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2024.02.24 ~ 2024.06.30
  • 广东外语外贸大学
  • 建议每周学习2-3小时
  • 370人已参与






成绩预发布时间 2024-06-27






By 梁静璧 老师 03-21 40次浏览


     以下是去年一年级同学作品里的好词好句,我们可以互相借鉴。看看他们时如何运用five senses进行描写的。      

Describing people

She is of medium height,black-and-straight-haired and thinner-lipped. (吴风霞)

Behind a pair of black round glasses, the thick brows and sparkling eyes make people who behold her astonished.(肖颖)


Being slim and charming with a pair of phoenix-like eyes, slender eyebrows, she is indeed a beautiful woman in contrary to her character.(卓诗婷)

Big-boned and tall, he has a thick body, with flowing fair hair. He is a square-faced, blue-eyed man of an olive complexion. (谢思思)


He is the all-time best football player. He is not tall, yet his deep eyes are full of vitality. His short hair and whiskers on his face give him the appearance of a gold miner. (黄莳萌)


Describing a place

The sunlight outside the porch slants into the room, caressing every customer like a gentle mother... When the ironed clothes are handed to you, you will feel the warmth from the ironing, and have an inexplicable sense of happiness in your heart. (肖晓婷 广外爱满屋)


Suddenly, a scent of from the food steamer tickled my nose. The food vapor from steamers and the cold air from refrigerators formed two forces, making Yun Zhan Cafe A Song of Ice and Fire in a sense. (黄家辉 广外云栈)


The sun shining through the window reflects on the six gorgeous girls who are singing, forming a picture of youthful vitality. (黎婉彤 广外宿舍)


This store is a sensory wonderland. ...When you get close to the fridge, the cool air will arouse your goose bumps and the air filled with sweet and savory scents will get you thirsty. (易炜博 广外___)


With the soothing music in a large hall, every student is immersed in their study and work.The clatter of dinnerware and plates, the tinkling of cups and the tap of computer typing make up a melodious symphony.

(朱哲希 广外云山优座)


Describing things

Near the flowers are the leaves, like green water droplets with hairy edges. (彭珅 樱桃树)


The inflorescence is a red or purple cone and a single flower about the size of a palm,and a flower fragrance similar to that of an orchid.(雷亚会 紫荆花)


What is particularly strange is that kapok blossoms first, and grows leaves later, as if the kapok tree were on fire. (吴阳 木棉树)


Medium-sized and striped-furred, Diandian has olive-green crystal pupils, with his twitching and white whisks and a pair of white “gloves”. (姚嘉谊 校猫“点点”)


When you’re trying to fondle him with your hand, he might probably scratch you with his sharp claws. (诸玮帆 校猫-海盗)


Songsong’s fur is long and fluffy, and its yell is very soft with a high key which sounds like baby girl, which help it catch people’s hearts and love.(单飘雪 校猫-松松)


Describing fruits

This kind of fruit is a precious variety of pitaya(火龙果). It was the size of a goose egg, but a lumpy one. (梁哲昊 黄龙果)


 It’s so juicy that even if you gently savour it, the juice will linger in your mouth and dye your lips as if you wore lipstick.(段丽霞 红色火龙果)


It has a green surface with black stripes or markings. It’s shaped almost round or oval, and its size is almost as big as a basketball. Its skin feels really smooth as you touch it. (陈博雅 西瓜)


As I squeezed this round fruit,I heard the rind break with a sharp crack. Its white flesh inside, like garlic gloves, brings a surge of fragrance into my nose. (程琬芸 山竹)


The scent of the fruit is heady, filling the air with a rich, fruity fragrance that makes you want to take another bite.(于欣 雪梨)


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