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By 张婷 老师 2020-05-11 811次浏览

45 回复

  • 16班廖瑷秋 2020-05-13

    How to translate "right is not right, and so is not so." into chinese? And I get the point that if right were really right, there would be  no need to argue about it. But is there something absolutely right in our lives?

    • 18王文静 2020-05-16
      I don't know if my translation is right. I think he is trying to express "没有绝对的对与错". If there is something absolutely right in our lives, just as the professor said in the video: if the right were really right, then there is no need for argument.
    • 2017级18班仲祎 2020-05-18
      Maybe he is trying to say that what we think right is not right. How we think of something may not be the truth of it. Just as the professor said , everybody is trapped in his own web of thinking which means that one's thinking pattern largely decides or even limits his perception of truth. I think Zhuangzi has perceived the triviality of establishing the system of right and wrong-- which is the publicity of a political or economic system, so he was detached from changing the world and setting up a system. Absolutely there is sth right in our lives such as some basic values of human beings like you shall not murder, cheat for your own sake and something like that.
    • 17班唐佳 2020-05-23
      "Right is not right"can also be understood in aesthetic way. We should first make it clear that there's no absolute standard to judge an artwork' value companied by the change of social value. For one thing, different people have different opinions on one artwork because the huge difference in age,race,sex and background. For second, even the same person has different opinions as the time passes. So "right is not always right, right is not right."
    • 16何福君 2020-05-24
      Right or wrong is not absolute. Sometimes wrong is right and vice verse. For example, Zhuangzi's ideology, Wuwei. People think that the pursuit of fame and wealth is reasonable, but in Zhuangzi's view, it is wrong.
    • 18班周珍竹 2020-05-25
      I think the first right is what people find is right; the second right refers to the objective truth in the world. We can never prove whether what people think is right is the objective truth or not. I think there is no need to put the detailed explanation in the translation because it is a sentence that violates our notion and therefore is thought-provoking. So literal translation is ok.
  • 18范祎轩 2020-05-15






    虽然王尔德主要应该是为了批判磨坊主,否定虚伪自私、讽刺贪婪吝啬,但我觉得汉斯作为可怜之人,必有可恨之处。他的这种“害怕别人失望”的心理实质上是另一种形式的虚荣。 越是虚荣,越是软弱,越是难以拒绝,越是怕搞砸自己的形象,便愈加虚荣。



  • 18班刘梅 2020-05-16


    • 18班余俊义 2020-05-18
      在第一个视频里我注意到外物篇中的三种类型的人:忠诚的官员,孝顺的儿女,普通人中的杰出者。这和我们当今的价值观同样是相符的,所以我认为我们可以学习的点在于1)孝敬父母,尊敬师长 2)清廉理政 3)提升自我,用有创意,学会古为今用,有创造思维。
  • 16班申雨佳 2020-05-16

    It seems if we want to know what is Dao to Zhuangzi, we have to learn it from the opposite of Dao. But which stories specifically talk about the opposite of Dao? Maybe someone could give me some examples.

  • 张萌 2020-05-17

    I have learned that Zhuangzi's thought is not just the inheritance and continuation of Laozi's , so what are their specific differences ?

    • 16班刘丹 2020-05-18
      Zhuangzi focuses more on man’s inner heart and spirt. His approach to problems is centered on freedom, namely, free oneself from the outer world.
    • 18杜颖 2020-05-18
      1. 老子的“道”是是一种客观的精神实体,他试图建立一个囊括宇宙万物的理论,认为一切事物都遵循这样的规律(道);庄子的“道”是“先天地生”的“非物”,是精神性的东西,强调某种主观的精神境界。 2. 老子的“无为”并不是以“无为”为目的,而是以“有为”为目的.因为根据“道”,“无为”会转化为“有为”;庄子的“无为”要求于社会无用,他注重于以之保身,保持于世无用以避祸。 3. 庄子主张“齐物”,把老子关于对立面转化的看法引向极端,认为无论大小、长短、贵贱、美丑、成毁等一切差别都不存在,基于这个观点,他认为“天下莫大于秋毫之末,而太山为小;莫寿于殇子(夭折的幼儿),而彭祖(传说中最长寿的人)为夭.”
  • 7班张瑞敏 2020-05-18

    Which are the right descriptions of the relationship of the five elements?

