is focused on her husband, when he wants to end the marriage, she will be overwhelmed and may even commit suicide.So the most important thing for a wife in a marriage is independce.

  • 05210214李楠 2022-11-22

    I think "self" is the most important thing for women in marriage. They should be financially independent, free thinking, emotionally stable, and capable of dealing with problems. A woman must first become a self-love person, and then choose love and marriage according to her own will.

  • 05210506许言浩 2022-11-23

    From my point of view, it is the awareness of who herself is that is the most important thing for a wife in her marriage. She should know that she herself is not a slave to love, not a humble servant to her husband and not the weak in the marriage. Instead, she herself is still an independent, free and intact individual, who deserve the respect and enjoy the equality. For instance, once she made contributions to her family, then she could ask for the reward—even though a word of thanks. The worst thing is that all her selfless devotions are taken for granted. If so, she could only be a victim and the oppressed.

  • 05210522栾亦敏 2022-11-24

    I think the most important thing for a wife in her marriage is her dignity. She needs to be true to herself and stick to her principles. Maybe marriage will change a person, but this kind of change is not a complete change. The wife must have a clear self-positioning in her relationship and she can't completely put her husband first.

  • 05210406冯钰雯 2022-12-02

    Actually, what is the most important thing for a wife in her marriage, I suppose, is the ego. What I mean is a sense of your own value and importance. Naturally, when someone has a strong sense of self-worth, she will be true to herself for certain. It is beyond suspicion that she will respect her own sentiments and follow her own ideas to live regardless of others' distinct opinions. Take Lena and Rose in the movie as examples. We can find that both of them have such a problem causing their plight of marriage to some extent. For Lena, she chose to make a concession to her husband over and over again, even if her yearning for love rather than so-called fairness all the time. Rose became compliant without personal ideas under her husband's wealth. Nonetheless, after shouting out their real ideas, that is to say they found their egos again, the picture looked completely different. Therefore, constant concession can make nothing better but the ego.

  • 05210318杭毓晔 2022-12-03

    I think the most important thing for a wife is her self-awareness, which means her belief of her own value and importance.  Due to conventional ideas, wives often take their sacrifice for granted and believe that they need their husband to obtain happiness.  So, they tend to be tolerant of their husband,even faced with unresonable requirements. For example, Lena aaccpted her husband's 50 to 50 principle although it is totally unfair to her. But actually, they don't need anyone to make thier own life complete. They can obtain happiness and success without a marriage. And a marriage without one's self-awareness is a torture to everyone. A happy marriage depends not on tolerance and sacrifice, but on equality and mutual understanding. And the first step for equality is the awakening of self-awareness.

  • 05210425韩好 2022-12-03

    I think that the most important thing for a wife is to always recognize your own identity. One shouldn’t feel compelled to be submissive. All humans, regardless of their gender, are individuals that were born with the right of full independence. Sadly, this plain yet important fact was being neglected in countless situations even today. Emma Watson once stated in her HeForShe launching speech at the UN that, “If men don’t have to be aggressive in order to be accepted, women won’t feel compelled to be submissive.” The problem has two main points. One lies in females’ won identity establishments, the other lies in how our society defines males’ success. Men have to be aggressive, strong and powerful in order to be successful, which as a consequence led to many women “being controlled” by this aggressiveness and eventually feel compelled to be submissive to men. The first step towards women’s liberation is to recognize one’s own identity that lies within, which defined that you are an independent human in whatever relationship, and you are the only one who can make the ultimate decision that may influence your own life course. 

  • 05210516罗子墨 2022-12-03

    As for me, I think the most important thing for a wife is independence. For instance, as housewives, some women were excluded from social life, working on marriages and children all day long. In these cases, most of the wives are economically or even mentally dependent on their men, living like an appendix to their husbands. Too much dependence on others gradually deprives them rights of thinking independently. And this tendency may drive them crazy if their marriages break up. Only with a sane mind and a steady source of income can one get to her feet quickly and reduce the loss to a minimum degree.


  • 05210414周子楚 2022-12-04

    I think the most important thing for a wife in her marriage is the self. From a complete personality, to a stable source of finance, then to the ability to think independently and equal family status. Only when a woman first realizes her identity in marriage, and does not identify herself as a humble devotee and slave, can she obtain respect and equal love. In other words, always sticking to oneself is a prerequisite for a good marriage.

  • 05210520徐天怡 2022-12-14

    I think the most important thing for a wife in her marriage is independence, both physical and mental. Firstly, she should be economically independent. At least she needs to have a job to earn her own living instead of being a housewife, in which case her husband may look down upon her contributions to the family. What is more important, she should be mentally independent. She should maintain critical thinking and always have her own judgement. The marriage shouldn't be the grave of individuality and the society is no longer a patriarchal one. If after she gets married, the only thing she carries about is the what to eat for dinner,  she is giving up on herself and withdrawing from the modern society.

  • 05210402韦楠 2022-12-16

    The most important thing for a wife in her marriage is communication and understanding. A wife needs to be able to communicate her feelings and needs to her husband, and her husband needs to be able to understand and respect them. A marriage can only be successful if both partners are willing to listen to each other and work together to find solutions to any issues that arise. I think some couples broke up due to a lack of communication.

  • 05210423葛欣然 2022-12-16

    I believe that a wife must have strong self-awareness. Marriage is about building an intimate relationship with one partner and running a household together, but this doesn’t require that a woman should shift her life focus or even sacrifice her career altogether. A wife needs to realize that she is still an independent individual, who needs a social circle, independent financial ability, and a well-developed spiritual world. A wife with a healthy mindset will not lose her mental support because of her husband's sudden departure. She will not feel understanding for a cheating lover, and what’s more, will not feel tolerant of her husband's unjustified coercive control. In the past, many women were controlled by their fathers before marriage and their husbands after marriage, which means that they were deeply imprisoned in the cage of patriarchy. It’s appalling that women trample on themselves, suffer abuse, and desert their dignity to beg for the so-called family balance. Nowadays, although the phenomenon has eased a lot, some stereotype is hidden at the root. There is nothing better for a woman in a marriage than one in which she can make a wholehearted effort for her own development as well as genuinely devote to the family.

  • 05210410李茹钰 2022-12-19

    From my perspective, I believe that independence is the mot important thing in a marriage. A couple get married means that they make up a family and they are both one part of it other than that one relies on another. So I am definitely against women having no job and being housewives. Not only should females have independence in financial but also in mental. They should have their own thoughts and direct actions with their own will.

  • 05210515陈张熔婧 2022-12-20

    In my opinion, the most important thing for a wife in her marriage is independence and her pursuit of equality. Without independece and equality, the wife will inevitably be reduced to be a slave in the marriage, becoming humbler and humbler.  Just like one of the main characters Lena in the film Joy Luck Club, whose husband earns quite more than herself, is always passive in her marriage. So, it's essential for a wife to be independent both physically and mentally. That is to say, the wife cannot depend too much on her husband or lose herself.

  • 05210309朱迪 2022-12-22

    I think the most important thing for a wife in her marriage is independence. She should never be blinded by love. In this movie, Lena initially felt that she could not leave her husband at all, even though her marriage did not make her happy. However, just as her mother Ying Ying said, "Losing him does not matter. You will be found and cherished." The marriage of Rose is another good example. She lost herself and centered on her husband gradually, which made them quarrel. Every wife should know her worth . 

