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2021.02.24 ~ 2021.06.25
  • 首都医科大学
  • 建议每周学习2小时
  • 415人已参与






成绩预发布时间 2021-06-22





Unit 3 Discussion Topic 2

By 谢春晖 老师 2021-02-24 2621次浏览

Would you like to list some ethical principles of organ transplantation?

11 回复

  • 2020010001陈建南 2021-03-17

    About living donors

    The source of the donor is the blood relatives of the recipient! Unrelated spouses and healthy people who donate organs voluntarily and free of charge.

    In the process of transplantation, the doctor should follow the donor so that the interests of both parties are equally protected.

    One of the most basic ethical principles for organs provided by a living body is not to endanger the life of the donor. Taking one of the healthy organs in pairs, or losing part of it does not affect the original physiological function, and has no effect on the health of the donor. Threats, and will not be disabled.

    There should be an appropriate ratio between the benefit of the recipient and the damage of the donor, and the gain should outweigh the loss.

    Donating organs from living persons must be voluntary and no other conditions may be attached.


  • 2020010262周珊 2021-03-27

    《人体器官移植条例》2007年3月21日国务院第171次常务会议通过,自2007年5月1日起施行。任何组织或者个人不得以任何形式买卖人体器官,不得从事与买卖人体器官有关的活动。人体器官捐献应当遵循自愿、无偿的原则。捐献人体器官的公民应当具有完全民事行为能力。公民捐献其人体器官应当有书面形式的捐献意愿,对已经表示捐献其人体器官的意愿,有权予以撤销。 任何组织或者个人不得摘取未满18周岁公民的活体器官用于移植。

  • 122020010383黄明祺 2021-04-23

    The human organ donation should follow the principle of voluntary and unpaid.

  • 2020010464周云鑫 2021-05-25

    1. Neither the donor nor the recipient nor the doctor can do organ transplantation with any economic purpose. 
    2. The donor must meet the legal age of 18 years old. In case of cadaver liver or cadaver organ donation, there must be an exact death standard. 
    3. In the principle of transplantation, it is best to conform to the optimal principle, that is, to give priority to the most needed and most suitable matched subjects.

  • 2020010355边江萍 2021-06-01

    Six Ethical Principles of Human Organ Transplantation:

    (1) The principle of informed consent

    (2) Respect the principle

    (3) The principle of utility-the principle of no harm, the benefits outweigh the risks

    (4) The principle of prohibiting commercialization

    (5) Confidentiality principle

    (6) Principles of ethical review

  • 2020020246陈婧楠 2021-06-17

    Organ donation must have the informed consent of the donor himself or his immediate family members. And we can't give up rescuing critical patients for organ donation.

  • 2020020253张晓天 2021-06-17

    1. Humanitarianism and utilitarianism should be combined to achieve dialectical unity.
    2. Although scientific research and medical treatment promote each other, clinical organ transplant doctors should take the recovery of patients' health as the primary purpose, and academic research is the second.
    3. Strictly abide by the medical standards and carefully select the receptor.
    5. It is better to have a written or oral will of the deceased's voluntary donation when organs and tissues are extracted from the corpse. Under special circumstances, the principle of constructive consent can also be adopted.
    6. The death of donor was determined by the currently accepted scientific test method. The death should be determined by more than two doctors, and there is no direct relationship between doctors and organ transplantation.
    7. The possibility and effectiveness of other therapies must be evaluated carefully and comprehensively before organ transplantation is decided.
    8. Organ transplantation should have professional and technical knowledge! After special training! It should be performed by doctors with clinical examination. The organ transplant operation unit must have perfect professional facilities, and have the level of Grade A or above.
    9. It is strictly forbidden to buy or sell organs in disguised form. Commercialization of organ collection is absolutely unacceptable.

  • 2020010303罗兰 2021-06-17

    1. Giving consideration to humanitarian and utilitarian principles.

    2. Restoring the health of patients is the primary purpose, and academic research is the second.

    3. Strict principles of receptor screening.

    4. Organs and tissues can only be harvested after the death of a donor, who has a will to donate voluntarily.

    5. More than two physicians are required to determine the death of the donor.

    6. Organ transplantation should be considered only after the feasibility of other therapies for the recipient has been fully assessed.

    7. Organ trading and commercialization are strictly prohibited.

  • 2020010067冯友新 2021-06-20

    1. Giving consideration to humanitarian and utilitarian principles.

    2. Restoring the health of patients is the primary goal, and academic research is the second.

    3. The principle of strict screening of recipients.

    4. Donors must have a voluntary donation will before they are alive, and organs and tissues can be harvested after death.

    5. To confirm the death of the donor, more than two physicians are required.

    6. Organ transplantation should be considered after fully evaluating the feasibility of other therapies for transplant patients.

    7. The sale of organs is strictly prohibited and commercialization is prohibited.

  • 2020010505王晨倩 2021-06-22

    1.Principle of informed consent

    2.Respect principle

    3.Utility principle -- no harm principle, the benefit is greater than the risk

    4.Prohibition of commercialization

    5.Confidentiality principle

    6.Principles of ethical review

  • 2020010301卢雨亭 2021-06-22

    (1) The principle of informed consent

    (2) Respect the principle

    (3) The principle of utility-the principle of no harm, the benefits outweigh the risks

    (4) The principle of prohibiting commercialization

    (5) Confidentiality principle

    (6) Principles of ethical review