    • 16秦佳佳 2020-05-18

      The inner-working among the five elements is related to the interrelation between Yin and Yang principles. When Yin and Yang work in harmony, there will be an engendering relationship:metal-->water->wood-->fire-->earth-->mental. When Yin and Yang work against each other, the five elements will counteract each other: earth-->water-->fire-->mental-->wood-->earth.

  • 18班余俊义 2020-05-18

    Well, I think it's quite nucessary to mention about the distinctive fiugres in The External.  First, the faithful person represents the good ethical behavors concerned with managing a country. Second, characters who represent filial piety are in the catagory of families. The last category is ordinary perosn with high moral standards. This dimension is descripted from the society. These three major characters in the book are comprehensive and also epitomaize good wishes towards the ideal society of Mencius.

    So can you come up with more catagorires? (like friendship??) 

  • 18班林华媚 2020-05-18

    We have learned that the Five Elements can be employed in the Traditional Chinese Medicine, but can it be employed in other fileds besides the area of medicine? I wonder some specific examples.

    • 17王思轶 2020-05-18
    • 18班徐钰昕 2020-05-23
      之前听说颜色也与“五行”有关,不同的颜色归属于不同的“行”:青、绿、蓝为“木”,红、紫、粉为“火”,黄、米、深咖为“土”,白、金、银为“金”,黑、深灰、黑蓝、黑绿、黑紫等为“水”。因此在颜色搭配的时候,也会考虑五行相生相克的道理。例如,五行色彩在招牌上的应用,对于招牌而言“底色为客”,“字号和商标为主”,因此一个招牌如果“客色生主色”或“主色克客色”则吉,反之“客色克主色”或“主色生客色”(即 “客色泄主色”)则凶。
  • 万倩倩17班 2020-05-18

    Zhuangzi says that Dao is not "speakable," so that he gives the opposite of Dao and  examples about the loss of Dao to illustrate what Dao is.  

  • 2017级18班马怡萱 2020-05-18

    I have learned about the different analyses of the story of Zhuangzi: The Butterfly Fream,  I personnally more prefer Dr. Duan's explaination: the useless of useful. So how can I understand another famous story of Zhuangzi: You are not a fish; how do you know what constitutes the enjoyment of fishes? Any his theory to explain this one?

  • 18班杨柳青 2020-05-18

    The theory of Zhuangzi is much freer than that of Confucious. And, Zhangzi made Confucious'thoughts "adapted" to the his thought swiftly and humorouslly rather totally deny. I love his kind of thinking things without restrictions !

  • 17雷涵 2020-05-18


    • 17班冉鑫瑜 2020-05-18
      老子认为一切事物都遵循这样的规律(道): 事物本身的内部不是单一的、静止的,而是相对复杂和变化的。事物本身即是阴阳的统一体,相互对立的事物会互相转化,即是阴阳转化,太极阴阳。老子的“无为”并不是以“无为”为目的,而是以“有为”为目的。因为根据之前提到的“道”,“无为”会转化为“有为”。这种思想的高明之处在于,虽然主观上不以取得利益为目的,客观上却可以更好地实现利益。关于老子的宇宙观,根据之前的道,“无”与“有”(万物存在即是“有”)会相互转化。因此老子认为宇宙万物来自虚无,也走向虚无。比如:人的生与死。 庄子的主要思想有“天道无为”,相对的认识论,无条件的精神自由等。从这种认识论出发,他对待生活的态度是:一切顺应自然,安时而处顺,知其不可奈何而安之若命。在政治上,他主张无为而治,反对一切社会制度,摈弃一切文化知识。他的思想是从老子思想发展而来,他把老子的道发展成主观唯心主义,把朴素的辩证法发展成为相对主义。他对“道”的解释更加神秘,认为“道”是“先天地生”的“非物”,是精神性的东西,他把老子关于对立面转化的看法引向极端,认为无论大小、长短、贵贱、美丑、成毁等一切差别都不存在。作为没落阶级的代表,他竭力逃避现实,追求绝对的精神自由,达到“真人”境界。要成为“真人”,就要能够“坐忘”,即完全忘掉自己,在精神幻觉中消除形骸的我,在精神上和天地合一,与万物同体,完全解脱尘世间的利害、得失、毁誉、是非,精神上得到绝对自由,进入逍遥游的境界。
    • 17徐亮 2020-05-18
      老子和庄子思想的异同: 1、保全自己方法不同。 2、老子假无为,庄子真无为 3、老子寡情权谋,庄子善感人生。 相同处: 庄子思想是从老子思想发展而来,他把老子的道发展成主观唯心主义,把朴素的辩证法发展成为相对主义老子、庄子思想的共同点在于:他们都超越人生伦理价值层次,不重视现实人生善恶的区别。他们探讨的是人生最根本的存在价值问题,也就是生死价值的问题。 他们凭着自己真实的人生体验,描述了人生存在客观而永恒的依据:道,所以,人们称他们为道家。
    • 17班谢婷婷 2020-05-21
      老子与庄子在思想本质上是一致的。在应用上则各有偏重。老子偏重于治世,庄子偏重于生命的逍遥。 从治国经邦角度,儒家的理论基石是天地之道,天尊地卑,乾坤定矣。卑高以陈,贵贱位矣。把天地的尊卑次序,把周礼的观念,嫁落到世间,形成等级差别。老子批评这是“失仁而后义”。老子的治世思想,是把大道的规则落实在经世之中,主张我无为而民自治,抱一而为天下式。 从生命的角度,庄子主张生命只是大道表现的形式,可以是庄周,也可以是蝴蝶。至于是什么并不重要,重要的是大道。但大道与生命之间,内涵与形式之间并不能截然分际,本身是一体的。所以庄子认为,单拿生命来说,并无意义,有意义的是生命与大道的统一,均齐万物,通为一,是天地与我并生,而万物与我为一。于是庄子批评孔子不明白大道,一心去追求生命的价值,自陷牢笼而不自知。庄子说这是遁天倍情,叫作“遁天之刑”。
    • 17班符歆敏 2020-05-25
      老子试图建立一个囊括宇宙万物的理论. 老子认为一切事物都遵循这样的规律(道): 事物本身的内部不是单一的、静止的,而是相对复杂和变化的.事物本身即是阴阳的统一体. 相互对立的事物会互相转化,即是阴阳转化.太极阴阳。庄子的主要思想有“天道无为”,相对的认识论,无条件的精神自由等.他的思想属于唯心主义体系.他片面夸大一切事物的相对性,否定客观事物的差异,否定客观真理,在认识论上走向相对主义.从这种认识论出发,他对待生活的态度是:一切顺应自然,安时而处顺,知其不可奈何而安之若命.在政治上,他主张无为而治,反对一切社会制度,摈弃一切文化知识.庄子思想是从老子思想发展而来,他把老子的道发展成主观唯心主义,把朴素的辩证法发展成为相对主义。
    • 18班赵云洋 2020-05-25
      首先,老子虽然强调道是虚无的,人应该是清净无为的,但是老子特别重视人在道中的地位。在老子看来,人是万物的尺度,是和天地共同生长的存在。老子说“域中有四大,而人居其一焉。人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然。”也就是说,在老子看来,人是自然的一部分,但人有其独立性。 而庄子就不同了。庄子的齐物论认为,从终极的观点来看,世界的万事万物都是一样的,这样就取消了人与自然的差别性。落实到人生哲学上来说,人生中的贫贱富贵、功名利禄、富贵寿夭等全是一样的。你要觉得不一样,你就像庄子说的那个朝三暮四的猴子一样傻。 其次,老子主张人要清静无为,顺应自然。而庄子认为这个还不够,人应该有最高的目标。这个最高的目标就是取消了一切差异,取消一切有待,取消一切功利,最终达到无所待的审美的境界,这个境界就是庄子所说的圣人、神人、至人的境界,就是天地与我并一,独与天地精神相往来的大逍遥的境界。 第三,体现在人生哲学上,老子强调要循着道法自然,推崇不争、谦和,推崇柔弱胜刚强,推崇示弱之术。而庄子提倡齐物论,在庄子的视界中,世间的一切差异都是相对的。于是,无名、无功成为人生在世要修养的内容。 在此基础上,庄子推崇的是养生、养神,心斋、坐忘,忘掉一切功利的东西,用最审美的态度,追逐无所待的大逍遥境界。
  • 17班曾柔茜 2020-05-18

    According to Zhuangzi that right is undefinable, because there is no need to discuss the truth. But in his writing Zhuangzi , the first passage A happy Exurism (《逍遥游》), he used hundreds of words to describe the two animals ‘Peng’ and ‘Kun’ which represent the right. Does these two ideas contradict? If not, why?

  • 16班柯梦姣 2020-05-18

    Zhuangzi and Laozi are both Taoist scholls and they have a lot in common. Then what are the differences between their thoughts? Dao is unspeakable for Zhuangzi, so is it the same as  Laozi's nameless? 

    • 16叶倩 2020-05-24
      Zhuangzi's thoughts are mainly foucusing on freedom and shaking off any bondage. An d to Zhuangzi, Dao means the harmonious working between Yin and Yang, and among the Five Elements.
  • 16熊淳 2020-05-18

    His thought contains the element of simple dialectics,and he think that everything is changing. He believes that "tao" is "born in nature", from "tao has never been sealed" (that is, "tao" has no boundary and difference).Advocate "doing nothing" and give up all wrong doing.

  • 16班焦瑞阳 2020-05-18

    What is the practical significance of Zhuangzi's thoughts to today?

    • 18何佳遥 2020-05-20
      In the contemporary society, everything is materialized with interests as the first priority. The intense pace of life makes people have little time to think about life and seek the peace of soul. In a hurry, busy, life pressure is extremely high, even many people are on the verge of collapse, the suicide rate has never been reduced. Zhuangzi will teach you how to release your soul. It may seem like a form of self-hypnosis, but when the mind is pacified, the body is relaxed and no longer troubled by the world.
  • 17班谢运婷 2020-05-18

    Zhuangzi pusuits the kind of happiness in purity. Just to be happy, and free yourself from the world. Not like Daotist or Confucianist who seek for the reformation of the society in a political and economical reporach, Zhuangzi reckons that we could shake off the bondage from sufferings, chaos and absurdity. As a good storyteller, he trys to preach us in a hurmous way. He is broad-minded and positive thinker. And he reminds me of the figure ZhouBotong in ShenDiaoXiaNv, a book written by Chinese writer JinYong. Such a childlike and dynamic ZhouBotong is! 

    I perceive some points of Zhuangzi are similiar to the transcendatalists. The latter, who places emphasis on spirit, provokes that individual is the most important element in the society. 

  • 18罗菁 2020-05-18

    What are the differences between the fables of Zhuangzi and those of other schools?

    • 18班周珍竹 2020-06-24
  • 5班王孟珍 2020-05-20

    What are the differences between the Freedom embodied in Zhuangzi and the freedom pursuited by the western world?

  • 16班李金励 2020-05-20

    What's the relationship between five elements and yin and yang and how five elements relates to Dao?

  • 袁金花 2020-05-20

    How to understand the usefulness of uselessness and the uselessness of usefulness?

  • 张慧敏 2020-05-22


  • 17班唐佳 2020-05-23

    "Right is not right"can also be understood in aesthetic way. We should first make it clear that there's no absolute standard to judge an artwork' value companied by the change of social value. For one thing, different people have different opinions on one artwork because the huge difference in age,race,sex and background. For second, even the same person has different opinions as the time passes. So "right is not always right, right is not right."

  • 1707秦娇 2020-05-24

    what is the relationship between the manifestation and the substance?

  • 16班杨忠雨 2020-05-25


